Rebirth of a CV Star

Chapter 37: ceremony


Yan Mulin knew what kind of voice he should use to confuse the prince, and gradually dismantled his guard against him through his own voice, walked into his heart, listened to his heart, and at the same time conveyed his goodwill to him.

Different speaking tones give people different feelings. Things can be light, heavy, slow, or urgent, and the tone of voice has ups and downs. Only by grasping the tone and sense of speaking can the words spoken be fully understood and accepted by the other party, and the expected effect of the speech can be achieved. .

If you want to attract the attention of others, you need to have a rhythm, fast when it should be fast, slow when it should be slow, and start when it should be fast, with ups and downs, speed, and severity, so that the adjectives are pleasant and pleasant to the ear . Only by mastering the rhythm of speaking speed and pause, people will be willing to listen and like to listen, otherwise it will make people drowsy like a lullaby.

Most of the dubbing is talking. Different characters have different speaking styles. Yan Mulin has successfully mastered this skill. Of course, most of the dubbing is based on lines and characters. When facing others, a person with an unpredictable personality, you need to think about how to use a heavy tone, so that your tone does not appear indifferent and arrogant, approachable, and at the same time make the topic fascinating, so that the other party is completely caught up in your digging. in the well.

But now, Yan Mulin is using his voice advantage and ingenious way of speaking to firmly grasp the prince's curiosity. A person who will be sent to the treatment center must be very lonely and needs someone to resolve his inner confusion and anxiety. I don't understand, it's nothing more than sending charcoal in a timely manner.

Being able to communicate with the prince was probably because Yan Mulin never regarded him as a patient from the beginning to the end, and he was really helpless when facing a real patient. But by visual inspection, for the time being, he is the only one who recognizes the prince as an innocent and poor time traveler. Anyway, he traveled from a parallel world. It is the greatest tragedy for an ancient person to adapt to all technological cultures once he comes here. Therefore, the prince is Really poor.

The prince's curiosity was aroused, and he followed his words and asked, "Then which world are you from?"

It has been half a year since I came to the treatment center. The prince now knows what the world is and what the earth is. I used to think that the land I live in is square. I didn’t expect that in later generations, the records in the books are all in the shape of a circle, and they are still hanging in the air. In the movie, when he saw the miniature map of the earth, he almost scared the prince to death. In the middle of the night, he was afraid that he would fall to nowhere.

After being in contact with modern people for half a year, the prince's speech is no longer as polite as when he first arrived, unless he got up in the middle of the night to look at the moon and recite poems.

Yan Mulin sighed: "I'm ashamed to say that the world I live in is similar to the current world, so I can easily adapt to everything in this world."

The prince tentatively asked him: "What kind of people were your parents in the world?"

Yan Mulin found a comfortable position on the grass and said, "Because this is my secret, if you want to know, then we have to exchange, shall we make a deal?"

The prince stood up from his chair and sat beside Yan Mulin: "The deal is done, but you have to talk first."

The cameraman followed to shoot, the prince only regarded him as Yan Mulin's bodyguard, and didn't care. Of course, he didn't know if he would regret it in the future.

Yan Mulin nodded: "Okay, let me tell you first. My father is an ordinary civil servant and my mother is a teacher. When I was six years old, they divorced. Divorce means reconciliation."

The prince knows about divorce, and he also knows what a civil servant is and what a teacher is. Recently, he has watched the 8 o'clock TV series: "And then? Where have you been? How did you get here?"

When the other party asked eagerly, Yan Mulin knew that his communication with the prince was going smoothly.

Yan Mulin didn't make up anything, everything he said was true, no need to think at all, but the directors in the monitoring room sweated for Yan Mulin, fearing that he wouldn't be able to make it up. It's ridiculous, but it's also very reasonable. It's impossible to talk about reason with abnormal people.

