Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

Chapter 53: One day trip


It’s easy to say that it’s not difficult to take photos with environmental themes. It can be anything related to environmental protection. However, it’s easy to say that it’s difficult to take wonderful photos.

Especially if you have to find a foreigner to be your partner, it is even more difficult. The first thing to overcome is the language barrier. How can we know each other's thoughts if we don't understand each other's language? Without communication, how can we take tacit and wonderful photos

So when the judges saw some photos with various shortcomings, they were not surprised at all. They were surprised to see two pretty good photos. No, this level cannot be described as just "good". It is already very good. alright.

When the judges were commenting, the other five were picked out by the judges for a lot of faults. There was a vicious judge among them who was not shy about his offensive words. Almost every contestant who came in to be judged was attacked indiscriminately. arrive.

When Wang Wei came in, the judges who were discussing whether language was important stopped.

"I heard that Xu Jiaojiao hired your photo partner?"

Wang Wei nodded nervously, fearing that the judges would not approve of this behavior.

"You must have saved Xu Jiaojiao in your previous life. She has helped you a lot this time." The poisonous judge said.

"The image and concept of this photo are both good. If I really have to find something wrong with it, it would be your expression. When you look back at the old lady picking up the bottle, your expression is too deliberately surprised and not natural enough."

Wang Wei nodded repeatedly.

"In general, everything is OK. Wang Wei, congratulations, you are safe this round."

"Thank you, thank you!" Wang Wei was pleasantly surprised.

"You should be grateful to the person who helped you communicate with your partner." Zhuo Yiyan said.

Wang Wei left the room happily, returned to the waiting room next to her, rushed over and hugged Sheng Jiaoyang, and kissed Sheng Jiaoyang on the face without any precautions.

"I love you so much, Jiaojiao!" Wang Wei said excitedly.

Sheng Jiaoyang pushed her away with a look of disgust, got up and walked to the review room next door.

"Wang Wei, you not only saved Xu Jiaojiao in your previous life, you also saved the Milky Way." A person who was already in the top 15 was already promoted to the top 6 in the country, and others couldn't help but envy him.

Seeing the sudden changes in the screen on the screen, and listening to the compliments one by one as if they were free of charge, the contestants who had been bombarded before felt really uncomfortable, especially when they saw the judges announcing the best of this round without any suspense. When the hard photo belonged to Xu Jiaojiao, they all hated themselves for not reading more books when they were young. If they had learned foreign languages well, they wouldn't be completely outclassed now.

"Wang Wei, if Xu Jiaojiao asks you to take this photo, you might be the one who gets the best photo." Suddenly Yin Meiling said.

Wang Wei glanced at Yin Meiling and felt that the tone of her voice was strange. She didn't think much about it and said, "I'm not good at it. I can't capture her feeling like this, so I changed my partner."

"..." Yin Meiling, who still wanted to say that Xu Jiaojiao had selfish motives, was speechless.

Everyone looked at Wang Wei with complicated expressions. How could this guy be so virtuous and capable that Xu Jiaojiao help her without any hesitation

The best photos have been released, and it’s time to announce the eliminated candidates.

Xiao Yang has the immunity he won in the last round, so he doesn't have to worry about being eliminated this round, but the other four are worried.

When Zhuo Yiyan came in with the photo, they all stared at the photo in his hand nervously.

"Xu Jiaojiao, Wang Wei, Luo Yi, Xiao Yang, Pu Mingyu..." Only the last photo was left. Zhuo Yiyan looked back and forth between the remaining two contestants, stretched out the photo, "Yin Meiling."

Chen Han suddenly broke down and cried. Xiao Yang turned around and hugged her to cry together.

This pair of friends who have been together all the way are finally separated.

Because the pressure among the contestants was too heavy, the program team gave the contestants another day off and returned their mobile phones to them.

If possible, Sheng Jiaoyang really wanted to go to Paris to find Lin Na, but unfortunately her passport and everything else were kept by the program team.

This time, as soon as he saw Xu Jiaojiao preparing to go out again, her little tail immediately clung to her.

"Jiaojiao, where are you going to play? Take me flying!"

Yu Jing immediately sent a cameraman to follow her, which was called to record the leisurely daily life of the contestants. In fact, it was just to keep an eye on Xu Jiaojiao in case she went out and did something else and caught the program team by surprise.

With Wang Wei and the cameraman, Sheng Jiaoyang went out carrying her small backpack.

This time she had no purpose, so she simply took Wang Xiaoniu, who had never seen the world, out to open her eyes. She had been competing in front of her, and even when she arrived at those scenic spots, she didn't have the heart to appreciate them. Today was Wang Wei's first real meaning. On a trip.

"Wow, I finally saw the real Tower Bridge in London. Jiaojiao, please help me take some photos." After getting off the car, Wang Xiaoniu ran towards the Tower Bridge.

Sheng Jiaoyang took out his mobile phone to take photos of Wang Wei.

The cameraman stood nearby to take pictures of her.

After spending the whole morning in such leisurely time, the three of them found a restaurant to sit down.

"Brother, please put the camera down, okay?" Wang Wei said inarticulately as she saw the cameraman across from him still holding on to his post.

Looking at Wang Wei's bulging cheeks, Sheng Jiaoyang arched his eyebrows and handed Wang Wei a glass of water, telling her to swallow the food in her mouth first to avoid choking.

"Brother Li, eat first. Only when you are full can you have the strength to work." Sheng Jiaoyang raised his chin slightly and tapped the food in front of him, indicating that he should eat first.

That makes sense. Xiao Li thought for a while, put the camera away, and started eating. His eyes lit up when he took the first bite. He silently glanced at the short-haired girl opposite who was eating elegantly. This girl was really amazing. She had never been out of it. In this country, you can clearly see where there is fun and delicious food, and you can go anywhere without any hesitation like a humanoid navigator.

Wang Wei ate quickly and quickly cleared up her lunch. She burped happily, turned around and saw Jiaojiao next to her still eating slowly, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

It has long been noticed that Jiaojiao eats very gracefully. This time with the phone in hand, Wang Wei pretended to play with it, secretly lifted the phone, turned her body slightly sideways, pointed the phone camera at Jiaojiao, and secretly took a picture I posted the short paragraph on my Weibo and also posted:

Thank you to my goddess for taking me around London and taking me to delicious meals. I love you love you love you! ! !

Not two minutes after posting it, Wang Wei suddenly saw someone following her. When she clicked on it, her eyes widened.

"Oh my God!"

Comrade Xiao Li, the cameraman opposite, was so frightened that his hands shook, and the last bite of food he brought to his mouth fell on the table. He looked at the one he couldn't eat with trepidation.

Sheng Jiaoyang has become accustomed to Wang Wei's escapades these days, but she was not disturbed. She wiped the corners of her mouth, turned to look at Wang Wei, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Jiaojiao, please go to Weibo and take a look." Wang Wei said excitedly.

What to see? "I don't have Weibo."

"Ah?! No wonder you don't know!"

"What happened?" Sheng Jiaoyang raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Jiaojiao Jiaojiao, you are so popular!!!" Wang Wei said in a very exaggerated tone.

The people dining at the next table all looked at her.

"If you don't say anything, I will get really angry." Sheng Jiaoyang said in a calm voice.

"Uh..." Wang Wei shrank her neck, and then said excitedly, "Jiaojiao, you know Gu Nanshen!"

"I don't know." Sheng Jiaoyang picked up the small backpack and stood up to pay the bill.

"..." Wang Wei, who still had a lot to ask, was dumbfounded.