Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 190: The Bai family was defeated


who are you

That hoarse question was gently crushed by the sea breeze. Amidst the rolling black waves, the young man's delicate face looked ghostly. Her thin lips opened slightly and she spat out a few words. The wind was too loud. Bai Hong didn't hear the answer, but vaguely understood a few words.

She said something like, "The leader of the night gang."

Suddenly, his eyes blurred, and before he could react, his body had been pushed into the river. "No!" In panic, he looked up at the white figure standing on the shore, his eyes widened in horror. I couldn't believe that Song Ye actually tried to kill him.

There was a final bang, water splashed everywhere, and the black river water completely drowned all his senses. The waves at night were so turbulent that the person who fell into the river could not even send out a signal for help.

The young man turned around at the riverside and left calmly. Not far away, Yuan Song came forward and heard a cold voice commanding: "Handle it cleanly."

"Yes." Yuan Song lowered his eyes, hiding the shock in his heart. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe that Song Ye would kill someone.

Perhaps his stiffness betrayed his emotions. Song Ye, who had originally planned to leave, turned his head slightly and looked at him, "You think I'm cruel?"

Her tone was cold and indifferent, but it made Yuan Song feel a chill down his spine. He pursed his lips and remained silent, not knowing how to answer. Admittedly, even if he saw Song Ye acting violently in a bar before, at least his life was not in danger. Most of the time, he still regarded Song Ye as a beautiful young man, sitting on the window sill and reading quietly. Although he was maverick, he was cute enough.

But everything today has obviously subverted his perception.

Seeing his turmoil, Song Ye did not open her mouth to comfort or explain, but leaned against the car gently, her hair messy by the sea breeze, "Yuan Song, this is how the Ye Gang exists. I still have Yunhua, we There is blood on your hands, and it will never change again in this life. I decided to let you take action this time about the Bai family's recovery, for Yunhua's sake. If you want to be with her, you must climb up. , otherwise leave as soon as possible.”

After the words fell, Song Ye turned around and got into the car, choosing to leave without hesitation.

She exposed her identity and promoted Yuan Song just to make Yunhua happy. If the other party was not worthy of this courage, she would not allow him to hurt Yunhua.

For a long time, Yuan Song stood by the river without moving. Finally, he raised his head and wiped his face. He took a deep breath. The confusion in his eyes was replaced by determination, and he turned and walked towards the river.

Half an hour later, the police arrived at the riverside and found the escaping taxi and Bai Hong sinking into the river.

One day later, before Bai Hong's autopsy report came out, another poisonous needle was found in Bai Hong's study. After testing, it was confirmed that it was the drug that poisoned Bai Dechang.

The news leaked overnight, causing the Bai family's stock to plummet twice. All the descendants of the Bai family were in danger and sold their stocks one after another. Within three days, the Hao family became the largest holder of the Bai family's industrial stocks. The two companies of Hao and Bai were officially renamed Yaowangtang and listed directly in Country M, which caused a sensation in Shishi City.

However, the three murder cases of the Bai family were intertwined and became a dead end with no way to prove it. Under the pressure of external public opinion, the police could only convict Bai Hong of committing suicide and hastily closed the case.

It only took a week for the incident to come to an end, which was so fast that people were caught off guard. When Xiang Wenqi got the invitation from Yaowangtang, he felt that something was wrong.

This time, the Bai family lost too quickly, and the Hao family won too coincidentally.

The talent of the Bai family disappeared overnight, and the huge family business collapsed quickly with the death of Bai Dechang. The Hao family took advantage of this shareholder trend to take over the Bai family, and directly listed it on the market, becoming another key cultivator in Shishi City. Emerging businesses.

As a guest at the opening ceremony of Yaowang Hall, Xiang Wenqi also dressed up to attend this day. Ten meters away from the red carpet, he met many wealthy businessmen from the stone market, including those from the medicine and stone industry and the jade industry. Ka, but Yaowangtang’s company actually occupies an entire commercial building, and the lavishness of the move is jaw-dropping.

"Xiang Bureau, let's go quickly. I saw Xu Shi's car just now." The deputy beside him came closer and lowered his voice.

Xiang Wenqi was stunned and looked into the hall inside in surprise, "Is Xu City here too?" Who is the Hao family of Yaowangtang? They can actually create such a big battle with just a ribbon cutting.

The media that originally wanted to gossip about the Bai family case had already clicked the shutter on the business tycoons in front of them. Compared with a declining family, Yaowangtang, which can mobilize both political and business circles, has more news gimmicks.

It has to be said that the Hao family used this trick to divert attention very well.

Xiang Wenqi was thinking wildly as he hurried towards the hall. As soon as he entered the door, he bumped into Hao Zhengyi coming towards him.

After a few brief greetings, Xiang Wenqi looked around, but he didn't see Xu Fangsheng. He couldn't help but asked: "Mr. Hao, I heard that Xu City is here too."

"Oh, Xu City, here we come. I was talking to Mr. Zhao from Yufu Jewelry just now. Here, over there." Hao Zhengyi, with his face glowing at the happy event, stretched out his hand to point behind the big cauldron in the middle of the hall. , laughed as if he didn’t know Xiang Wenqi was anxious.

Xiang Wenqi got away, and then he hurriedly walked around the big cauldron to greet him with a wine glass. From a distance, he saw Xu Fangsheng chatting and laughing. The two people standing opposite him, one of them was Yufu Jewelry, who had recently become famous in Shishi City. General Manager Zhao Zhen, standing next to Zhao Zhen, is a short young man wearing white clothes and white pants...

Xiang Wenqi paused for a moment, inexplicably feeling that this slender figure was very familiar.

Only when he got closer did he see the delicate face clearly. Song Ye was convinced.

"Xu Shi, I'm late. I'm late. I'll punish myself." Xiang Wenqi stepped forward and raised the bar with a smile to apologize.

Xu Fangsheng smiled elegantly and said familiarly: "It's okay, Wen Qi, you're here just in time. Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Zhao from Yufu Jewelry. His store is currently in a project base that the government is vigorously cultivating."

"Haha, I know this. Mr. Zhao's name is like thunder. I'm glad to meet you." Xiang Wenqi toasted politely to the other party, but there was already a turmoil in his heart. Of course he knew the address of Yufu Jewelry, but Xu Fangsheng actually introduced it personally. The weight of it was naturally different, and what was the identity of the cold young man standing over there...

He gradually realized that the questions about all these things seemed to start from the young man in front of him.

"I don't know, Mr. Song and Mr. Zhao..." After the greetings, Xiang Wenqi couldn't help but bring the topic to Song Ye.

Zhao Zhen didn't hide it, he introduced happily, "This is my adopted son, Song Ye."