Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage

Chapter 87


The next day, Chu Yan and Zhou Hehui left Yanning Star.

Han Xiao has been completely responsible for the ending song of "Starlight". The writing and lyrics of the song have already been completed, and he is looking for a singer to record the demo. Soon, the demo can be handed over to Chu Yan for him to warm up and practice in advance.

By the time Chu Yan returned to the A-17 film and television planet by spaceship, Bai Qiran's scenes had been filmed after two days of filming. His schedule was quite full. He sent a voice message: [Xiaoyan~I'm leaving first~Go back to Capital Star, let's go to eat again~] Hearing these words, it seemed that he could see the cute and smug face of the other party, and Chu Yan couldn't help but laugh.

During this period of time, he also thought about what Bai Qiran had said, and had some feelings. Bai Qiran is an oddity in the entertainment industry. Almost all the roles he takes are scumbags and villains. He even takes on a lot of psychopaths (literally). He rarely plays the leading role, and never plays a positive role. .

Chu Yan thinks that it is impossible to give up shooting romance films forever just because he is in a relationship. He never chooses the script based on the genre, but only on whether the script is good or not, and whether the role suits his preferences. Just like in his two lifetimes, he has only made one pure romance film, and unfortunately, it was "Starlight". So in fact, Chu Yan never deliberately accepts romance films, and even has a very picky eye.

But thinking about what He Baishen said again, Chu Yan always felt that something was wrong, but before he could think too much, the suspension car had already driven to the vicinity of the set, and he quickly got off the car and returned to the set to continue filming himself The rest of the scene.

The following scenes are purely Chu Yan's solo scenes after Su Yuguang and Xu Yishu separated. Su Yuguang played by him is cheerful and optimistic, because Xu Yishu once helped him open an art exhibition in order to pursue him, so Su Yuguang's popularity is steadily rising.

When he was about twenty-three years old, someone finally discovered this warm-as-light painter.

His paintings became famous so quickly that it was out of control. This is a pure child's world. Every painting has no intrigue in the society, nor the complexity and variety of adults' thoughts. He is just painting very simply, so the paintings he draws are as simple as himself. Make people feel free.

In fact, even after more than three hundred years, Su Yuguang's paintings are still beautiful and delightful. His colors may not always be warm tones, but even with cool tones, you will feel that this picture is as peaceful and leisurely as moonlight, clean and clear, so that you have no troubles.

Chu Yan's filming ended when Su Yuguang was twenty-five years old.

At that time, Su Yuguang's reputation had spread throughout China, and his inspirational life was praised by many people. As for the future, there is not much to say in the movie "Starlight". The last scene of Chu Yan is that he is drawing seriously. He is drawing a picture of a starry sky. In the starry sky, there is a pair of white and pure angel wings. is stretching gently.

Light and soft feathers, soft and warm, white light blooms in the gaps of each feather.

This painting is breathtakingly beautiful and it brings together all the positive emotions in the world. Some people can see friendship from it, some people can see love from it, and some people can see family affection from it, but without exception, they will only feel warmth, not sadness, and some people will even feel it because of such warmth. And couldn't help but moisten the eye sockets.

So far, all of Chu Yan's scenes have been completed!

However, at noon on the day of the finale, he did not leave the crew immediately, because in the afternoon, the roles of the male and female protagonists can also be finalized, and then he can have a finale meal with everyone, which is a celebration of everyone's hard work and dedication for so long. time.

The entire "Starlight" movie is only at the last moment, when the stories of the two pairs of characters cross.

Yan Xing, played by Ding Sheng, is a poor boy. In a traffic accident, he rescued the heroine Zhu Xue played by Lin Fei. Since then, their lives have intersected. Obviously they should be a pair of parallel lines, Zhu Xue is a famous lady, Yan Xing is just a wage earner, but these two people came together.

Afterwards, Zhu's family threatened Ding Sheng to leave, and Zhu Xue became depressed, but Yan Xing thought she had abandoned herself. In the end, it took Yan Xing fifteen years to become the unique Uranus superstar. When he saw Zhu Xue again, that love-hate relationship seemed to have passed away. They all remembered the love and pain at the beginning, but recalled Wake up, just remember it.

In this world, how many people can be consistent

At that time, Yan Xing was already a superstar who was crazily loved by countless people in the galaxy, and possessed a very high social status, while Zhu Xue was already in her thirties, but never married, because of years of illness, her appearance was not what she used to be.

Moreover, Yan Xing has been misunderstanding her, but Zhu Xue doesn't know.

They met at an art exhibition. When they saw each other, they were stunned. They didn't show too much joy or sorrow. They just looked at each other like this, neither sad nor happy. After watching for about five minutes, the two walked forward and stopped in front of a painting.

