Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

Chapter 79: Similar smells


"My dear, does my dress look good? You..."

A woman wearing a sexy tube top dress walked out of the dressing room, only to see Lin Yan and a tall and thin girl looking at each other.

"What happened?" The woman came over, pressed her body against Lin Yan, held his hand and stared at Sheng Jiaoyang warily.

Sheng Jiaoyang's eyes moved from the woman's face to Lin Yan, "I heard from the beautiful girl that you are getting engaged, are you with her?" She asked in Mandarin, and the Italian woman obviously didn't understand what she was talking about.

"Yes." Lin Yan looked at her deeply, trying to find more similarities in her.

"Oh." Sheng Jiaoyang pursed her lips. The emotions in her heart were brewing to a critical point. She was completely relieved with her breath. She raised the corners of her mouth and said softly: "I wish you get what you want."

How could she not know this woman? Julianne Guderis, the person who has pestered Lin Yan the most closely in recent years. The Guderis family is powerful, and Julianne is favored in the family. Lin Yan and Julianne are together. Together with the support of the Guderis family, he will surely stand out among the many successors.

Isn't this what you want? Although Lin Yan has never expressed the idea of competing for inheritance rights, Sheng Jiaoyang knew that as long as Aunt Lin had no legitimate status for a day, Lin Yan, as a filial son, would definitely fight for it. Combining with Julianne and binding the Guderis family was his first step.

When she broke free from the emotional shackles and blindness, she finally understood why he had feelings for her but didn't accept her. It was just because she couldn't give him what he wanted.

Sheng Jiaoyang lowered his eyes and laughed softly,

Lin Yan was shocked. He had only seen the girl in front of him twice, but it gave him a very special feeling, as if she should be familiar, but there was a layer of frosted glass between her.

"What are you talking about?" Julianne frowned.

"I said congratulations on your engagement and wish you happiness." Sheng Jiaoyang said to Julianne in Italian.

Julianne smiled happily and relaxed her gaze.

Lin Yan's eyes flashed with a strange light, and the look he looked at Sheng Jiaoyang had some unclear meaning. Everyone's tone and pronunciation were different, but the girl in front of him, except for her appearance and voice, had no other features. They are all very similar, their facial expressions and mannerisms, their unique endings when speaking Italian, and even the way they smile are very similar.

There are too many places that are the same, but the people are different.

The reason Nana was able to accept this person so quickly must be because he looked so much like the sun.

"Are you having a meeting?" A voice came from the side.

Sheng Jiaoyang turned around and greeted her with a smile: "Beautiful girl, you look great in this dress!"

"Really?" Lin Na held up the hem of her skirt and spun it around.

"Lina, it turns out you are here too!" Julianne said.

Lin Na nodded politely in response and complimented by the way: "Julianne, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Julianne smiled happily and said, "Let's have dinner together tonight?"

"We have an appointment tonight, so I won't disturb your world." Lin Na refused.

Julian smiled and turned to look at Lin Yan: "Dear, does my dress look good?"

Lin Yan looked away and nodded slightly: "Very good."

Lin Na didn't change out of her skirt here. She swiped her card and pulled Sheng Jiaoyang away. She really didn't want to see those two people looking sticky.

At night, Lin Na and Sheng Jiaoyang walked into Rita's villa hand in hand. This villa, which was decorated in a girlish style inside and out, was a coming-of-age gift given to her by Rita's father.

As soon as they entered the door, they felt a familiar smell, and the particularly wild, restless and dynamic music was noisy to their eardrums.

Lin Na and Sheng Jiaoyang looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of dumbfounding in each other's eyes.

Kaili Tower’s preferences remain unchanged.

A group of people gathered around the bar, and they heard a shout from the other end that was more deafening than the music.

Walking over, I saw two people at the very back...

Arm wrestling!

One is a tall and strong young man, and the other is Rita, who is dressed very ladylike.

"This guy is testing his strength again, and he doesn't know what the point of doing this is?" Lin Na leaned into Sheng Jiaoyang's ear and said.

Sheng Jiaoyang smiled, probably what Rita was most proud of was her strange power.

A big hand hooked a slender little hand, but the owner of the big hand had veins popping out on his face, while the owner of the small hand was quite calm. The contrast in the picture was so great that it was a bit unbearable to look at.

Everyone around him was cheering for the young man named Jesse, but the young man began to slump, and his muscular arm was slowly pushed aside by the little hand, and finally hit the bar with a "thud".

The onlookers all had expressions of "Oh, it hurts" on their faces.

"Come on, come on, drink for free!" Rita poured a glass of vodka into Jesse's hand.

Jesse drank the wine with a wry smile, burped, and muttered: "You are such a weirdo!"

Rita stood up with her hands on her hips and shouted very domineeringly: "Who else!"

"No more fun, no more fun, let's go dance!" "Let's go play cards!" "Let's go chat!"

People around him dispersed.

Rita saw Lin Na and Sheng Jiaoyang. She took one more look at Sheng Jiaoyang and felt that she didn't care anymore. She turned to Lin Na and said, "You're here. Come on, let's have a drink first!"

Well, in addition to competing in strength, Kaili Tower also likes to drink...

"Come with your friend." Rita didn't forget to put a glass of wine into Sheng Jiaoyang's hand.

"Don't ask us to drink such strong wine as soon as you come here. We don't have as good a drinking capacity as you." Lin Na said helplessly.

"What are you afraid of? If you're drunk, just stay here and sleep. I can also help you find a bed warmer." Rita raised her chin.

"Please, it's summer, do you need a bed warmer?" Lin Na was really impressed by this guy.

Rita raised the wine glass, "Don't talk nonsense! You are not the sun, there is no reason to refuse!"

Sheng Jiaoyang chuckled, raised his goblet when Rita looked over, raised his head slightly and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Okay!" Rita's eyes lit up.

Before Lin Na could stop her, she saw Sheng Jiaoyang drinking the wine. Then she remembered that if it weren't for her health, Little Sun might have become the second Rita, the alcoholic Rita.

"Come on, friend, let's have another drink!" Rita picked up the bottle and was about to pour wine for Sheng Jiaoyang.

Sheng Jiaoyang covered the mouth of the wine glass with one hand and said under Rita's dissatisfied gaze: "It's boring to just drink one kind of wine."

Rita's eyes brightened even more, and she looked at Sheng Jiaoyang with full intimacy.

Lin Na held her forehead, this was a pure alcoholic meeting another quality-conscious alcoholic, ghosts and ghosts cherish each other!