Rebirth of a Supermodel

Chapter 25


The talk show that Zhao Rui chose for Ming Yu is called "Liu Chao Chao Wants Show".

Liu Chaochao, the name sounds a bit humorous, but in fact its owner is also very witty.

Yes, the host of "Liu Chaochao Wants to Show" is not called Liu Chao, he is called Liu Chaochao!

As a late-night talk show, "Liu Chaochao" ranks ninth on the list of "My Favorite TV Shows" in China. It can be said to be one of the most popular talk shows in China.

The host Liu Chaochao looks ordinary, but he can make all kinds of funny expressions. He often uses himself as a joke to tease the guests and staff. Sometimes he makes a brain teaser to test the guests, and sometimes he makes the guests play sincere It's a big adventure, in short, what this show pursues is: Liu Chaochao wants to show, you have to show!

And when Ming Yu came to the TV station and planned to make a formal recording, he found out that there were only two guests invited in this episode of "Liu Chaochao", and the other one he actually knew - Wu Yuzhen!

Wu Yuzhen was also very surprised when he saw Ming Yu, but the two quickly chatted, and together they studied the script given by the program director, familiarized themselves with the process a little, and paid attention to some key points in the recording process.

A talk show like this must have a script. It can even be said that most TV programs have a special script for the guests to be familiar with to avoid unexpected accidents.

Among these programs, "Liu Chaochao" has fewer manuscripts. In order to make the show more funny and revealing, "Liu Chaochao" only informed the guests of a few controversial issues. In most cases, the guests still need to play on the spot—

After all, only the unknown can create jokes.

After the makeup artist put on Ming Yu and Wu Yuzhen a little bit of makeup, the two of them tidied up their clothes a little, and soon the recording of the talk show began. Wu Yuzhen was famous after all, so he sat closer to the host, while Ming Yu sat outside.

Ming Yu has recorded a lot of shows in his previous life, among which the famous model series "I'm a Supermodel" in Europe and the United States is a frequent presence, and he can be regarded as half a resident guest. And this kind of talk show Ming Yu has been recorded a lot. Although he does not have the developed humorous nerves of the host, he can take the next words and make the atmosphere more enthusiastic. Ming Yu is still very good at it.

"So, at the backstage of the 'Pei Feng' fashion show, Ming Xiaoyu, did you wear your jacket upside down? How is that possible! Ming Xiaoyu, you must be joking, right? We heard about 'Pei Feng' fashion The show has been rehearsed dozens of times, and the designers even use a ruler to measure the distance you walk!"

While talking, the host Liu Chaochao deliberately pulled his mouth down to make a "horrified" expression. Coupled with his slightly bumpy eyeballs, the funny effect was so full that Wu Yuzhen couldn't help laughing.

As early as the beginning of the show, Ming Yu reluctantly accepted the title "Ming Xiaoyu".

At this moment, I saw Ming Yu nodded his head quite cooperatively, and said with a serious face and helplessness: "How can there be dozens of times, Brother Chao, if there are dozens of times, then I think I must be tired and lie on the stage. But at that time, I almost wore a set of clothes upside down, there were too many people in the backstage, everyone was very nervous, we had to take time to take care of the clothes perfectly." Speaking of this, Ming Yu paused, then Turning his eyes to Wu Yuzhen, he smiled and said, "Sir Wu also knows this. I think you must know me best, Sir, right?"

Hearing this, Wu Yuzhen was slightly surprised for a moment, and then he responded very quickly: "Yeah, the backstage of the runway is really in a hurry..."

Not only cooperated with the host to speak, but also took the initiative to throw the topic to another guest.

Ming Yu has always been very good at such a smooth but not flattering method. First, he did not want the entire show to be monopolized by himself. Second, Wu Yuzhen is also a smart person. The two have a good relationship and have always been very helpful to friends Ming Yu. .

Since everyone can have a recording with He Meimei and Tuan Tuan, why not do it

However, Ming Yu wanted to honestly record a program of "Hello, Hello, Hello, Everyone", but the host Liu Chaochao was extremely unhappy!

Who is Liu Chaochao? The famous talk show host in China!

Although their talk show does not focus on "disclosure of guest privacy", but you can't keep your mouth shut like a bottle!

Whenever Liu Chaochao asked about a hot and explosive topic, Ming Yu took the topic lightly and gave an impeccable answer. He even helped when Liu Chaochao dug a trap for Wu Yuzhen to jump. people!

Where are you like! ! !

Everyone is not breaking the news, this is too boring! ! !

