Rebirth of a CV Star

Chapter 82: visit class


Because they tried to keep a low profile in the crew, Yan Mulin and Qiao Yiwei silently ate the box lunch together for nearly a month. Now when they saw the box lunch, they immediately covered their eyes and didn't want to look anywhere.

Before going to bed, Yan Mulin murmured to Shao Nuoyu, squeezing the tears that fell out of sleepiness: "Although the boxed lunches in the crew are not bad, but there are only four of them in a month. Now I have a conditioned reflex when I see the boxed lunches. Got anorexia."

Shao Nuoyu, who was sleeping late, patted his head: "Then I will ask my aunt to prepare lunch and dinner for you tomorrow, and of course I can also ask the hotel to deliver the food to you." After thinking about it, Shao Nuoyu felt that it would be better to go and have a look tomorrow Yan Mulin's working environment, he knows that in the recording studio, he can still enjoy the air conditioning and heating, but outside is not as comfortable as in the recording studio, the wind and the sun, looking at his tanned skin, Shao Nuoyu is more Somewhat distressed.

Yan Mulin never mentioned any unpleasant things he encountered at work, and Shao Nuoyu didn't ask either. He knew that Yan Mulin could bear it, but the more he didn't talk about it, the more worried he was. The child in his early teens is his current treasure.

Tomorrow must go to his work environment to see.

Yan Mulin didn't know if he heard it, turned over and fell asleep, and Shao Nuoyu, who had just lowered his head, bit his earlobe fiercely. There was a desperate young lover, and he didn't know whether it was good or not. No, he hasn't tasted it yet, and he's really drunk just thinking about it. This shouldn't be his style.

But seeing the other party is always so tired that he wants to lie down directly, and he can't bear it, so he can only tell himself again and again, he is still young, I can wait a little longer, I can do it.

Yan Mulin, who had no idea how many times Shao Nuoyu had fought in his heart, had a good night's sleep again. However, the next day, before dawn, he took the company's nanny car to the shooting location, and continued shooting for half a month. It seems that Yan Mulin still has a little hope that he will go out on location, at least he can change the boxed lunches from different regions.

His demands are really not high at all.

Qiao Yiwei's role is not the most important, he has more rest time than Yan Mulin, who is a little envious.

Today, Qiao Yiwei just took over a movie dubbing role, the leading actor. When he arrived at the set, he saw Yan Mulin hugging a small fan and blowing on the side. When he arrived, Yan Mulin had already finished filming several scenes. As long as the emotions in the performance are in place, basically what I hear most from director Xu Xiu when he comes on stage is "Okay, this pass", "OK, pass" and "pass", probably these annoying words.

In the first week of joining the film crew, Yan Mulin was still a bit cautious in filming, but after a month, he was no longer the same. He could only be said to be talented. Even Lin Yuxian lamented Yan Mulin's rapid progress, Some people's skills are not born to others, and they can't comprehend and experience them. They can only sigh with hope.

People are more popular than people.

Fortunately, Lin Yuxian is not the kind of shameless, petty and narrow-minded person. He is sincerely happy for Yan Mulin, and treats him like a younger brother. He is happy when he achieves success, and is also happy when he grows up. Seeing him is like seeing the old self, growing up step by step, but his speed is much faster than himself.

In addition, his happy mood is naturally inseparable from the game account Yan Mulin gave him, allowing him to relax when he reached the pinnacle of his life. The game is very fun, and it is another different world. After playing for a month, he has teammates, comrades-in-arms, and guilds. It's very interesting. He can experience everything that he can't experience in reality in the game.

Not surprisingly, there are still dark circles under his eyelids, the result of staying up late playing games.

After Yan Mulin observed Lin Yuxian, he observed his uncle. The latter also had faint dark circles under his eyelids. He already had a conclusion in his mind, and it seemed that the progress was not bad. Of course, he also created an account to sneak in with them. The 360-degree onlookers in the gang, recently too tired, did not come online to watch, probably missed something.

Just as he was about to translate Vihara with Qiao, Zhou Wenjing pulled him aside and whispered.

Zhou Wenjing: "Didn't we have plans to enter the film industry recently? The roles we invited in the early stage did not meet my expectations. Now I meet a pretty good one, the second male lead, the actor is of mixed race, and he has not passed the sixth level of Chinese language." He is not very fluent in speech, let alone reciting lines. Except for him, the director will give you two roles. In addition, the male number one is from Hong Kong, but his role is directed to Qiao Yiwei, your uncle. "

Yan Mulin rubbed his chin: "Aunt Jing is definitely the best at choosing movies, but what about the other character? What's the male number?"

Zhou Wenjing was silent for a while before saying, "The renter."

Yan Mulin: " it's a female character?"

Zhou Wenjing looked up at the sky: "Yes." Eighty percent of the roles that he was asked to voice were female characters, and there was a highly practical two-in-one compound talent, which director would even bother to find a special female voice actor.

Yan Mulin said: "Actually, I think this role is more suitable for Qiao Yiwei."

Zhou Wenjing: "It's senior."

Yan Mulin: "Yes, senior." However, the reality is that the role of the renter is the director's choice.

Undoubtedly, it was a bit difficult for Yan Mulin to take over the dubbing roles of the second male lead and the charter woman with a hoarse voice, Wangtian, but I still think this role should be given to Senior Qiao Yiwei.

Since it is still possible for the two of them to work together in the future, Yan Mulin went directly to Qiao Yiwei: "Uncle, can I discuss something with you?"

Qiao Yiwei lay reclined under the parasol drinking iced watermelon juice, enjoying it immensely. Yan Mulin's appearance finally did not bring him the irritability of the prelude to summer: "Nephew, what do you want to play?"

