Rebirth of a CV Star

Chapter 29: was arrested


Zhu Qihang is a fan of dubbing, and also a loyal fan of shadow puppetry. He likes to go to different shadow puppet theaters to listen to the performances of the same play. He likes to analyze the differences between the performances of each shadow puppet theater. He is still a student, and he is also the pride of his teacher. A student, but he is neither conceited nor arrogant. He is humble when he should be humble, and public when he should be public. This is related to his good family education. Of course, he is not a dubbing professional, nor is he a shadow play actor.

Whenever Zhu Qihang encounters difficulties in his studies, he will go to the theater to listen to shadow puppets. He likes to put himself in the atmosphere of shadow puppets, which will bring him different inspirations.

Today, Zhu Qihang also encountered a bottleneck and came to the Liuli Theater as well, but this time it was different from last time, but he still chose to buy a ticket and sit down. At the beginning, he heard extremely poor shadow puppetry performances. For a shadow puppetry lover, he wanted to throw melon seeds on the stage when he heard an inappropriate performance. Obviously, because of his good family-teacher relationship, he held back. , and didn't turn around and leave just because he heard a bad sound.

The performance of the first repertoire was so-so, the second repertoire was acceptable, the third repertoire was not bad, the fourth repertoire was normal, until the appearance of the fifth repertoire, the grievance that the heroine tactfully told at the beginning made Zhu Qihang With a flash in front of his eyes, he seemed to have found the feeling of getting started, but he was just getting started, and he hadn't really stepped in yet. He hoped to hear the voice of the heroine again.

After the heroine's voice ended, the hero appeared, and this time Zhu Qihang didn't just get started, he no longer lingered at the door, but really stepped into the realm that he imagined in his mind, continue to listen, Mother Jiao's The appearance, the appearance of Liu's mother, and Liu's brother's appearance all gave him inspiration, flowing like a clear spring, he caught it, he knew what he wanted to write, it was that feeling, he found up!

Taking out the notebook that he carried with him, Zhu Qihang wrote down the outline of the idea he just thought of in his notebook. He had already thought about it, and all the flashes of inspiration were recorded in his notebook.

When Zhu Qihang finished writing, there were only a few people in the audience queuing up to vote. The staff saw that he was still sitting and recording something, so they asked him to vote quickly. Throw it in the box. Because he was too excited in his mind, he didn't notice the off-site host and the cameraman standing in front of him.

Seeing that he was the last viewer with a particularly harmless face, the host stopped him: "Sir, can I have a short interview with you, we just saw You voted for ballot box five and would like to get your opinion on the show you support."

With a harmless face, Zhu Qihang pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "That's right, number five is very good, this performance has given me new inspiration."

The host also stopped by and said, "Thank you very much! Good night."

Back home, Zhu Qihang immediately dropped his backpack and rushed into his workshop, almost scaring his parents when he rushed into the workshop like the wind.

Zhu's mother worried: "Is there something wrong with my son? Doesn't matter if he really has no problems."

Father Zhu spread out the newspaper, glanced at the closed work room and said, "What can I do? Whenever I have an inspiration, I will ask the nanny to bring him some snacks and supper at night. Don't be hungry."

Zhu's mother agreed with Zhu's father's proposal, and immediately called the nanny to explain the situation that needs to be paid attention to in the past few days. The son's health is the most important.

Of course, they don't know that a lively comic is about to be born at this time, and it will be made into an animation.

Zhu Qihang is a new-generation cartoonist who is now popular in the animation industry.

After getting the rating results from the masters, the program team did not let Yan Mulin and others go so quickly. The main event is still to come, and the ratings of the audience are still in the statistics and have not yet come out.

The program group directly arranged for five people to go to the masters' recording and broadcasting room. When he first met the masters, Yan Mulin found that the masters were looking for the lead actor of "The Peacock Flies to the Southeast" with their piercing eyes.

Director Teng came up with an idea and said: "Every five of you say a word, let the masters guess which one is Liu Lanzhi and Jiao Zhongqing?"

The masters smiled cooperatively, expressing that they had no objections, they just guessed, no matter who they were afraid of.

Tian Zhenyang no longer acted as the boss in front of the masters, he said to Lu Zhongting: "Why don't you come first?"

Yan Mulin continued: "You should come first."

