Rebirth of a CV Star

Chapter 25: shadow puppets


Cameras are installed everywhere in the recording and broadcasting hall. If you can’t capture the expressions of the actors, you can use the live cameraman. Every actor has a supporting cameraman. Yan Mulin is accompanied by a particularly strong cameraman. He is a bit burly, and I am a little envious of him stature.

Under the director's command, the five of them began to read the lines, and the requirement was 100% pass. For ordinary people, this may be difficult, but the words of professional actors are often practiced. They must be familiar and cannot be more familiar . That's right, before the professional voice actors, they must be very familiar with "Reporting the Names of Dishes" or "Reporting the Names of Places".

Among the five people, only half of them are real professional voice actors. The oldest one is Tian Zhenyang, he definitely has a professional background, Tang Wenhao also has a professional background, Yan Mulin is still a student, half of them are students, Lu Zhongting and Tao Bochen are both late stage actors. It doesn't count that they just went to school to study, but they shouldn't be underestimated. They probably have some skills in their current position.

Yan Mulin didn't dare to underestimate anyone, he earnestly completed his task.

On the first day of filming, not only Yan Mulin did not dare to underestimate others, but other people also had the same idea. From the first level, they all worked hard to meet the requirements of the program group, otherwise they would not be able to reach the next level, and they would not be able to reach the next level. I want to be the last one. After the show is broadcast, the first impression it gives the audience is very important, the key to attracting fans.

Everyone wants to go back and go back, and they don't stop talking, so there is no need to score the words!

As the oldest Tian Zhenyang was the first to speak, what he drew was "Reporting Place Names". He took a deep breath, transported his qi to his dantian, and rushed to the north gate, and walked to Dahongqiao, Hebei Street, Yangcun, Caicun, Hexiwu Anping Matou, Zhangjiawan, Tongzhou Bali Bridge, Beijing Qihuamen, Beijing Deshengmen, Qinghe Shahe... "

After Tian Zhenyang spoke, Lu Zhongting continued, his is "Reporting Place Names": "Go to Beidaguan, go to Dahongqiao, Hebei Street, Yangcun, Caicun, Hexi, Wu'an, Pingmatou, Zhangjiawan, Bentongzhou, Bali Bridge, enter Beijing, Qihuamen, exit Beijing Desheng The door goes to Qinghe Shahe... "

Tao Bochen is "Reporting the name of the dish": "Steamed lamb, steamed bear's paw, steamed deer tail, roasted flower duck, roasted chicken, roasted goose oven, pig oven duck sauce chicken, bacon, pine flower, small belly, sauce meat, sausage, assorted crispy plate..."

Yan Mulin also opened his mouth, he and Tao Bochen are the same, they are all "reported dishes": "Steamed lamb, steamed bear's paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chick, roasted chicken, roasted goose, pig, duck sauce, chicken bacon, pine flower, small belly sauce meat Sausage assorted pastries…”

Tang Wenhao is also in "Reporting Place Names": "Go to Daguan, Hebei Street, Dahongqiao, Yangcun, Caicun, Hexi, Wu'an, Pingmatou, Zhangjiawan, go to Bali Bridge, Tongzhou, enter Beijing Qihuamen, exit Beijing Deshengmen, walk to Qinghe Shahe..."

Perhaps because the machine was too strict and rigid, no one got a 100% correct rate in the first round, the highest was Tang Wenhao, whose correct rate was 95%, the rest and others, Yan Mu Lin was 94%, Tang Wenhao was one point behind, Tian Zhenyang was 92%, Lu Zhongting was 91%, and Tao Bochen was 88%.

As soon as the scores of the first round came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Tang Wenhao was very dissatisfied with his results, but he said with a smile: "I think I have to buy a machine like this to go home."

Tian Zhenyang also said: "It seems to be quite easy to use."

Lu Zhongting touched his chin: "It seems that I can only conquer it with my charm."

Yan Mulin said: "Shall we continue?"

