Rebirth of a Useless Waste: Number One Evil Immortal

Chapter 75: There is no conscience in the industry!


Rong Qing came late after almost everyone had arrived, and the Mu Mu singing ceremony was over. The banquet had already started, and everyone was eating and drinking. Rong Qing walked towards Helian Hongzhan, and what he heard the most along the way was actually about Helian Hongzhan and Ouyang Jing being jealous for a single person.

when did it happen? How did he know nothing about it? Could it be that it happened during the three months of his retreat

Rong Qing shook his head while expressing emotion. He didn't know anything after not paying attention to the outside situation for three months. Now he finally understands why Rong Ju and him sometimes feel that they are not in the same world. This is the generation gap! Serious generation gap!

Thinking about messy things in his head, suppressing the unhappiness in his heart when he heard that Helian Hongzhan had someone he liked.

Before, I thought it was nothing, and even thought absurdly that I could always be with Helian Hongzhan. But he ignored one thing, or deliberately ignored, that is, He Lianhong will not find a Taoist partner at the exhibition, and find him a "teacher".

Helian Hongzhan's Taoist companion may not be able to treat him as well as Helian Hongzhan, and may even not accept him at all, and then subtly influence Helian Hongzhan to alienate him. As the saying goes, "If there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather". The Taoist couple will always be the closest person around him. At that time, he is likely to become a child who is disgusted by the "stepfather" and "stepmother". so poor.

He Lian Hongzhan looked up and saw Rong Qing walking over with a bitter face, his brows were twisted, and he seemed to be very troubled but didn't know what he was thinking. He stretched out his hand and pulled Rong Qing's sleeve to make someone sit beside him. At the same time, there was a sound of gasping around him, but he didn't care, only Rong Qing looked distressed.

"What's the matter? Could it be that you didn't prepare a gift for me for fear that I would scold you?"

"How is it possible?" Rong Qing immediately changed his face, "I retreated for three months to prepare gifts for Master, just... just "just what?" Ouyang Jing beside him also asked with concern, Rong Qing always had a smile on his face, whether it was sincere or calculated, it was always a smile, and he rarely frowns like he is now.

Helian Hongzhan glanced at Ouyang Jing from the corner of his eye, coldly with a hint of warning.

Qin Zhanhui and Zhan Chaoyang, who were sitting opposite each other, looked at each other, and they smelled gunpowder again. It seems that the two formed a bond because of that mysterious person, and they can match up with anything.

Ouyang Jing may not really care about Rong Qing, it is probably because he knew that Helian Hongzhan valued this apprentice, so he did this on purpose, just to provoke Helian Hongzhan, and to relieve the fact that the person he loves falls in love with Helian Hongzhan pain.

Poor Rong Qing, it must be hard to be caught in the middle.

Rong Qing was distressed at first, but suddenly received two sympathetic gazes. When he looked up, he saw Qin Zhanhui and Zhan Chaoyang looking at him with a sympathetic and smiling expression, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Why are they looking at him like that? Inexplicable!

Seeing Rong Qing's expression, Helian Hongzhan and Ouyang Jing followed Rong Qing's gaze. Although Qin Zhanhui and Zhan Chaoyang withdrew their sympathetic eyes in time, they were still caught by them. The two were puzzled, could it be that there was something about Rong Qing that others knew but they didn't


This soft cry made Helian Hongzhan's heart tremble, and he quickly turned his head to look at Rong Qing, "En? What's wrong?"

Rong Qing pursed his lips, Ouyang Jing beside him was startled when he saw the grievance on his face.

"Does Master have someone he likes? Are you looking for a 'teacher' for me? I don't mind a man or woman, but I don't know that after I have a 'teacher', it will be inconvenient for me to honor Master."

