Rebirth of a CV Star

Chapter 92: classic


Drinking tea is a quiet word.

Yan Mulin, who drank tea quietly and did not cause trouble, did not expect that his inaction would become a sign of weakness in the eyes of others, and he was directly ignored by others. The tiger did not show his power and regarded him as Hello Kitty.

Put down the teacup steadily, pick up the mobile phone, open the search engine and enter a sentence, and get a result: there is no corresponding answer for the content you searched for.

Seeing this result, Yan Mulin smiled slightly, and when Shao Nuoyu and the others paused to drink tea, he asked, "I'm confused, I don't know whether to ask or not."

Without waiting for Xiao Jingqing and Xiao Jingyuan to react, Shao Nuoyu replied directly: "You ask." He could bear it when being questioned, Yan Mulin was definitely not Yan Mulin.

Knowing that Shao Nuoyu was cooperating with him, Yan Mulin quickly said: "I don't know what kind of peers Mr. Jingqing refers to as the royal family members should associate with? Is there a standard? Or is it that our Chinese royal family actually looks down on others so much?" ?”

Today's royal family is no longer the former Chinese royal family that can order the world at any time and control the world. It has only those glorious and indelible pasts, and some are only the history of ancestors. Today's royal family only has diplomatic power and reputation. Internal power, that is, after the Prime Minister approves, the nominal power to declare is a virtual power.

It is false to have the name of the royal family without the power of the royal family.

For Xiao Jingqing's words, Yan Mulin is disdainful, who gave the name of the royal family, and who gave everything the royal family has, you are superior to others, and the "law" issued by the country says that everyone What is equality? Decoration

How can a person who is so disrespectful to the people be the so-called prince, and what is the successor

Yan Mulin's question can be described as sharp, neither Xiao Jingqing nor Xiao Jingyuan can give him an answer, even the current Emperor of China can't give him an answer, this is an unsolvable question, and this question shouldn't exist.

As the questioner, Yan Mulin entered the four words "Huaxia Law" into his mobile phone again, and the content of the law appeared on the screen of his mobile phone. He pushed the mobile phone in front of Xiao Jingqing: "Why don't you read it, Mr. Jingqing?" See? Excuse my ignorance, can you explain it to a commoner like me?"

One question after another poked at Xiao Jingqing's chest like a needle, the more he poked, the harder he poked, Yan Mulin really didn't give the other party face, and the poked the other party's face turned green and purple, so what should the royal family members do? Interacting with peers

Xiao Jingyuan saw Shao Nuoyu drinking tea on his own, he didn't care how Xiao Jingqing's face changed, he also knew that what Xiao Jingqing said just now should really not be said, and it was also very inappropriate, after the young man reminded him Well, what kind of status the members of the royal family have really deserves their reflection, but they are all bewitched and fascinated by the vanity in front of them.

In terms of successor ranking, Xiao Jingqing is older than Xiao Jingyuan, but in the heart of the current emperor Xiao Bufan, the status of these cousins of the Xiao family is not as high as that of Shao Nuoyu who was added later. When they learned that Shao Nuoyu was going to withdraw from the competition for the succession of the throne, they were very happy. They didn't realize that the throne was of no use to them, except for their false fame and a busier and more media-focused life. Other than that, nothing else.

Members of the royal family, what else do they have besides fame and titles passed down from their ancestors

In real comparison, their ability is not as good as that of other entertainers who are skilled in the entertainment industry, at least they can still make money with their own ability, right

Xiao Jingyuan, who was forced to reflect on himself by Yan Mulin's question, realized that his face was hot. He didn't even understand what he was, and it was stupid to blame others, interfere in other people's lives and make friends, and it was extremely stupid .

In front of Shao Nuoyu and Yan Mulin, Xiao Jingyuan didn't want to stay for a moment.

Xiao Jingyuan, who was indirectly stimulated, felt ashamed in front of Shao Nuoyu and Yan Mulin, and wanted to leave now. However, he wanted to leave but his cousin Xiao Jingqing was unwilling to leave, and was choked by commoner Yan Mulin Still unable to refute, he racked his brains to find a way to refute the face.

But five minutes later, Xiao Jingqing was still left speechless by the question. It wasn't that Yan Mulin's eloquence was comparable to the champion of the debate competition, but that he had no arguments, and his words were completely untenable, and he couldn't explain it. , Xiao Jingqing was slapped severely by reality.

Yan Mulin, who slapped him, looked directly at Xiao Jingqing, and stopped asking questions, but picked up the tea that Shao Nuoyu had poured for him, and sipped it lightly.

Today's tea is very fragrant.

Xiao Jingqing and Xiao Jingyuan failed to please Shao Nuoyu, and were slapped by Yan Mulin, and their backs were more or less sad when they left.

After the two noble princes left, Yan Mulin held his chin and asked Shao Nuoyu, "Did I offend them?"

Shao Nuoyu shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, they won't remember it, on the contrary, they will also thank you. You know, since they were born, they have always been this identity, making them forget the most primitive responsibility, the prince's Identity is not used to show off, nor is it used to despise others. No one is more noble than anyone else. The only difference is that their origin determines that their future road is smoother than ordinary people, but having an identity does not mean that they can Using it to do evil, without a broad mind, reality will give them a louder slap. Your rhetorical question just now is just a reminder to them... "

Yan Mulin, who was comforted by Shao Nuoyu, realized that he didn't slap him just now, but poured holy water on the opponent, and he put on the halo of the Virgin for no reason, obviously wanting to make them more ashamed.

However, the effect on the other party is the same, as long as it feels good.

