Rebirth of a Useless Waste: Number One Evil Immortal

Chapter 61: We are here to save you!


Back at Ling Qifeng, Rong Qing went straight into his cave, and put all the gold silk and bamboo in the storage bag into the nine beads. This storage bag was given in time, and it can help him cover the existence of Jiuzhu in the future.

Afterwards, Rong Qing also entered the Nine Beads Space, and looking at the golden silk bamboo spread all over the floor, he took off Helian Hongzhan's coat and put it aside, rolled up his sleeves and stretched his muscles, so as not to make a drastic move.

When he went to Golden Bamboo Peak before, he saw the golden silk bamboos all over the mountains and plains. The first thing he thought of was not to win the competition, but to use these golden silk bamboos that are beneficial to cultivation and health to build a set of furniture for Helian Hongzhan, such as chairs and couch What. The golden silk bamboo is cool to the touch, and the coolness is very moist, not the icy kind, which is just right for summer.

Golden silk bamboo is a material in the realm of comprehension, and only a craftsman can handle it. It just so happened that Rong Qing also knew a little about refining weapons, so he just practiced his hands. And those saved materials can really be used for cooking!

Originally, the unrefined golden silk bamboo could indeed be burned, but the most essential part could be kept and reused at that time.

Because there are too many golden silk bamboos, it took Rong Qing a lot of time to sort them by quality and size. After finally sorting them into categories, Rong Qing remembered that he didn't have any good tools at all, not to mention good ones, even ordinary tools. Other blacksmiths need to be equipped with a lot of things!

There is no way, I can only go to Lingju Peak later to see if I can borrow some tools from Baichi, and I have to hide from being discovered by Daoist Lianshi.

At noon, Rong Qing cooked a meal with golden silk bamboo. The high-quality Lingmi was already full of fragrance, but now it looks even more round and smooth. The meat and vegetables exchanged for crystal stones from the kitchen are also high-quality and well-selected, and they are not cheap. The livestock fed with low-grade spiritual rice will also have some spiritual energy, and the meat will be more delicious. Peacock fish, angelica drunken chicken rolls, barbecued pork in honey sauce, duck soup with scallops and winter melon, steamed red dates with sweet potatoes, and a lighter shredded cabbage, yum, it's perfect!

Rong Qing cooked the meals in his own cave, and then sent them to Helian Hongzhan's cave. Along the way, the aroma of the food drifted with the wind, and Ling Qifeng was at the upper air outlet. The aroma wafted from Lingqi Peak to other peaks, which attracted many disciples who had been bigu for many years to have their appetite again, and some disciples who were practicing bigu were dumbfounded Cursing who made the food so delicious.

It is said that for a long time after that, the food sold by the Lingyun Sect was in short supply, and even a wave of culinary arts was created. Many monks used to cook a delicious meal as a way to express their feelings to their lovers and Taoist companions. . Of course this is all for later.

When Rong Qing arrived at the gate of Helian Hongzhan's cave with the food, three figures stood in front of Rong Qing, it was the He family brothers and Mu Mu.

The movements of the three were surprisingly consistent. Although their expressions were different, they all looked directly at the tray in his hand while swallowing their saliva.

Rong Qing subconsciously moved the tray to the side, but suddenly felt that if the three of them grabbed it openly, he might not be able to protect the meal. There is such a group of people who can be inspired with infinite power just for eating!

"What advice do the three senior brothers have?" Rong Qing stretched his neck and asked tentatively, at the same time quietly sent his spiritual consciousness into Helian Hongzhan's cave. All three of them were focused on the tray in his hand, so they probably didn't notice it.

"What advice! We are here to save you!" He Tian raised his hand and ran towards the tray in Rong Qing's hand, but the latter easily avoided it.

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't touch your hands."

He Tian curled his lips, rolled his eyes at the tray of vegetables, and then said, "Oh, I said it for your own good! Senior brother is in the middle of bigu right now, isn't it just forcing senior brother to make mistakes by sending these food over here at this time?" Is it? Be careful when turning around, senior brother will spank your ass!"

Speaking of spanking, Rong Qing somehow recalled the first time he transformed from a snake into a human form, when Helian Hongzhan saw him naked, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

Seeing Rong Qing blushing, He Tian thought that the latter was embarrassed by his actions, so he immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued: "But don't worry, fortunately, senior brother hasn't seen these yet, you give these to us, and then treat them as Nothing happened, we'll take care of it for you, right?"

He Tian asked He Liang and Mu Mu who were beside him, and they both nodded their heads very cooperatively, and their eyes were quite firm. If their saliva didn't look like they were about to flow out, they might look more believable.

The blush on Rong Qing's face slowly faded, and he tilted his head and smiled and said: "But aren't you also practicing bigu? Master has already successfully done bigu, and it's okay to eat once in a while, but you, if you eat during the practice, Then the previous efforts are basically in vain, right? I can't do such unscrupulous things, or I will feel guilty?"

"Small things, small things! For the sake of senior brother Helian, what is this little thing worth? The big deal is to practice again from the beginning. You don't have to tell senior brother that we just want to do good deeds and don't want to be famous. You don't need to let senior brother know about this, what a big deal Son!"

He Tian spoke very chicly, He Liang didn't show much, Mu Mu's face was getting redder and redder, and he didn't dare to look into Rong Qing's eyes with his head down. It’s enough for one person to come, why do all three of you come? Could it be that the three of you have to carry this tray of dishes?”

He Tian's expression became extremely serious in an instant, "Although this dish is a disaster for Senior Brother Helian and us, it is after all a wish from you, Rong Qing! The three of us came here to show respect Your intention is definitely not to worry about the uneven distribution of spoils! Ah bah, there is no such thing as spoils distribution at all!"

Mu Mu covered his face and turned his head, he really couldn't listen anymore!