Rong Qing lowered his head, looking at Helian Hongzhan out of the corner of his eye, even at this time he did not forget to play tricks, just wanting to know whether Helian Hongzhan has a sweetheart or not. Hmm... Actually, it's not considered insinuating when he asks this question. The straightforward Ouyang Jing raised his brows. He didn't know why Rong Qing would ask such a question. As far as he knew, Helian Hongzhan's thoughts were all on Rong Qing, his apprentice. It is impossible to have someone else to like, let alone find Rong Qing a mistress. But since Rong Qing misunderstood, then...

"You're thinking too much. I don't think Junior Brother Helian has any sweethearts. He should be thinking about how to train you now, and he won't have such other thoughts."

After all, Ouyang Jing still failed to say something to mislead Rong Qing, but instead said a few words for Helian Hongzhan. Rather than causing a misunderstanding between Rong Qing and Helian Hongzhan, he wanted to see Rong Qing happy instead of frowning.

Since Rong Qing cared so much about Helian Hongzhan, the master, and obviously didn't want Helian Hongzhan to find a Taoist companion, then he didn't say to stop Helian Hongzhan, but at least he couldn't say anything from himself that would make Rong Qing sad.

The people who eat melons are conscious of the truth again! Qin Zhanhui and Zhan Chaoyang on the side nodded knowingly, thinking that Brother Ouyang's move is really good! Wouldn't saying such a thing directly in front of Rong Qing be the same as betting on someone's lover to death? If Senior Brother Helian said in public for Rong Qing's sake that he has no one he likes, then Senior Brother Ouyang could justifiably pursue that mysterious person!

Game! It is really_!

Shang Mo did not join in the heated discussion between Qin Zhanhui and Zhan Chaoyang, his cold eyes walked back and forth between Helian Hongzhan, Rong Qing and Ouyang Jing, and finally bowed his head silently and ate quietly.

Helian Hongzhan had long been overwhelmed by Rong Qing's words, and didn't pay attention to the reactions of others. How did this kid know that he had someone he liked and wanted to find him a "teacher wife"? Can disciples these days worry about their master's lifelong affairs? Besides, he has no plans for this at all, okay

"What do you think about with your little head every day?" Helian Hongzhan tapped Rong Qing's forehead with his index finger, and the voice was not too soft, "When did I say that I have someone I like? When did I say I've found a teacher's wife for you? If you could stop thinking about these messy things every day, your cultivation base would have gone up a long time ago!"

Gasps sounded around again, and he denied it! He denied it! Most people forget their friends when they see sex! Where can I find a master like Helian Hongzhan! There is no conscience in the industry!

Through this time, everyone finally realized that in Helian Hongzhan's heart, even if he had a sweetheart, it was definitely not as important as this disciple. Under any circumstances, the matter of the disciple was the most important thing. And looking at Senior Brother Helian's unhesitating posture when he pulled Rong Qing to sit beside him, it was enough to show that this position was originally reserved for Rong Qing!

What does Rong Qing belong to Senior Brother Helian? Not just an apprentice, but also the white moonlight in the eyes of the cinnabar mole in my heart, no one can replace it! Visually, even those who like Helian Hongzhan, the first thing they want to deal with is not Helian Hongzhan himself, but the apprentice he puts on top of his heart!

After being reborn, Rong Qing doesn't like to show off except for special and necessary situations, but now he feels the envy, jealousy and hatred from all directions, and he is really in a good mood.

So what if someone missed him? He just likes the feeling of being jealous because of his good relationship with Helian Hongzhan!

Rong Qing thought for a while, in fact, this feeling was quite unfamiliar, but in summary, it can be understood that he just wanted everyone to know that Helian Hongzhan paid special attention to him. Going a little further, this should be regarded as a desire for monopoly, because if everyone knows that he has a unique position in Helian Hongzhan's heart, many people should be able to retreat in spite of difficulties.

Although he lived two lifetimes, this was Rong Qing's first apprenticeship. In fact, he was not very clear about what kind of consciousness or feelings he should have as a disciple, because strictly speaking, he was not a disciple who followed the standard procedure.

