Rebirth of a Supermodel

Chapter 32


The cold winter wind blew through the sky above the imperial capital, and even the air seemed to be filled with a kind of icy frosty white, which intuitively indicated the severe cold of the weather. But around this large hall on the West Third Ring Road, the low temperature did not freeze the enthusiasm of the reporters. The flashes on the red carpet kept flashing, and the shutter kept clicking.

This time, Xi Ze was not the same as last time. He was sneaky and mysterious, and he even hid the reporters and hid his whereabouts. This time, he stepped on the red carpet with integrity, and after entering the clubhouse, he chatted a few words with the swarming reporters before leaving.

Although Xi Ze was there for Ming Yu this time, knowing that he had time to come, Lao Fei asked him to help the fashion show. Fei was so moved that his face filled his face: "Xi Ze, you're really giving face. You've been so busy lately that you took time to come to the fashion show for me. Then can you help me make a show later? I owe you a favor. !"

Hearing this, Xi Ze calmly hooked his lips and smiled: "Okay, Mr. Fei."

... You see, some people are so bad, they obviously come to the door on their own initiative, and they have to go with their personal feelings.

In the spacious and bright venue, more than half of the more than 500 seats have been seated. When they saw Xi Ze, they were all startled, and then came over to chat with Xi Ze and say hello one by one.

After all, the relationship between Fei Lao is there, so most of the people who can attend have at least some reputation in the industry, and they are not newcomers. It is not a big deal to have a few words with Xi Ze, but Lu Yue is one of them. one exception.

Lu Yue, an up-and-coming photographer, just won an international award with a set of photos last year, and has also been a frequent visitor to major magazines and competitions in the past year. Fei Lao took the initiative to invite this potential descendant, which is also excusable.

However, Lu Yue also had an identity that even Old Fei didn't know about—

She is a diehard fan of Xi Shen! ! !

From the first time I saw Xi Ze's fashion show five years ago, to the frantic collection of this person's poster photos, magazine introductions, endorsement materials, film and television information... Lu Yue is already a fighter among die-hard fans. A pile driver(?) in a fighter jet!

Lu Yue never expected to see Xi Shen at this fashion show today!

I knew she would spend all day doing makeup! ! !

It's one thing to see Xi Ze, but it's another thing to fail to get up to "get a conversation". Before the opening of the fashion show, Lu Yue clutched her little heart and squinted at Xi Ze from the corner, but didn't dare to say a word. And when the fashion show was about to start, Lu Yue was shocked to find out: Xi Shen was sitting in front of her and there was nothing! ! !

At this point, it seems that even God is saying, "Go and chat with you!". So after hesitating for a long time, Lu Yue finally plucked up the courage to take out a pen and paper from the small bag, intending to just have a few words with Xi Ze, and quickly ask for an autograph.

"Xi... Mr. Xi, may I... Could you please give me an autograph?"

When Lu Yue spoke the second half of the sentence, her voice was completely lost in her throat. She was holding the paper and pen tightly in her hand, so nervous that she couldn't even speak.

Sign up, sign up, sign up! ! !

I'm so majestic, no one can stop me from signing autographs! ! !

After listening to Lu Yue's words, the handsome man sitting in the first row turned his head slightly and looked up at her. Those eyes were deep and deep, as if condensed with a smile, only to hear Xi Ze ask in a low voice, "Huh? What did you just say?"

In a normal sentence, even Xi Ze's aura was more approachable, but the moment Lu Yue saw this face, she blushed and waved her hands again and again: "No... nothing nothing!!! What nothing!!!"

Xi Ze looked at her a few more times in surprise, and finally turned her head for unknown reasons.

Lu Yue: QAQ! ! ! ! Hey, why did she wilt when she saw Xi Shen!

Just as Lu Yue was devastated, the light in the venue suddenly dimmed. In the darkness, Lu Yue was also startled, and then she took a breath of air in astonishment like everyone else: this runway was actually made of some kind of luminous material!

I saw that in the dark center of the venue, a long and narrow runway was flashing a faint silver light. This light is not dazzling, but it makes the T stage like a crystal, and it also exudes fluorescent brilliance in the dark, beautiful as a dream.




After several consecutive sounds, the spotlights were all turned on, shining on the center of the T stage. Everyone saw that the runway seemed to be transparent, and there was even a thin layer of feathers on it, which was elegant and ethereal.

Accompanied by the elegant and soothing music, the show model finally appeared.

At this moment, even Lu Yue is focusing all his attention... Well, he concentrated most of his attention on watching the fashion show, and then distracted a little bit, and kept aiming at his idol with the corner of his eye: the show is important, God is just as important!

I have to say that Fei Sixin's fashion show was really carefully arranged. The clothes worn by each model are quite in line with their own temperament. In this double superposition effect, the audience is given a satisfying visual feast.

Lu Yue kept shooting with her DSLR, and sometimes paid attention to the model's clothing.

After all, Lu Yue is a photographer, not a designer. She has only just entered the industry for a few years, and her feelings about clothing design are not that deep. For example, this set of clothes designed by Fei Sixin, she felt bright and amazing in each set, but if she insisted on saying that she was ugly, I am afraid there are only a few clothes that she can understand something about herself. .

