Rebirth of a CV Star

Chapter 34: Burned


When Yan Mulin signed the contract for "Dream of Red Mansions", he was still a little light-headed. He felt like he was dreaming. To get the role so easily, he really never dreamed of it before.

There are two contracts, one for cartoons and one for TV dramas. There are eight characters in total, four for each contract. Originally, Ma Yuhuai wanted to give Yan Mulin more roles, but other directors tried their best to dissuade them. No matter how good Mu Lin is, you can't give them all. Do the other voice actors have to eat

Despite all kinds of reluctance, Ma Yuhuai still listened to the other directors' words, there can be no less than four, and he is really not good at bargaining.

Yan Mulin returned to the car with a surprise, Zhou Wenjing said to him: "Are you happy?"

Yan Mulin blinked and said, "Of course." He didn't express his joy obviously, but took out his mobile phone to thank Shao Nuoyu. Without him, he probably wouldn't have had the chance to be accepted by anyone other than Director Chen. The director knew him, especially Ma Yuhuai.

Yan Mulin solemnly proposed to invite Shao Nuoyu to dinner, and continue to hug his thighs casually, such thick thighs should be hugged well.

Shao Nuoyu, who received the text message, was sitting in the meeting room and listening to the annual income report of his subordinates. He had read the information a long time ago, but now he was just listening to the report. He was not focused on it at all, but concentrated on it Send a text message to Yan Mulin.

Yan Mulin was asking him if there was anything he particularly liked to eat, and Shao Nuoyu replied that he likes to eat home-cooked food, and he likes to eat hot pot in winter.

Yan Mulin's cooking skills are only average, but hot pot is easy, no problem, when will you be free

Shao Nuoyu told him that he had something to do in the past two days, weekends are fine.

Yan Mulin immediately checked his itinerary. Tomorrow he was going to participate in the recording of the second episode of "Where is the Voice?" It took two days and one night, and he just came back from the weekend. Will it be convenient? Oh, it's so annoying. I definitely don't have time to arrange it today. Let's talk about it when I come back.

The dubbing of "Dream of Red Mansions" has not yet started, and he will stay in the crew for a week next week. Ma Yuhuai said that it is for him to experience the simplicity of Rongguo Mansion, to find out what it was like to live in that dynasty, and to experience it more.

Yan Mulin certainly couldn't refuse, and he never thought about refusing. Ma Yuhuai had the absolute right to speak whether it was the animation team or the TV drama team.

Yan Mulin hides all psychological activities under the calm expression. Zhou Wenjing did not send Yan Mulin home, but sent him back to school. Now Yan Mulin is still a new voice actor, unlike singers and movie stars In that way, he has to face all kinds of media every day. The exposure time arranged by the company is two weeks after the first episode of "Where is the Voice" aired, which is the first night of the third episode.

Now Yan Mulin still has time to go back to school, which is already very good.

Now it is almost the end of the term, and Yan Mulin needs to prepare for the final exam. When he does not return to school for class, he will go directly to the exclusive classroom on the school network to study. After all, he will not miss the course. This is what he applied for later, and the teacher directly agreed.

Now, no one in the class does not know Yan Mulin's reputation. They ignored Yan Mulin when the original body was bullied before, and now they dare not go forward to curry favor. A few girls still want to curry favor, but Yan Mulin ran out twice in three days, and had no chance to get close at all. Whether it was the class flower or the school flower, he couldn't catch him.

Yan Mulin didn't care about his classmates' thoughts, but he didn't expect that the so-called class flower would just sit next to him and smile shyly at him as soon as he returned to class.

Banhua Zhu Yuanyuan said: "Long time no see, have you been busy recently?"

Yan Mulin replied politely with two words: "It's okay."

Zhu Yuanyuan still didn't give up: "I don't even know that "Pan Jinlian" was written by you unless the other students tell me. Are you interested in joining our drama club? There is an event recently."

Yan Mulin replied: "Thank you, no need." He was not interested.

Zhu Yuanyuan was humiliated twice, she was already angry, but she could only laugh because of her face, the other female classmates were still staring at her, and there were quite a few covetous eyes on Yan Mulin, but he knew Prince Chu's classmate, so where? I don't know if I will meet the prince if I go out with him.

