Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage

Chapter 74


The A-17 film and television planet is quite a distance from the capital star. Chu Yan set off from the capital star that morning, and did not arrive at this remote planet until evening. All the architectural styles on this planet probably belong to the pre-sci-fi style, that is, the unique style of the three or four hundred years ago.

It is not the first time Chu Yan has made a film with this kind of background, and the background of "Blood War" is similar to this new movie. However, even though the era background is similar, this outright inspirational romance film has a completely different theme from "Blood War", and the emotional thoughts expressed are also very different.

The movie that Chu Yan is going to shoot this time is called "Starlight". Just like the name, it is a very literary film. Normally, very literary films are good at winning awards, but not at the box office, so the director of this film made a choice: invite popular and popular actors to play the role.

When the director searched, he found four people. The first one is of course the leading actor Ding Sheng, this top-tier actor who just won the Fei Tian Award last year, is one of the most popular top-tier artists right now. The heroine Lin Fei is also a popular actress who ranks very high on the Brilliant Star List, with a charming appearance and a hot figure.

The third is Chu Yan, the second male lead. Although Chu Yan's ranking on the ranking list is much lower than that of the male and female protagonists, his popularity is very high. He jumped into the top ten of the 24-hour China Star List twice in three days, and starred in many famous movies in the past year, which can be said to be unrivaled in the limelight among first-line artists.

As for the fourth person, Chu Yan actually knew him, and that was Bai Qiran whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

It's really a coincidence, on the morning when Chu Yan came to A-17 film and television planet, he had just talked with Bai Qiran on the phone. On the phone, Chu Yan solemnly asked Bai Qiran to borrow money. The latter asked Chu Yan how much he wanted to borrow without saying a word. After learning that Chu Yan lacked a lot of money, he With a wave of his arms, he borrowed 40 million directly.

It was also during this phone call that Chu Yan found out that Bai Qiran was going to take part in "Starlight" this time, and even play the role of his crush—that playboy number three!

Han Ninwen, the director of "Starlight", is a well-known veteran director of literary and artistic films in the entertainment circle. Han Lao has devoted his whole life to shooting various literary and artistic romance films. Romance films have reached the pinnacle that no one can match in this field.

It can be said that as long as it is a literary and romantic film shot by Mr. Han, it will definitely be nominated for the Golden Shing Award. There will definitely be at least one nomination for the best actor and best actress awards, and even the best director award and best film award of the Jinsheng Awards are very likely to go to Han Lao's crew.

It was also for this reason that Ding Sheng and Lin Fei lowered their social status and were willing to use their popularity to promote such a cold-themed movie. And Han Lao has always had a habit when the film is officially filmed—he will not take the initiative to disclose other actors' information to the actors, so Chu Yan has never known that the original scumbag who "abandoned himself" is Bai Qiran.

After the two chatted for a while, Chu Yan ended the call.

After that, he borrowed 30 million star coins from Lingqi, Song Qiao, Ye Ling, Ren Yunyao and others, plus the 10 million star coins lent to him by Zhou Hehui and the 20 million star coins that Chu Yan had received in the past year. On the way to the A-17 film and television planet, he called the shameless man a liquidated damages of 100 million star coins, and sent the final divorce news with a sneer.

Having been lied to for a whole year, that was a whole year, and that kind of anger is not going to go away so easily.

Chu Yan lived for more than 20 years in his two lifetimes, and this was the first time he was deceived like this. He has been smart since he was a child, with good grades, good looks, and a good personality. The most important thing is that he is very good at communicating in interpersonal relationships. In the half a year since he got the copy contract, Chu Yan woke up countless times in the middle of the night, and took a look at the contract when he couldn't fall asleep—and sometimes looked at the marriage certificate.

Even if some humiliation is not spoken out, it is always there. This is why Chu Yan has always disagreed with He Boshen's replacement of the marriage certificate, because he has never forgotten the humiliation he felt when he first saw the certificate. The original owner didn't care that it was the original owner's business. If it's on him, that's his own business.

If it was said that it was a contract between He Baishen and the original owner, then Chu Yan could understand a little bit. But now, He Boshen deceived him after getting to know him, then the one who deceived him was not the original owner, but himself.

What's even more ridiculous is that he believed it so stupidly.

Thinking of how he looked at the contract and marriage certificate over and over again when he woke up in the middle of the night, Chu Yan really felt that he was too stupid, so stupid that it made people laugh, so stupid that he was so angry that he wanted to hold the 100 million star coins directly. The coin smashed hard on He Boshen's face.

Of course, he still has a good impression of that piece of pork belly. After all, it is impossible to change his love so quickly. Chu Yan is not a person who is easily emotional, nor is he easy to empathize. However, favors are favors, hate is hate, what is love and hate, Chu Yan now fully understands.

In this complicated and chaotic relationship, Chu Yan made a decisive decision and decided to deal with his anger first. As for what will happen in the future, that's for the future. There are many people who like each other but can't be together in the world. Who said that if you like each other, you must be together? At least when his anger was higher than his liking, Chu Yan firmly believed that he never wanted to see that piece of pork belly again.

