Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 172: audacious in the extreme


Song Ye, who had successfully used the seasoning to deceive the information, did not feel guilty at all. Instead, he went back to the hut and drank a pot of tea in a good mood, his expression still as cold as the moon.

When the tea party ended, Hao Tian secretly handed Song Ye a small note behind her father's back.

The latter took it and didn't open it to read. Instead, he looked at Qin Zhan with a faint smile and raised his tone, "I want to take a lunch break. Do you want to rest here too?"

Since Song Ye had already issued an eviction order, implying that he didn't want him to have anything to do with this matter, Qin Zhan wouldn't lick his face and show off. He stood up and left only one sentence, "Take care of it yourself." Then he strode out of the house, and Song Ye was stunned. Want to laugh.

Even though this person means well, he also knows how to exercise caution and will not be boring to deal with. But it was obvious that he had made an own mistake in this matter. She and Hao Tian were both girls, so what kind of sparks could there be

She shook her head and couldn't help but smile. If Qin Zhan knew that he recognized one of his younger brothers as a girl, his icy face might become unbearable.

However, now I just think about it. After all, she and Qin Zhan are still unclear friends and foes.

At 1:30 noon, when Hao Zhengyi rested in the room, Hao Tian tiptoed out. Ten minutes later, Song Ye opened the door again and walked out towards the place on the note.

Regarding Jue Lianhua, Hao Tian wanted to talk to Song Ye.

Song Ye actually didn't pay too much attention to what happened that night, but felt a little responsible for causing Hao Tian's misunderstanding and wanted to explain clearly.

However, when she arrived at the appointed place, she did not see Hao Tian. The uninhabited house was empty, with a dull feeling of dust floating in it. Song Ye walked around the room and finally found fingerprints on the corner of the table. Following the wiped dust, there was a shiny hairpin on the ground.

Song Ye recognized that this was what Hao Tian wore on her head today.

Holding the hairpin, her face darkened, following the footprints left in the house, she quickly got up and chased out. After walking more than half a circle in the Bagua map, she heard the sound coming from a Xuan-named room not far away. There were voices.

Because the houses in this area are almost uninhabited, the voices in the houses are not deliberately suppressed.

"Mr. Bai, if we get this girl here, nothing will happen, right?" In the room, a young man bent over and asked the man in front of him with a dog-legged look.

The man known as Mr. Bai was none other than the daring Bai Zhibin. He sneered and untied his white robe and said arrogantly: "Coward, I have never been afraid of anyone since I was a kid. I haven't done anything in twenty years." Even if the medicine stone is lost, it’s still fine. Do you know why? That’s because I have an amazing father who will recognize his ancestors and return to the clan in the future. In the Bai family, I am one person below ten thousand people. Who dares to That’s not true of me.”

"Yes, yes, Master Bai." The three younger brothers nodded repeatedly, not daring to refute.

Bai Zhibin took off his white robe and only wore a pair of loose pajamas. He stared down at the unconscious Hao Tian on the ground, and said with evil eyes: "You all, go and guard outside. Don't hinder me from enjoying Miss Hao's family. I am." We want to see if she still dares to look down on me after sleeping with me."

He just wanted to show this woman that apart from this layer of identity, she was nothing more than a rideable creature.

The three younger brothers hurriedly went out and even closed the door to their master's room. As soon as they stood still, they looked at each other, and they all showed malicious smiles.

Thinking that there was going to be an inappropriate sound coming from the room later, several people were a little itchy and unbearable. After a while, exclamations came from the room, and Hao Tian's little voice of panic and struggle made them gulp. They couldn't help but move to the window, poke through the paper, stick their butts out and look inside.

The three heads stood in a row, completely unaware that a figure behind them was approaching quickly, and then three times, the knife was clean and sharp. Before the three people by the window had time to react, their vision went dark, and they were immediately lost. consciousness.

Inside the house, Bai Zhibin was pressing down on Hao Tian, preparing to raise his gun and go into battle. There was a bang, but the door was kicked open. He was so frightened that he withered on the spot. He covered his lower body and turned around angrily and cursed, "Fuck, If you scare me, you won't want to live anymore, right?"

After scolding him angrily, he realized something was wrong. The figure standing at the door against the light did not look like a few thugs under his hands, but rather... His heart skipped a beat. After seeing the face clearly, he couldn't help but blurt out, "Song Ye !”

"Song Ye..." Hao Tian, who was still pressed to the ground, looked over with tears on his face. When he saw the white clothes, white pants and that cold face, his emotions finally burst out, "Song Ye, I'm here. ... "She knew that as long as Song Ye came, she would be safe.

Listening to the completely trusting tone of the woman under him, Bai Zhibin felt that his male self-esteem had been trampled on again, and said with a smile: "So you like this pretty boy, but it's too late, you are already my woman, you are already mine." Even if you go out, he won't want you again even if you wear worn-out shoes."

"You're talking nonsense. Shut up. I didn't. Bai Zhibin, I'll kill you!" Hao Tian had been bullied to begin with and was extremely concerned about Song Ye's opinion. Now that he was slandered, he was so excited that he resisted with all his strength and backhanded him. He slapped Bai Zhibin across the face.

The latter was caught off guard. After reacting, he became angry and also slapped his hand, "You bitch, you dare to hit me!"

But before the slap fell, his wrist was pinched by a slightly cold hand, and a cold and emotionless voice sounded in his ears, "Get out of here now, I'll count to three, one..."

"Fuck, who are you, Song Ye, this is a medicine store, if you dare to touch me, the Bai family will not let you go." Bai Zhibin didn't care about her. Now that he has a strong backstage, he is not afraid of her threat at all.

"That's it." Compared to his excitement, Song Ye was much calmer. He suddenly realized it and seemed to think what he said made sense. He nodded, "Then there's no need to waste time."

What? Bai Zhibin was stunned.

The next second, a crisp click sounded in his ears. Bai Zhibin's eyes widened instantly and he screamed. Song Ye grabbed his wrist and kept twitching in pain in the air.

There was another click, Song Ye gave him a second fracture package, and asked in passing, "Aren't you going to get off her yet?"

"Ah... no, don't move, I'm coming down, I'm coming down..." Bai Zhibin regretted, rolled off Hao Tian tremblingly, holding his own wrist, his face was so painful that he was sweating. Is this kid a monster? He crushed his bones in one go.

Looking at the twisted and deformed wrist, Bai Zhibin was afraid that his hand was useless, so he quickly wanted to go to the doctor. Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved, there was a ding sound, and a knife was inserted into the middle of his leg, and it was nailed right in the middle. His baggy pants - on the crotch.