Tao Bochen's grades were last, he was a little depressed, he just maintained a superficial smile, he could not compare with other seniors, but Yan Mulin was a newcomer, he had to surpass him, he didn't want to be the one at the bottom.

Tian Zhenyang and the others said to continue, and Yan Mulin naturally wanted to continue. He thought about where he didn't pronounce the pronunciation correctly, and then started again. Only continue to proceed to the next level, continue to continue, don't waste time!

The five actors tried their best to get the praise of the machine. In the end, the first one to pass the test was Tang Wenhao, whose score was far ahead of everyone. He passed the test for the third time, and Yan Mulin was the second and third time. , but he was a bit slower. Tian Zhenyang and Lu Zhongting tied for third place. They each read five times before reaching the standard, and they scored together. Tao Bochen was still at the bottom. It took him the longest time, and he passed seven times. If he passed it, otherwise he would have given up participating in the show, the first level would be so difficult.

The actors who successfully advanced were directly led by the staff to the special car waiting for them, and the director explained to them the next second task in the car, which was also the focus of their first episode.

Their next destination is the Shadow Puppet City, which is the most concentrated place of shadow puppetry in the city. There are shadow puppet theaters that have been passed down for hundreds of years. Different shadow puppet theaters have different styles. There are shadow puppet theaters with all kinds of dramas, and there are also shadow puppet theaters with only ancient dramas.

The program group chose the theater with the oldest inheritance of craftsmanship and the most complete ancient drama in the shadow puppet city. It has an elegant name, Liuli Pavilion. It is said that the ancestor of the boss was a romantic talent. He carried forward his ancestral shadow puppetry. At the same time, he did not forget to hook up with the talented girl in the brothel. The ending is naturally that the two lived happily together after experiencing twists and turns. It is very fairy tale like the story of the prince and princess. To commemorate his wife, he named the shadow puppet theater after his wife and changed it to Liuli Pavilion.

When Yan Mulin arrived at Liuli Pavilion, he was greeted by an old man with a serious expression and a goatee on his chin. The choreographer gave him a brief introduction: "This is Master Bian Haifeng, the veteran shadow puppet maker of our Liuli Pavilion. , because you won the second place in the competition just now, and the corresponding mentor is Master Bian Haifeng. You will choose a shadow puppet show that you will perform tomorrow, and then he will teach you how to make shadow puppets today. It will be used for tomorrow night's performance."

Yan Mulin's eyes suddenly brightened, he reached out his hands to Master Bian, and shook hands with him: "Master Bian, hello."

Master Bian has a serious face, and you can see a bit of disdain in his eyes when you look closely, but because of the camera of the TV series, he still stretches out his hand to shake hands with Yan Mulin: "Please follow me." Why do you want to participate in the show if you don't want to? Woolen cloth? Yan Mulin was very puzzled.

From here, it can be seen that in the next two days, Yan Mulin and his team will divide their tasks into three steps. One is to learn how to make shadow puppets, the other is to learn shadow puppets, and the third is to use the shadow puppets they made and learned shadow puppets on stage. Performance.

Shadow puppetry is an ancient traditional Chinese folk art, and old Beijingers call it "donkey shadow puppetry". According to historical records, shadow puppetry began in the Warring States Period, flourished in the Han Dynasty, flourished in the Song Dynasty, and spread to West Asia and Europe in the Yuan Dynasty. It has a long history and a long history.

Making shadow puppets and learning shadow puppets are not easy tasks, and this is what they need to challenge. Of course, when the show is broadcast, some viewers may have doubts, what is the relationship between shadow puppets and voice actors

Of course, shadow puppets are related to dubbing actors. When performing shadow puppets, artists manipulate the opera characters with their hands while singing stories in popular local tunes, accompanied by percussion instruments and strings, behind a white curtain. Territories have different manifestations. Similar to dubbing, the roles performed by dubbing actors also have different properties and require different forms of expression. Shadow puppetry has lines and performances. To attract the audience, the skills of lines and expressive ability are very important. This is why the program team chose shadow puppetry as the task highlight of the first episode.