Before coming to this fashion show, Lu Yue had already heard that the chief model of this show is a complete newcomer!

This news was revealed by Master Fei seemingly "inadvertently" in a reporter interview, but no one knows the name of this newcomer at all. Therefore, when more and more models walked through the runway, Lu Yue also looked forward to it: a newcomer serving as the chief model of the finale? Who is this newcomer

Taking a peek at Xi Shen from the corner of his eye: Well, no one can compare to Xi Shen anyway, we Xi Shen are the most dazzling in the audience...

A person suddenly appeared in the line of sight, Lu Yue's eyes suddenly widened, and the words in his heart were completely stopped!

I saw that at the end of the runway, a handsome and handsome young man was walking slowly forward with steady steps.

The runway of this fashion show is the most common one-lane runway. Xi Ze and Lu Yue are sitting right in front of the runway. Every model walks towards them and back to them. But now, Lu Yue has never realized that she has such good eyesight, able to see the young man in the distance clearly!

The jade-green one-shoulder-length cloak fell from the boy's left shoulder to his left knee. He was wearing a light cyan vest with a silver needle and thread to outline a complex and graceful arabesque pattern on his upper body.

Pure white skinny trousers, bare toes in the middle of the feathers.

When the light shone on the intricate embellishment he wore on his right arm, the light caused the beautiful gemstone to reflect a splendid light, and everyone was deeply amazed.

The moment she saw this dress, a sentence sounded in Lu Yue's heart—

"He's a elf prince from the forest. 』

This is the first time that Lu Yue has thoroughly understood the designer's inspiration concept today.

Not only because of this suit, but also because of this young man wearing the clothes!

His beautiful and delicate eyes are staring at the front indifferently, his full lips are slightly pursed, and his steps are steady on every feather.

Like the previous models, this teenager wore very light makeup, but he used a gold thread to draw a leaf-like curve at the end of his eyes. When those eyes look straight ahead, you suddenly seem to see a noble and arrogant elf prince, he is defiant, but he has the capital to be defiant! Because he is the master and emperor of this forest!

When Ming Yu walked to the front of the runway, Lu Yue couldn't help but lift up her DSLR, quickly found the best light, and snapped a photo. After the first photo, I couldn't help but take the second one!

Lu Yue was surprised to find that she didn't even have to hesitate when to capture the shot! Because in her lens, the teenager's every move can be directly painted into a painting, as if every action can be directly frozen and become a beautiful poster.

It wasn't until Ming Yu walked back to the backstage and the second wave of models came on stage to show, that Lu Yue clutched her little heart that was thumping and beating non-stop, and panted and said to herself, "How can he be so good-looking, doesn't he? Is this the new chief model? It's too good-looking, it's really... No, no! My life is to be a god, and I will never climb the wall!!!"

Just thinking about it, Lu Yue hurriedly raised her head and planned to take another look at her idol to strengthen her belief. However, the moment Lu Yue saw Xi Ze's expression, she was stunned for a moment, her eyes widened, and she almost exclaimed!

Xi Shen was actually laughing! ! !

Make no mistake! ! She had observed Xi Shen all night, why did Xi Shen suddenly laugh? !

Did something interesting happen just now

It seems that it was the new model who walked a show just now...

Eh? ! ! ! Isn't Xi Shen because that newcomer model is laughing? ! ! !

Today's Lu Yue feels as if she has learned something incredible.

So in the next second wave of catwalks, Lu Yue focused and carefully observed Xi Ze. I saw that my idol was leaning back on the back of the chair this time, looking up at the models on the runway calmly and calmly. From time to time, he would walk away and talk to the agent beside him for a while.


It didn't take long for Lu Yue to discover in horror that her idol suddenly sat up straight and looked intently at the stage!

Lu Yue hurriedly turned her head to look—

A handsome and handsome young man was wearing a light blue windbreaker and strode forward.

Lu Yue: "…"

Mama, she seems to know too much, will she be silenced...

Since her idols admired this new model so much, Lu Yue could watch the fashion show carefully without any guilt—especially when Ming Yu appeared.

After four consecutive shows, Lu Yue was more surprised and liked more and more. Not only because of the young man's outstanding appearance, but also because he was able to show the splendid temperament of his clothes and the Ling Ran aura that dominated the audience!

When this teenager appears on the T stage, no matter what you are doing in the last second, the next second you can't help but focus on him: because he is a well-deserved luminary in the audience, enough to attract everyone's attention Sight and attention!

Even when this teenager was the finale of the audience, wearing a black and blue suit, the calm and mature aura showed a unique masculine charm in the clothes, making people completely ignore the age of this person, I just felt as if I saw an extravagant duke of the kingdom at the top of the pyramid.

Ming Yu's last appearance won applause from the audience.

In this applause, Lu Yue was the most vigorous and the loudest—

Didn't you see that even the gods were applauding? ! She is helping Xi Shen to applaud together, it must be ringing, ringing, ringing! ! !