Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 212: Met Qu Bai by chance


At first, when they saw Song Ye's behavior, several girls were secretly paying attention to it. Then they saw her bringing the same silk scarf as them, and they were still a little confused and disapproving.

Doubt means not understanding her intention, but disapproval means believing that she will not buy it. If she wants to vent her anger on something, she will be the one who suffers later.

Just as they were thinking this, Song Ye had already taken something out of his pocket and threw it on the cashier.

Two old men's heads were placed squarely in front of them, but their wealth was not exciting enough.

"Three pieces, one for gift boxes, one for pastries, and the other..." Song Ye recited a general method, paused when he got here, reached out and took the paper bag from Cao Qiulan's hand, pulled the silk scarf, and put it down. Above, "Just cushion it."

The price of a silk scarf is fifty yuan, which is considered a luxury item for the working class. What the girls thought was expensive turned out to be a rag used to pack oiled paper bags.

For a moment, the girls felt that the silk scarves tied around their necks were a little tight, whether they were taken off or not.

It has to be said that Song Ye's method of dealing with people without revealing anything is simply infuriating to death. Several girls in front of her will only get fucked every minute.

Even the cashier's face turned red as if he was about to bleed when he packaged the items and handed them over.

Before going out, the cashier saw that the silk scarf that Fang had just padded with something was still there, so he hurriedly shouted again, "Sir, you didn't take your stuff."

Song Ye just opened half of the door and said three words without looking back, "Throw it away."

Throw it away. This is the final outcome of the silk scarf priced at 50 yuan each. Although the paper package is not dirty at all, the silk scarf still looks brand new and intact.

But the cashier felt that the scarf was like a slap in the face. The boy was telling her in this way that it was her heart that was dirty.

After leaving the jewelry store, Cao Qiulan admired Song Ye's methods, but also felt entangled in her heart. The exquisite packaging in her hands had a heavy weight.

"That..." She opened her mouth, not knowing how to open her mouth.

Suddenly there was two beeps and a black car drove over and stopped in front of them.

The car window slid down, revealing Qu Bai's face that was so shocked that he was almost stupid, "Why are you here?" It took him a long time to squeeze out these words. If he hadn't been sure that he was in the capital at this time, he would really Think that you have traveled through time.

"Well, come for a trip." Song Ye nodded in response, but did not tell the truth because Qu Bai was not the only one in the BMW.

"Hey, Qu Bai, whose kid is this? He's so handsome, it's rare to see him." A head popped over from the passenger seat, and the man asked cynically with a playful smile.

"This is Song Ye, my little buddy." Qu Bai thought about the last three words and felt that using friend is not close enough, and using brother himself does not have such a big face.

Those who can be called buddies generally have a relatively strong relationship.

The man with a playful smile immediately understood and took the initiative to introduce himself, "My name is Ning Yifan, hello."

As soon as he heard this name, Song Ye quickly searched for another name in his memory bank, Ning Yiming.

The difference in their names by one character cannot be a coincidence.

At this time, the car window behind them rolled down, and two more faces peeked out.

"Hello, I'm Wu Xinxin, hello, Ye Zi." Wu Xinxin wore heavy makeup on her face, and wore three blue earrings on her left ear. Her short chestnut hair was slightly curly, and her style was as flamboyant as her tone. " Ye Zi, you are so handsome and cool in your white clothes and white trousers, I..."

When Wu Xinxin finished speaking, a big hand stretched out from behind, covering her mouth and dragging her back, and threw her unceremoniously on the back of the chair, followed by a slightly deep male voice, "Hello, I'm talking about Rui."

"Hello." Song Ye greeted with a nod.

Wu Xinxin, who was in the back seat, was determined to get closer to the car window and suggested: "Zi Zi, you are here for a trip anyway, so why not play with us? There is nothing in these four-nine cities that we can't play."

"Yes, yes, you are Qu Bai's buddy, and you are our buddy, let's go together." Ning Yifan also took advantage of the situation and extended an invitation.

Tan Rui said from the back seat, "Don't forget what day it is today."

The scene cooled down for a while, but Qu Bai suddenly said: "Come together, you are unfamiliar with this place, I won't be able to explain to you if someone abducts you."

He did not say to whom this explanation was given, but Song Ye knew it.

There were still two days before the Qin family's birthday party started. Song Ye came early to get a feel for the details of the capital. It was better to be with these rich kids than to pry around on the outside.

After nodding in agreement, Song Ye did not forget that there was Cao Qiulan beside him, so he asked: "Would you like to give you a ride?" She knew that this woman was also returning to the capital for the first time. She was not familiar with the place and was in a worse situation than herself. Be tough.

This time Cao Qiulan shook her head quickly, "No, no, I have somewhere to go. Song Ye, please leave me your phone number, and I will pay you back this package of money later." The woman finally expressed her thoughts.

Song Ye didn't think about asking for the slap in the face, so he simply said, "No, farewell." Then he got into the back seat of the car.

The BMW continued to drive forward on the busy street, and Wu Xinxin's big smoky eyes in the back seat did not stop for a moment.

"Ye Zi, your face is so exquisite. You have no makeup on, and you are so naturally beautiful. And you are so unique and handsome in your white clothes and white pants..."

Topics were bombarded at Song Ye one after another, and the three people around him couldn't bear the talk. However, Song Ye seemed to have installed a soundproof device and remained unmoved without any resistance.

Wu Xinxin is the type that the more you resist, the more energetic you become. If you don't resist, it will automatically cycle. At this moment, she was like Song Ye Mao, until Ning Yifan in front interrupted, "You have time to harass the children, why not Please pay more attention to your makeup, I can tell you, the old man is coming back soon, and if you don’t turn into a good woman by then, your ribs will be broken."

Sure enough, this threat was very effective. Wu Xinxin shuddered and subconsciously covered her ribs, shrinking her neck to show how scared she was. Finally, she rolled her eyes and approached Song Ye again, "How about you change it for me?" modeling?"

Obviously, this guy is really fascinated by Song Ye's white clothes and pants.

"Xinxin, stop fooling around. No matter how young the kid is, he's still a boy. Don't take advantage of him." Qu Bai stood up at this time, but it was Song Ye's reputation that was protected.