Yan Mulin said flatteringly: "It is said that you are going to voice the male lead of "The Spy?"

Qiao Yiwei squinted his eyes, and nodded in a serious manner: "It seems to be the case, why?"

Yan Mulin found a bench and sat on the side with a big fan, took a glass of spare juice next to Qiao Yiwei, and said: "My nephew also has a role, but I think that role is more suitable for you, not as good as uncle On behalf of your nephew..."

It wasn't the first day Qiao Yiwei knew Yan Mulin, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he dragged his voice, saying: "No~~"

Yan Mulin, who sucked up half of the watermelon juice in one breath, said, "Should I refuse it so simply, I haven't said what role it is yet."

Qiao Yiwei smiled and said, "Do you think it's the first day I know you?" Thinking about the bet during the Chinese New Year, he could see through the essence of Yan Mulin.

Yan Mulin pouted: "You are so boring."

Qiao Yiwei: "Hehe."

Yan Mulin's cautiousness was forced to be exposed, so he had to hastily end this topic, and sat next to Qiao Yiwei to continue enjoying the delicious summer drink.

Today's scene is relatively small, look at the time, there is still half an hour before dinner.

Yan Mulin was just thinking about whether to eat braised pork lunch box or green pepper beef tenderloin box lunch today, Zhou Wenjing had already walked in front of him and handed him the phone: "Mr. Shao's phone number."

Yan Mulin instantly stood up and walked towards the place where there were few people. Qiao Yiwei was shocked by the speed at which he changed his face in seconds. No wonder he was liked by Xu Xiu in various ways. Even with this kind of skills, he can't act well, so there is really no need to do it again Deduction circle.

Within two minutes, Yan Mulin turned around and came back, his face flushed.

Shao Nuoyu came to visit the class, and the point is, he brought his lunch.

It's no wonder that Yan Mulin is unhappy, he can't wait to eat the boxed lunch from the crew now.

Yan Mulin, who went to pick up people outside the door, walks with wind. It is a bit uncomfortable to wear a hood, but it is okay. The corners of his clothes are flying up, which is really beautiful. Shao Nuoyu, who was visiting the crew for the first time, saw Yan Mulin paused for a second. The suit he wore during the Chinese New Year was also pretty, but it seemed to have changed a little bit. At this moment, Yan Mulin seemed to be more eye-catching.

However, in front of Shao Nuoyu, he was still the Yan Mulin he knew.

Xu Xiu, who was wearing a sun hat and holding a fan under the sun, learned about Shao Nuoyu's arrival from the assistant director, and immediately put down his unimportant shooting and went to meet this noble person.

Ugh, someone is faster than him.

It seems that those gossips are still correct. Yan Mulin and Shao Nuoyu do have a certain relationship, but he is not sure what kind of relationship it is.

When Prince Shao arrives, the reception method cannot be the same as that of ordinary celebrities, it must be to watch tea and sit down, and come as comfortable as possible.

Xu Xiu's courtship is nothing to Shao Nuoyu, he has lived in the endless courtesies of others since he was a child, and now he doesn't care about it, so after a few words, Shao Nuoyu told Xu Xiu that he was taken A truckload of cold drinks came over to give the crew extra benefits. The lunch was also ordered from a certain big hotel. Now that the dining car has arrived, ask Xu Xiu to send someone out to pick it up.

Xu Xiu took the opportunity to leave, leaving time for them.

If you get the benefits, you will be content.

Then, Shao Nuoyu took Yan Mulin to the air-conditioned lounge that Xu Xiu had prepared for him, and Qiao Yiwei, a cheeky guy, walked in directly, regardless of whether the couple was making eye contact or what they wanted to do.

The bodyguard brought up the food box prepared for Yan Mulin. Fortunately, he prepared a few more pairs of chopsticks and a few bowls. Yan Mulin and Shao Nuoyu must have some. Yu Xian was also called in.

Lin Yuxian never thought that he could still have dinner with Shao Nuoyu. He had attended a charity party before and met Shao Nuoyu at that time, but the other party did not show up for more than half an hour, and came and went in a hurry. Hastily, there are bodyguards around to protect him, so it must be impossible to get close.

It is thanks to Yan Mulin that we can see each other today. I did not expect that Yan Mulin and Shao Nuoyu are really friends. They must have a very close relationship.

During the meal, Shao Nuoyu kept picking up Yan Mulin's favorite dishes. It should be said that the nine dishes on the table were all Yan Mulin's favourites, and he enjoyed every one of them.

Shao Nuoyu: "It's hot, and there will be white fungus and lotus seed soup later, I'll have someone freeze it for you."

Yan Mulin: "Okay, this fish is very tender, you should try it too."

Shao Nuoyu: "Well, indeed, Haojia Hotel is still good, next time I will take you to eat their main dish."

Yan Mulin: "Uh, uh..." I almost couldn't eat anymore.

In the eyes of outsiders, Shao Nuoyu is a genius. If he hadn't been born with a princely aura, it is estimated that his brilliance would be compared and commented on by various media. With the relationship of the royal family, Shao Nuoyu's negative There were very few comments, and Prince Shao was low-key enough to rarely show up on non-important occasions, but what he did was talked about.

The country's largest e-commerce platform was established under his name...

The largest science and technology research and development center in the country is also under his name...

The country's largest hotel chain is also under his name...

Counting down, there are countless largest industries in the country...

To get Shao Nuoyu to look at him differently, Yan Mulin should be pretty good too, right

The way they get along seems a bit subtle.

And look at Qiao Yiwei, who was eating without any pressure. Lin Yuxian's heart was a little sore while eating the rice, and he really wanted someone to bring him food! The TAT expression is what he learned in the game...