Rebirth Of A Virtuous Wife

Chapter 119


Generally speaking, Xiao Chuchu's first day in the academy was very ordinary, and passed without any twists and turns.

And on this day, Xiao Chuchu also met a lot of young masters and young ladies in Beijing, and had friendly contacts with them (?), Xiao Chuchu was very happy, and occasionally showed a reserved smile on her serious face.

It was finally time for school to end, and the husband had already left. The children in Chunhua Courtyard were quiet for a while, and then a few boys who couldn't stay still poked the companions around them and asked them to go out first, and then met a certain A serious little girl didn't look over and ran away immediately.

With someone taking the lead, some children who felt that the atmosphere in the school was too serious immediately left with their companions. Perhaps tonight, there will be many children from the minister's family complaining to their parents that the atmosphere in the class today is too weird, and they strongly demand to change classes.

Little Chuchu slowly packed up her things, and put the book into a special plain blue book bag—this was what Ananda specially ordered Xiuniang to make, and Little Chuchu liked it very much. After tidying up, Zhen stepped forward and carried it in his hand.

Ling Ke and the fourth prince patiently waited for the little girl to pack up her things. They had seen her clean up by herself earlier, and the two of them also took a special look at the companion who stood by the little girl like a loyal dog. It's just to clean up chores for the master, how can there be any reason to watch from the sidelines? But the two saw that the little girl didn't say anything, so they didn't talk too much.

"Chuchu, let's go together." The fourth prince glanced at Ling Ke reservedly, and then tried his best to show a kind smile to the little girl—God knew that he would show such a foolish kind smile to this face that looks so much like Uncle Su. , It's too stressful.

"Well, Brother Sihuang and Cousin Ke, I kept you waiting for a long time." Xiao Chuchu said politely.

The three of them left the school with their companions and walked towards the entrance of the academy. Along the way, they met some students who hadn't left yet. The fourth prince greeted them as usual. At such a young age, he had already begun to show his demeanor as a prince. Seeing the fourth prince's eyes brighten up, some little girls came over to talk as usual, with flushed faces and expressions of admiration. However, when he got closer, he saw the serious little girl beside the fourth prince, so the ladies of these big families froze and lost their voices.

As the prince of the East Palace, the fourth prince has an invaluable status. The little girls in the academy know that they must befriend the fourth prince without their parents telling them. If they can form a deep relationship with the fourth prince in the academy, it will definitely be a good thing. Therefore, these little girls are extremely sensitive to the female creatures around the Fourth Prince. If it was normal, seeing a little girl appearing next to the fourth prince, and getting the care and love of the fourth prince, even if those daughters did not say anything on the face, they would definitely make trouble for that girl in private, so that the girl would not be able to get along in the academy .

However, seeing that serious little girl just standing there without saying a word, her aura is even stronger than that of the fourth prince, it is really stressful, these young ladies from aristocratic families should not say to squeeze her out , I feel uncomfortable even looking at her more.

So, today the fourth prince left the academy without being attached to anyone.

At the gate of the academy, Xiao Chuchu found the carriage in Su Wang's mansion, and said goodbye to her classmates. Of course, there were also some big brothers who met in Dongxueyuan today, who also received her polite farewell.

Everyone laughed stiffly, and waved goodbye to the little girl, their hearts silently filled their faces: I hope this cute little girl will not grow up to look like King Su, otherwise I really can't afford to be hurt!

Xiao Chuchu took Zhen and her maid Qingzhi into the carriage together, the coachman let out a cry, and the carriage began to move forward slowly.

In the car, Qingzhi took the bookbag and carefully sorted the contents inside, Xiao Chuchu and Zhen put their heads together and were whispering, of course it was a very childish whisper.

"Zhen, did you understand what Mr. taught today?"

Zhen nodded, "I can read the words."

So the young Chuchu didn't realize that Zhen accidentally played a word game, thinking that Zhen understood what her husband taught, and was a little happy. Chu Chu always knew that Zhen didn't like reading, and was only excited about the martial arts taught by the captain of the guard, so she was a little worried that Zhen would find the academy boring and not study hard. And the reason why Zhen can read and write is because a certain very hairy prince didn't allow a secret guard with a poor education level, so he forcibly added cultural education, but in general, Zhen is still a boy who only likes martial arts, and The level of education is now only at the level of knowing the words and understanding the superficial meaning.

