Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

Chapter 58: See Lin Yan again


"He didn't even give me a reason and just told me to break up. Why did he just break up with me?"

"Can you give him a slap in the face next time you see him?"

"No! If you hit him, I'll feel bad."

"Okay, then what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, I don't know! Jiaojiao, I feel so uncomfortable!"

"Since he took the initiative to give up this relationship, you should stop thinking about him. Someone better will love you in the future."

"I don't want it, I want George—"

Sheng Jiaoyang scratched her hair and felt a headache when she saw the drunkard holding the bottle and crying.

That bastard George! It's really easy for him to pour a glass of wine!

She originally thought that George could take good care of Mei Niu. At that time, she could tell from the casual glances between the two of them that George was sincere to Mei Niu. Before her accident, she had heard Mei Niu say that they were going to the Aegean Sea. , how long has it been!

So why do you want to fall in love

Sheng Jiaoyang grabbed her hair again and watched Lin Na crying uncontrollably. She didn't know what to do.

Although there were times when she fell madly in love with someone, she never chased the person, so how could she understand how the beautiful girl felt now. After all, there is a difference between getting something you like and then losing it, and not getting it but knowing that you are destined to never get it.

The cell phone on the bar buzzed.

Lin Na probably still had a glimmer of consciousness, so she went to answer the phone with blurred eyes.



"Hey! Talk!"

Lin Na yelled into the phone.

Sheng Jiaoyang sighed helplessly. She could faintly hear the voices on the phone even though they were silent.

She reached out and took the phone from Lin Na's phone and answered the call for her.

"Hello!" Sheng Jiaoyang said.

"Who are you?" The person on the other end of the phone asked in English after hearing the unfamiliar voice.

Lin Na was crying and laughing at the same time, which was very disturbing, so Sheng Jiaoyang didn't hear the voice very clearly, but he just knew what the other party was talking about.

"I'm Lina's friend. She's drunk right now and it's not convenient to answer the phone. If you have anything to do with her, I'll tell her later when she wakes up."

"where are you?"

"Lina's house."

"Is there anyone else besides you and Nana?" the person on the phone asked.

Sheng Jiaoyang found it strange. She took off her phone and looked at the caller ID. The name Lin Na noted was "Bastard 2". She sweated silently. The person who had such a note but could still exist in the phone book was probably someone Lin Na was familiar with. of. She thought for a moment and replied: "No."

"Please take good care of Nana."

Not many people call Lin Na Nana. Sheng Jiaoyang was still wondering who the call would be, but who knew that the person on the other end had already said "goodbye" and hung up the phone.

"George, why don't I love you? Why am I so sad if I don't love you? George..."

The drunkard was still holding the bottle and talking.

Sheng Jiaoyang sighed again. It was not easy for her to get involved in matters of love. Mei Niu had to make all the decisions herself.

The next day.

When she opened her eyes, she didn't see the beautiful girl. Sheng Jiaoyang suddenly woke up. When she walked out of the bedroom, she saw Lin Na busy in the open kitchen.

"Good morning, Little Sun!" Lin Na greeted Sheng Jiaoyang with a smile, and she could tell that she was in a good mood.

Sheng Jiaoyang leaned against the cabinet and looked at Lin Na. Today's beauty looked particularly different. Her makeup had been specially done and her clothes were ironed without any wrinkles. Seeing her like this, I couldn't imagine how noisy she was last night. She didn't look like someone crying over a broken love, but more like someone who had just fallen in love, full of energy.

"It's been a long time since I had breakfast cooked by you." Sheng Jiaoyang said with nostalgia.

"Go and wash up quickly. You can eat it later."


Sheng Jiaoyang smiled, turned around and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Speaking of which, although Lin Na made no secret of her bad temper in front of Sheng Jiaoyang, she was really good at cooking and was far better than Sheng Jiaoyang's dark cuisine.

During breakfast, no one mentioned the drinking last night.