Lu Zhongting saw what they meant and said, "Then let me do it."

After Tang Wenhao understood what they meant, he said, "You all don't come."

Only Tao Bochen finally realized that they had finished speaking, and then reacted, and continued: "Then who will go first."

The five of them even cooperated temporarily, and Director Teng smiled at the four masters: "This is not a script written by our program group."

Li Jin applauded their cooperation: "Very good."

The other three masters also agreed. Apart from that, they had nothing else to say. They were all thinking about who the protagonist of "Peacock Flies to the Southeast" was. It's a bit difficult to put together.

Director Teng counted down to five four three two one for them, and the four masters pointed at Yan Mulin together.

Everyone exclaimed: "..." As expected of a master, I actually heard it.

In fact, the masters were also amazed. When the five people came in, they thought it might be Tian Zhenyang at first glance, but after Tian Zhenyang spoke, they denied the answer. His voice was too deep and easy to recognize; When Yan Mulin’s voice came out, they didn’t think it was him for the first time, and the master continued to listen; Lu Zhongting’s voice was mid-bass, and it would be more difficult to play a female role; Tang Wenhao can play a female role, but the shrew type The composition is unexpectedly, young women and girls are not good enough, so there is only Tao Bochen. Seeing that he is slow to respond, he must not be the actor who can change freely among the five roles. Then, after everything is ruled out, only the suspected Yan Mulin...

The youngest child present.

There is only one truth, and that is you—Yan Mulin!

Teacher Tong Jianhua looked at Yan Mulin and said, "Are we right?"

Yan Mulin looked at them innocently, and nodded embarrassingly: "Ah, it's me."

Teacher Huang Xingyun slapped the fan on his left hand and said, "It wasn't your real voice just now, but it is now. Young man, you are a talented person, do you want to be my apprentice?"

Li Jin, who had been silent all this time, glanced at Huang Xingyun: "Don't listen to him. In fact, I also want an apprentice, and I really want you."

i want you so much...

What this says...

Yan Mulin swallowed silently. Although Teacher Li Jin was nearly forty years old, he looked quite young.

Cough, stop, stop, I can't be sorry to his Prince Nuoyu. Obviously, he didn't know that his Prince Nuoyu had voted for him several times. If there was a reader reward system like writing a novel, he would see a man named "Shao Nuoyu" throwing millions of dollars to him. reward.

Yan Mulin, who was scrambled for by the masters as soon as he said a word, could only look at the director at this time, he didn't know how to deal with it. Although he dreams of having a master who can help him, it is not yet the time to choose a master, and he has not yet made up his mind.

Director Teng and the program team never thought that Yan Mulin was so popular among the masters. It was just the first time they met. Where did the boss of Noah's Ark dig out such a genius? He has other things he doesn't understand

After the interaction between the master and the actors, the next step is to announce the ranking of the audience's vote.

However, unexpectedly, the result of the audience vote was completely different from the master's score. The first place was Tian Zhenyang, the second was Yan Mulin, the third was Tang Wenhao, the fourth was Lu Zhongting, and the fifth was It's Tao Bochen.

Yan Mulin is very satisfied with this result, he has no meaning, after all, the audience is not a master, they do not have professional ears to judge the backstage situation, this is also a suspense and a big gift left by the program group to the audience present tonight.

It's a pity, but after the show starts, it will definitely create more topics for Yan Mulin. If he also gets the first place among the audience, that would be meaningless. As the chief director, Teng Jianren is very satisfied with the results of the audience vote. The program must be topical.

No one comforted Yan Mulin, and he didn't need to be comforted. In the eyes of others, it's great, really great for a newcomer to get this result.

After the results were announced, even if the recording of the show was completed, Yan Mulin exchanged Weibo and mobile phone numbers with the seniors during the two days and one night. Contact Yan Mulin.

When he left, Yan Mulin was still a little disappointed, and the masters probably didn't like him either.

Zhou Wenjing personally drove Yan Mulin back to school. She asked Yan Mulin if she wanted to go back to Yan Ziqiong's house. After receiving the dubbing of "The Inner Ghost", if she still goes to her house in the middle of the night, it will definitely cause a bad reputation. Yan Mulin also wants to be famous, but he doesn't want to do it this way.

No matter who it is, it is a kind of respect.