"What do you think of the academy? Do you like it?"

"Very good." There are many masters. Although he can't beat them now, he will definitely be able to in the future! Zhen Anan has set a goal for herself, and regards all creatures stronger than herself in the academy as enemies. This is an obstacle on the way for a loyal dog to protect its master, and it must be defeated!

"Well, I feel good too."

As a result, the two little guys ended up whispering in harmony on the surface and in private with very different thoughts.

In the palace, Ananda was already holding his son in front of the door and eagerly looking forward to his daughter's return from school. Chu Baning was sitting in a gazebo not far away drinking tea, completely indulging a certain princess's actions like a stone-look.

Mu Yuan'er glanced at the concubine and the young prince who were watching in front of the door, and then carefully looked at the stern-faced prince, once again deeply felt the pampering and connivance that the prince had never said before. There will never be a second person to be pampered like this.

Back at the palace, as soon as Xiao Chuchu got out of the car, she saw her mother, younger brother and the smiling old housekeeper in front of the door.

"Mother, brother, grandpa housekeeper~~" Xiao Chuchu called out politely, and then threw herself into Ananda's arms happily.

Ananda hugged the little man tightly, feeling a little sad in her heart, it was only a day away, but it made her feel sad. Her daughter is starting to go to school, she will grow up, get married and have children, and she will also grow old.

Xiao Chuchu obediently let her mother, who was inexplicably sad, embrace her, and then kissed her face comfortingly. Ananda smiled back and kissed her face, and finally let her go. At this time, Xiao Baozi rushed to the front in vain, and looked at his sister eagerly, with an eager expression on his face.

Xiao Chuchu touched his head, "Is my brother good today?"

"Baibai is very good!" The little bun threw himself into his sister's arms, hugging her waist, and the little pig kissed her, "Sister, is the academy fun?"

"Well, it's fun." Xiao Chuchu grinned, showing that the first day of college life made her a little excited.

Hearing his sister say "fun", Xiao Baozi felt sad again in vain, why can't he go to the academy

At this time, Chu Baning had already walked over, and said in a deep baritone voice, "Go back."

"Hey, okay."

Ananda responded, took his daughter's hand, and walked to the inner courtyard of the palace with her husband who was holding their son.

As the sun set, the figures of several people gradually lengthened in the winding corridor.


The next morning, after Ananda sent the prince to court, he suddenly found that his son who was still sitting at the table and eating breakfast had disappeared.

Ananda was worried about which corner he went to explore again, and when he was asking the maid to look for it, the nanny who took care of Xiao Shizi came over and said to Ananda with a bitter face: "Princess, Xiao Shizi is waiting for you." In the carriage of the little princess, there was a clamor to go to the academy with the little princess, but the slave couldn't persuade him."

Ananda looked surprised, "He avoided you and climbed up? Even the guards didn't notice it?" Was it discovered

Mammy's face became more bitter, and she lowered her head in shame. To be honest, letting a three-year-old little bun disappear under their noses is a very humiliating and dereliction of duty behavior for them. I only hope that the princess will not punish them for this.

Ananda took a deep breath, and once again affirmed that his son had inherited the prince's smart head, and maybe it might be better than the blue one. However, she didn't want his ingenuity to be used against his family, and she absolutely had to put an end to this possibility.

Ananda took the maid and nanny to the front of the palace, where a carriage was parked quietly.

Because there was an extra little bun on the carriage, she still stopped there and didn't leave. It is estimated that if there is another delay, Xiao Chuchu will be late on the second day of school. The door was open, and the people inside could be seen. Qing Zhi and Zhen sat aside and watched, while Xiao Baozi nestled in his sister's arms in vain, Xiao Pang held his sister's clothes tightly with his hands, stared at people stubbornly, and refused to get out of the car.

