Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 24: famous


Clinic, I owe my life.

These two words made Xu Zihang almost without thinking, and immediately remembered that a week ago, he was assassinated by Xiao Dao and his gang, and then miraculously escaped.

Looking at the cold-faced Song Ye in front of him, he was a little unsure, "Song Ye, are you that Song Ye?" Because the image before and after was so different, he didn't connect the two people at all, until the person in front of him nodded, he As if he had just woken up from a dream, he showed a bright smile and stretched out his hand towards her, "I have been looking for you, thank you for saving me last time."

Although he didn't know the specific circumstances of his escape, Song Ye's ability to rescue him really made him feel grateful and appreciated.

In just the next second, this gratitude and appreciation were wiped out.

"There is a price to pay for saving you. This bet is not a joke." Song Ye didn't even look at the palm in front of him that represented friendship. He bluntly said that he saved people purely because he wanted repayment.

This may be commonplace in the adult world, but for students aged sixteen or seventeen, it represents philistinism and snobbishness, and is not accepted by children.

The warm atmosphere on the court was slightly condensed. The teammates who were fighting side by side just now felt as if their hearts had been frostbitten by the cold air of nine cold days, and they could not even maintain their smiles.

"Song Ye..." Wang Tiechuan wanted to say something, but felt that it was inappropriate to say anything in his position. However, he really liked Song Ye and did not believe that she had a purpose in approaching Xu Zihang.

But now on the court, I'm afraid he is the only one who thinks so.

Xu Zihang was silent for a long time, then suddenly raised the corners of his lips coldly, reached into his pocket and took out a few old people's heads, and threw them on the ground, "This is a reward for your life-saving grace. I'm sorry, we are not interested in following you."

After saying that, Xu Zihang turned and left, and the brothers who were traveling with him also turned around and left without looking back. Their meaning was very clear. They looked down on a profit-seeking villain like Song Ye.

Wang Tiechuan was in a dilemma, and finally had to leave with everyone.

Song Ye was the only one left on the court for a while, and the onlookers around her sneered at her. They could not see the admiration that they had just applauded for her skills.

Song Ye looked at the backs of a group of people leaving with calm eyes, and then he also raised his feet to leave. His white sneakers stepped on the heads of several old people, leaving clear footprints.

She believed that she and Xu Zihang would meet again.

After a hearty workout, Song Ye felt that it was not enough, so he walked to a gym in the city center and got a fitness card. He trained until late at night before returning to the hotel to sleep, having a dreamless night.

Fifteen years ago, Song Ye might have been sentimental and lonely, but fifteen years later, she has become a solitary killer. There is no hesitation or hesitation in her life. Once she has a goal, she will move forward bravely. OK.

But she still forgot after all that she was only fifteen years old and a minor in need of a guardian. This unique lifestyle obviously broke away from the norms of society.

When I was carrying my schoolbag to school as usual in the morning, I could hear the landlady muttering over there as I passed the front desk, "A good girl, why are you so shameless and shameless to do such a thing while you are still going to school?"

In fact, the profound meaning of this statement can be figured out if you think about it carefully. Ever since Zhao Zhen came to talk to her that day, rumors had been flying everywhere, and the fact that she had a child living alone in a hotel made it even more fanciful.

However, he was not seriously harmed, and Song Ye didn't care. He thought that after a while, the store's funds would return, and he would buy a house to live outside. In the future, housing prices will rise exponentially, and investing in real estate is a good choice. .

After entering the school gate, the attention was still enthusiastic all the way. As soon as he stepped into the class gate, there was still silence. It was obvious that the protagonist who had just made the atmosphere lively was Song Ye. But now her classmates no longer looked at her with ridicule, but with curiosity and jealousy.

Song Ye didn't care about other people's opinions, but as soon as he sat down, he received a small note from the next door.

'My deskmate, you are famous. Yesterday, Tang Meiling had a layer of skin removed by strong glue. She cried and shouted that she wanted to harm you, but there was no evidence, and she was scolded by the teacher. Now in the class, you dare to fight with her. Be a hero in the fight against evil forces! ! ! '

Looking at the emphasized ellipsis at the end, Song Ye suddenly wanted to laugh. The corners of his cold mouth were cracked by this childish stroke. He picked up the pen and wrote a few words in a flash.

'If you have time to chat, why not finish your homework first. '

Sure enough, this sentence was very destructive. I didn't see any reply for a long time. Wang Tiechuan bit his pen and clicked it rhythmically. Within five minutes, another note was inserted.

'My deskmate, have you finished your homework? Can you lend it to me for reference? '

Song Ye turned around with the ballpoint pen in his hand, slowly pulled out an exercise book, and replied with three words.

'Write now. '

Wang Tiechuan's heart was racing at that time. He stared at the blank exercise book on Song Ye's desk, thinking that you have done less than me, but you are still so calm and pretending. Just when he was about to continue struggling and become self-reliant, the white ballpoint pen next to him kept waving it around without even stopping, making him stunned for a moment.

They have been in the same class for three years. Although Song Ye's presence in the class is very low, he knows his academic performance well. He is only a few places behind him and is also a poor student in the class.

Seeing her writing at a rapid pace now, Wang Tiechuan thought she was giving up on herself and writing randomly. Unexpectedly, when he stretched his neck and took a look, his eyeballs almost fell off.

The question Song Ye was working on was the function question that Wang Tiechuan had been thinking about. He couldn't write it out even if he thought about it. However, Song Ye did a beautiful three-step analysis and came to the conclusion. The handwriting was neat and beautiful, just like printing. of.

After finishing one question quickly, the ballpoint pen continued to write down the next question.

Wang Tiechuan kept moving his eyes following the pen, with a dumbfounded expression. It wasn't until he finished writing the entire page that a cold look came over him, and he realized what he was doing and closed his chin, but his eyes were still shocked.

Then, Song Ye pushed the exercise book in front of Wang Tiechuan with one hand, indicating that she had finished writing and could refer to it as much as she wanted.

When you are a student, is there anything that can deepen your friendship more than copying your homework? The conclusion is of course no.

At the moment, Wang Tiechuan was immersed in copying, and his cheeks were shaking with excitement. Although he didn't know why Song Ye suddenly became enlightened, completing his homework was the first priority.

Although Song Ye has not read junior high school textbooks, as a top killer, memory, understanding and absorption abilities are essential requirements. She read through the textbook yesterday and added in mental arithmetic. For her, these exercises are just a piece of cake. dish.