Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 148: There are minors on the partition wall


If there is anyone in the world who understands Song Ye best, it may not be Yun Hua, but if we want to say who understands Yun Hua best, it is Song Ye.

It was quiet late at night, and Yuan Song still stayed overnight in the apartment tonight. Before going to bed, he knocked on Yunhua's door with milk, but as expected, he received no response.

And in the middle of the night, Song Ye heard the door of the opposite room open and footsteps coming out. At first, Song Ye thought Yunhua was hungry and came out to look for food, but later he found that she had gone straight to the room next to his.

Yuan Song lives next door, and for the convenience of dealing with it at night, it is usually unlocked, but why is Yunhua looking for him in the middle of the night

Song Ye was suspicious, so he turned over and put his hand on the wall, using his powers to detect the situation next door.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

There were no lights on in the dark room next door, but what caught the eye on the big bed were two bodies, tightly intertwined with each other. They didn't talk to each other, and they didn't make a sound between each other. Although their movements were eager, they were cautious because they were concerned that there was a minor next door.

It's a pity that they never expected that Song Ye had the power to open plug-ins, not only X-ray vision but also night vision.

After just one glance, seeing the two men raising their guns and going into battle without delay, Song Ye wisely raised his hand to retreat, touched his nose, and was a little embarrassed that he had used his superpower to peek into other people's houses.

But when I thought about it again, I felt happy, because Yun Hua was willing to take this step, and the hurdle in his heart must have been passed.

Lying on the bed, Song Ye turned over with his back to the wall and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Song Ye asked the two of them to return to Shishi to take charge of the overall situation. As the high school entrance examination was approaching, Song Ye, as a third-year junior high school student, finally returned to campus to study.

Because An Sheng stayed for two days and it was almost time for the medicine and stone competition.

In the past two days, Tang Yixiao was in a good mood. After making breakfast every day, the first thing he did was to report back to Song Ye about his grandma's situation.

"Song Ye, grandma told me this morning that her legs felt warm and seemed to be able to move." On this day, Tang Yixiao happily told Song Ye the latest situation as usual, with a smile on his pretty face.

Song Ye nodded, "Keep using the medicine stone. I'll go out after a while and see if there are any better medicine stones." For her, this kind of external thing can be used by anyone who needs it. Even if it is a priceless treasure, there is no such thing. Its use is also a piece of waste.

So she didn't think there was anything wrong with her idea.

However, Tang Yixiao shook his head after listening to these words, "No need, this medicine stone is already extremely valuable, how can you continue to spend money on it. I know that this kind of thing is very rare, and it is difficult to get it." It's not easy." She asked about the origin of this medicine stone at first, but unfortunately Song Ye revealed the matter calmly. Later, she received a phone call at home. The man on the phone thought she was Song Ye, so he told her. Only then did she realize that the medicine stone was a treasure of the big family. After Song Ye robbed it, people were looking for it everywhere.

Seeing the deep worry on Tang Yixiao's face, Song Ye wiped the corner of his mouth and said calmly: "After a while, there will be as many of these things as possible." This was not a lie, but a kind of confidence.

Now that the efficacy of the medicine stone has been tested, it has indeed been seen to bring life back to life. Naturally, Song Ye will not let go of this piece of fat on the plate.

What's more, after what happened to Leng Yuexin, she also had a vague intention to adjust the property in her hands.

After the second test, Song Ye was undoubtedly the first in the three categories. The paper was so clean and her answers were so efficient that teachers from various subjects directly copied her test papers into templates for students to circulate for study.

Song Ye had just been praised in class, and in the blink of an eye he went to the office to ask for leave after class.

"Song Ye, do you know what time it is now? Although you have good grades and were praised in class, you can't be proud. You ask for leave every three days. What's going on?" The head teacher was as angry as a fire-breathing dragon. Slap directly on the table.

The other teachers were watching secretly, admiring the courage of the head teacher of this class.

Then, Song Ye gently raised his eyelids and glanced around the office. Everyone quickly lowered their heads, grabbed the teaching materials and fled out.

Since the day of the sports meeting, rumors have spread in the school. Some said that Song Ye crippled Song Meimei's legs with his bare hands. Some said that Song Ye took the scissors and directly wiped the Song family's neck. Some even said that Song Ye had no pain nerves and could not survive. Than King Kong.

In addition, Song Meimei has never come to school, and the rumors are getting more and more outrageous. Anyway, in the eyes of teachers and students in the school, the name Song Ye has become a taboo in everyone's eyes.

If it were any other teacher, he would have opened the leave request form with his hands trembling, that is, this old-fashioned person in Class 1 would dare to teach the devil incarnation like this.

However, Song Ye was not angry, and his attitude was even sincere. He explained in a low voice, "The matter was decided before. I will come back to cancel the leave in a week at the latest."

When it came to severing ties with the Song family, the head teacher took good care of Song Ye. Although she was cold-hearted, she still respected such a dedicated teacher.

In the end, the head teacher didn't bother Song Ye and gave him a week's leave. After school was over that afternoon, Song Ye went directly to Shishi.

Just like the phone call that Tang Yixiao received, the medicine stone was easy to get, but it caused quite a lot of problems. It can be said that this piece became the fuse that ignited the conflict between the Bai family and the Hao family. With the arrival of the medicine stone competition, The two families have reached the point where they are incompatible with each other.

The first time Song Ye arrived in Shishi, the Hao family's car came over, and the person who came to pick him up was Hao Zhengyi.

Seeing the man in the back seat of the car, Song Ye was stunned for a moment, then raised a polite smile and said, "Mr. Hao, long time no see."

"Mr. Song." Hao Zhengyi also greeted her, with a tired smile and wrinkles on his brows. However, he did not complain to Song Ye about the medicine stone. He thanked his daughter for the first time, "Last time Hao Tian was impulsive. She was reckless and almost caused trouble outside, but thanks to Mr. Song's presence, she escaped the disaster."

"Mr. Hao, you're welcome. In the final analysis, it's me who's causing you trouble." There is a rule that must be followed in life and business. If others respect you, you must return the favor, so that this business can last for a long time. Song Ye is not stupid. Hao Zhengyi came to pick her up in person, which is enough to illustrate the current situation of the Hao family.

"Haha, those grandsons of the Bai family, relying on the strength of their numbers, even issued a battle invitation two days ago, saying that they would raise bets in the medicine and stone competition. Whichever side loses would have to hand over all the medicine and stone prescriptions." Hao Zhengyi couldn't help but cursed.