"Baibai, come down quickly, my sister is going to school, you will make her late. Mr. will punish my sister if you are late." Ananda tried to be reasonable and emotional. She is an enlightened parent and does not use corporal punishment. That set.

"No, mother, Bai Bai will go to the academy with my sister! Bai Bai will be very obedient..." Xiao Baozi clung to his sister even more tightly.

Ananda persuaded him for a while, and seeing that the little bun didn't listen at all, he finally became angry, "For nothing!" At this moment, the angry person completely forgot what he said earlier about not using corporal punishment, and now he just wanted to send his son away. Pull down and spank his ass!

Seeing Ananda's expression, the little bun began to cry vigorously, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The voice is really earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods, and it spreads far away. Ananda blushed and found that many passers-by outside the palace had already stopped to watch curiously, if he didn't stop a certain little bun with a loud voice, the palace would lose all face to him.

"Brother, don't cry, sister will take you to the academy!" The good sister Xiao Chuchu finally couldn't bear it anymore, Xiaopang hugged her white and fat brother, opened a pair of big black eyes, and said cutely to Ananda: "Mom! , let the younger brother go together, the younger brother is very obedient and will not make trouble, the husband will like the younger brother."

Xiao Baozi also stared at her with wet black eyes, and said with a sob: "Mother, Bai Bai will be very good, really~~"

Under the double cuteness of these two cute bun faces, Ananda was shamefully killed by Meng, and then he could only nod weakly.

The moment she nodded, a maid had already handed a book bag to Qing Zhi without asking. Of course, the contents inside are not such things as Chuchu's book bag with pens, inks and books, but Xiaobaozi's clothes, handkerchiefs and some snacks he likes to eat.

Ananda was speechless again, staring at the group of maids bitterly, thinking that there must be a premeditated plan.

The maids and nuns bowed their heads under her stare, and the maid who handed the book bag weakly defended herself, "This is what the prince ordered, he said, as long as the little prince can get on the carriage without telling the guards and nuns If he wasn't found, let him go to the academy with the princess..." The girl's voice dropped, she didn't dare to look at the wonderful expression of the princess, the poor princess was once again played by the prince who controlled the whole situation.

So, the prince is too powerful, and they dare not remind the concubine casually of ruining the good deeds of the prince!

Ananda was really furious this time, and she said how could it be possible to suppress her son so easily according to the prince's sullen way of hurting the child. It turned out that the terms were negotiated, and she was the only one who was kept in the dark! Alright, since you love your son so much, you can go and sleep with your son in the future, don't even think about getting into her bed!

So Ananda forced a smile to send the two children out to the academy, then turned around and walked to the main room with a sullen face. She wanted to change rooms to live by herself before a certain prince came back!


Unaware that he might cause a cold war between his parents—although it was a one-sided cold war, and would be suppressed immediately—the little Baozi rolled around in the carriage in vain excitedly, asking his sister a lot of questions, Xiao Chuchu didn't care whether her younger brother understood or not, she answered patiently one by one, if she didn't understand, she would say to ask her father when she went back. Finally, the nagging little bun was finally carried aside by Zhen pursing his lips.

When they arrived at the academy, there were still a few minutes before class, so they had to rush to the academy. The little bun with short legs and short hands even ran into Chunhua Academy together with Zhen holding him under his arm.

After finally arriving at the school safely, Xiao Chuchu heaved a sigh of relief, and walked to her seat with Zhen and her younger brother who was quietly wrapped like a bun. After she finally sat down and arranged for her younger brother to sit beside her, Xiao Chuchu finally noticed the strange silence of the children in the school.

Xiao Chuchu tilted her head to look at them, her black eyes swept over there, and those young ladies from aristocratic families who were staring stupidly with their mouths open quickly closed their mouths, and turned their gazes stiffly. However, the little bun brought by Xiao Chuchu is really eye-catching. There are no three-year-old students in the school, and no student will drag his family to class, and their parents will not allow it. So, I can't help but be curious.

Little Baozi Chuchu is really obedient. Sitting next to his sister and looking around, seeing those brothers and sisters stealing glances from time to time, the little guy is not afraid to respond with a sweet smile. With that beautiful chubby face, he really looks like A chubby and cute bun.