It was already late at night when I returned to school. After Yan Mulin took a shower, he looked through tomorrow's class, then lay on the bed and went straight to sleep.

The two-day program recording was exhausting, but Yan Mulin was still young, he would also exercise regularly, and the next day he got up for a run and had breakfast at the normal time, and checked Weibo by the way, and returned to the dormitory when he got bored Take the book and go to class.

Back in class again, the students were no strangers to Yan Mulin's frequent leave.

It's just that when he returned to school this time, Yan Mulin still received strange looks. The students who usually sat beside Sheng Xiaxiao would occasionally look back at him in class. Yan Mulin was stared inexplicably. I went to record the show. What happened these days

After class, someone still couldn't help running up to him, and said with an attitude of 'it's all Yan Mulin's fault': "Do you know that Sheng Xiaxiao has transferred to the Finance Department."

Yan Mulin, who was drinking water, almost sprayed water on Dogleg A's face: "What does it have to do with me?"

Dogleg A asked him: "We guess it was because of you that he went to the finance department."

Yan Mulin said: "You all said that you guessed it, please don't use this kind of guessing conclusion to convict others, Sheng Xiaxiao and I are just ordinary classmates, if someone else wants to change departments, what does it have to do with me, why don't you personally Ask him himself."

Dogleg A blushed angrily and said, "He doesn't contact us at all."

Yan Mulin shrugged: "I'm sorry, I don't have his contact information, so don't look for me."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the cafeteria.

However, as soon as Yan Mulin left the teaching building, two bodyguards personally "invited" him to a very familiar car.

Sitting in the car was Sheng Xiachen who was repeatedly choked by Yan Mulin, Yan Mulin gave him a white look: "Mr. Sheng, your way of inviting people is too special."

Sheng Xiachen signaled the driver to drive, then turned to Yan Mulin and said, "This is what my father meant, you can tell him later." It was easy to catch Yan Mulin, how could he let it go. Ask Sheng Xiaxiao about Yan Mulin without saying anything, with a face of a dead person who has nothing to love, and even play with him, his mother immediately asked him to go through the formalities for his brother to transfer, as happy as anything Yeah, saying that his brother finally wants to help his father or something.

Yan Mulin knew that he couldn't dodge it, playing jumping off a car, he spared his life, he didn't have the guts.

Yan Mulin looked out of the window and sighed, "It's a blessing, not a disaster, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided..."

Young Master Sheng: "... just let you have a meal, can you stop the crow's mouth!"

Yan Mulin ignored him, but he was upset, so he sang the whole time while sitting in the car, it was very miserable, the one who made Mr. Sheng angry...

None of the songs she sang were pop songs, such as: "Little cabbage~~The yellow in the field~~Three years old and two years old~~I lost my mother~~"

Another example: "The snowflakes are floating~~The north wind is blowing~~The snowflakes are fluttering~~The year is coming~~Dad goes out to hide from the tent~~The whole seven days~~"

After singing, Yan Mulin also brought his own erhu sound. If the erhu is handled well, it is really sad to the extreme. He hummed "Little Cabbage" and "White-haired Girl".

That sadness, that misery, that sourness, that...

What the hell are they singing!

They are both majoring in dubbing, why is there such a difference between the two younger brothers

Wait, Yan Mulin is not his younger brother.

Mr. Sheng, who was still happy for catching someone just now, is jumping and jumping on both sides of his temples being stimulated by Yan Mulin's singing and the sound of the erhu. He really wants to beat this bastard to death!

Sheng Xiachen couldn't bear to stare at Yan Mulin anymore and shouted, "Yan Mulin, I've had enough of you, shut up."

Then, Yan Mulin stopped his singing, and Sheng Xiachen turned his head in satisfaction, but before turning his head back, he heard a voice that was so familiar to him: "Shut up, Sheng Xiachen, shut up. "

Sheng Xiachen suddenly turned around and stretched out his hand to grab Yan Mulin's neck: "You crazy."

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, talking to him in his father's voice, and learning it perfectly like...

Yan Mulin said with a strange look on his face: "Yes, I am crazy, if you were me, you would go crazy too."

Sheng Xiachen couldn't answer for a while, and sat back in his seat with a cold snort.

Yan Mulin also stopped singing strange songs and saying strange words, just staring at the sparrows jumping back and forth in pairs on the telephone pole.

It's time for heat.