Yan Mulin bent his right leg, put his right hand on his knee in a relaxed posture, and said with a bit of indifference but sadness, "Later, my parents formed their own families, and I lived in the east and west for a few days. After a few days and a few years, they all had their own children and didn’t have much time to take care of me, so I moved to live in school by myself. After finishing college, I went out to find a job by myself, without family burdens, I chose Fulfilling my dream in various ways, when I got the first representative achievement award in my life, I had an accident and woke up to this world."

I don't know how much the prince understood my description. Yan Mulin saw him holding his knees with his hands, resting his chin on his knees, and fell into deep thought. Yan Mulin didn't bother him, and sat quietly waiting for the prince to think. complete.

After a while, the prince said slowly: "I am the first son of the father and the mother. Besides me, the father also has many princes and daughters. They are almost all born to different concubines. My mother is not very favored. , There are many other concubines in the palace, they are more favored than my mother, and it is very tiring to compete with the father's women. Now think about it, it is not easy for the mother to manage the entire harem, and she needs to take care of big and small things. Come After I came here, I regretted that I didn't know how to understand my mother's heart. I should study hard, learn swordsmanship, and learn the way of governing the country, but now I will never see my mother again."

The prince was caught in his own memories, almost crying, but in line with the principle that men don’t cry easily, he never shed tears in front of the camera. Yan Mulin patted him on the shoulder: "How did you get here? I don't ask, but Prince, this is a treatment center, a place to treat patients. You are a normal person, and you should not live here if you are not sick. The past is always the past, and it will never come back. In the future, you will Living in this world, you can no longer mention your identity as the prince to others, it is a secret to you, and it is a privacy that can never be known to others, you... can you understand what I said?"

He doesn't know how old the real prince is, but from the conversation, he can find that the child is not yet eighteen years old, and he is still in the naive and rebellious stage. Traveling here to give him time to think about life, probably at this time he is rarely calm moment.

The prince nodded with difficulty: "I know what you mean, do you hope that I will make a break with the past and live in this world well, like you?"

Yan Mulin smiled and said: "You are not yet an adult, you have to go through study and growth, and get a professional diploma before you can work. Of course, my profession is an exception. Everything depends on what kind of path you will take in the future."

The prince's eyes lit up: "Is it okay to be the emperor?"

Yan Mulin smiled and said: "Yes, but in this society, the powerful is not called the emperor, but the prime minister. Today's emperor is a hereditary system, and has no power to manage the country, only cultural and diplomatic power. Waiting for you to find out for yourself."

After giving the crown prince a lure, Yan Mulin at this time will naturally not know that in the next few decades, the crown prince will walk on a broad road to power because of his remark today. do not mention.

After Yan Mulin had a friendly communication with the prince, Yan Mulin remembered what the editor had mentioned to him. Tomorrow's task was to fulfill a wish of the patient before leaving. Yan Mulin asked the prince: "Prince, have you thought about it?" How to say goodbye to the past? Do a simple farewell ceremony. From now on, you will be called Qin Ming, not the prince anymore."

The prince held his chin and thought for a while, looked Yan Mulin up and down, and smiled evilly: "This prince wants to see you dance "Neon Clothes and Feather Dress Dance", how about it?"

The corner of Yan Mulin's mouth twitched, the director said, and at the same time recorded their conversation at the same time, as long as the condition is not raised by the patient, he must agree, even if he is picking the stars and the moon, he must agree, the program team will try their best ways to meet their needs.

Yan Mulin was so angry that his teeth were itching, he couldn't hold back, and rubbed the crown prince's head: "It's not good."

The prince looked at Yan Mulin: "The farewell ceremony you mentioned just now, I just want to watch "Neon Clothes and Feather Dress Dance". My mother dances very well. Can you dance?"

Yan Mulin shook his head directly: "No, is there no other farewell ceremony?"

The prince looked into the distance: "No, I miss my queen mother, I find the tenderness of a queen mother in you, and I want to see you dance."

Dead boy, dead boy, dead boy!

I knew that poking at his pain points was the worst way to see people in front of him pitifully. Compared with Yan Mulin, the prince was really far away from his hometown, and he could quickly integrate into it, but he had to start all over again.