First of all, Yan Mulin has to choose the shadow puppet show he wants to perform. In front of him are "Three Heroes Fighting Lu Bu", "The Peacock Flies Southeast", "The Legend of the White Snake", "Journey to the West", "Feng Shen Bang", etc. Yan Mulin I chose "The Peacock Flies to the Southeast" without hesitation.

Master Bian said to him, "Have you ever learned about the process of making shadow puppets?"

Yan Mulin nodded, and smiled modestly: "I know a little bit, it's just superficial, I dare not take it too seriously."

Yes, Yan Mulin not only knows that he has also worked in the shadow puppet troupe for four or five years, but for the dream of dubbing, he resolutely gave up his job in the shadow puppet troupe. Of course, part of the reason is that he once offended the troupe The eldest son has been suppressed in the theater troupe. Every time he has a chance to be promoted, he is dismissed. As time goes by, his heart also fades.

Now it seems that this is a valuable experience.

Master Bian said: "That's good, you will understand better when I teach. There are several processes in making leather scenes, such as material selection, carving, coloring, sewing, and painting, which are affected by the external environment and animal skins. Influenced by various factors such as differences in material texture, shadow puppets have different styles in different places, and our family is mainly in the southern style of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Now I will take you to our shadow puppet workshop."

Yan Mulin followed Master Bian and walked towards the production workshop, followed by the cameraman and director. The program group stipulated that the actors would show the produced shadow puppets one by one in Liuli's performance hall before sunset. Other shadow puppets who did not participate in the production The master will score, and now the plays produced by each actor are within the scope of confidentiality, and no one knows which play the other party has produced.

The time was too tight, Yan Mulin followed Master Bian to learn how to make shadow puppetry, his skillful techniques and movements made Master Bian change his initial concept, the young actor in front of him was not the kind he imagined, he was entertaining with his face But why isn't his granddaughter's idol his kind, but those teenage boy groups who sing unnutritious pop songs all day long.

He ate lunch with the masters in the shop, Yan Mulin didn't choose, he also chose a work meal of the masters, of course, compared to the masters' big mouthfuls, his eating looks still elegant, he He also sincerely praised Master Bian for their better food than what he had at school, which made all the masters amused. Compared with the seriousness in the morning, the atmosphere is harmonious now.

The cameraman took pictures of Yan Mulin's production process with his master. Before he came to the show, he did not mention to Zhou Wenjing and the program team that he had learned some shadow puppetry. I hope it will not cause trouble to everyone. The things he was thinking about did not exist. Zhou Wenjing learned that he had learned how to make shadow puppets a long time ago, and she was too happy. The program team naturally felt that this was a selling point. Presumably Yan Mulin would be the first highlight of their program, that is, a dark horse.

After completing the first seven steps, Yan Mulin and his masters carefully made the last step—knotting. In order to allow the shadow puppet to move flexibly, a complete shadow puppet figure usually has a head, chest, abdomen, legs, arms, elbows, and hands from head to toe, a total of eleven parts.

A stick is installed on the upper front of the chest of the characters in the literature field, connected with iron wires, so that the shadow figure can reverse the movement, and a stick is installed on each of the hands, which is convenient for both hands to dance. The chest sticks of the martial arts characters are installed behind the chest The upper part (that is, the upper part of the back shoulder) is convenient for martial arts, so that the shadow puppets can make various postures such as running, standing, sitting, lying, lying, rolling, crawling, and fighting.

The "Peacock Flies to the Southeast" selected by Yan Mulin does not involve martial arts scenes, which can save more time in the production process, which is why he did not hesitate to choose "The Peacock Flies to the Southeast", the characters involved are not There are many, and it is convenient to produce, and only excerpts are excerpted during the performance.

Really easy.

