Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage

Chapter 6


All the miniature cameras are ready, and all the cameramen have arrived at their posts, waiting to shoot.

When all the lights were turned on, Chu Yan had already waited on the set for three minutes, and Li Zhetian, who had a displeased face, arrived late.

There is really a reason why Li Zhetian doesn't like the role of the male lead Nie Zheng. The male lead came from an ordinary background, and he climbed up step by step from a small soldier, relying on repeated meritorious service.

If you want to do meritorious service, you have to fight, right? The male protagonist must always be ashamed, covered in blood, scrambling, not handsome at all!

Just like now, Li Zhetian put on special effects makeup. One side of his cheek was mottled and hideous scars, his clothes were shabby and stained with blood, and his face was black and blue, as if he had just escaped from the battlefield.

The fact is true, the enemy raided, and the entire army did not react immediately. At the moment when it was almost wiped out, General Xuan Song ordered his personal guard Nie Zheng to lead a small group of troops to break through the encirclement by spaceship from one side. The last few surviving captains drove all the ships and covered them in a desperate way.

When Nie Zheng came back, he looked back and saw that the fleet was hit by shells and exploded violently. Countless wreckage splashed in space, forming beautiful fireworks, illuminating this dark and boundless space.

When Xuan Song died, even the bones were not found, all scattered in the space, floating forever.

And Nie Zheng, after crying in grief, led the last group of people to break out of the encirclement, and finally returned to his homeland. The first thing Nie Zheng did after he came back was to find Chu Chen. He punched Chu Chen hard and told him General Chu's last words.

The description of the war in the novel is magnificent and magnificent. Chu Yan has also seen the filming of the fleet war before. Director Wang is still very willing to spend a lot of money. He actually rented a few small spaceships and a large ship to stage in space. There was a real fierce battle.

Interstellar films would have cost money thousands of years ago, and special effects had to be used to make them successful. In today's world, interstellar films are actually the easiest to shoot. Otherwise, if you want to make a costume film, you have to rent a costume studio planet; if you want to shoot a Republican film, you have to rent a Republic studio planet.

—Yes, in this era of entertainment explosion, there is no such thing as a film and television city, but many film and television planets have emerged.

Although Chu Yan didn't know how expensive it is to rent a film and television planet, he saw Director Wang's bold appearance of buying several spaceships with a wave of his arm, and his stingy appearance when he heard the assistant director recommend "renting a film and television planet" , this comparison, I also know that renting a planet must be very expensive.

"Add makeup again. This scene is more important. It would be great if we can go through it once."

A makeup artist was helping Chu Yan touch up her makeup, and Zhou Hehui stood aside and gave instructions. As a qualified agent, he has already thoroughly understood the script of "Blood War", and has also produced an excellent AI script.

Everyone knows that the most important role of the male lead is this "rebirth after grief" scene. If it is performed well, it will definitely be of great benefit to the shaping of the character image.

"Although you don't like to read AI scripts, but this is the time, I advise you to read more." On the other side of the set, Li Zhetian was also touching up makeup and watching AI script videos. Zhou Hehui glanced at him and said: "After all, this scene has an excuse to play. If you can go through it once, you can save Li Zhetian from talking."

Chu Yan has a face that is very suitable for makeup. The makeup artist just touched it a few times casually, and then finished the makeup. Hearing Zhou Hehui's words, he sighed softly and said, "Brother Zhou, I have read the AI script a few days ago, so you can rest assured this time."

Although Zhou Hehui still wanted to say something, but looking at Chu Yan's serious gaze, he kept silent for a moment and agreed.

On the other side of the set, with less than a minute left before the start of filming, Li Zhetian beckoned his assistant over after finishing his makeup. The little assistant ran over immediately, only to hear Li Zhetian ask: "Are you sure you stole his AI script?"

The assistant touched his pocket, and when he found a small and exquisite AI chip, he smiled triumphantly: "Brother Li, I went to get it while he was filming yesterday, so don't worry, the kid saw that the AI chip was gone." I've been looking for it for a while. Would you like to take a look?"

Li Zhetian's face darkened: "What are you doing with it in public? Put it away quickly."

The two muttered for a while, and Li Zhetian ordered the assistant to destroy the AI script immediately, and then the filming of the scene started.

The Chu family has stood in the empire for more than 200 years. From the first founding general to now, there are only two people left, Xuan Song and Chu Chen.

The family motto of the Chu family is: to shed the last drop of blood for the motherland!

The Chu family's family rules are: traitors, beheaded!

Chu Chen's parents passed away when he was three years old. Chu's father died on the battlefield, while his mother was overwhelmed with grief and died in the same year. Fortunately, Su Song was already 21 years old at the time, so he took over the burden of taking care of his younger brother and revitalizing the family.

A reader once asked the author of "Blood War" that in a civilized world like the book, the Chu family has paid so much for the country, why should they go through fire and water to take over the family one by one, and go to the battlefield one by one to die

The author answered this way: "In this world, there are always noble people and despicable people. The despicable people betray their motherland in order to survive, while the noble people sacrifice everything for the motherland. As the middle of the majority, we may be right Their choices are incomprehensible, but it is even more impossible to question and doubt them."