Yan Mulin stood up, twisted his waist, and said, "I'm going to go all out for this farewell ceremony, and I have to watch it carefully tomorrow night!" He is such a soft-hearted man.

The prince smiled and said, "Of course."

Tomorrow's task was determined just like that. In order to give the prince time to recall the past, Yan Mulin didn't stay any longer. After bidding farewell to the prince, he was led to the lounge to discuss tomorrow's dance performance with the choreographer.

The prince's "parents" who were hiding in the monitoring room in the distance were already in tears. Since his son came here, he had never seen him seriously chatting with anyone. It was indeed right to agree to participate in the filming of the show.

In the morning, the doctor said that he was going to see Qin Ming tomorrow. In fact, Qin Ming's parents came before the show started. For the sake of their son, the two of them had to show up no matter how busy they were. They also wanted to know whether such treatment would be effective.

Going on the show to let others know that his son is mentally ill? Who cares, it's best if he can cure his son. Moreover, their son didn't behave badly, he couldn't be more normal, it's just like a different person, but so what, as long as the son is still there, no matter what he becomes, he will still be them son.

The result was so good that they couldn't believe it. That young man had such magical powers. If the child can really change back to normal, they must thank each other again!

Yan Mulin didn't know how the other four communicated with the patients, but he knew that after the communication with the prince, the program team finalized the training room and the training teacher within 15 minutes, and the rest of the time was until the rehearsal tomorrow afternoon It was all for him to practice dancing before, and he didn't have any other time to gossip about what happened to the other four companions... Fate.

Nishang Yuyi Song, also known as Nishang Yuyi Dance, is a court music and dance of the Tang Dynasty. "Neon Clothes and Yuyi Song" describes the myth that Tang Xuanzong yearned for gods and went to the moon palace to see fairies. The dance, music and costumes are all focused on depicting The illusory fairyland and the dancing fairy images give people an immersive artistic experience.

When Yan Mulin was sent to the training room, he was still in a state of bewilderment. He seemed to have promised the prince an extraordinary thing an hour ago, especially dancing!

He did go to physical education class at school, but the teacher taught only boys' dance moves, but he didn't teach him girls' dance moves. Classical dance was slightly involved, but it was the world-famous neon clothes and feather dance. A few water sleeves The movements can make Yan Mulin suck himself to death, otherwise he will be curled up like a cocoon, and he has no talent for dancing, what should he do.

Why do you have to die and ask the prince, why don't you think about it yourself

How could he be confused by the other party? It's really stupid. I deeply understand the meaning of self-inflicted evil and inability to live.

"Neon Clothes and Feather Clothes Dance" has fixed movements, and there is no need for teachers to arrange Yan Mulin on the spot. The time to leave the treatment center is 5 pm, and the time to arrive at Tianzi TV station is 6 pm. Within an hour of the journey, the teachers had a plan in their minds, and they were also given orders in the face of danger. When they saw Yan Mulin, the corners of the teacher's mouth twitched.

What the hell is Director Teng doing with his reality show

Not much to say, after Yan Mulin told the dance teacher the general situation, the teacher finally understood that it turned out that the patient had made a promise to complete the performance, what else could the teacher do, teach me.

First of all, understand Yan Mulin's body flexibility, good seedling, not bad.

Secondly, explain the dance moves of "Neon Clothes and Feather Clothes Dance" to Yan Mulin, explain step by step, and Yan Mulin will follow along.

Finally, there is the technique of water sleeves. Yan Mulin has never studied opera, so it is impossible to master the techniques of water sleeves as exquisitely as an opera actor. He can only learn the simplest ones, as much as he can learn in a day.

When zero o'clock was approaching, the teacher asked Yan Mulin with a tired face: "Can you turn around?"

Yan Mulin put away his raised eyebrows and stared at him, his hands that clenched his long sleeves drooped naturally, and he replied weakly: "I'm fine with turning around."