After an afternoon of hard work, the team of Yan Mulin and Master Bian successfully completed all the shadow puppets they will need tomorrow. Yan Mulin and Master Bian brought their finished products to the designated hall of Liuli Theater within the specified time .

Yan Mulin and Master Bian's group were the first to arrive. Of course, their works were put on display, but they could only temporarily sit in a temporary private room and wait until all the works of the other four actors were released. Go out and enter the scoring contest.

Within half an hour, all the works of the five actors were put together on a transparent glass frame, waiting for the masters to judge.

Each actor's private room has a small live broadcast TV. They can watch the voting situation in the downstairs hall through the small TV. There are a total of 30 masters, all of whom are invited by the program team. They have ten minutes to observe, and after ten minutes, they have to put the tickets in their hands into the work they think is the best.

Because today's selection has nothing to do with sound for the time being, the five actors have no chance to use their voices to canvass votes for themselves. They can only sit silently in front of the small TV and watch the masters vote for the works of other actors. Vote for one, although my work is ugly, but I really put my heart into it.

However, praying is of no use. After the master craftsmen voted, they chose their seats and sat down. The five producers walked from the private room to the hall downstairs. They passed by their own and each other's works exhibition, and first looked around.

Tao Bochen pointed to one of the exquisite and beautiful shadow puppets and said: "Mr. Tian, I heard that you have learned shadow puppets before. This must be your work."

Tian Zhenyang looked at him and said, "This is really not mine."

Lu Zhongting pointed to one of the shadow puppets whose legs were about to fall off and said, "Wen Hao, this can't be your work, right? The legs are about to fall off, hahaha!"

Tang Wenhao smiled evilly and said, "You guessed wrong this time, it's not mine!"

Tao Bochen, who was standing next to Tian Zhenyang, blushed, and the other four said: "..." They understood in seconds.

Everyone immediately changed the subject, so it's better not to continue talking at this time, it's a little embarrassing.

The "Where is the Voice" program group has no host, and only the director Teng Jianren, who has a very memorable name, announced the results. Director Teng stood in front of the five actors and began to announce the results just calculated. The number one actor will be announced tomorrow. Will be the last to appear, the grand finale.

Before the ranking was announced, the director asked the five of them who would rank first, and all of them pointed at Tian Zhenyang, and Tian Zhenyang said that it was definitely not him, and the director was not continuing to play tricks.

For the effect of the program, he spent ten minutes announcing the ranking.

The first to announce is the fourth and third place, the former is Lu Zhongting, and the latter is Tang Wenhao.

Not surprisingly, the fifth place was Tao Bochen. He smiled at everyone and said, "I have always failed in art since I was a child. I must be fifth."

Only Yan Mulin and Tian Zhenyang's results were not announced.

Tian Zhenyang shrugged and said, "The number one is definitely not me."

Yan Mulin touched his earlobe: "I'm a little nervous now, but I think Senior Tian must have done a better job than me." The slightly shy expression was well done, and everyone present was nervous for him.

The announcement of the results surprised everyone present, including the masters present and the four actors.

Yan Mulin was first and Tian Zhenyang was second.

After the ranking is announced, the works of the corresponding actors will also be announced on the big screen. Yan Mulin's set of works is indeed exquisite, not at all like a work made by a novice. Compared with the morning master, the serious master Bian has a few more faces. smile.

This young man has a future.

After comparing everyone's works, the three seniors sighed unanimously: the younger generation is awesome.

Only Tao Bochen had a different idea. He realized that he had underestimated Yan Mulin from the very beginning. Of course, he would not be so stupid as to ask the director Yan Mulin if he had a backstage, or if the program team cheated to make him the number one. Now some big-name stars are invited to participate in singing competitions, but they don’t want to be losers. When they signed a contract with the program group, they stipulated that they must be given the first place in the program, otherwise they would not be able to increase the ratings of your program.

As a person of the same age, Tao Bochen didn't want Yan Mulin to overwhelm his limelight. That night, Tao Bochen discussed with his manager what would happen after the show started.
