Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage

Chapter 86


"I want to get out of the domain you control, but walk into the battle situation you arranged..."

The boy's voice was low and pleasant, but it happened to be on the very first note, and it suddenly broke!

Such a start made the two little girls who were very supportive of Chu Yan stunned, while Han Xiao on the side frowned and became a little worried: even the first sound was broken, this is a very serious matter .

Han Xiao could tell that Chu Yan really didn't sing often, and he couldn't even control his own voice. From this, it can be seen that asking him to sing the ending song of "Starlight" may encounter some inevitable difficulties.

And several staff members on the side also glanced at each other, and each of them understood: Sure enough, they really can't sing!

Here, many tuning methods have appeared in Han Xiao's mind, and he has also figured out how to train Chu Yan to speak. However, just when he started to think about the worst, he only listened to the stereo, and the young and soft voice gradually became smoother, and the end sound elongated softly, as if a lover was whispering in his ear.

Han Xiao was stunned by this performance. He looked up in amazement, and saw a handsome young man with his eyes closed, singing in a low voice through a thick layer of soundproof glass. The warm yellow light of the studio shone on his body, as if it had been coated with a hazy golden edge, Chu Yan's straight eyebrows were slightly frowned, and a low and soft voice slowly flowed out from the speaker.

"I'm like a chess piece. It's up to you to advance or retreat. I'm not the only general in your eyes, but an inconspicuous soldier..."

As if immersed in infinite sorrow, Chu Yan's voice is not dull, but with a faint joy, but it is this kind of joy that makes people feel that he is forcing a smile, sealing the injured heart in the cheerful under the surface.

No one knew why this young man suddenly sang like this after he broke his voice and sang a few lines just now.

When he first opened his mouth, he couldn't even control his voice, and even though the first note was not high at all, it suddenly broke, but when he sang the chorus part, it was as soothing and smooth as flowing water, not to mention that the two of them liked it Chu Yan's little girl was gone, and even Han Xiao froze in place, listening carefully.

Han Xiao really has never heard this song, not at all!

Han Xiao has been exposed to music since he was five years old. Some people are naturally fond of music, such as Han Xiao, he has no interest in Han Lao's directing industry, he just likes music. Han Xiao can say that, counting three hundred years ago, he has heard all the famous songs in the whole galaxy - some unknown songs certainly don't count.

Looking at the entire galaxy, there are not tens of millions of new songs released every year, but millions. Those who can stand out from the crowd are destined to be a minority among the few. As long as the sales volume exceeds 10,000, Han Xiao will pay attention to all of them, but he has never heard the song sung by Chu Yan.

Just singing a cappella, not even a little soundtrack, can sing such a feeling. Elegant and eloquent, gentle and affectionate, it seems to be mocking his loyalty to love, and it seems to be mocking his hopeless dedication.

"I'm like a pawn, I can't help myself..."

No one can deny that this is a good song, even Han Xiao pressed his hands on the virtual mixer, staring at Chu Yan on the other side of the glass with wide eyes. His fingers were trembling slightly, he was restraining himself, he couldn't run in right now and ask Chu Yan what kind of song it was, because he wanted to finish listening to it!

Han Xiao behaved like this, and those staff members who just said "Chu Yan can't sing" were even more shocked. They said just now that "Chu Yan will probably go off-key", but now, Chu Yan amazed them with the facts. The two little girls puffed up their chests proudly, listening to Chu Yan sing excitedly.

Although Chu Yan's singing is not top-notch, he still has some singing skills. At the same time, his voice is very nice. As long as he quickly adjusts some unnecessary singing voices, this a cappella song can even be sung live!

Zhou Hehui also froze in place, not knowing how the situation changed so quickly, but at this moment, there was a hint of mocking smile in Chu Yan's voice. He sang the last line slowly, and the ending sound seemed to be laughing or crying, which grabbed the hearts of everyone who listened and made them unable to extricate themselves.

"... You never hesitated to raise your hand, but I was controlled by you."

This is a chess piece, a chess piece that is willing to be regarded as a chess piece by the lover. He gave everything he could have like a moth to a flame, but what he got in return was the other party's merciless abandonment.

In fact, Chu Yan's singing is not so top-notch, at least among the music that Han Xiao has listened to, it ranks at most in the middle and upper reaches. There are so many singers in the entire galaxy who rely on their voices for food, and they sing much better than Chu Yan.

However, there is a contrast.

Originally, Han Xiao and the staff thought that Chu Yan could not sing at all, and it was a blessing in misfortune that he could not lose his tune. But now, this young man can sing suddenly, and he can sing so well. Do you think this is surprising

It is as stunning as a beautiful jade whisk!

Chu Yan didn't think about how much shock his song would bring to the people outside the studio. Personally, since he came to this world, he hasn't heard a few songs from this world. A thousand years have passed, and people's aesthetics of music have not changed much, but many new forms of music have emerged.