Chu Chen couldn't understand the great righteousness of the Chu family. He didn't want to love this country, he just wanted to live a good life with his family. Therefore, even though Chu Chen has excellent grades in the military academy, he is always idle and unwilling to join the army.

Until that hot summer noon, when the scorching sun hung high in the sky and ruthlessly scattered flames, Chu Chen was still playing with his friends at home, when suddenly there was a sound of "bang," and someone kicked the door of Chu's house open.

A bloody figure appeared at the door, and the people present screamed and ran away in panic, leaving only Chu Chen alone.

Most of the wounds on Nie Zheng's body have healed, and some blood is still oozing. But he didn't seem to know the pain, he stepped forward step by step, he walked up to the handsome young man, he looked down at him, his eyes were full of blood and tears.

But in front of him, Chu Chen's face was calm and composed, he was neither angry nor frightened, he just looked at the young soldier in front of him calmly, calm and breezy.

On the virtual monitoring screen, Director Wang looked at Chu Yan's fist tightly clenched in his palm, and nodded appreciatively. I saw that Chu Yan's back was tense, and his whole body seemed to be stretched into a string. Apart from his still calm face, fine sweat was already oozing from his forehead.

The young man was stern and elegant, wearing a neat military uniform, but he resolutely didn't button it up, revealing his beautiful collarbone. This is a complete appearance of a young master, a playboy and a free and easy world, because there is his elder brother in front of him who can withstand all wind and rain, so he doesn't have to worry about it from now on.

Director Wang became more and more excited by the sharp contrast between his calm expression and his tense and trembling body. He turned his head to look at Nie Zheng, his smile froze suddenly, but after hesitating for a moment, he still didn't interrupt. This scene.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Compared with Chu Yan's performance, Li Zhetian is too ordinary, but there is nothing wrong with it. When editing later, put the main shot in Chu Yan's place, and this scene can probably be performed very well.

Nie Zheng gritted his teeth, his face was mottled with blood, and he cursed loudly: "Chu Chen! The general was born and died on the front line, and you are here to spend and have fun. Are you worthy of the general!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Zhetian raised his fist and punched Chu Yan in the face without saying a word.

The punch was fierce and fast, and it hit Chu Yan directly on the bridge of the nose without stopping at all.

There was a burst of exclamation from the director's team, and Zhou Hehui also stood up from the stool suddenly, and was about to walk into the studio. But before Zhou Hehui could take two steps, Chu Yan suddenly turned sideways and gave way slightly, raised his hand to block Li Zhetian's arm, and his movements were quick and accurate.

There was a moment of silence in the audience, and in the next second, Li Zhetian scolded with embarrassment: "What's the matter? I'm acting well here, why did you suddenly block it?"

Others haven't reacted yet, but they saw the young man in the middle of the set frowning, and asked with a smile: "I remember this scene was misplaced, Li Zhetian? If I didn't block it, your fist just now would probably hit the bridge of my nose. I may not be able to work for a few days."

Hearing this, Li Zhetian's expression froze, and then he said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Of course I know that this is a misplacement. If you don't let me, I will immediately withdraw my strength, you know?"

After hearing this, Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and didn't say anything more.

On the other side, Director Wang also frowned seriously. He looked at the martial arts director in the crew, who shook his head at him and gave Li Zhetian a weird look. Director Wang immediately understood and understood what the other party meant: It was impossible for Li Zhetian to hold back that fist just now.

This means that if Chu Yan really didn't give in, then Li Zhetian might break the bridge of his nose with a fist.

Some rumors about Li Zhetian in the past suddenly appeared in Director Wang's mind, such as "bullying young actors in the same crew", "beating up an actor who didn't like it during filming"... These things are likely to be true , but no one dared to spread the word, because the Li family used money to suppress these things.

Thinking of this, Director Wang couldn't help but turn cold, and said seriously: "Li Zhetian, this scene is a borrowing, you should be careful, you know!"

Li Zhetian muttered something, and soon started shooting for the second time.

This time was different from before, Li Zhetian really borrowed a bit when he just punched, and didn't punch Chu Yan in the face. But at the next moment, as soon as he finished one fist, another fist hit the young man in front of him fiercely from another direction, heading towards his waist and abdomen.

Chu Yan's abdomen was tied with a thick military belt at the moment, if he walked up with a fist, it would be painful at most, but it was impossible to cause any skin trauma.

In this world, miniature cameras are used for filming, and Director Wang exaggeratedly used more than a dozen cameras to shoot at the same time, without any dead ends, so Li Zhetian didn't hide his movements at all, and just punched out in a grandiose manner .

But what disappointed him this time was that Chu Yan suddenly raised his hand to block his fist, Li Zhetian raised his head in surprise, but unexpectedly his eyes fell into a pair of deep and deep eyes. The young man's eyes were deep and thoughtful, his brows were slightly furrowed, and he looked at him calmly.

The light in the pupils was extremely indifferent, and at the same time Director Wang yelled "Cut", Li Zhetian only heard the young man's sneering voice ringing in his ears: "There are only three things, do you know, Li Zhetian?"