Rebirth of a CV Star

Chapter 21: sign a contract


Shocked by Shao Nuoyu's fans on Weibo, Yan Mulin stared blankly at the Weibo account with tens of millions of fans. The refreshing Weibo background drew his attention back. Why isn't one in the entertainment circle? The people swept up in the list will have such a strong number of fans? That shows that he is a public figure with great influence. Apart from this, Yan Mulin can't think of other adjectives.

After patting his trembling right hand, Yan Mulin clenched the mouse, clicked on the commonly used search engine tool, entered the three words that Shao Nuoyu was so hot that he was about to blind him, pressed the Enter key, and waited anxiously for the result. Although there is only one second of waiting time, Yan Mulin has waited for as long as a century. What is Shao Nuoyu's identity? This kind of curious and nervous mood is really complicated, and the palms of his hands are sweating. He likes it. The man he wants to pursue must not be too big. Guanyin Bodhisattva blesses him, Guanyin Bodhisattva blesses him.

The character search has popped up, and the first column of the search engine interface is the three words Shao Nuoyu, and there are text and picture descriptions below, and it will be more detailed after clicking in.

Shao Nuoyu (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX), chairman of Shengting Group, a member of the royal family, has royal blood, the nephew of King Rong Ligeng of Huaxia, the deceased eldest princess and the eldest son of the former chairman of Shengting Group, and is currently the king of Huaxia. The ninth heir in line, once served as the captain of the Royal Cavalry in the First Dragoons of the Army, and holds the rank of Major General. Later, due to the death of her mother, Princess Yingyu, she returned to school to continue her studies. She graduated with honors from Wanyan University, which is ranked No. 1 in China, and successfully inherited Shengting Group and became one of the largest shareholders of Shengting Group.

The simple and clear introduction almost scared Yan Mulin into a heart attack. Members of the royal family, the chairman, and his mother is the eldest princess. Is this the living crown prince? Crown Prince? Although he didn't understand why the child of Princess Huaxia could become the crown prince, he didn't realize it was obvious. For a person with such a resume, Yan Mulin silently stuffed back the heart and lungs that were about to be taken out little by little.

One is a member of the royal family and the other is an ordinary person;

One is the prince who is sitting on tens of billions of assets, and the other is a poor student who has just earned pocket money; one sky, one land.

How can a person like him with a severe hatred of the rich endure such an invisible local tyrant, blacklist him, and never contact him again!

Well, we still need to pay attention to Weibo...

Yan Mulin, who had just been hit by the joy of becoming famous, silently closed the webpage and put the computer to sleep. He had to take a bath to wake himself up. Species exist, but they are alive, alive, he actually met a living one!

Are you going to freak out

While Yan Mulin was taking a bath and sighing, there was a bigger disturbance on the Internet because Yan Mulin paid attention to Shao Nuoyu's account. Weibo is very popular among netizens because of its aboveboard rules. Most of the reasons may be that fans who follow bloggers can see the people the blogger follows and the people they follow.

Yan Mulin only posts one Weibo, and only pays attention to Shao Nuoyu. Of course, he will not be discovered by fans. He is the protagonist of the hot topic on Weibo. The reason why he can throw a huge wave is Shao Nuo, whose number of followers has been [0] in N years Yu-Rae Weibo account suddenly became [1]!

Shao Nuoyu's fans read it right!

Really read it right!

Their male god, their royal highness, and their idol's Weibo, the number of followers finally broke through the zero mark!

Attentive fans found out, and the next thing they did was to get to the bottom of this enviable, jealous guy who was being watched, and who wanted to be burned to death. Who is so lucky to be the first object of attention of our idol!

Don't you know that our Royal Highness Nuo Yu has always been cold and doesn't pay attention to others? Don't you know that our Highness Nuo Yu always treats netizens and fans with a calm, fair, fair and unwavering mood? Don't you know that our Highness Nuoyu is unattainable

Which bastard is so disgusting and has attracted attention, we have to pay attention!

Following in the footsteps of the idol, a wave of fans poured into the Weibo account of "I'm not a horned eagle".

What the hell! The number of followers is also [1], the number of fans is also [1], and the number of tweets is still [1]. Do you think that if there are too many [1], you can become a gong? Our Highness Nuo Yu is the gong. Look, even the avatar is the same. Weibo official public chrysanthemum pictures!

Who is this "I am not a horned eagle"

The only Weibo with only five words and a profile picture!

Careful fans found that this side face looks familiar, think about it carefully, think about it again, ah! what!

It's him! It's him! it's him!

It's that side face! ! !

Fans who were excited and knew the reason began to comment on Yan Mulin's Weibo with 0 retweets, 0 comments, and 0 likes...

[God, why does His Highness pay attention to the profile! ]

[What is your relationship with His Highness, come out, we will not beat you to death! ]

[Silently begging for photos of your Highness's life...]

