Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 63: Matchmaking


At three o'clock in the morning, the defense base in the mountainous area of Shishi was still sleeping in silence, and the sky was dark.

Qin Zhan was standing in front of the window wearing a black vest, holding a phone in his hand, and the person on the other end was still chattering away.

He and Qu Bai have known each other for so long, but he never knew that Qu Bai would become such a bitch after getting drunk. Two hours passed, and the other person talked about the kid the most. From acquaintance to drinking and talking, almost every detail was repeated two or three times.

In the end, even people like Qin Zhan, whose emotional line reflection arc was so long that it circled the earth, noticed something strange. He lit a cigarette, held it between his fingertips, flickering on and off, and suddenly interrupted the other person's babble, " You won't tell me that the person you are interested in this time is a fifteen-year-old minor, right? Qu Bai, if something happens, I can't protect you." The key is, he doesn't have the nerve to care about this. kind of thing.

The person on the other end of the phone finally stopped talking. After a long while, he seemed to react and cursed angrily: "Qin Zhan, get out of here. That brat is a man. No matter how hungry I am, I will never attack him. Between us, That's called revolutionary friendship, do you understand..."

"I don't understand." Qin Zhan spoke neatly and did not give any support and understanding. No matter how deep the revolutionary friendship is, there is no need to talk about it for two hours. Moreover, "The last time you told me so much, it was because of your first love." So, you can't. Blame him for overthinking.

This time, the person on the other end of the phone finally had no intention of continuing the conversation and said hello vaguely, "Okay, I won't whisper to you anymore, hang up..."

As a result, the person who had harassed Qin Zhan for more than two hours made no move. Listening to the sound of breathing in his ears, he put away his cell phone silently.

It was no longer possible to sleep again. He put on his military uniform and went out for a morning run. He thought of the little devil Qu Bai said in his mind. It was extraordinary that Qu Bai could take notice of him at the age of fifteen.

However, just when he left a good impression on Song Ye, Song Ye was in a good mood because he blackmailed him severely.

When she heard the money had arrived the next day, she even politely invited Wang Yutang to dinner, also at Tianxin Pavilion.

"Haha, Mr. Zhao is the big winner this time. Laokeng colorless glass planted jadeite and 100 million US dollars. The whole country Z knows about Yufu Jewelry. Let me have a drink first, Mr. Zhao's business is prosperous." Wang Yutang did it first. Respect, there is no more high airs like the first meeting. Today, the value of Yufu Jewelry is ranked high even in the stone market.

Zhao Zhen raised his wine glass and said modestly: "Mr. Wang, you are too polite. Yufu Jewelry is just a new brand. In the future, I will ask Mr. Wang to help take care of it in Shishi."

"Oh?" Wang Yutang heard the clue and asked, "Mr. Zhao intends to come to Shishi for development?"

"Yes, this person is going to a higher place. After all, Shishi is a prosperous area for jade and jewelry. Zhao is not talented, but he also wants to take a chance. He will open his first branch in Shishi after the year. At that time, the relevant procedures will still be completed. I need to ask Mr. Wang for advice more."

As the saying goes, go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Zhao Zhen's meal was to be worth every penny.

From the grand occasion of the reception that night, it is easy to see that Wang Yutang is a local snake in Shishi City and a master of human connections. Now Zhao Zhen sent out a signal of goodwill, and the other party naturally did not refuse to accept it.

"Mr. Zhao is out of town. If you come to Shishi in the future, remember to greet me if you need anything." Wang Yutang smiled and accepted the matter with a kind face. Then he rolled his eyes and brought the topic to Song Ye. , "Xiaoye will be in the third year of junior high this year. Is it hard to study? Have you considered coming to Shishi with your uncle to study in high school?"


Song Ye thought silently in his heart, knowing that this old fox had been trying to figure out her plans from the moment he walked in. It was only because of his patience that he waited until now to ask.

Coincidentally, she was also waiting for this sentence, "Mr. Wang's guess is good. I am going to take the Shiyi Gao test. It will be convenient for me when Uncle Zhao is here."

"Haha, that's right." Hearing this, Wang Yutang's eyes brightened and he smiled a little closer, "Not only is your Uncle Zhao here, but also your Uncle Wang is here. No one can bully you in the future. You, This is really Mr. Zhao’s lucky star. I didn’t believe what Mr. Zhao said before, but this time I found a treasure, I’m really impressed.”

The old fox wanted nothing more than to trick Song Ye into finding out how she chooses wool. Naturally, Song Ye would not tell him, but would use him to build a bridge. "Speaking of this, I have something that I would like to ask Uncle Wang for help with."

"Oh? Whatever Uncle Wang can do, I will definitely do it for you." After saying this to Uncle Wang, Wang Yutang was delighted that this lucky star finally became warm to him, and he hurriedly showed his kindness.

Song Ye took a sip of tea and then continued: "I would like to ask Uncle Wang to help me build a bridge and select wool materials for people in the jade circle."

When she said this, her tone was normal, as if she was saying that she had done a math problem today, but until Wang Yutang understood the meaning, his mouth was so shocked that he never closed it.

Zhao Zhenchu was on the side, and he couldn't stop beating his heart at this time. When he heard about this last night, he felt like a fantasy. It was not because he didn't trust Song Ye's ability, but because he was betting on stones for thousands of dollars. In recent years, there has not been such an exception.

It is difficult for gods to break jade. If you break this rule and achieve perfect results, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Even a person like Wang Yutang who has seen strong winds and waves can't help but think that Song Ye is a madman. After a while, he found his voice, "Haha, Miss Song really loves to joke. The most lacking thing in this circle is experts and scholars, and she has never People dare to guarantee it. If it really existed, some people wouldn’t become rich overnight and some would lose everything overnight.”

This sudden respectful address created a distance. Although Wang Yutang was still smiling, there was no longer any heat in his eyes.

If he had seen how mysterious Song Ye was before, now he felt how arrogant she was, and this arrogance was so fragile that she was vulnerable.

But Song Ye is a person who dares to speak and act. She ignored the contempt in the other person's eyes and still finished what she wanted to say, "I know there are many superstitious people in this circle. They pray to gods and Buddhas, and open altars to attract wealth. Rather than letting those bosses pay homage to Mr. Guan all day long, they should trust my methods. Uncle Wang, why not give me a definite answer after taking a look at the jadeite extracted from Yufu Jewelry this time."

After analyzing the portraits taken that night at the reception, Song Ye seized the business opportunities. This was a shortcut to accumulating connections and wealth, and she would not give up.

Maybe it was because her tone of voice was too sure and confident, or maybe it was because Yufu Jewelry had recently acquired too many good jadeite, but Wang Yutang, who was originally determined not to believe it, became a little wavering.