Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 152: Danger is exciting enough


Hao Tian's persuasion had no effect, because Song Ye had already decided to go away, turned around and walked back to the living room. She was still sitting in her seat drinking tea, watching Hao Tian anxiously running around in front of her, and kept trying to call Hao Tian. Zheng Zheng's cell phones were unsuccessful, and he finally sat down on the other side with his head hanging in frustration.

"Wait a little longer. My dad will definitely be back in the evening. Let's wait a little longer." Hao Tian murmured in a low voice, as if he was comforting himself. He didn't know whether he was afraid that Song Ye would go racing or that he wouldn't reply to his phone calls. Hao Zhengyi.

In her memory, her father never refused to answer her phone calls.

"Mr. Hao, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it back today." Song Ye opened his phone to edit text messages while speaking, cruelly shattering Hao Tian's hopes.

"What do you mean, Song Ye, are you saying something happened to my dad?" Hao Tian looked at Song Ye nervously, her face pale with panic.

Song Ye shook his head, "Your dad is fine, he was just held up. Before going out, he told me that he would be back later."

In fact, Hao Zhengyi never told her what she was going to do when she went out, nor did he tell her anything. It's just that Song Ye just edited the text message to the brothers in the night gang and asked people to find Hao Zhengyi's whereabouts.

In the morning, this group of teenagers were nominally here for a blind date, but they made a lot of noise and teased Hao Tian from the moment they entered. All their behaviors were malicious. Song Ye suspected that they were not here for a blind date at all, but to cause trouble. In addition, people under his command just now said that the Bai family used the name of the medicinal stone competition to entangle Hao Zhengyi in the preparation venue, which further confirmed Song Ye's guess.

If she had predicted correctly, this farce was set up by the Bai family. Whether it was to embarrass her or Hao Tian, the purpose was to embarrass the Hao family.

For this reason, Song Ye won't be able to compete in tonight's game.

It's easy to take someone's life, but to do it for the Hao family is a technical job.

Hao Tian had no idea about all this and knew that she was trying to persuade Song Ye during dinner that night. In the end, she had no choice but to insist on following Song Ye to Dongcheng.

Dongcheng is the most chaotic area in Stone City. Because this was the base camp of the Yan Gang, gambling, nightclubs, bars, and all gray entertainment were extremely popular here. Even if the Yan Gang has collapsed now, the business of making a living still continues.

In addition to black boxing, underground racing in Shishi City is popular among teenagers. Because the risk factor is not as high as that of black boxing, and the people who can play are rich people who care about their lives, so most of the time it is a place where young men gather to brag.

Tonight, I heard that the young master of the Tian family took out his precious sports car to compete with others. The fun-loving owners came over in advance to warm up the scene. The huge stands were packed early, and everyone with money or no money came to join in the fun. .

When Song Ye slowly drove her car into people's sight, she was greeted by cheers from the stands, but it was just boos.

When Hao Tian nervously got out of the passenger seat, she could still hear the crazy laughter from above, "What's wrong, beauty, if you're scared, come and take my car. I guarantee you'll be safe and comfortable."

"Haha, Mr. Tian, this is your opponent in tonight's competition. You are too cowardly to treat this million-dollar sports car like a tortoise."

"Haha, get out of the car quickly and let us see if this opponent is a grandpa or a grandma who is seventy or eighty years old."

The wild jeers of the crowd did not bring about the revelation of the occupants of the car as hoped.

Tian Fan wore professional sportswear and held his helmet handsomely, causing countless girls to scream along the way.

When he walked in front of Hao Tian, he shook his hair in a self-assured manner, "How about it, Miss Hao, it's still too late for you to choose to get in my car, otherwise I'm afraid you will follow that guy later... Injuried."

He said the last two words extremely slowly, and the smile on his lips was full of evil intentions.

"Tian Fan, if you dare to mess around, I won't let you go." Hao Tian pursed her lips, glared at him fiercely, turned around and got in the car again.

From beginning to end, no one in the white Lamborghini sports car showed up, and Tian Fan then got into the black Maserati, and the two cars parked side by side on the starting line.

Through the car window, Tian Fan vaguely saw that Song Ye was not wearing a helmet, and curled his lips in disdain, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

With a bang, the empty cannon ejected and exploded into the air with a puff of white smoke. The two sports cars on the starting line rushed out of the line at the same time, and the two shadows, one black and one white, quickly disappeared from sight.

This is on the outskirts of Dongcheng. In addition to the starting point being within the area, driving out means taking a dirt road in the suburbs. After a lap, basically a good car will be rolled into a mud shell, so most people will not use luxury cars to run.

Tonight's game can be described as a big gamble. The race is about expensive cars, and the stakes are also expensive cars.

When the two cars sped out, many young men followed them in their cars, which was called the escort team.

There were no street lights in the suburbs, and the ground was not very flat. Hao Tian sat in the car, holding on to the handle, looking at the ground in front of her. She could only see the bumpy ground shaking vaguely. Halfway through, she opened a window, and the whole suburb was cool. The strong air penetrated with the strong wind, messing up her hair.

In the night without street lights, there is only endless darkness around. Apart from the roar of the motor, the only thing left in my ears is my violently beating heart.

Hao Tian turned her head to look at Song Ye who was driving. Half of her profile was blurry in the dim car, but her cold brows and eyes could still be felt under her neat short black hair.

It seems that no matter what kind of environment she is in, she is always so calm and calm, not impatient or impatient, which makes people feel at peace. Whenever Hao Tian is scared, just looking at Song Ye will make her feel at ease.

But she misjudged the person. The person who could really stir up huge waves and disrupt the whole world was Song Ye.

On the flat concrete ground in the middle, Song Ye caught up with Tian Fan, whose car had better performance. Just at the fork in the road, the escorting convoy also took a shortcut to catch up. In an instant, all the vehicles were mixed together, and the white The Lamborghini was forced to adjust its direction, causing Hao Tian to tremble with fear.

Then, what shocked her even more was that she found that the convoy of escorts had been sticking closely to Song Ye's car. "What do they want to do? Don't they know that this is dangerous?" This section is full of slopes. Risk your life.

Song Ye naturally saw these people. To be more precise, she had been waiting for them.

The corners of his mouth curved slightly, and in the dim carriage, Song Ye's face showed a crazy color, "Danger is enough to be exciting."

Before Hao Tian could realize what he meant, Song Ye had already turned the steering wheel and slammed into the vehicle on the left with a bang.