But there is one thing that He Boshen guessed wrong. Chu Yan came to the A-17 film and television planet ahead of time and joined the crew, not to avoid him, but to let himself devote himself to work earlier, as a way to relax.

The crew of "Starlight" just started working yesterday, the male lead Ding Sheng hadn't joined the set yet, but the female lead Lin Fei had already arrived. Bai Qiran was supposed to join the group a week later, but when he heard that Chu Yan would join the group today, he immediately said that he would come tomorrow, and he would come by the fastest spaceship.

Joining the group early has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you can establish a good relationship with the crew and actors earlier, laying the foundation for future filming; the disadvantage is that you have no shooting tasks of your own, and Chu Yan is basically watching the show from the sidelines. The main character and other supporting characters act.

Chu Yan, who arrived early, also brought some special snacks from Capital Star. He asked his assistant Yu Tongtong to distribute them to everyone in the crew. He quickly integrated into the crew and gradually became acquainted with Han Lao. .

After communicating for a long time, Mr. Han said with a smile: "It's rare for you to join the group so early. After Bai Qiran comes tomorrow, you can decide on the look first. It's better for two people to stand together. After all, our movie is a romance movie, and the love entanglement between you and Bai Qiran is the most important, so the styling is also very important."

Chu Yan naturally understood what Han Lao meant, and he also respected the old man's care and attention to his films.

Chu Yan said with a smile: "Okay, I'll work with Xiaobai to set the look with him when he comes tomorrow. I think he can definitely do the job with a character like Playboy. Don't worry, Mr. Han."

Han Lao smiled and nodded: "There are still a lot of clothes prepared for you, I believe in your level."

Since the filming has always been literary films, Han Ninwen's films hardly have any high box office. After all, no matter how good a movie is and how many awards it wins, what the mass market needs are movies with intense emotions, wonderful special effects, and ups and downs in the plot, not literary romance movies.

All audiences admit that Han Lao’s movies are very meaningful, but they also think that Han Lao’s movies are too tiring to watch. After all, literary and artistic films will never be the mainstream of the public, so it is understandable that the box office is not high .

Han Ninwen's highest-grossing movie was made ten years ago, and that movie won him the Best Director Award at the Golden Shing Awards for the first and only time. With the help of the Golden Globe Award, the film's box office has exceeded 30 billion, and it is still the box office champion among Chinese literary films.

Chu Yan thought for a while, and asked, "Mr. Han, I remember seeing that there seemed to be a lot of costumes in the production crew today. There seemed to be seventy or eighty sets of Lin Fei's clothes alone. It seemed that the quality of each piece was quite good. of."

Mr. Han nodded: "Well, these costumes are all made by a special high-definition studio. Lin Fei is playing the lady of everyone, so these things can't be treated badly. But you don't have to worry about Chu Yan, although your clothes look good. It looks a bit ordinary, but it is very comfortable to wear, and the visual effect is also very good."

Hearing this, Chu Yan's heart moved slightly, and he said, "Mr. Han, so many costumes cost a lot of money, right?"

Han Ninwen smiled and said: "Not much, this time I spent 80 million star coins. For making a movie, this kind of thing must be the most basic and most important thing. Chu Yan, this kind of money can't be saved, you know? This is what makes the picture.”

Chu Yan immediately nodded in agreement.

Looking at such a dedicated and dedicated old director, Chu Yan's bad mood of the day finally slowly eased up, as if suddenly drinking a glass of cold soda in the hot summer, the anger was gradually extinguished, and finally no longer in his heart Curse that shameless liar He Boshen.

In the evening, Lin Fei also filmed a few scenes, and Chu Yan watched from the side, observing and paying attention to some of Han Lao's filming habits. When he came to the set the next day, Bai Qiran had already arrived, standing at the entrance of the set and waving to him non-stop.

Bai Qiran said: "Chu Yanyan, I saw you, I miss me to death! Do you miss me?"

Chu Yan approached, looked him up and down happily, and said, "Miss you? What do I miss you for? Do I miss you, a scumbag?"

Bai Qiran immediately blinked innocently, and as the two of them walked into the set, he said, "Xiaoyan, you have misunderstood me, if I will never abandon you to marry some fiancée, I will miss you ! After "Aurora" was finished, I haven't met you, and you haven't contacted me, it really makes me sad."

Bai Qiran looked like he was playing tricks on purpose, Chu Yan didn't even bother to reason, he cast a big white eye at the other party, and then walked away. Bai Qiran immediately trotted to keep up. At this point, the second male lead and the third male lead of the crew of "Starlight" officially entered the group, and began to determine their own looks under the instructions of the stylist.

But Chu Yan naturally didn't know that at this moment, in a vast and spacious private parking area of the capital star, a black and beautiful private spaceship slowly flew up, and soon rushed into the clouds, piercing through the capital star Atmosphere, fly straight to the A-17 film and television planet.

This private spaceship is the fastest one under He Boshen's name. It only takes five hours to reach the capital star to the A-17 film and television planet.