Rebirth of a CV Star

Chapter 2: Cheating


After Yan Mulin's preliminary understanding, the society today is very tolerant of people's preferences. In the past society, it was something that was not even thought about. Take the most basic adult movies as an example. Today's movie theaters can be arranged according to the schedule. For such movies, as long as they are over 18 years old, they can buy movie tickets with successful ID card verification. Not to mention that voice actors have a place in the entertainment industry and have room for their development. Even actors and actresses in adult movies can be recognized and sought after by the public through their acting skills.

In the past perception, the dubbing actors in the dubbing circle only specialize in dubbing. Most of them are non-professional dubbing actors. There are not many professional dubbing actors. Dubbing career. As mentioned earlier, the dubbing circle is very repulsive for newcomers to join. If there are old dubbing actors with them, it is acceptable to have someone to guide them. No one is willing to spend time to guide a newcomer. They are more just to complete their own work. Originally, there were few jobs in the dubbing industry, and newcomers still had to come to compete. If they didn't reject them, that would be magic, and it would be true "selflessness".

All in all, everything is paid for.

In the past, dubbing actors took jobs from the producers by senior seniors and assigned them. They would not sign any labor agreements with dubbing actors. The remuneration was negotiated in advance, and other basic guarantees were even more important. Don't think about it. Unless there are very big stars, other ordinary dubbing actors are paid according to the market price, which is generally 200 yuan for an episode of TV dramas and 1,000 to 2,000 yuan for movies, with little fluctuation. This is the treatment of dubbing actors in the past.

Today's dubbing industry naturally has dubbing circles, and the competition is extremely fierce. Just like the entertainment industry in the past, the development of voice actors is now extensive, and it is no longer as narrow as before. It is not limited to traditional dubbing, online dubbing, electronic dubbing, etc. Trading platform dubbing, dubbing actors can also hold their concerts, and they will also have their own fans. The number of fans of the great gods in the dubbing industry is no less than that of a superstar, and they can also become superstars in the dubbing industry. He is tall enough, has outstanding dubbing ability, has enough opportunities, and has a strong brokerage company behind him. Fame is definitely not a problem.

After understanding the general background, the most important thing for Yan Mulin at present is to record the advertisements arranged by the teacher into works. He is a boarding student, and the dormitories of Royal Huaxia Communication University are all double rooms. His dormitory is in the Department of Performance, and he usually appears in There is not much time in the dormitory, and Yan Mulin has enough space to complete the tasks he wants to complete.

He inquired about the meaning behind Piaget watches through the Internet, which type of social person it is the favorite, which age group is the favorite, whether there is a story behind it, every advertisement has its meaning, and every item has its representative Sex, dubbing is not simply to read the words of the advertisement, you have to let the audience feel the emotions contained in it, whether it is sadness, happiness, sadness, hurt and other emotions, all must be shown in a short time. The dubbing actor also needs to deeply understand and experience the characters' emotions according to all the characteristics provided by the characters in the commercial, and then mobilize the actor's own voice, plasticity and creativity of the language to get close to the matching characters, so that the dubbed characters become Fuller and more three-dimensional.

Since the advertisement has not yet been placed on major advertising platforms, Yan Mulin and others do not know its content. They can only understand its meaning through short text. Compared with other students, Yan Mulin submitted the material at the earliest time. slow. He attached great importance to the recording of the commercials. Unlike other students, he felt that he might not be selected at the beginning, and he didn't work hard. He just chose a voice they thought was the best and read the lines according to the lines.

Maybe it's because today's voice actors are a little impetuous. They think that appearance and finding a suitable agent or agency are the most important things. They haven't put in a lot of effort in learning dubbing.

Compared with Yan Mulin, who has worked hard to learn how to make a voice, how to use the vocal cords, and how to change his voice, they are really far behind. Of course, Yan Mulin at this time does not know that their normal state is like this. The time given by the teacher for handing in materials was three days. The students felt that three days was too much preparation time, but for Yan Mulin, the time was too short. He hadn’t really integrated into the current society. Quickly change ideas and hypnotize yourself to quickly integrate into the social environment.

There is still a certain gap between Yan Mulin's modern appearance and his own. Now he looks much better than he used to. His age and body are completely different from him who is running around for work. A young body is good, and there are inherent advantages , there are no problems with his tone, sense of language, image, and height. Yan Mulin is very satisfied with his own conditions. Coupled with the knowledge he has brought through hard work, it should not be a problem to evolve his voice to another level , He also searched the most influential male voice actors in China on the Internet. Indeed, talent and hard work are necessary. He feels that he can reach that height, not to mention that he has rich experience that others do not have.

