Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

Chapter 3: Fight, girl


It was already past nine o'clock in the evening when she returned to her residence. Sheng Jiaoyang sat by the bed and watched Xu Qing busy with housework. Although the house was small, there was a lot of housework. Who knew that she was a dragster who had no fingers to touch with fireworks? Bottle→_→The dishes and chopsticks from lunch were not put away, and there were also clothes to change.

In her memory, her mother took her to live in a villa. Ma Zhang, called by her grandfather, took care of their three meals a day, and a full-time nanny took care of the villa. She had never seen her mother do housework. .

The mother in front of me is very ordinary, with a somewhat weak personality, but she is great. Not every mother can raise a child alone.

"Jiaojiao, the bath water has been mixed for you. Go take a bath quickly!" Xu Qing's words interrupted Sheng Jiaoyang's thoughts.

Late at night, Sheng Jiaoyang woke up from the heat and was startled when he opened his eyes. There was a dark shadow at the end of the bed. Because of his short-sightedness, the dark shadow he saw was very hazy and strange.

He quickly picked up his phone and turned on the flashlight. When he took a photo, it turned out to be Xu Qing.

Sheng Jiaoyang stroked his chest and asked angrily: "Why aren't you sleeping yet?" What kind of trouble would it be to sit at the end of the bed without sleeping in the middle of the night

Fortunately, this body does not have heart disease.

Xu Qing was also startled by Sheng Jiaoyang's voice, and she quickly said: "Sleep now."

Hearing the hoarseness and crying tone in Xu Qing's voice, Sheng Jiaoyang sat up and turned on the light in the room first. Sure enough, he saw Xu Qing's eyes that were red and swollen from crying.

How big of a deal must it be to cry like this in the middle of the night? She remembered that she had never cried like this when her lover was intimate with the big girl in front of her. At most, she secretly shed a few sad tears unwillingly.

"What's wrong, who bullied you?"

"No," Xu Qing turned her head and wiped her tears secretly, "Go to sleep."

"Stop hiding, I've seen it all. What's wrong with you? I'm your daughter, and we should be responsible for everything."

Xu Qing looked at Sheng Jiaoyang and hesitated to speak, but her tears couldn't stop flowing out.

Sheng Jiaoyang sat next to Xu Qing, stretched out his arms to hug Xu Qing, and said softly: "I have grown up, there is nothing you can't tell me. Some things are difficult for you to solve, but you can't tell me anything." Maybe the second person will have a solution. And there are only two of us in this family, so you should believe me!"

Xu Qing, who has always played the role of the backbone supporting the family, felt the comfort and tolerance from her daughter, as if she had suddenly found support, and cried bitterly while holding Sheng Jiaoyang.

Sheng Jiaoyang stroked Xu Qing's back over and over again, letting Xu Qing cry. It was better to cry out than to hold it in.

When Xu Qing gradually calmed down, she said: "Okay, now you can tell me why you are crying."

"Jiaojiao, mom is sorry for you..." At this point, Xu Qing couldn't help but choked up again.

"How could it be? Anyone in this world may be sorry to me, but you will never be sorry."

Xu Qing, who was comforted by Sheng Jiaoyang's firm words, stated intermittently the reason for her sadness.

Xu Qing's job is as a teller in a mobile phone store in a shopping mall. After going to work yesterday afternoon, she was a little absent-minded because she was thinking about her daughter. Then she was deceived by a scammer and used mobile phone models to exchange for three new mobile phones. When she was about to put the phone she took out back on the counter, she discovered that the phone had been repackaged, but the scammer had already run away.

Although the police were immediately filed and a case was filed, it was still hard to say whether the scammer would be caught. The shop owner, who had long been dissatisfied with Xu Qing's frequent leave, fired her and asked her to compensate for the loss of the three mobile phones, unless the scammer could be caught and recovered. loss, otherwise the money would not be returned to her.

The nearly 10,000 yuan she had lost all her savings in one go. This money was saved by her frugality to pay for her daughter's college tuition. Now her daughter has been admitted to such a good school, but she has lost the tuition money. Why doesn't she cry bitterly

"If the money is gone, it is gone. There will always be a way to make it back, and you can get loans to study in college." Sheng Jiaoyang comforted him.

After revealing what she was hiding in her heart, Xu Qing calmed down a lot. On the one hand, she was moved by her daughter's sensibility, but on the other hand, she didn't want her daughter to bear her fault at such a young age. She said, "I'll go to your uncle tomorrow to borrow some money." Money, Jiaojiao, mom will definitely let you go to college safely!"

Another uncle

"Uncle, can he borrow money?"

After Sheng Jiaoyang asked, she saw that Xu Qing hesitated. Now she knew that this uncle was unreliable.

Without a husband and family to rely on, it’s no wonder that when this happens, it feels like the sky is falling.

She really didn't take 10,000 yuan seriously before, but she didn't expect that now the whole family would be worried about this little money.

Sheng Jiaoyang didn't sleep much in the second half of the night. He kept thinking about how to get rid of the family's predicament by relying on himself.

Even if Xu Qing can borrow money, it will only be a drop in the bucket. The most important thing to get out of the predicament is to have a good source of living.