Yan Xing asked: "Long time no see, how is your health?"

Zhu Xue replied, "I'm fine. I read on the news that you're fine too."

Yan Xing smiled: "Take care, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Zhu Xue also smiled: "You too, take care."

After the short conversation, neither of them said anything more. In the end, both of them turned sideways and walked past. Yan Xing was naturally due to a misunderstanding, but Zhu Xue felt that she was no longer worthy of this man. But when they each took three steps, they all stopped.

Turning around again, looking at the former lover who also turned to look at him, both of them smiled helplessly.

Finally come together again, embrace each other.

Although they have forgotten the feeling of love and pain, they know that their love for the person in front of them cannot be erased by time. Even if they have temporarily forgotten it now, they are still unwilling to give up, because they once took off the starlight under the starry sky and made a lifetime vow.

The screen freezes at this scene.

The camera slowly zoomed out, and on the virtual screen, the picture finally focused on the painting beside Yan Xing and Zhu Xue.

The angel's wings stretch and bloom in the infinitely magnificent starlight, leaving a warm light to all who watch.

It's called "Starlight", and the description below says this—

『"Starlight": "Mine, I like it."

(Su Yuguang: 2667-2703)』

After wrapping up, Boss Han bled, and took the whole crew to the best hotel on the A-17 film and television planet, where they had a great meal. Mr. Han is very satisfied with every scene in this movie, especially the meaningful scene at the end, which is enough to make countless people feel embarrassed.

Mr. Han said with emotion: "I really want to thank everyone this time! Everyone has worked hard for more than a month!"

Everyone immediately said: "Mr. Han, you have worked hard too."

Everyone laughed again, and continued to eat and drink together.

After all, it is a romance movie, and there is no specific death in "Starlight", which is not good for literature and art, but when Chu Yan was toasting, he looked at Mr. Han pretending to be sad, and said, "Mr. Han, I didn't Get the shocking red envelope."

Han Lao was stunned for a moment, before he could speak, Han Xiao, who ran from Yanning Star to attend the wrap-up banquet, laughed: "Chu Yan, your character this time is obviously not dead, I can't see how you cheated to get the shocking red envelope." Go down."

What Han Xiao said is correct. Su Yuguang's last role is to become famous all over China. This is a sense of accomplishment. How can he get a surprise red envelope. But everyone knew that in this movie, even though Chu Yan didn't act out, what should happen must have happened.

Chu Yan let out a long sigh, his eyes hurt: "Bullying people."

The short three words made Han Xiao and Han Lao stunned, and then they laughed loudly.

Finally, after knowing Chu Yan for so long, he finally showed a little childishness! This is normal, this is what a nineteen-year-old child should look like!

At the end of this wrap-up feast, many people began to tease Chu Yan about his age. Although I have to admit that when Chu Yan plays any role, his performance will not make you feel immature, but you will think that he is that person. But, in fact, Chu Yan's age is really the youngest in the whole crew.

Thinking of the end, Zhou Hehui also speculated for a while: "Could it be, Xiaoyan, you are very precocious?"

Chu Yan: "..."

Although he has played many roles in his twenties, does that mean he is precocious? ! ! !

Amidst such laughter and laughter, a wrap-up banquet came to an end. That night, Chu Yan temporarily returned to his dormitory to live in. The next day, most of the crew left the A-17 film and television planet in a spaceship. Only Chu Yan, Zhou Hehui, and Han Xiao took the spaceship and flew I went to Yanning Star not far away, and I was going to record the ending song.

The spaceship is moving forward rapidly in the vast and endless dark universe. The boundless darkness seems to swallow the spaceship, but it cannot stop the spaceship from continuing to move forward. The flight at nearly the speed of light prevents the people on the spacecraft from using various electronic devices well, and can only chat purely.

The handsome and pretty boy did not participate in the chat between Zhou Hehui and Han Xiao, he sat quietly by the porthole, looking down at a book. This book was a gift from He Boshen last month. He liked it very much. Although he was very busy every day, he had already read the last few pages.

Chu Yan lightly turned the last page, read the last line, and closed the whole book, revealing the gold-plated "The Only Light in My Life" on the cover, as if a short but gorgeous period of love had been sealed in dust. time.

"In the boundless universe, there are countless stars. Every star burns out its light without complaint or regret, and dies with the years. The nebula is the gathering of many stars, and the galaxy is the long river of countless stars. It is the most beautiful star in the whole world, and countless people have dedicated their lives to it.

My starlight has come to the end of time, but I can only stare at him, walking away from me step by step.

Xu Yishu is not qualified to love Su Yuguang.

Just like, we are not stars under the same universe』