Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

Chapter 29: tied up


Sheng Jiaoyang woke up from the stinging sensation of being pricked by a needle. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a man in a white coat drawing blood for her again.

At that time, her heart skipped a beat, and she immediately realized that she was in trouble.

It had reached this point, and screaming would be useless at this point. She watched silently as the white coat drew a tube of blood from her, and then watched him go out with the syringe.

She was in a room with walls on all sides. There was a vent in the corner of the wall, but the vent was so small that it could only fit a baby in. She had to go through the front door if she wanted to go out.

What cannot be ignored is that she is still tied to the chair.

What kind of evil spirit did this

Sheng Jiaoyang thought for a while but still couldn't figure out who she had offended, which was worth the trouble to kidnap her.

Why draw blood? What was her blood used for

But she was the only one in the room, and no one could answer her questions. She could only choose to wait.

As time passed and no one came, she became more and more anxious.

In the monitoring room next door, two people were sitting.

"Brother Nan, you are still as simple and rude as ever!" The young man pushed up his glasses and sighed.

Jing Weinan glanced at the talkative person next to him and did not respond.

"Didn't I ask Dr. Liu to check her just now? She didn't have plastic surgery, so why did she need to take blood tests? Isn't it too ungrateful to treat a girl like this? What if Xu Jiaojiao was wrongly accused by you?"

"Even if I am wrongly accused, it is none of your business." Jing Weinan said calmly.

It's really unjust, how innocent this person is! Well, I have to blame that girl. She was so lucky to meet these cruel and heartless people.

Ning Xiaoruan curled his lips.

"This girl is quite calm when encountering this kind of thing. She didn't scream or cry. And her expression didn't look like she was scared." Looking at the picture on the monitor, Ning Xiaoruan sighed.

Jing Weinan said calmly: "This means she has more problems."

This time Ning Xiaoruan did not object, and said in agreement: "Yes, a girl of this age would definitely be scared to tears when encountering such a thing."

"This girl can't be a spy, right? She has such a good psychological quality." Ning Xiaoruan was amazed.

Of course, Sheng Jiaoyang was not doing spy work. She felt that she was so innocent that she was knocked unconscious for no reason and was brought to this barren place.

She recalled that since she became Xu Jiaojiao, the only person she had offended the most was Qi Hua, but if that girl wanted to take revenge on her, the most she could do was ask her backstage to suppress her career.

Could it be that Xu Jiaojiao's own father was behind this? Otherwise, who would be idle and draw her blood

When his hands and feet were numb and no one came, Sheng Jiaoyang became very angry.

She looked around and said loudly: "If you have something to do, tell me. Don't hide away."

In the surveillance camera next door, Ning Xiaoruan smiled. "This girl finally couldn't bear it anymore."

"Brother Nan, Dr. Liu has experienced that she is indeed Xu Jiaojiao. What should we do next?"

Jing Weinan glanced at Ning Xiaoruan, stood up, and walked out of the monitoring room.

"Hey, wait for me!" Ning Xiaoruan hurriedly caught up.

When Sheng Jiaoyang saw the two people walking in, his eyes widened in surprise.

Although she often took a detour when she saw Demon King Shen, she still knew these two people who were often around Demon King Shen. Especially Ning Xiaoruan, a bastard. She had met him when she accompanied her grandfather to Mr. Shen's birthday party, and they had some interactions with him, and she knew that he was the cousin of Demon King Shen.

One is Lord Shen's right-hand man, and the other is his cousin.

If she didn't know who was responsible at this time, she could just be a pig.

As expected, nothing good will happen when she encounters Lord Shen. She has changed into a different person, and yet he can still bring trouble to her.

"Tell me, who did you come into contact with a while ago?" Jing Weinan said straight to the point.

"What do you mean?" Sheng Jiaoyang frowned, feeling that these words were a bit baffling.

Jing Weinan's face darkened, and his large height was quite intimidating. "Don't pretend to be confused because you understand!"

"What the hell? Tell me clearly."

"What my brother Nan means is that someone you contacted a while ago gave you some instructions to get close to Mr. Shen," Ning Xiaoruan said.