The female teacher said: "That's ok, the movement at the end of tomorrow will not be changed, and it will end with the movement of swinging the sleeves and turning in circles. In addition, when turning in circles, the main leg is on the tiptoes, and the other leg is lifted forward and backward, with the toes pointing above and below the knees." , a total of ten laps."

Yan Mulin fell directly into the training room with exaggerated movements: "Teacher, I don't want to live anymore..."

The teacher knelt down and patted Yan Mulin, who was soaked in sweat all over his body: "You are great, come on!"

The filming team that accompanied Yan Mulin to practice also disbanded in the early hours of the morning. Assistant Aya fell asleep several times in the corner of the training room, and Yan Mulin pushed him directly to know that today's training is over.

Yan Mulin practiced so hard, but he hid and slept beside him, quite embarrassed, and quickly handed Yan Mulin a towel to wipe off his sweat.

Aya asked Yan Mulin in a low voice: "Shall we go back now?"

Yan Mulin nodded, compared to just now, he has recovered a little bit of physical strength: "Go back to the hotel, after I take a shower, you can massage my legs, although I usually exercise, today's intensity is completely beyond my expectation , I’m afraid my muscles will be sore tomorrow.”

Aya said: "You can sleep at ease tonight, my massage technique is professional."

Yan Mulin is really tired, he doesn't want to talk now.

Who knew that while filming, I suddenly went to dance practice, and I was also drunk.

Sitting in the car back to the hotel, Yan Mulin fell asleep unknowingly. Zhou Wenjing wanted to tell Yan Mulin what she found out at dinner, but seeing that he slept so soundly, she agreed with Aya tacitly He didn't speak, didn't make a sound.

Back at the hotel, Yan Mulin also took a bath casually. Aya didn't feel any sensation after massaging his legs, and he didn't know that his mobile phone was out of battery, and the text messages sent to him by a certain prince could not be answered immediately.

The next day, Yan Mulin's biological clock woke him up on time.

At the thought of continuing to rehearse, Yan Mulin was in a tragic state of life and death. He didn't come back to life until Zhou Wenjing told him about the situation of the other four colleagues during breakfast.

It turned out that there was only worse, not the worst, at least he wasn't the worst.

Hahahahaha~~hahahahaha~~hahahahaha~~ Is there any gloating!

Tian Zhenyang played the fairy tale "Cinderella", and the patient asked him to play the vicious stepmother in "Cinderella".

Lu Zhongting is relatively better. The content of the show is that the policeman who eliminates violence and safety sacrifices for justice. The content of the program is his own idea, but the patient said that he must be the policeman who eliminates violence and safety.

Tang Wenhao played house with the patients. Two of the patients said that they were husband and wife, and Tang Wenhao was the disobedient child.

As for the content of Tao Bochen's performance, it is a classic segment of "Journey to the West" - Zhu Bajie carrying his wife, he is Zhu Bajie, and his wife is his patient.

In comparison, Yan Mulin felt that his tiredness was worth it. Although he wanted a female appearance, at least he sounded high-end and classy, not childish at all!


Because when the other four groups of people were rehearsing, it can be said that the soldiers were in a panic, the chaotic scene, and the chaotic actors were exhausted by the patients. Better to die.

It can be seen that the filming of the program group has also taught the society a lesson. Regardless of the high income level of the people in the treatment center and the extremely expensive hospital charges, their employees are trying their best to take care of these patients. Look at these patients who are about to be Actors who have been tortured out of shape, in the future, please stop complaining about unfairness. You can try it and you will know why the salary is high and the treatment is good.

It's simply not a place for people to stay.

Look at Tao Bochen, his most precious handsome face has been scratched, and he can't complain to the fans, he can't complain.

As long as you make a complaint, you will definitely be sprayed with saliva.

After learning about the plight of other people, Yan Mulin was even more motivated. Isn't it "Neon Clothes and Feather Dress Dance", he can, he must be able to.

At seven o'clock that night, everything was ready and the performance officially began.