Every girl has a Prince Charming dream, but Yan Mulin will not become a girl's Prince Charming. All girls who have plans for Shao Nuoyu are his class enemies.

Zhu Yuanyuan also has a bit of insight. Although Yan Mulin is polite, she doesn't want to pay attention to herself at all. She just sits in her seat and pretends to listen to the class, but actually monitors Yan Mulin's movements.

Yan Mulin, who was no longer bothered by others, received a text message from a strange mobile phone: I am Xue Baiping, I just met your manager, Sister Jing, to thank you, if you are free tonight, I will treat you to dinner.

Xue Baiping? Yan Mulin thought for two seconds before realizing that it was the celebrity who was frightened by him. He suddenly invited himself to dinner, probably because he had malicious intentions.

Since Zhou Wenjing was able to hand over his mobile phone number, it means that this person is worth handing over, Yan Mulin saved his phone number and replied: I have a program to record tomorrow, I don’t drink alcohol, I can only eat ordinary food Meals, if you don't mind, I have no problem.

It's enough to do something stupid once, and now he will pay more attention to his diet.

So, the two decided on a time like this, and Xue Baiping said that he could pretend to pick him up at school at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Originally, the two hit it off right away, but now that one of them took the initiative to hook up, the other was naturally willing to be hooked up.

After getting rid of Zhu Yuanyuan, Yan Mulin rushed to the school gate after class, and saw a young man in a red coat leaning out from the car and waving at him, Yan Mulin was a little speechless.

Is this the camouflage he was talking about? Honey, don't you really think it's ostentatious? Yan Mulin waved his hand casually to indicate that he had spotted the other party, and quickly stepped forward and stuffed half of the other party's body back into the car.

"Aren't you afraid that others will recognize you?" Yan Mulin said.

Xue Baiping, who was stuffed back into the car, grinned: "Didn't you see me wearing a mask and sunglasses? Of course not."

Yan Mulin could only roll his eyes at him: "It's cloudy today, you wear sunglasses, you don't know that it gets dark early in winter."

Xue Baiping smiled, a little silly, he took off his sunglasses and mask, and rolled up the window after Yan Mulin got into the car: "Well, I was wrong, you are more verbose than my manager."

Yan Mulin said, "I'm doing this for your own good."

Xue Baiping said, "That's what she said too."

Yan Mulin lost his temper completely. He unexpectedly found that although the two met for the second time, they had been in touch for a long time, and there was no obstacle in communication.

When Yan Mulin is free, he will check Xue Baiping's Weibo, and Xue Baiping will also check Yan Mulin's Weibo.

The location of the restaurant has been set, and Yan Mulin is the one waiting to eat.

However, Xue Baiping answered a phone call on the way, and he looked at Yan Mulin with a look of lovelessness: "Can I add one more person to the meal?"

Yan Mulin asked, "Who?"

Xue Baiping said: "My brother from the university."

Yan Mulin said: "Sure, I'm not a member of the circle."

Xue Baiping shook his head: "No, he is working in the government, he is a bit busy, and he just came back from abroad today."

Yan Mulin said: "So that's how it is. Your brother is so busy and invited you to dinner. It's not bad."

Xue Baiping said: "I am also very busy, okay, I just finished filming the scene of "Dream of Red Mansions", and I am exhausted."

Yan Mulin also just finished meeting with the director, but he does not plan to tell Xue Baiping for the time being: "Oh? Then which role did you play?"

Xue Baiping smiled and said, "Hey, you guess."

Yan Mulin looked at him, as if you like to talk or not.

Yan Mulin didn't cooperate with him to play this set at all, Xue Baiping felt that it was boring, so he said: "It's Jia Baoyu's role."

Yan Mulin blinked, looked him up and down, stretched out his hand to pinch his face: "Yo, thin skin and tender flesh, red lips and white teeth, it really suits Jia Baoyu's role, but isn't the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions" very strict? What do you think?" I will go to film "The Inner Ghost"."

Xue Baiping said: "I greeted the director, but I was still scolded by him at that time."

Thinking of Xue Baiping's line skills, Yan Mulin finally knew why Director Ma would give him the role of Jia Baoyu. Let's make a movie about "Inner Ghost"."