I only know that it is wrong to be jealous. After all, people like Helian Hongzhan may have many people want to worship him as a teacher in the future, but this kind of desire to monopolize the master should be normal, right

It was rare for Rong Qing to be confused, and a soft but slightly sinister voice sounded suddenly, "Senior Brother Helian takes such care of his disciples, it seems to us that we are really envious, and Rong Qing must also respect Senior Brother Helian. It must be no less than this. I don’t know what gift Rong Qing prepared today. This year’s birthday should be the best opportunity for disciples to pay respect to Master. The birthday gift I gave to my brother is a big bird with colorful clouds, silk, silver and glaze The wing-spreading screen, the small screen is nothing, Rong Qing must have better treasures to send, right?"

The person who spoke was Ye Lingluo who was sitting at the next table with He Tian, Mu Mu, Bai Chi and others.

Don't look at the gentle and bright smile on Ye Lingluo's face now, there may be darkness in her heart.

When the audience discussed that Helian Hongzhan had someone he liked, and even Ouyang Jing fell in love with this person, Ye Lingluo thought that this person was herself. If her appearance is ranked second in the entire Lingyun, no one would dare to call her number one.

Before the connection, Ouyang Jing came back to Ling Qifeng to find Rong Qing to participate in the competition, maybe it was just to have a look at himself, because he knew that he was attached to Senior Brother He Lian, so he didn't directly ask to participate in the competition together, but instead said that he came to find Rong Qing, It's not too embarrassing either.

The more Ye Lingluo thought about it, the more she realized that this person was her, and she began to worry that Senior Brother Helian and Senior Brother Ouyang were both so good. Although she liked Senior Brother Helian better, she still felt a little bit reluctant to reject Senior Brother Ouyang like this. Unknowingly, he drank a few more glasses, and the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger uncontrollably.

However, before she could make a decision, Helian Hongzhan directly stated that he had no one he liked, and also directly explained with his actions that the disciple Rong Qing he cared most about was the disciple Rong Qing. Not only that, Senior Brother Ouyang also surrounded Rong Qing Actually picked up nice words to say.

Regardless of men and women, who has ever enjoyed the feeling of being guarded by Senior Brother Helian and Senior Brother Ouyang, one on the left and one on the right? No! there has never been!

All reason was burnt out by the strong jealousy, Ye Lingluo really didn't think about it when she said those words, she just wanted to make Rong Qing look ugly and didn't care about anything else.

She thought that Rong Qing, a mountain boy who had just entered Lingyun, must have no accumulation, and he would not be able to produce any good things for a long time before receiving the monthly case, and it is very likely that he came so late on purpose to wait for Mu Mu's singing ceremony to end, so that No one noticed that he was holding something that was not on the table.

When the time comes to compare the rags that Rong Qing sent with the ones he sent, Senior Brother Helian will know who should really be in his heart. Her screen is priceless, and she got it by saving money for a year and using some extraordinary means. She doesn't believe that Rong Qing can come up with anything better.

When He Tian saw Ye Lingluo was about to speak, he was going to stop him, but he was blocked by He Liang, so he could only watch anxiously as Ye Lingluo said those provocative words to Rong Qing. He Tian wished he could step forward and tear her mouth open!

This woman is really a pig-headed woman, and she often finds fault with Rong Qing, let alone what is the occasion today? Isn't embarrassing Rong Qing a joke for outsiders in such a place? Said that Ling Qifeng was at odds with each other? Does Senior Brother Helian look good like this? Isn't that the same as discrediting

Calling her a pig's brain is an insult to a pig, this woman doesn't have such a good thing as a brain!

The upright Mu Mu didn't have so many convoluted thoughts, he just worried that Rong Qing would be laughed at if he didn't come up with something good. Although Senior Brother Helian doted on Rong Qing on weekdays, if he lost his sense of proportion on this occasion, Senior Brother would feel ashamed! It was because he didn't think carefully, he should have thought that Rong Qing was not capable of preparing anything, so he helped Rong Qing prepare a copy in advance.