Those new musical instruments and music forms are not Chu Yan's favorite, so he didn't listen to many of them. As for the ones that Han Xiao said before, they are indeed all well-known hits, but Chu Yan only listened to them. It is impossible for him to sing.

So in the end, he could only sing a classic red song from his own world.

After singing, Chu Yan walked out of the recording studio without thinking too much. However, as soon as he came out, Han Xiao immediately ran over and said excitedly: "Xiaoyan, what song is this? Is this a song you made yourself? This song is really good, and you sing it very well , if this song is released, I believe the sales volume will exceed 10 million!"

Hearing this, Chu Yan was also stunned.

In this world, each record is divided into legendary records, platinum records, classic records and other levels according to their respective sales volume. Records with a sales volume of over 100 million are all legendary records that can be passed on to future generations. The sales level of a platinum record is 50 million, while a classic record is 10 million.

Not to mention Huaxia, even the whole galaxy can't release ten legendary records a year. There will be dozens of platinum records, and hundreds of classic records. However, don't underestimate these hundreds of records. Compared with the tens of millions of new records released every year, this is already the top of the top!

Chu Yan thought for a while, and said, "This is not my own composition, this is a song I heard by accident."

However, Han Xiao did not believe his words: "If you want to release this song, you can come to me. I am very happy to participate in the production of an excellent music. This song should be heard by more people."

Han Xiao didn't believe that Chu Yan heard this song by accident. People with normal aesthetics can definitely find the beauty of a song like this, and it's impossible to let it be buried. And even if this song wasn't written by Chu Yan, it must have been written by someone Chu Yan knew. Every classic song deserves respect.

It was only then that Chu Yan discovered that this song had brought such a shock to others. To be honest, this song was also a smash hit a thousand years ago, and it was a representative work of a top queen. Even if good music spans thousands of years, it can travel through time and resonate with people's souls.

It is a pity that, like the film and television materials of thousands of years ago, these good songs have been gradually lost due to the changes of thousands of years, and the few remaining ones have been carefully preserved. Chu Yan didn't intend to take the road of singing, nor did he intend to take some songs for himself, so he dealt with Han Xiao with a few words and changed the topic.

Although Han Xiao is very interested in Chu Yan's song just now, but the current focus is on the ending song of "Starlight". With Chu Yan's singing skills and voice, it is obvious that he is very competent for this song, but Han Xiao still has one thing to worry about: "When you just started singing, Chu Yan seemed to have a little grasp of the voice? Is there something wrong? ? Do you need to find a teacher to guide you?"

Chu Yan smiled when he heard the words, and shook his head lightly: "No need, Brother Han, I just haven't sung for a long time, that's why I'm like this."

Han Xiao has no doubts about him.

In fact, where is it that I haven't sung for a long time? After Chu Yan came to this world, he never sang!

Under such circumstances, he did not control his voice well when he first opened his voice, and he was not familiar with this voice, but after he became familiar with it, he was able to control it well and brought over some of his singing skills from his previous life.

And what surprised Chu Yan was that the original owner was obviously out of tune in singing and couldn't be a singer at all, but he had a good voice with a clear and clear voice. Beautiful.

Soon, Han Xiao said that he would send the demo of the song to Chu Yan as soon as possible, hoping that he would take good care of his voice during this time and come to officially record the song as soon as "Starlight" is finished. Chu Yan nodded in agreement.

It was getting late today, Chu Yan stayed at Yanning Star, and Han Xiao prepared a hotel for them.

When Chu Yan and Zhou Hehui left the recording building, Zhou Hehui pondered for a long time with a hesitant expression, and finally said in a low voice: "I'm surprised, I thought... you would go out of tune."

After hearing this, Chu Yan was stunned: "What?"

Zhou Hehui said: "I've been a little busy during this time, and I've forgotten what happened a long time ago. Xiaoyan, when I took over you a year and a half ago, I read your detailed information. You sing out of tune, so you can't follow the path of a singer. I just remembered this when you went in to record."

Zhou Hehui raised his eyes and looked at Chu Yan seriously. The latter was stunned for a moment, and then raised his lips to reveal a helpless smile. Chu Yan said with a smile, "Brother Zhou, where am I out of tune? It's just that I didn't control my voice well. Although I haven't sung much these days , but I have some understanding of the way of vocalization, and I feel that the feeling of listening to songs is not the same as before.”

Zhou Hehui was stunned: "Is there such a thing?" Can a person who is out of tune become out of tune

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, anyway, it will get better and better in the future, won't it?"

Looking at the young man's gentle and bright smile under the setting sun, Zhou Hehui paused for a moment, then nodded, "Well, yes, it will definitely get better and better in the future.