There was a small episode in the beautiful date, but it didn't affect the two people's intimacy, because they were going to shoot Sheng Ting's commercial the next day, and they didn't dare to go too far, young people, enough is enough.

Advertisements for robots are not unprecedented, but such advertisements can only be described as sporadic. There are indeed companies that spend a lot of money on researching robots, but not many, and Shengting is one of the best and the leader in the industry.

The commercial shooting plan was given to Yan Mulin before, and today is the direct shooting.

Shao Nuoyu is the chairman of Shengting, and Yan Mulin is the star who was invited to shoot. When the chairman personally sent him to the shooting scene, the director's eyes were not lively, but dull. He was very knowledgeable. Guang, but I never thought that Chairman Shao would come here in person. It seems that the rumors on the Internet are not groundless.

After delivering Yan Mulin, Shao Nuoyu left.

Filming commercials was not difficult for experienced Yan Mulin. The commercial was filmed in half a day, and the afternoon was spent recording robot voices, including male and female voices. The recording director knew Yan Mulin. They were in I met him during the recording of the TV series "The Inner Ghost". He took good care of Yan Mulin when he was on the set, and he knew it was Yan Mulin before he came here. When he was on the crew of "The Inner Ghost", he felt that this young man was not simple. With his own abilities and abilities, he would go further than he imagined. Sure enough, Sheng Ting's internal advertising spokesperson, those new generation young people, could not catch up.

Among the newcomers in the entertainment industry who are so impetuous today, Yan Mulin is a special case.

In the communication with Yan Mulin, the dubbing director who had a high opinion of Yan Mulin, as long as he puts forward suggestions, the director will adopt them.

After today, the robot of Shengting Company will be stamped with a voice that belongs to Yan Mulin's personal characteristics, which is very beautiful when you think about it.

Household robots themselves are electronic products that are popular among the public. Now that they are still very popular, sales have increased, and Yan Mulin's voice has been promoted to the public. After many years, the robot products of Shengting Group still use his unique voice. Welcoming their "masters" home.

The male voice robot said respectfully with a gorgeous and warm voice: welcome to the master, you have worked hard.

The female voice robot respectfully said with a sweet voice full of happiness and smiles: Welcome home, master, you have worked hard.

Advertisement slogan of Shengting home machine: Free your hands, Shengting should own it.

No one would have thought that the advertising slogan read by Yan Mulin would become a classic. After many years, he has become the most famous advertising voice actor, and having a classic is the highest praise.

At this time, Yan Mulin only felt thirsty and irritable. He had recorded an advertisement all afternoon and drank three or four bottles of water, but he was also sweating a lot, and the heat was hard to get rid of.

When sending Yan Mulin to shoot in the morning, Shao Nuoyu saw that the person was full of energy. When he picked him up in the afternoon, he was in a state of collapse. He lay on the chair and gasped for breath as soon as he got in the car. He couldn't stop panting for a while. Drinking water too much, talking is also weak.

Shao Nuoyu felt that something was wrong with him, so he felt the temperature of his forehead with his cool hand: "Why does my body temperature seem to be a little high?"

Yan Mulin said weakly: "It's generally higher in summer."

Heat stroke is easy in summer, and now is the time when the temperature is the highest in summer, he frowned slightly: "Is it because of general weakness, thirst, palpitations, and profuse sweating?"

Yan Mulin put her head on his shoulder: "How do you know?"

Shao Nuoyu said affirmatively, "You have suffered from heat stroke."

Yan Mulin said: "I didn't see the sun much today, how could I get heatstroke?"

Shao Nuoyu caressed his cool arm, and said to the bodyguard driver: "Call Dr. Zhang and ask him to wait at home in ten minutes."

Bodyguard: "Yes."

Yan Mulin didn't hear Shao Nuoyu's explanation and didn't ask, besides, he had the reaction he mentioned this afternoon, and his whole person was not quite right. Everyone was very motivated in the afternoon, so he couldn't complain that he was a little uncomfortable. It's not good to take a break and waste everyone's time. It's true that he's a little bit crazy now, but he didn't put on a big-name posture just because of a little discomfort.

Leaning on Shao Nuoyu's shoulder, Yan Mulin felt that his heart palpitations seemed not so serious, and fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how to go back. When I woke up again, Yan Mulin was lying on the bed refreshed all over. She didn't feel sticky on her body. She was wearing silk pajamas, her stomach was a little empty, and her mouth was slightly dry.

Just about to wake up and pour water to drink, a ray of sunlight shone through the curtain on the person next to him covered with an air-conditioning quilt, showing a sexy look, Yan Mulin rubbed his eyes and took a second look, but, no matter how sexy His body is not suitable for nosebleeds, and his mouth is dry.

Shao Nuoyu probably didn't sleep well last night. After returning home in a daze, a doctor took his temperature and took medicine while he was half asleep and half awake. After that, he kept sweating and had nightmares, half truth and half false , half asleep, kinda bad.

Now I can't remember what he dreamed about. In short, when he was dreaming, he was very scared. Maybe it's because he has lived too comfortably recently. Should he be prepared for danger in times of peace

Turning on the phone and looking at it, it is indeed time to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

The teacher in charge sent him a text message, saying that after the school celebration, the final exam was approaching, and he had to go back to school to take the exam.

This year's final exam is not easy. He has to find a team of classmates to complete the task and complete a work with different voices. Yan Mulin feels that he can complete the dubbing task of multiple characters by himself. However, the teacher emphasized: You can't do it alone, you have to team up!

Yan Mulin, who was drinking water, silently put his mobile phone on the bedside. These days, capable students are not allowed to be independent.