[Silently asking for your Highness's life photos +1]

[Silently ask His Royal Highness for life photos + 2]

[I seem to have found something incredible 2333333]

[The side face actually just opened Weibo, is he a Taoist priest or a monk from the mountains? Or trumpet? ]

[Ah, it's not easy to find the horned eagle's Weibo at last! ! ! ! ! ]

[This picture is really stupid. ]

[What do you mean I have Weibo? Are you a country bumpkin? ]

[You city people really know how to play. ]

These and other comments piled up more and more, and the number of retweets of comments began to increase again. Weibo with only one fan just now began to increase. In less than half an hour, the number of fans reached 200,000, which is more than buying fans. To exaggerate, and the data is still skyrocketing upwards.

During the daytime, people from three parties were already paying attention to Yan Mulin. At night, he dropped another deep-water torpedo, and just registered a Weibo without an avatar, and was followed by a certain prince. What is the origin of this person? What's the background? Hey!

No, as the first three parties, we have to pay attention to it, gossip should follow up at any time, even His Royal Highness Chujun comes out, that is His Royal Highness Chujun, and the chairman of Shengting Group.

Fans of Wei Zijun should pay attention to "I am not a horned eagle".

Fans of Xue Ziping should pay attention to "I am not a horned eagle".

Fans of the ventriloquist club should also pay attention to "I am not a horned eagle".

For a while, the first Weibo of "I'm not a horned eagle" was reposted in various ways. Passers-by who didn't know it saw various circles of friends. Come on, why don't I pay attention to it, anyway, it doesn't hurt to follow, this profile photo is not bad, he is a handsome guy, give me a thumbs up.

After taking a bath, Yan Mulin blow-dried her hair and went to sleep. In the morning, she followed Yan Ziqiong and the others to the crew to audition, and in the afternoon, she went out to dinner. She was still quite tired. Aunt Zhou took care of everything online. It’s so late, let’s go to bed first. .

Yan Mulin, who has been a hands-off shopkeeper, has no idea what effect the mutual attention between him and Shao Nuoyu has had, and Zhou Wenjing's network marketing team, who has just brought Yan Mulin under his wing, has had a hard time. I thought that the task handed in by sister Zhou would be very ordinary, but who knew that the newcomer who hadn't even shown his face became so popular in one day.

Wang Teng is the director of the second branch of the Internet marketing team. He is the poor man who took over the task of the newcomer Yan Mulin. He just opened the folding chair and wanted to sleep and rest for a while. The public figures are paying attention, ouch, fuck me, there is actually a Prince Chu, you have finished the publicity, what do you want us to do, a wallflower on the toilet!

Sister Zhou, is the newcomer you hired really a newcomer? A Weibo has twists and turns, one wave after another, one after another, and there is no repetition. I really want to cry. It seems that I don’t need to sleep tonight.

"Cheer up, everyone, if there are sunspots, brush them off immediately!"

"Yes..." Everyone was so sleepy, it had been a long time since they worked overtime and stared at Weibo.

One night passed in a lively manner.

The next day, Yan Mulin had just washed up and put on a pullover sports hoodie to go for a run in the nearby playground. On the way back, he received many strange looks. Reminiscent of yesterday's video, Yan Mulin put the hat on his head .

The breakfast in the cafeteria is always rich and varied, but Yan Mulin's favorite is soy milk fritters, and occasionally he will change to a Western-style breakfast, eating bread and milk or something. Today, he changed his previous style of not looking at his mobile phone, and got up early in the morning to check his Weibo. I don't know if Shao Nuoyu followed him. It would be best if he did, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't.

Clicking on Weibo with anticipation, Yan Mulin saw the data on the interface, and almost threw the phone into the cup of soy milk!

Oh my goodness!

How could it be his Weibo with 0 followers yesterday? Could it be that there was a problem in the backstage of Weibo, did he just cross over

Take a closer look, "I'm not a horned eagle" Weibo nickname, there is nothing wrong with it.

Before he could continue his research, Zhou Wenjing called directly.

[Mu Lin, are you up yet? ]

"Get up, have breakfast in the cafeteria."

[Is there any important class to attend this morning? ]

Yan Mulin thought for a while: "The morning is a major class, and the afternoon is a professional class."

[Well, at 8:30, I will ask the driver to pick up the company downstairs, and Ziqiong and I will go there directly. The company drew up the contract last night, you should prepare it, Ziqiong has read the contract and thinks there is no problem, you can sign it with confidence. ]

Unexpectedly, Yan Mulin, who was about to sign a contract suddenly, scratched the side of his face: "Okay, I will listen to Auntie and Aunt Zhou."

At nine o'clock, Yan Mulin arrived at the palatial building, where there were obvious hanging portraits everywhere, and there were everywhere celebrity TV promotional videos. He happened to meet Zhou Wenjing in the lobby, and Yan Ziqiong was also there. Her expression was still lukewarm, But judging from the fact that she would help Yan Mulin, she should not be as indifferent as she imagined. To the original Yan Mulin, she just didn't know how to express her feelings.


There is no more time to sigh.

What Yan Mulin is going to face now is the boss of the contracted brokerage company——Fang Yiyuan, the big boss of Noah's Ark Film Distribution Co., Ltd.

Fang Yiyuan, a man who is over fifty but looks like forty years old, put his chin on one hand and said with a smile: "So you are really not a horned eagle."

Yan Mulin: "..."

He said with grief and indignation in his heart: I am so sorry for making you look so pitiful!