Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

Chapter 51: Maps are also insightful


The heroine of the scandal had no idea that she had become an Internet sensation overnight, and the program team took back their mobile phones that night, saying they would give them to them after the competition.

When gathering the next day, Sheng Jiaoyang noticed that director Yu Jing was looking at her strangely. At first she thought it was an illusion, but later she found that Yu Jing was paying more and more attention to her, and she couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Nothing in this world is without reason. There must be a reason why Yu Jing suddenly paid so much attention to her.

But now she has no way to explore the reason, and she can only wait and see what happens.

Today, the program team did not make things difficult for the contestants. They took everyone to the city and had a leisurely breakfast.

"It's so rare that we are not asked to do a task before we can eat."

"That day I was really traumatized. Watching others eat Italian dinner, we could only eat instant noodles. This feeling was terrible, very terrible!"

"Why do I feel that the program team is not so kind? I feel like there is something waiting for us."

"So you feel the same way. I also feel that the program team has no good intentions. They want us to eat enough so that we have the energy to run while walking. It feels like it will be a marathon again."

The players ate breakfast leisurely and chatted.

The cameraman who was recording next to him smiled silently, he really understood their director Yu's style.

After the contestants finished eating, the program team took them onto the two-story sightseeing car.

Then... each person has a map...

"Damn it! The map is on the map again, I'm really afraid of it!!"

"Teacher Zhuo, do you want us to travel throughout Rome???"

The players were wailing, especially those who didn't speak good foreign languages and didn't have a strong sense of direction. They simply hated this map.

The staff members were holding back their laughter, and they were quite happy to see the contestants being unlucky.

"This will be our last competition in Rome, please be prepared." Zhuo Yiyan didn't care how the players complained, and these competition rules were all thought up by the director and director. He was just the announcer.

This time it was still a group match. Eight people were divided into two groups. The way of grouping this time was different. Before, the group leader was selected first and then the group members. This time the program team prepared a grouping prop box, and poked holes in the four sides of the box. Eight rope ends are produced, and each player chooses a rope end. Those who can pull out the rope are one group, and those who cannot pull out the rope are another group.

"Jiaojiao, if I don't get the chance to be with you this time, I will die." Wang Wei looked worried.

Sheng Jiaoyang patted Wang Wei on the back and said, "Just take it one step at a time."

Wang Wei nodded and smiled reluctantly: "People are really greedy. Once they get something good, they want something better."

"There is nothing bad. Only if you want better can you make progress."

"What you said makes sense!" Wang Wei made a cheering gesture to herself and was about to step forward to pull the rope, but was held back by Sheng Jiaoyang.

"Wait, let someone else smoke first."

"Isn't it the same thing to smoke first and then to smoke?" Wang Wei asked strangely.

Of course it's different. Although the starting probability is one-half, as the number of people pulling the rope decreases, the probability will change.

Sheng Jiaoyang did not explain, but only gave Wang Wei a wink.

Two people went to pull out the ropes. When there were four ropes left, there were still three ropes that couldn't be pulled out. At this time, Sheng Jiaoyang called Wang Wei up to pull the rope together.

If Wang Wei can still pull out the quarter of the rope, she is really unlucky. Of course, it might be Sheng Jiaoyang who drew the rope.

Fortunately, God favored Wang Wei, and both of them got the same kind of rope.

"That's great, Jiaojiao, I can be with you again!" Wang Wei jumped up and hugged Sheng Jiaoyang, very excited.

Being in a group with Jiaojiao makes me feel so safe!

Almost everyone wants to be in a group with Sheng Jiaoyang. In the previous rounds of competition, everyone recognized Sheng Jiaoyang's strength. With such a great teammate, winning the group stage will be relatively easy.

But after all, it is the group stage. It is useless to rely on the strength of one person. Only by gathering the strength of everyone and twisting it into a rope can we successfully win the game.

This time Luo Yi and Yin Meiling became Sheng Jiaoyang's teammates. Since it was a group battle, a team leader must be selected. Due to Sheng Jiaoyang's understanding of this place, Sheng Jiaoyang naturally became the leader of their group. . The other group promoted Pu Mingyu as the team leader. Pu Mingyu finally became the team leader, but he didn't feel happy because his opponents were Luo Yi and Sheng Jiaoyang!

Four attractions are marked on the map, along with five parking locations. The first parking place is also the starting point. This time it is another baton race. The first runner selects clothes and puts on the clothes on the first floor of the sightseeing car and walks to the first scenic spot. There are photographers there waiting for the first place in the two groups. The baton players take photos. After taking the photos, they rush to the second parking location and return to the sightseeing bus to hand the baton to the second team player. By analogy, whichever group of fourth team players reaches the finish line first will win. .

At the same time, among the photos taken on the streets in this competition, the best still photos will also be selected. Only the winner of the best still photo will be exempted from the next round of competition. The comprehensive ranking list will only be used when eliminating people. The loser The player at the bottom of the group is eliminated.

When it came time to line up their troops, the two groups were far apart, neither wanting the other to hear their plans.

Sheng Jiaoyang made a plan based on the distribution of the scenic spots and the characteristics of the scenic spots, and combined everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Wang Wei was the first player, Luo Yi was the second player, Yin Meiling was the third player, and Sheng Jiaoyang took over. Four sticks.

The task given to the team members is the word "fast". No matter what link they are in, they must be fast in order to be the first to rush to the photo point and take pictures first, creating more opportunities for the contestants who take over from behind.

Sheng Jiaoyang described the characteristics of each scenic spot and suggested to the other three that when choosing clothes, they should choose clothes according to the characteristics of their respective scenic spots. They must not hesitate in choosing clothes. If you hesitate, you will be ruined. She repeatedly emphasized that she would rather Even if the photo was not taken well, the team still had to win the game.

Wang Wei took note of Sheng Jiaoyang's instructions. After hearing the command "Start", she rushed downstairs. She didn't care whether it fit or looked good. She picked a loose skirt that was easy to wear and put it on. She grabbed a pair of high heels and walked downstairs. He rushed out of the sightseeing car, ran all the way in the direction pointed by Sheng Jiaoyang, and ran away under the eyes of everyone in amazement.

After Wang Wei ran far away, Pu Mingyu's team set off. The first team, Sheng Jiaoyang's team, was clearly ahead.

According to the plan made at the beginning, every stroke of Sheng Jiaoyang's group was much faster than that of Pu Mingyu's group. In the last stroke, Sheng Jiaoyang still walked to the finish line elegantly in high heels. In terms of speed, they won by an absolute advantage. game.

But the process…

The judges were speechless looking at the photos taken by the four members of Sheng Jiaoyang's group.

What the hell is this

Especially Wang Wei, who was dressed like a maternity dress and the shoes on her feet didn't fit her feet. She stood in front of the scenic spot like a mere passerby, her color completely obscured by the scenic spot.

The last three are much better, but they are not as good as they should be, especially Luo Yi and Sheng Jiaoyang. Both of them are the most promising ones of the program team, but their performance in this round was mediocre.

In the end, it was Xiao Yang who got the best still photo.

It is worth mentioning that rookie Wang Wei was lucky enough to advance to the top seven.

Douzi has something to say: This is the second update added. Thank you Qingguo Qingcheng Aiqin for the reward! I finished this update with my eyes open. It was not easy. The computer went dark for an hour in the middle of the process, and Douzi almost ran away. Fortunately, the previously written manuscript was not lost.