The more I thought about it, the more aggrieved it became. After Liu Chaochao and the director met eyes, Liu Chaochao laughed and said, "I didn't expect that the lives of models are so hard, and they have to practice their posture and shape often. It must be very hard to stand against the wall every day. Come on! Since Wu sir and Ming Xiaoyu came to our "Liu Chao Chao Wanting Show" today, of course we have to relax!"

Hearing this, Ming Yu raised an eyebrow and looked at the host with a sinister smile with a faint smile.

I saw Liu Chaochao clapped his hands and said: "Then it's the old rule, let's play brain teasers! You super brothers, I will suffer a little bit, let Wu Sir and Ming Xiaoyu be a team, I'll be a team, let's each other Brain teasers, and whoever loses has to go on a truth or dare!"

This Truth or Dare is counted in the "game session" and is a fixed item. Ming Yu and Wu Yuzhen naturally knew about this link, but they didn't expect that this episode of the show would turn to the game "Truth or Dare" again.

But even so, the two were not worried at all, Ming Yu and Wu Yuzhen looked at each other confidently, then accepted Liu Chaochao's proposal and started the game.

Liu Chaochao: "Where are most people in the world born?"

Wu Yuzhen: "The delivery bed."

Ming Yu: "What is Sleeping Beauty most afraid of?"

Liu Chaochao: "Insomnia."

"A man with a broken marriage, he took a knife, what is he going to do?"

"Cook your own food."

"Which grass has the strongest vitality?"

"Wall grass."

This duel started with "Liu Chaochao" VS "Ming Yu & Wu Yuzhen", but gradually, Wu Yuzhen couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the two, so he could only help Ming Yu to add a little bit when his speed was a little slower.

Liu Chaochao is obviously a master of brain teasers, even Ming Yu and Wu Yuzhen are not his opponents at all, so after the first failure, Ming Yu subconsciously chose the truth, while Wu Yuzhen chose the big risk.

Liu Chaochao smiled treacherously: "Ming Xiaoyu, please answer, who do you think is the most handsome of all of us on the stage!"

Simile:"… "

After hesitating for a moment, Ming Yu took out a red bill from his pocket. He shook the brand new hundred-yuan bill and asked tentatively, "Grandpa Mao is the most handsome?"

Liu Chaochao: “(╯‵口′)╯︵┴─┴”

Liu Chaochao: "Wu sir, please hug Ming Xiaoyu for 30 seconds immediately!"

Wu Yuzhen: "..."

Ming Yu: "...So I was shot while lying down?"

After Wu Yuzhen reluctantly hugged Ming Yu for 30s, Liu Chaochao was barely satisfied. In the next brain teaser, Liu Chaochao stumbled and was defeated by the combination of "No (Wu) Ming (Ming)", which made him more and more embarrassed.

As for the punishment for the big adventure that Liu Chaochao chose... Well, the scene was too bloody, so let's not mention it.

After Ming Yu and Wu Yuzhen lost the game for the second time, this time both of them chose to punish the truth very voluntarily, and resolutely did not give Liu Chaochao any chance to "punish both of them at the same time".

But in the face of this result, Liu Chaochao smiled more slyly, he turned his head and winked at the director, and then said: "Then today is the first day of December, and it is also the official release of the world's supermodel rankings this quarter. Days. This list has just been released for less than an hour. I believe Wu Sir and Ming Xiaoyu have not seen it."

Wu Yuzhen turned his head to look at the big screen behind him, then nodded with a smile: "Well, we were still recording the show an hour ago."

Ming Yu carefully looked at the two rankings on the big screen with great interest. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the names of the top ten people on the two rankings. Finally, when he saw the first place on the male model list. Looking back again.

Liu Chaochao said with a smile: "Then the question I want to ask Wu sir and Ming Xiaoyu is: Among all the models in the fashion circle, who do you want to surpass the most!"

As soon as this question came to the fore, Wu Yuzhen and Ming Yu were both stunned.

After hesitating for a moment, Wu Yuzhen said calmly: "The object I want to surpass the most is myself. I want to break my own achievements and move forward step by step. Only by surpassing myself can I achieve breakthroughs and innovations. I think my worst enemy is myself."

Liu Chaochao: "… "

This answer means nothing at all! ! !

For the first time, Liu Chaochao hated himself so much for asking such an all-yes-leak question. He even saw that the extra bonus of this episode of his show had grown a pair of wings and flew away from his little boy mercilessly. treasury.

Without any hope, Liu Chaochao looked at Ming Yu and asked feebly, "Ming Xiaoyu, who is the person you want to surpass?"

Who else could it be, of course it's you!

Such a panacea answer that everyone pleases, Liu Chaochao himself can answer it for Ming Yu!

But under the bright and dazzling spotlight, the handsome young man smiled and said calmly, "The person I want to surpass the most is Xi Ze."