"Chuchu, why is Baibai here?" Ling Ke asked in surprise.

The fourth prince in front also turned around with a questioning expression on his face. Look at Xiao Baozi's face that looks like the empress dowager's grandmother. Although it is very beautiful, the fourth prince once again finds it too much.

Xiao Chuchu said calmly, "My younger brother also wants to go to the academy, so I brought him here."

Little Baozi waved his paws happily at the two of them in vain, "Cousin Guest, Brother Four~~"

The two could only greet Xiao Baozi with a smile, thinking, if Mr. Dai Hui found out that Chu Chu brought his family and got angry, they... let's take care of it first, and Chu Chu should not be punished.

Soon, Mr. Yi came to the school. With just a glance, he clearly saw the little bun sitting beside the little princess of Su Wang's mansion, and couldn't help but smile wryly. He didn't want to punish anything. After all, just before coming to the school, the head of the mountain came to him again and told him that he would take care of the young son of Su Wang's mansion who might enter the school early.

Mr. Yi sighed, does he look like a male nurse who takes care of children? Three-year-old dolls should be taken by their mothers to drink milk, what kind of academy should they go to! However, that is the young son of King Su's mansion. It is estimated that someone will be sent to the palace after a while to express the empress dowager and His Majesty's emphasis on the schooling of the young son. The king has a life, and little people like them can only accept it up.

Alas, I just hope that Xiao Shizi is well-behaved and obedient, and doesn't make trouble in the school.

Little Baozi Baibai was indeed as he promised Ananda, he was very obedient and did not make trouble, he sat obediently beside his sister and listened to his teacher's lecture, and Mr. Ye Yi was also surprised by the determinism shown at such a young age, and nodded secretly , children can be taught.

However, Mr. Yi obviously drew conclusions too early.

What made Mr. Yi speechless, or collapsed, was that in the middle of the class, Xiao Baozi, who was listening carefully to the class, suddenly raised his hand. Mr. Yi thought that Xiao Baozi could understand the class at such a young age, and he had doubts, so he was secretly happy, and asked kindly: "Mr. Chu, what doubts do you have?"

The little bun looked at him with big black eyes, and said cutely: "Sir, I want to shush for nothing~"


Mr. Yi collapsed directly, thinking silently in his heart: He is only three years old, he is only three years old, he is only three years old...

In the end, when Zhen left the classroom with the little bun, Mr. Yi still maintained that mechanically stiff appearance, and continued with the class.


After finally getting through the end of get out of class, Mr. Yi staggered out of the school.

All the children sympathize with him.

But after sympathizing with Mr. Yi, they felt that they would also be sympathized.

Xiao Baozi went to say hello to his classmates who were three, four or five years older than him in vain, and even sent one to give away, and came with the powerful little princess of Su Wangfu. This close contact with the little princess made the children feel more solemn and unable to resist, and had the illusion that they would collapse if they resisted.

So, who is going to take this enthusiastic little bun away! ! ! tat

After the people in the same class got to know each other, the fourth prince began to say kindly again, since Chu Qibai has also entered the school, he should also take him to Dongxueyuan to meet the emperor brothers.

So, after yesterday, the students in Dongxue Academy gave another sad reminder. Especially the older princes, who looked like Xiao Chuchu, who looked like Uncle Su, and Xiao Baozi, who looked like the empress dowager's grandmother, Baibai. It was already predictable that after returning to the palace tonight, their empress dowager's grandmother might start to ask for help again. What a fuss.

Therefore, the princes are also very sad!


The weather was fine that day, and Xiao Chuchu still had a fulfilling life.

After school, Xiao Chuchu bid farewell to her classmates, took her younger brother's hand and walked on the road leading to the gate of the academy, patiently answering all kinds of heavenly soldier-like questions from Xiao Baozi, occasionally pursing her lips and smiling.

A passing student looked over by chance, and suddenly found that when the siblings were standing together, they wondered if the younger brother's liveliness and cuteness weakened the older sister's serious aura, making the siblings bathed in the sunset extraordinarily gentle and lovely, making the People can't help but smile knowingly.

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