"Mr. Shen? Are you talking about Shen Zhining?" Sheng Jiaoyang looked at the two of them with a look of lunacy.

"Oh, I even know the name."

"I asked you, are you stupid? How could I approach him? Which of your eyes saw me approaching him?" Sheng Jiaoyang exploded. He tied her here just because of this non-existent thing. She really wanted to Tie them up too and give them a good whip.

"There is no basis for what you say." There is no oil or salt coming through Weinan.

… Depend on!

Sheng Jiaoyang gritted his teeth and tried his best to suppress his anger and said, "Then what evidence do you have to prove that I am close to him?"

"You appear around our Mr. Shen again and again. The key is that you deliberately imitate the sun." Ning Xiaoruan said.

Imitate yourself? Sheng Jiaoyang sneered, but it was really difficult for her to reveal her identity at this moment. Even after saying this, the people who doubted her in the first place pointed out that he was pretending. And not everyone can know that she has become someone else.

"Jiaoyang is my idol, can't I worship her and imitate her?" Sheng Jiaoyang rolled his eyes and immediately had something to say.

"Jiaoyang is not a celebrity, how do you know her?" Ning Xiaoruan asked curiously.

"I have dreamed of being a painter since I was a child, but others didn't know it. Later, I accidentally saw someone's post on the Internet, saying that I participated in an art exhibition and posted some photos taken at the art exhibition. Those paintings are really amazing. Great, I fell in love with the unrestrained and free-spirited style at first sight, and then I found out from the poster’s introduction that the person opening the exhibition was actually a girl a few years older than me. At that time, I regarded her as mine I secretly imitate her paintings and try to pursue her preferences. I just like her, what's wrong? Who said I can't imitate my idol?"

Sheng Jiaoyang told a lie without a red face, and her tone was so excited that she really looked like an ardent fan who was questioned about her love for her idol.

She didn't care if there were any loopholes in her words. Anyway, many things couldn't be detected at all. If they had the ability, they could find out Xu Jiaojiao's online records in the past few years!

"Then why didn't you show it before?" Jing Weinan said reluctantly.

"After I woke up from the hospital, I knew that the person who entered the hospital with me was my idol. I felt very guilty for putting her in the hospital. From that time on, I decided to be a person like her."

Sheng Jiaoyang paused and suddenly shouted: "How long do you want to tie me up? I tell you very clearly that I will not get close to your Mr. Shen. Do I have to get close to someone who Jiaoyang doesn't like? Hurry up. Just let me go, my mother is still waiting for me!"

Ning Xiaoruan said playfully: "Don't worry, I have already sent a message to your mother on your mobile phone, saying that you and your friends will hang out for a while and let her go home first without waiting for you."

Sheng Jiaoyang was speechless.

Suddenly a ringtone rang. Jing Weinan glanced at Sheng Jiaoyang, took out his cell phone and walked aside to answer the call.

"Let her go back," a deep voice came from the phone, "By the way, ask her - how did she know that Jiaoyang doesn't like me."

"Yes." There was a trace of surprise in Jing Weinan's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Ning Xiaoruan asked.

Jing Weinan didn't answer. He walked over and untied Sheng Jiaoyang. When she stood up to move her body, he asked, "How do you know Miss Jiaoyang doesn't like our boss?"

"I just know, but why should I tell you?" Knowing from Jing Weinan's actions that he should be fine, Sheng Jiaoyang became arrogant again.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't send you back?" Jing Weinan said with a straight face.

"Don't push me down! I have my own feet and can walk by myself." Sheng Jiaoyang snorted, turned around and walked out.

Finally seeing Jing Weinan's deflated Ning Xiaoruan, he looked at Jing Weinan with gloating eyes and caught up with Sheng Jiaoyang.

"This is the suburbs. It's late at night now, so I'd better see you off!"

After saying that, he came closer and whispered: "Tell me later, how did you know that Jiaoyang doesn't like my cousin? Oh, I forgot to mention, my cousin is Mr. Shen."

Sheng Jiaoyang glanced at Ning Xiaoruan and replied in a charitable tone: "Send me home first."

"Then you must tell me!" Ning Xiaoruan winked at Sheng Jiaoyang.

Sheng Jiaoyang curled his lips, he was such a slut!