Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 47: The future of the night gang


"Hey, boss."

At the next intersection, Song Ye heard the call from the front. As soon as she looked up, she saw the teenagers waving exaggeratedly towards her. The arms raised high became strong due to training, and gradually became orderly, falling in the sun. The smile was bright and innocent, and the breath of youth seemed to hit his face. In this backward old age, the fifteen-year-old Song Ye looked at them, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Fifteen years ago, she could not have imagined that her dark and bitter life would one day be so youthful.

Wearing a blue and white school uniform, she put her hands in her trouser pockets and raised her legs towards the group of teenagers. The sunlight flashed through her short black hair, and the light reflected from the ends of her hair was like the starlight being crushed into pieces and all hidden in her. In those dark eyes.

"Good job." Xu Zihang took the lead and gave a thumbs up, with a high arc on his usually cold face, "Just after you left, I was thinking of finding some people to come over and surround the hotel, but I didn't expect Sister Yun to call me. , saying that you had made arrangements, and even found out the person who took the photos. Gao, it’s really high.”

After the exam, several brothers were in a hurry and wanted to come over to help, but they never thought that Song Ye had arranged a good show.

Not only did the brother drive a van to block the road to buy time, he threatened the hotel proprietress and also tricked Wang Han, the mastermind.

Everyone watched Wang Han go in vertically and come out horizontally, and they all couldn't help but praise their boss's insidiousness.

Along the way, Song Ye rarely had time to care about their exams, so he immediately asked the teenagers about it, making them feel ashamed.

"Boss, how can our grades be compared with those of you and Brother Xu? You are both good at both civil and military skills. It would be great if we don't fail the exam."

Hearing this, Song Ye raised his eyelids and asked lightly: "What are your plans for future development?"

"Future development?" Wang Tiechuan scratched his head, looked at each other with a few teenagers, and was a little embarrassed to express his ambitions, "Now that the Night Gang has been established, we are very adapted to this kind of life. We had discussed it in private before However, after this half semester, we will all come out and work hard, follow the boss to make the Night Gang bigger, and make Yuncheng our world."

When Wang Tiechuan mentioned his dream, his face flushed with excitement, and his voice unconsciously raised the decibel level.

But for their pride, Song Ye directly poured a bucket of cold water on them from beginning to end, "It is not difficult to win Yuncheng. I will not stick to Yuncheng in the future. I founded the Night Gang not just to It’s a small place like this. If you want to stay, this place will be used as a partition in the future.”

Regarding future plans, this was the first time Song Ye talked about it.

On the basketball court where they first met, Song Ye wanted to be their boss, and later founded the Night Gang. The teenagers were ignorant and found it extremely exciting. They had never dared to imagine that they could become a presence that surpassed the Dihu Gang in this small county. matter.

But now, Song Ye said that Yuncheng was too small and her goal was farther and wider.

She told them she wouldn't necessarily take them with her.

Wang Tiechuan felt that his enthusiasm suddenly turned cold. He stood there blankly, "No, no, boss, we all want to follow you and be together all the time." Now that they have recognized her as the boss, they have become a group, no matter what No matter where we go, no matter how hard we fight, we have to be together.

"The Night Gang will not be limited to a small scale, and I will not use illiterate people who are ignorant and unskilled in the senior management in the future." Song Ye expressed his opinion sharply, and then started to move forward, minding his own business.

Xu Zihang looked at the teenagers in a daze with their heads downcast. He was angry and amused at the moment. He patted Wang Tiechuan on the head and pointed out: "She is willing to say this, which means she still has hope for you, so hurry up and follow."

Wang Tiechuan realized belatedly, and when he reacted, he quickly ran to catch up, scratching his head, bending his tall body to make a gesture of humility, and repeatedly promised, "Boss, we will definitely study hard and take the high school entrance examination. Do you know where the boss will go to high school?"

"Stone City."

"Huh? That's the provincial capital, and all the key high schools gathered there. Our grades are at the bottom, I'm afraid..." Wang Tiechuan continued to scratch his head, his voice slightly aggrieved and frustrated.

"I will help you with tutoring for the next six months."

The young girl's young and slightly deep voice blew in the breeze and reached Xu Zihang's ears behind him. He stretched and looked at the clear blue sky and white clouds above. He raised the corners of his mouth and showed a bright smile. , and then strode towards the slender figure.

After Wang Han's incident, Song Ye completely moved out of the hotel and moved into the community unit that Zhao Zhen bought for her. It was relatively tight and would not be disturbed by others. After seeing it, Song Ye was very satisfied and moved Yun. Hua took her in and lived together.

Because the exam was delayed that day, a class of teachers later gave Song Ye a make-up exam, but Wang Han, who had passed out, reappeared on campus a few days later.

When Xu Zihang saw her, his face immediately elongated. The more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became. So while having lunch on the rooftop at noon, he tried to ask Song Ye what he meant, "The principal is concerned about the Wang family's family background. Do you want to Find someone to punish her?"

He said it calmly and did not feel inappropriate at all for bullying the girl. On the contrary, Song Ye, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes and looked at him strangely, thinking that if Wang Han knew the white horse he liked, The prince wants to tease her secretly. I wonder if her heart will be broken into pieces

However, "You don't need to take action in this matter. Just go and spread the news and return the dirty water she wants to put on me." Song Ye put his hands behind his head, looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and continued to close his eyes comfortably. Close your eyes and pretend to sleep.

Xu Zihang's heart suddenly changed, and he immediately understood her plan. He couldn't help but curl his lips and said unceremoniously: "It's really insidious."

As a result, in No. 3 Middle School, which had finally calmed down, a rumor spread quickly. Everyone heard that No. 3 Middle School Commander Hua Wanghan was a man who was different from what he appeared to be. He stayed in hotels and rented rooms, was kept by others, and was stabbed in the back. People, many deeds were passed down vividly, and by the time the person involved found out, they were already at a loss for words.

There was a splash of water, and Wang Han was locked in the toilet for the first time that day. A bucket of cold water was poured on his head, and he cried loudly inside in embarrassment, "You bitches, I treated you to food and drink before, but in the end But you are treating me like this! Let me out! Let me out quickly!"

Listening to the curses in the toilet, the girls who committed the crime outside the toilet curled their lips and said disdainfully: "If we knew you used that kind of dirty money to treat us, we wouldn't accept it. Bah, you shameless women."

The abuser in the past has become the abused today, and all the evil deeds are finally returned to him. This is the so-called rotation of feng shui.