While the two were washing the dishes together, they heard the doorbell.

Sheng Jiaoyang looked at Lin Na, knowing who could be coming to her house so early in the morning? Assistant

Lin Na also looked at Sheng Jiaoyang and told him with her eyes that she was definitely not an assistant.

"I'll open the door." Lin Na took off her gloves and walked to open the door.

As soon as the door opened a little, Lin Na closed the door again as soon as she saw the person outside.

"..." Sheng Jiaoyang.

What's going on here? Could it be that George is here

Just as Sheng Jiaoyang was guessing, a voice came from outside the door.

"Nana, open the door!"

Sheng Jiaoyang finally knew what Lin Na meant when she looked at her after closing the door.

Standing outside the door was Lin Yan.

Of course, Lin Na knew very well that she liked Lin Yan.

"Open the door." Sheng Jiaoyang said. At this time, she finally knew who the person who called last night was.

Lin Yan cared more about Lin Na, his sister, than Aunt Lin cared about Lin Na. Lin Yan heard on the phone last night that Lin Na was so out of control, so it was not surprising that he rushed over to see Lin Na early this morning.

Lin Na glanced at Sheng Jiaoyang worriedly and opened the door.

Lin Yan walked in and inspected the room immediately. When he saw Sheng Jiaoyang washing dishes, his eyes paused.

Lin Na stood over there, blocking Lin Yan's view of Sheng Jiaoyang, and asked rudely: "Why are you here?"

"Look at you." Lin Yan replied calmly.

"I'm very good, what's there to see?" Lin Na didn't buy it.

Lin Yan didn't care about Lin Na's bad attitude. He gently pushed Lin Na away and walked to the kitchen.

Lin Na's expression changed, but she suddenly remembered that Little Yang had become a different person, and there seemed to be nothing to worry about.

"Thank you for taking care of Nana last night." Lin Yan stood still and said to the person who was washing the dishes on his back.

Sheng Jiaoyang finished washing the last bowl, took off his gloves, and then turned around to face Lin Yan unhurriedly.

The outline of the facial features of the person in front of her was still so delicate that she had the urge to draw it. The clear and sparse charm in the eyebrows carried a kind of indifference that could repel people thousands of miles away. In the past, she had the right time, place, right people, and was unable to capture the person. Although she still has this idea now, it's just that after these days of twists and turns, the urge to chase the person regardless of the situation has gradually subsided. .

"You're welcome. It's my job to take care of the beautiful girl."

Lin Yan's expression changed slightly and he turned to look at Lin Na. Only one person had ever called Lin Na "beautiful girl".

Lin Na knew what Lin Yan was thinking at a glance. Seeing that Sheng Jiaoyang could still face Lin Yan calmly, she immediately said with some playfulness: "That's right, who is following the other, Jiaojiao or I?"

"Jiaojiao?" Lin Yan's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, I forgot to introduce you, her name is Xu Jiaojiao, my sister!" Lin Na looked at Lin Yan and smiled maliciously.

"How come I haven't seen it before?"

"You're right, you've never met before. Jiaojiao and I hit it off right away."

Lin Yan nodded, without looking at Sheng Jiaoyang, and just asked Lin Na: "What happened to you last night?"

"What's going on? Yesterday I just met Jiaojiao and drank some wine. What can happen?"

Seeing what Lin Yan wanted to say, Lin Na said impatiently: "What else do you want? I have to send Jiaojiao back to the show crew."

"I'll send you..."

"No, let's go first. Remember to close the door for me." Lin Na waved to Sheng Jiaoyang and picked up her bag.

When Sheng Jiaoyang left, he looked back at Lin Yan and met Lin Yan's scrutinizing eyes.

She lowered her eyes and followed Lin Na.

Douzi has something to say: The holiday is approaching and there are a lot of things. I don’t think there will be more updates this week. I will consider adding more updates after Douzi’s holiday on the 21st...