Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 191: Extraordinary young man


The young man was neatly dressed in white clothes and trousers. He was standing next to Zhao Zhen with an orange juice in his hand. His delicate face was as cold as the moon. Even though he had been with Xiang Wenqi for several days, he just nodded coldly and looked aloof.

"Haha... He's handsome. A hero comes from a young man." Xiang Wenqi stood on the bench and touched his nose awkwardly.

Zhao Zhen was used to Song Ye's behavior, so he didn't think it was inappropriate and continued to chat with a few people.

After a while, Hao Zhengyi came from the door to greet guests. After greeting Xu Fangsheng and Zhao Zhen, he directly asked the young man, "Song Ye, will you be present for the ribbon cutting later?"

He stared at Song Ye with bright eyes, but the latter shook his head, "No, I'll leave in a moment. There will be an exam tomorrow."

"Hey, okay then, Tiantian asked me to give this to you as a thank you gift." Hao Zhengyi sighed and didn't press any further. He took out the satin box from his pocket and handed it to the other party.

Song Ye took it and didn't even say a polite word. He pretended to be full of style, which made Xiang Wenqi beside him speechless.

How could the adopted son of a mere jewelry store owner be qualified to compete with Xu Fangsheng and be invited to participate in the ribbon-cutting? The mysterious identity of the young man made the always shrewd director-general confused. Finally, he had an idea. Thinking of Hao Zhengyi's daughter openly giving gifts to Song Ye, he thought that Hao Zhengyi was treating Song Ye as his future son-in-law.

But in his opinion, apart from his good-looking face, arrogant and violent personality, dandy and uneducated, Song Ye really had nothing to offer him.

I don’t know what Xu Fangsheng and Qin Zhan liked about her and why they defended her at all times

Before I had finished thinking about this question in my mind, another young man dressed casually came in at the gate. The young man's face was expressionless, and there was a coldness in the corners of his eyes and brows, with a hint of arrogance.

"Hey, Zihang is here." Xiang Wenqi was stunned and then called out affectionately.

"Hello, Uncle Xiang." It was not Xu Zihang who was wearing designer casual clothes. When he came closer, he rushed to Wen Qi to say hello politely. After all, Xiang Wenqi was Xu Fangsheng's right-hand man, and he had often moved around the Xu family over the years. Once you go back and forth, you will become familiar with it.

"Zi Hang, I haven't seen you in the past few years. You have grown so big. I guess Qing'er won't recognize you when she sees you." Xiang Wenqi chuckled and mentioned his daughter intentionally or unintentionally. When she was young, these two people The children in the family are also childhood sweethearts, and Xiang Wenqi has always been concerned about becoming in-laws with the Xu family.

"Well, I'll go back to Shishi in a while." Xu Zihang replied politely, without mentioning the Xiang family's daughter at all. Then he greeted the other two adults, "Dad, Uncle Zhao."

"Zihang, you've worked hard this time." Zhao Zhen patted Xu Zihang on the shoulder, feeling uncontrollably satisfied.

Xu Zihang shook his head and said without hesitation: "Song Ye's matter is my matter, Uncle Zhao, you're welcome."

"The exam will be tomorrow. You must send Song Ye back to Yuncheng safely, do you hear me?" Xu Fangsheng said to Xu Zihang as if he was ordering his subordinates, and his words revealed the importance he attached to Song Ye.

Xu Zihang had no objection to this, nodded, and automatically stood behind Song Ye.

"Then I'll excuse you." Song Ye nodded to a few people, then put down the cup and walked straight to the back door of the hall. Xu Zihang followed her not far or close, as if he was obeying.

Xiang Wenqi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that his throat was dry and he didn't know where to start.

All these things were too weird, and the normal attitude of the people around him made him feel that there were many doubts about this young man Song Ye.

What kind of relationship does she have with big guys like Qin Zhan, Xu Fangsheng, Hao Zhengyi, and Zhao Zhen

Of course, he has not yet stepped into Song Ye's circle of collaborators, so he naturally does not know the power Song Ye holds.

Xu Zihang came here after receiving a notice from Yunhua. Song Ye was being hunted and was poisoned and fell into coma. In order to return to Yuncheng smoothly for the exam, he came to pick him up personally.

But when he heard the news about Shishi along the way, he couldn't help but sigh, "You said that every time you come to Shishi, you have to do something big before going back." The last time was to regain the Yan Gang and help him The father came to power, and this time he directly picked up the Bai family's brand, and also obtained a line of medicinal stones that had been passed down for thousands of years. This storm was so exciting that it was amazing.

Song Ye did not deny this. She was a person who put interests first. Anyone who blocked her interests was a stumbling block for her, and the Bai family was just a pebble.

"But seeing that Hao Zhengyi is also thinking about the Yaoshi lineage, why would he agree to you annexing the Bai family's property?" To put it more seriously, it is a big taboo for brothers to kill each other.

Hearing this, Song Ye couldn't help but think of the phone call that Hao Zhengyi made at that time, and his tone of suppressed anger and resentment. After a while, he spoke softly, "Just because we are siblings, we can't forgive our brothers for trying to seize the family property." ." At that time, what Song Ye asked Yuan Song to send was a box of medical classics and a letter. The letter explained the truth about the fire, which completely cut off Hao Zhengyi's compassion.

Yaozhuang is a pure land in Hao Zhengyi's heart, and it is also his final bottom line. He will not allow anyone to destroy it.

Xu Zihang half understood or not, and didn't ask again. Anyway, this was not the first time that he had experienced Song Ye's exquisite skills. Looking at her cold profile in the rearview mirror, he was filled with pride.

But Song Ye's thoughts at this time were on the distant capital.

The reason why she is so anxious to spread the reputation of Yaowangtang and spends money to build a big reputation is to gain a foothold when the Leng family is unable to recover.

All the Leng family's output channels have been cut off, and now some industries in various provinces have closed down. Song Ye once again saw Qin Zhan's strength and methods, and became more and more afraid of this man.

If possible, she hoped not to see him again, and not to be his enemy.

Unfortunately, things in the world have always been unpredictable, and people's hearts are even more erratic. Sometimes things that we don't want to happen often end up backfiring.

Finally returning to Yuncheng from Shishi, the first thing Song Ye faced when he entered school was the black face of his head teacher.

The originally scheduled three-day vacation was suddenly postponed to half a month. Song Ye knew that he was in the wrong and was detained in the office all afternoon doing a lot of questions.

The next morning, the young man and his group got ready, met at the school gate, and walked into the examination room with their pencil bags in hand.

This is the end of their junior high school career, the last test that determines their future, and for the teenagers, it is a fateful test.

They all want to follow Song Ye to the stone market and to higher places in the future, so they cannot lose this battle.

PS: The score of the book is only 8.9. Please be kind to me, brothers and sisters, and don’t give me low scores.