Xue Baiping hesitated for a while and said, "How do you know? Do you also think that I got the role of Baoyu through the backstage relationship?"

Yan Mulin said: "That's not true. Personally, I think your acting skills are quite good, but your lines are a bit poor."

Xue Baiping drooped his shoulders like a discouraged ball: "Yeah, I'm going to die of worry, and it's useless to take an actor's line class." While staring at the road ahead, Xue Boping said suddenly: "Hey, Mu Lin, why don't you teach me? How do I read the lines, I think you are better than those teachers who taught me."

Yan Mulin said: "Are you sure?"

Xue Baiping said: "I had this idea the last time I saw you, but I didn't have a chance to find your contact information."

Yan Mulin said: "Okay, we can discuss the time when I come back on the weekend."

The two got along very well. When they arrived at the restaurant, someone was already waiting for the private room they booked. It was none other than Xue Baiping's senior brother. As Xue Baiping said, he is an ordinary petty official.

Xue Baiping excitedly introduced his new friend Yan Mulin to him, and introduced his senior brother to Yan Mulin, but Yan Mulin could feel that the other party seemed to have a slight hostility towards Yan Mulin, and he didn't know this at all. Where does the hostility come from.

Xue Baiping, who was dull, didn't realize that Yan Mulin and his brother Shao Nuocheng were in a stalemate until Xue Baiping told Shao Nuocheng that he had joined the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions" as an actor.

Shao Nuocheng asked Xue Baiping: "Then which role did you play?"

Xue Baiping also replied: "You guess?"

Yan Mulin could see that Shao Nuocheng was a shrewd and capable man, he thought that the other party would not play such childish games with Xue Baiping, but he was wrong!

Shao Nuocheng actually played a childish game of guessing with him...

Shao Nuocheng pretended to think: "I guess it's Jia Lian? No? That's Qin Zhong? No... Then tell me."

Yan Mulin: "..." This is the real acting skill, the ability to tell lies with open eyes is so perfect.

Yan Mulin rubbed his arms silently, telling cold jokes in winter, he was about to freeze to death.

However, Shao Nuocheng's name is only one word away from his male god, so there is no relationship between the two of them.

Yan Mulin lost his appetite after a meal, and Xue Baiping, who was so affectionate and unaware, told him to eat more, and said nonsense that he would rely on him for guidance in the future. Isn't his senior brother's possessiveness Generally strong.

Yan Mulin can't wait to capture Shao Nuoyu now, but he has lust but no guts.

After the uncomfortable dinner, Yan Mulin and Xue Baiping parted ways. In the winter night, Yan Mulin couldn't let Aya come out to pick him up, so he had to take a taxi back home.

Zhou Wenjing came to check the post as if checking the time. Yan Mulin told her that he was going back, and he hung up the phone after knowing that he hadn't gone to the bar or nightclub.

Standing near the station, Yan Mulin's phone was out of battery, so he waved to hail a taxi, but it still didn't arrive within half an hour.

The cold wind was still mixed with light rain, and Yan Mulin, whose nose was turning red from the cold, sadly realized that he did not bring an umbrella. He had no habit of carrying an umbrella at all. He had to stand under the platform and wait for the bus. Not only did he recall the most difficult time back then At that time, I went to the production team to find a job, and it snowed in the middle of the night, huddled with my friends in the army coat and waited to be an extra. There was nothing worse than that.

A child without a mother is like a weed...

An umbrella was propped on top of his head, protecting him from the cold wind and light rain blowing on his face.

Turning his head suddenly, Yan Mulin almost closed his eyes with a smile, choked up for a long time before saying in a trembling voice: "... What a coincidence."

After being hugged into a warm embrace, Yan Mulin almost shed tears, but finally held it back.

I only heard the other party's hoarse voice like the sound of nature saying: "Let's go, my house is nearby, go to my place first and change clothes."

Yan Mulin nodded: "Okay." Pretentious refusal is something only the brain-dead heroines of idol dramas can do.

I don't want to say anything.

It seems to be frozen, and my head is a little dizzy.