Considering all aspects, participating in that supermodel selection show is currently the best way out.

The next day, Sheng Jiaoyang did not go to her uncle's house with Xu Qing. She said that her classmate had something to do with her, and asked Xu Qing for some change before going out.

After checking some information online, Sheng Jiaoyang went straight to the registration point.

Compared with online registration, on-site registration is more direct. The measurements, height and weight will be measured by staff when registering. Those who meet the standards will enter the interview. Only those who pass the interview can participate in the competition. Online registration is more cumbersome. After filling in the registration information, you have to wait for the system to filter the conditions, and then conduct a video interview. After passing the interview, you have to make an appointment for on-site measurement. Only the measurement results and the registration information match can you participate in the competition.

The registration point is in the new city, and Sheng Jiaoyang lives in the old city. Fortunately, there is a subway station near the registration point. Sheng Jiaoyang, who had never taken a bus before, took the bus yesterday when he followed Xu Qing back from the Central Hospital. Yesterday, he observed carefully because of the novelty, so he was not confused when he took the bus alone for the first time today.

Sheng Jiaoyang first took the bus to the nearest subway entrance, and then transferred to the subway to go to the registration point.

However, it was only around nine o'clock in the morning, and there were already some people queuing up at the registration point to fill in the registration information. Perhaps it was because today was the last day to register for the audition.

All those who came to sign up were young, beautiful, tall girls. They were all dressed up, and their hairstyles and clothes were very particular. The two girls obviously came together, and they were chatting with thick Northeastern accents.

"Oh my god, I'm so excited, Yang Bao, do you think I can come in?" As the team moved forward, a taller and more handsome girl grabbed the girl she called Yang Bao and asked nervously .

"You can definitely do it, just relax." Yang Bao took out a hand and made a cheering gesture.

Sheng Jiaoyang looked at the two girls who were good friends and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. She also has a best friend, that beautiful girl who used to cry with her, laugh with her, and do many crazy things with her.

Thinking about the huge difference in their identities now, she regretted her decision to return to China. If she didn't go back to China, she was still enjoying the life of her eldest lady, going shopping with beautiful girls, flirting with Han... Even if she was broken up, it didn't matter. Why couldn't she figure out why she wanted to go back to China to fight with those idiots from the Sheng family?

Well, at first she was thinking that if she wasn't happy, she would have to find something happy, and then she thought of the mother and daughter in the Sheng family who ruined her reputation. Things are different now. She is no longer the little girl who was helpless by her stepmother's tricks and had to go abroad with her grandfather. So how can she let them live a comfortable life again.

Revenge when there is a grudge, and revenge when there is a grudge.

The revenge started quite smoothly. Before she could take action, her good sister's sweetheart confessed his love to her. When he was confessed, she was stunned for a moment. She probably didn't expect that the prey would take the initiative to clean himself and come to her door. , the embarrassment and pain on Sheng Shiyun's face at that time made her quite relieved.

I'm afraid Sheng Shiyun herself didn't expect that the person she had been smearing and who had succeeded in making everyone feel hateful could seduce her lover without any effort.

Of course Sheng Shiyun would not give in. She took advantage of her birthday to invite her sweetheart out and secretly took misleading photos and sent them to her.

She had just finished her exam, and when she was bored, she drove to "catch an adulterer", thinking of exposing Sheng Shiyun's trick in person.


She became Xu Jiaojiao.

She has paid great attention to taking care of her body these years, so she can live like a normal person. Who would have thought that she would collapse after being stimulated like this. Not many people knew that she had a heart disease. Her mother hid her illness from the people around her when she was born. For some reason, even her father and mother kept it secret.

Her mother passed away after her eighth birthday. About two or three months later, she found out about the mother and daughter who were being kept outside by her father. The baby who was only more than two months old was pushed away, and then the father took the mother and daughter back home. In less than two years, a lot of things happened at home, and then she became a vicious person that everyone yelled at. daughter, and then her grandfather took her to live abroad.

Later, as my knowledge increased, I gradually discovered a lot of doubts in retrospect. Now if I let her go through those things, she will never fall into the trap of women again, causing one step to be wrong and the other to be wrong.

"Did you see the form on the screen? After filling out this form, you must fill in the required fields. Now please check your ID card with me. After verification, you can go to the test area next to you for the test." A hand stretched out from the front and pointed. He pointed to the computer on the desk facing the applicant's direction.

It turned out that it was his turn. Sheng Jiaoyang came to his senses, took out his ID card and handed it over. He glanced at the form briefly and moved the mouse to fill it out.

Just after entering the name, the staff reminded: "That's wrong, the name on your ID card is Xu Jiaojiao. Why did you write Sheng Jiaoyang? Isn't that me?"

Sheng Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, and said without changing his face: "I just changed my name and I'm still not used to it." He asked for his ID card and entered his personal information such as his ID number, place of origin, etc., and then handed the ID card to the staff.

After checking the information, the staff scanned the ID card and entered the form. When returning the ID card, he glanced at the portrait on the ID card suspiciously and muttered: "Is it really you?"

Sheng Jiaoyang's mouth twitched. To be honest, she was really not herself.