Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

Chapter 61: Semifinals


"hurry up!"

There was a lot of shouting in the background.

The models hurriedly changed their clothes and lined up, and makeup artists followed to help touch up their makeup.

Soon, the music started playing and the first model walked onto the catwalk.

Zhuo Yiyan, vicious judge Mike and the designer stood backstage to watch the show, and the catwalk show on the catwalk was displayed on the screen.

Foreign female models with deep facial features were walking with long legs and marching to the beat of music. The models with upturned ponytails had heavy makeup on their faces, smoky eyes and poisonous lips. . Even such intense makeup did not cover up the brilliance of her clothes.

The unique tailoring, rational use of various fabrics, and trendy designs make each set make people want to buy it on the spot.

When the model with black hair and black eyes walked onto the catwalk, the audience's eyes lit up. Although many Chinese female models have gone global, they are still rarely seen in foreign shows.

"Xiao Yang's typhoon is getting better and better." Zhuo Yiyan told Mike.

"She's good enough to become a supermodel now." Mike, who is known for his sharp tongue, nodded in response.

"She has a very recognizable international face. I believe everyone will like her." said the Chinese designer.

Because the designer is Chinese, the contestants were taken care of when they went to her for interviews. Five of the six contestants passed the interview before, and now the remaining four contestants can just appear on the same stage at the same show.

The second contestant to take the stage was Luo Yi. She had never done a big show, but she had done a small show like this. She had no shortage of experience. The only shortcoming was probably that she was too afraid of failure, so she didn't do well. Not so letting go.

"Luo Yi has experience, but she doesn't have the feeling of fighting against the odds as if this is her last show." Zhuo Yiyan commented.

"This contestant thought she was very beautiful when I saw her, but she didn't give me much of the feeling I wanted. If it weren't for the urgency in her eyes, I might not have given her this opportunity." The designer also said.

Poisonous Mike nodded and said, "Luo Yi is disappointing because she did not break through in this game."

"I agree!" Zhuo Yiyan said.

After a foreign model, the third contestant on stage was Yin Meiling.

"Mike, what kind of person do you think Yin Meiling is?" Zhuo Yiyan had no words to comment and immediately turned the topic over to Mike.

Mike said without any scruples: "Apart from my nice body, I have nothing else, especially my brain!"

"She is actually quite photogenic. What made me finally decide to keep her during the interview yesterday was the way she looked in ready-made clothes for photos," the designer said.

"But today it seemed like she wasn't able to capture the essence of the dress very well."

The last person to appear was Sheng Jiaoyang. She was arranged to appear second to last. If she performs well in this position, she can be the finale. If she performs well, she will be easily ignored. After all, everyone is looking forward to seeing the last person to appear at this time. .

The shortest hair of the other three is shoulder-length, and they are all tied into high ponytails, but Sheng Jiaoyang's hair is short. Today, the stylist dyed her hair black, parting it into a 28-part length. The side with less hair was pushed into a very short length, and the short hair on the other side was styled diagonally.

She has a very unisex hairstyle, but she is wearing a uniquely feminine see-through dress, with dark green leaves with clear meridians sewn from special fabrics diagonally on her chest, and light green tulle with green leaves embedded in them. One shoulder reveals the entire back curve, and then several layers of tulle are slit sideways, with the skirt flowing behind her.

The short-haired model walked forward on the stage with her head held high, her slender legs flickering under the side-slit tulle skirt, blending a kind of androgynous beauty that is indistinguishable. Coupled with her temperament that is not gaudy at all, the whole person is very drill. I don’t know if it’s the person who adds points to the skirt, or the skirt that adds points to the person.

"This dress is so stunning, isn't it really for the closing model?" Mike exclaimed.

"No, I know that this girl is young and has no catwalk experience. I didn't really believe that she could manage it at first. The reason why I decided to choose her to wear this outfit was because I saw her sudden inspiration. I want to This way I try another feeling. Fortunately, she lived up to my expectations," the designer said.

"Although she is young, she does not feel as young as she actually is. Wearing such a relatively large skirt does not show her timidity. However, she wears this charming skirt with a particularly dignified, noble and fresh look. Refined and agile, like an elf wandering in the world." Zhuo Yiyan said.

Mike touched his chin and clicked his tongue: "Xu Jiaojiao has a really good temperament. She looks like a socialite going to a banquet in this dress. It's not gaudy at all. She has such a strong aura at such a young age and her future is immeasurable." "

While they were commenting, the short-haired female model on the stage had already returned to the backstage, and the final closing model came out swaying with exaggerated and elegant floor-length long sleeves.

A show is over.

The top four contestants stood there, waiting for the judges' decision.

This game is already the semi-finals.

"Being able to get to this point proves that everyone is very capable, but this is the recording site of the semi-finals, and the competition has the result." Zhuo Yiyan said to the players with a serious expression.

"We are ready, Teacher Zhuo, just say it!"

Zhuo Yiyan's eyes wandered among the four contestants, "Both Luo Yi and Xiao Yang performed very well this time. The most surprising one is Xu Jiaojiao. It can be said that the person who has made the most progress in this season of Next Top Model That’s her.”

The others looked at Sheng Jiaoyang, recalling the supermodel's opening show to today. She had really changed a lot. From being not very eye-catching at the beginning to now being radiant, she had gradually changed everyone's view of her. impression.

"Looking at your expressions, I guessed that we will be the first person to advance to the top three." Zhuo Yiyan smiled slightly. "That's right, it's Xu Jiaojiao!"

"Congratulations! Your efforts have not been in vain." Mike was not venomous this time.

Judging from the performance on the spot, the top three were selected without any controversy, namely Sheng Jiaoyang, Xiao Yang, and Luo Yi.

Yin Meiling stopped in the top four.

Another person left the apartment, and the remaining three strong men looked at each other, each feeling something in their heart.

In the evening, Luo Yi and Xiao Yang were invited to have separate interviews. Sheng Jiaoyang welcomed an agent who claimed to be a certain economic company.

This agent was a man about forty years old with a mustache. When he saw Sheng Jiaoyang, he looked at her from head to toe with a look that he thought was cryptic. After looking at her, it seemed that she was okay. Satisfied, he smiled.

"Hello Xu Jiaojiao!" The man stretched out his hand.

Sheng Jiaoyang put his hands in his trouser pockets and had no intention of shaking hands.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me."

There was a flash of cruelty in the man's eyes, which was quickly covered up by the smile. "I am Tan Jie, the gold medal agent of the Super Model Agency. I saw your performance on the show online and thought you were really great. I learned that you have not signed with any agency, so I came here specially. We sincerely invite you to join our collective.”

"Not interested." Sheng Jiaoyang turned and left.

"Hey, you..."


The big man was thrown over his shoulder and fell to the ground unable to move.

Sheng Jiaoyang patted the non-existent dust on his shoulders, looked down at the wailing man, and walked out of the room.

Douzi has something to say: I’ll give you more! I almost closed my eyes when I was writing it. It's tomorrow again, but I'm really afraid of being whipped... Last night I dreamed that Douzi was locked up in a small dark room, and someone threw a red envelope and said: "Write quickly, after you finish writing, these will all be yours." , I can’t finish writing hum!” Then Douzi was frightened and woke up o(╯□╰)o