Rebirth Of A Virtuous Wife

Chapter 4


The emperor's order cannot be violated, no matter how reluctant the prime minister and his wife are, they have to start preparing for the wedding.

The wedding was held a month later, and both the royal family and the Lu family seemed very nervous.

The Empress Dowager was worried that the concubine Su Wang who had finally booked would die inexplicably, and frequently sent senior experts to protect the little lady of the Lu family in the prime minister's mansion day and night to prevent any danger. Looking at the posture, those who know know that it is to prevent all kinds of deaths of Princess Su in the future, but those who don't know think that the prime minister's mansion is planning to rebel.

The Lu family had to worry about whether Ananda would suddenly lose his breath one day, and also had to nervously prepare for the wedding. Not to mention, the preparations for the wedding were really complicated, and it was only one month, so how could they be properly prepared? What's more, Ananda is going to marry the current King Su, and the preparation of the dowry alone has caused the prime minister's wife to be overwhelmed.

People in the capital are also very nervous.

After a few years, when people thought that King Su would never marry a wife in this lifetime, King Su finally announced that he was going to marry a concubine again. I don't know if the bride can survive the wedding this time and have a smooth bridal chamber.

For this reason, large and small gambling halls all over the capital started gambling games, and the rate of betting that the little lady of the Lu family would not survive the wedding was quite high.

There were also young ladies from some families who expressed deep sympathy for Ananda. Most of those young ladies were from various families that they had met at the flower viewing feast that day. At that time, Ananda's unconventional limelight made them unwilling for a while. When they suddenly heard the emperor's marriage the next day, all their indignation turned into sympathy. people thing.

Not everyone can marry King Su. Even a down-and-out woman from a poor family would never want this kind of opportunity. After all, if you want to be rich, you have to live to enjoy it, right

When Ananda was guarded under high tension, he also heard the news that Rucui had brought back. He heard that there were hundreds of people in the gambling house who could not survive the wedding. Ananda couldn't laugh or cry.

"Miss, the outsiders are really too much, they even gambled with your life! You should report to the prime minister, let him take people to copy those gambling houses." Rucui said indignantly.

Ananda sat on the deck chair in front of the window, propped his chin and looked at Rucui who was circling angrily in the room, and asked curiously, "Rucui, do you believe I will survive the wedding?"

Rucui looked a little embarrassed, and wanted to say "yes" categorically, but King Su's theory of restricting his wife and childlessness was so strong that she couldn't say anything.

Ananda sighed and did not embarrass her anymore.

"But Miss, don't worry, Ru Cui will always be with you. If Miss is really unlucky... Ru Cui will never marry and burn incense, pray to Buddha, recite scriptures and copy scriptures for Miss." Ru Cui hurriedly expressed her loyalty.

Ananda gave her a blank look, "Shouldn't a loyal servant girl accompany her master to all kinds of deaths?" This is a typical behavior of a loyal servant.

"How can it be, Miss, the servant has not lived enough yet." Ru Cui said very honestly, with a naive expression: "And if I die, no one will copy the scriptures for the lady. Miss, why don't the servant also go down?" Bet, miss, you can survive the wedding, and even the wedding night in the bridal chamber, okay?" the maid said flatteringly.

Ananda pretended to be angry and beat the little girl, and then graciously agreed to the girl's words, if he dared to bet with her, he had to let her say something wrong.

She also felt a little uncomfortable betting so many people that she would not live for a month, and she was naturally willing to find fault.

Because of Ananda's marriage, all the married daughters of the prime minister's family came back, and even the elder brothers who often went out also came back together. Because the elder brothers were not close to Ananda because of their age, they couldn't say anything to comfort them. Actions show support for Ananda. But Ananda's three older sisters were much tougher, and they all came to do ideological preparation work with Ananda, so that Ananda would not lose the reputation of the prime minister's mansion even if he faced death...

Ananda: =__=! What are they doing back here? Does it really depend on when she dies

One month is really not enough time to look at it. It is impossible for Ananda to embroider the wedding dress by herself, and she can only look at her red hand, but she really can't get it out. Fortunately, there is a dedicated embroiderer in Lu's residence, who rushes to work day and night, so she should be able to drive out the princess's embroidered clothes. And the prime minister's wife was so busy that her feet barely touched the ground. When the wedding was approaching, she suddenly realized that there was one thing missing.

Ananda was called into the room by the prime minister's wife, and then the prime minister's wife secretly took a book to Ananda, and said in a low voice: "You can read it yourself if you have time. Originally, your biological mother should have told you about this. My biological mother passed away early, so I can only watch you grow up, so I can only teach you together. If there is anything you don’t understand... don’t ask others, you will understand in the future... "

Ananda blinked and noticed that the prime minister's wife had an embarrassing expression.

When Ananda returned to the room, he opened it and looked, embarrassing.

It turned out to be an ancient spring/gong map.

Ananda looked at it carefully, and had to admit that although the ancient erotic pictures were very exaggerated, she wondered if women in reality would sprain their waists or strain their ligaments if they were posed like that. The painting skills are really good, the colors are bright and flexible, and the movements and poses inside are really bold. Even the most private places are clearly drawn and clear at a glance. If it is a real ancient boudoir lady, she would have been too ashamed to look at it. up. And Ananda purely regarded it as a pre-bedtime snack, and put it under the mat, and took it out to look through it twice if he was interested.

Amidst the intense preparations, the countdown of Ananda's life, and the high tension between the royal family and the Lu family, the wedding ceremony finally began.

And Ananda also lived to this day in peace, put on a red wedding dress, put on a red hijab, and was sent to a sedan chair by the prime minister's mansion.