After finally seeing that his favorite career has a future and vision, he will never give up no matter what.

In order to record good-quality material, Yan Mulin needs a good recording studio. The school’s recording studio is regularly open to students from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm every day. In order to avoid encountering Sheng Xiaxiao and others, Yan Mulin Or choose to order the recording studio from the Internet, he only needs to use it for half an hour, and it will not delay too much time.

Good recording studios are billed according to the time. After Yan Mulin saw the deposit, he was not too worried. His mother is a well-known actor, and the monthly living expenses for him are also very considerable. Yuan Yan Mulin, who has a flawed personality, basically Without communication skills, there is basically not much place to spend money except for food and clothing.

Let me help you spend it in the future, and do my best to fulfill your wish.

Yan Mulin, who has always been used to thrift, rented the school's public bicycles even though he spent enough money. Although they are public bicycles, the quality can be compared with mountain bikes, and the quality is really good. It is conceivable how good the government's welfare for students is now, and this level is definitely the style of capitalist countries.

Huaxia Kingdom maintains a traditional constitutional monarchy system, but everything is decided by the Congress. The royal family is more of an image representative to the outside world. It is the Prime Minister of Huaxia who really rules this country. He is the real leader of this country.

Autumn has just arrived, passing through the green forest road with a few leaves floating, Yan Mulin pedals a bicycle and follows the navigation to drive towards his destination, a sense of satisfaction arises spontaneously. Breathing the free and fresh air, I can't help but sigh, how many years have I not had such a free swim, and I have been running around for life and career. For that free dinner.

After riding for nearly half an hour, we finally arrived at our destination. The school is not far from the city, so it is convenient to go anywhere.

The urban environment is beautiful, and the government has put a lot of effort into the greening of the urban area. Everywhere is green and makes people feel comfortable. Although the Royal University of Communication is not located in the downtown area, it is not too far from the urban area. Along the road He found the recording studio he booked online.

This is a secluded place, not many people come and go. When Yan Mulin walked in, he saw only a decadent man sitting at the front desk, looking listless, with an unlit cigarette dangling from his mouth. Possibility of falling asleep.

Yan Mulin stepped forward to explain his purpose, and the other party used the computer to flip through the computer records, and the boss said lazily: "Turn left to the first room, there is a sound engineer waiting inside."

The boss is so casual, Yan Mulin began to doubt whether the facilities of the recording studio are perfect, so he can only maintain the mentality of "if you come, you will be safe". Walking into the recording studio, Yan Mulin's first impression was that it was better than the school's equipment. The sound engineer was a woman in her thirties. The difference from the boss's work attitude was that the sound engineer had a smile on her face. After talking about the precautions, she glanced at Yan Mulin's coat and said, "Are you from the Royal University of Communication?"

Yan Mulin just smiled, without answering, he cleared his throat and said, "Can I start recording?"

The voice actor is not a singer, so he doesn't need to wear headphones to listen to the voice. He just needs to record the commercial words that have been repeated a hundred times in his head. The sound engineer gestured to Yan Mulin in the control room to indicate that he can start recording.

Yan Mulin recorded different materials with different voices according to his own ideas, some were gorgeous, some were tender, and some were mature and stable. It was exactly half an hour after the recording was over. After copying the audio, Yan Mu Lin is basically satisfied with his music. The reason why he uses three recordings is because he is still not satisfied with his own voice. There are too few exercises, the vocal cords are not fully opened, and many voices cannot be displayed.

Now that he is a newcomer, he must first start with imitation. If the vocal cords are not opened, it is like a martial arts practitioner whose ligaments are not stretched. He cannot complete many difficult movements. Therefore, he didn't dare to use an exaggerated voice to express it, and tried to use the level he can use to express it.

The fee was paid directly online, and Yan Mulin left the recording studio after getting his material.

What he didn't know was that after he left, the female sound engineer said to the boss at the front desk who was about to fall asleep: "He is a newcomer with potential, do you want to consider recommending it to your brother?"

The boss said with sleepy eyes, "Now there are too many potential singers, I'm not interested."

The sound engineer shook his index finger in front of him: "He's not a singer, he's a dubber, a very serious kid."

The boss opened his eyes slightly and then closed them again. The kid just now was indeed clean and handsome. Let's talk about it when we meet again.

After returning to school, Yan Mulin listened to his own recorded audio on the computer several times, and he chose one to send to the teacher. There is no doubt that he was the one who handed it in last.

However, after the teacher listened to his audio, his first reaction was not to praise but to be puzzled. Did Yan Mulin find someone to match? He wants to cheat