Shao Nuoyu was attending a banquet, surrounded by celebrities, always wanting to rub against him, feeling very uncomfortable, so he found someone to make an excuse, told the organizer and left, unexpectedly, when he was waiting for the red light, he looked up and saw that idiot The silly child was waiting for the bus helplessly, with an expression as if he was about to cry. He was thin and lonely, as if he had lost his soul, which caused his calm heart to fluctuate.

Slight pain.

After getting in the car, Shao Nuoyu put his coat on Yan Mulin's body. Seeing that his face was flushed and his forehead was slightly hot, he said, "It seems to have a fever."

Yan Mulin also touched his head: "No wonder I feel dizzy."

Assistant Pete sat in the driver's seat and asked, "Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Yan Mulin said, "No need, I'll just take some antipyretics."

Shao Nuoyu frowned: "Go back first and take some medicine. If it's really bad, I'll send him to the hospital."

Yan Mulin said sincerely: "It's just a trivial matter, it's fine, thank you."

Shao Nuoyu wanted to say something more, but he didn't say anything, just tightened his arms around Yan Mulin's shoulders, and Yan Mulin's face became even hotter.

When he met a male god in the middle of the night, he just had to be happy in his heart, hahahahaha...

It's okay to be sick, hahahahaha...


"Cough cough cough..."

Shao Nuoyu: "...Are you okay?"

Yan Mulin: "It's okay." It's just a little over-excited.

Wait a minute, I just said I was going to Shao Nuoyu's... home... home...

Please let me faint with happiness!

However, before Yan Mulin passed out successfully, Shao Nuoyu's residence arrived.

The community with the most expensive land in the city, the community with the most considerate property and services, and the community where even rich people may not be able to live in it.

Yan Mulin was not weak enough to need help, he walked in by himself, and he had free time to look around the environment.

Pei Te's assistant went to buy antipyretics for Yan Mulin, but he didn't follow up for the time being.

Walking into Shao Nuoyu's home, the decoration is warm, with a touch of warm color, which makes people relax whole body and mind. He was still stiff when he sat down, but after Shao Nuoyu took off his coat, he turned around and went to get him his clothes.

Shao Nuoyu handed Yan Mulin a set of pajamas: "Go take a hot bath first and change your clothes, my clothes may be a little big."

"it is good."

After changing clothes in the huge bathroom, Yan Mulin looked in the mirror, and Shao Nuoyu's pajamas were very fragrant, smelling like him.

Well, hear more.

"Ah gas!" A little itchy, rubbing his nose.

Put it on anyway.

When he came out, Assistant Pete delivered the medicine and drove away.

Hot water and medicine are ready, Shao Nuoyu can't refuse and said: "You will stay here tonight, I let Xiao Pei go back, he will go abroad tomorrow, he has to go back and prepare."

Yan Mulin nodded: "Yes."

Shao Nuoyu asked Yan Mulin to take medicine, and he took a bath himself.

Watching the beautiful boy turn around, Yan Mulin obediently took the medicine, and lay on the sofa a little drowsy.

Shao Nuoyu's residence is full of warmth, the heating is turned on in the room, there are soft blankets on the sofa, a fluffy puppet, and even the lights at the bar are warm colors, a breath of fresh air. The feeling called happiness wrapped his whole body tightly, and Yan Mulin fell asleep on the sofa.

When Shao Nuoyu came out wearing a bathrobe after taking a shower, he saw Yan Mulin sleeping on the sofa, and simply picked him up by the waist and carried him back to his room. The movement was a little big, but it still alarmed Yan Mulin.

Yan Mulin, who was placed on the bed, opened his eyes slightly, and said in a daze, "Prince, will you kiss Sleeping Beauty?"

Shao Nuoyu caressed the ends of his hair, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Yes."

A superficial kiss gently landed on Yan Mulin's pale lips: "Good night."

Yan Mulin in his sleep had a dream that had nothing to do with Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.

He saw Prince Nuoyu, who was riding a fat and strong horse, rushed out of the woods with a rein in his hand, and saw the other party bent his waist, grabbed him with his strong and powerful hands, and brought him to the horse!

Prince... kinda handsome...

However, the truth of reality is that His Excellency the Prince is holding a towel to wipe his sweat and saliva for him.