Rebirth Of A Virtuous Wife

Chapter 44


Doctor Gu's daughter, Miss Gu, just reached the age of Ji this year. She was born beautiful and gentle. Miss Gu studied medicine with her father since she was a child, read through medical books, and it is no problem to treat a wound.

Miss Gu was very unhappy when her father invited her, because she was reading a medical book with interest, but she was dragged here like this, how could she be happy when her thoughts were interrupted? When she came to the side room in the pharmacy for patients to rest, Miss Gu saw the man sitting in front of the bed for the first time, and before she had time to look at the man's appearance, the man who noticed her coming turned her head over, her heart fluttered. Jumping vigorously.

What a pair of deep and terrifying eyes!

At this time, Miss Gu didn't have any dissatisfaction anymore. Seeing her father standing aside respectfully, she hurried forward and curtseyed like a woman. Miss Gu is a person with a wink. Although she doesn't know the identity of the man in the room, the clothes and demeanor are definitely not comparable to ordinary people. I believe that even the city guard of Tongcheng does not have the aura of this man, so she can't help but Be respectful.

"Smile, come quickly and clean this little lady's wound." Seeing his daughter, Dr. Gu quickly motioned her to move more quickly, so as not to make the prince angry. If it weren't for the difference between men and women, I believe it would be better for Dr. Gu to do this job with dexterity. However, in this era, ethics and ethics are too high, and men are always inconvenient, so the industry of "medical women" came into being.

Gu Xiaoyan responded meekly, took the things handed by the medicine boy, and sat by the bed to clean the wound of the woman on the bed.

During the period, Gu Xiaoyan almost shook her hands a few times, because the aura of the adult next to her was too strong, which made her feel like being drenched in the ice water above the extreme sky again and again. Especially when she accidentally hurt the woman on the bed, causing her to cry out in pain, she almost thought that she had entered the middle of winter—it was too cold.

Gu Xiaoyan rolled her eyes in her heart, I really don't know what this adult thinks, how can this kind of wounds not hurt when they are rubbed with medicine

After Gu Xiaoyan bandaged Ananda's wound, she bowed to Chu Baning and retreated.

Dr. Gu also left with a very winking look, and hurried to see how the medicine was cooking.

After everyone left, Chu Baning lifted his robe and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the unconscious girl on the bed.

The anger in Chu Ba Ning's heart can be imagined. Before leaving Beijing, his emperor's brother patted his chest and swore to him that he would definitely let someone take good care of Princess Su and let her wait in peace until he returned to Beijing. But look, people who were supposed to be in the capital actually showed up in the border town, and were even injured. Chu Baning wondered if something happened in the capital, otherwise how could Ananda come to Tongcheng, and he didn't receive any news.

Chu Baning's jaw was slightly tight, he bent his body slightly, and hung his face above Ananda. His long black hair slipped from his shoulders, and a few locks fell softly on the pillow, matching Ananda's black hair scattered on the pillow. Interlaced, forming a lingering tenderness.

Chu Baning hesitated for a moment, Fang lowered his head and rubbed his face against the hot face of the girl on the bed, feeling her heavy breathing due to fever, but his heart was at peace.

Luckily she didn't disappear!

The medicine was ready soon. Dr. Gu personally brought the medicine over, bowed respectfully to Chu Baning, and said, "My lord, let the patient drink the medicine as soon as possible. Only when the temperature is lowered will there be no danger."

Chu Baning nodded, and after Dr. Gu put down the medicine and left, Chu Baning sat on the head of the bed, picked up Ananda who was still in a coma, and let her lean against his chest softly.

"Ananda, Ananda, wake up and drink the medicine..."

Chu Baning lightly patted Ananda's face, Ananda frowned, not too much annoyed. Ananda felt dizzy, her whole body was limp and unable to exert any strength, and she didn't want to wake up at all, but the continuous harassing sound tore her nerves and made her extremely annoyed.

"Stop making trouble, let me sleep again..." Ananda ignored the prince, hung his head weakly, and continued to sleep.

Chu Baning was silent for a while, holding the bowl of black medicine in one hand, pinched Ananda's chin with the other, and then—put the bowl directly to Ananda's lips to pour the medicine. Ananda was finally woken up by the prince's ungentle actions, opened his eyes and stared blankly at Chu Baning, his head was still in a daze, and said to her prince in a limp soft voice with some dissatisfaction:

"My lord... your actions are too unqualified! Do you know how Zhang Cuishan in the Seven Heroes of Wudang treats Su Su who is sick and injured? Do you understand the gentle oral feeding?"

"..." Chu Baning raised his eyebrows, silently wondering who the Wudang Seven Heroes are? Who is Su Su

However, Erhuo deserves to be Erhuo. After expressing his dissatisfaction, he bowed his head obediently and began to drink the medicine. After drinking the medicine, he pulled Chu Baning's sleeve to wipe his mouth, and then weakly said to Chu Baning She smiled and said: "I'll sleep first, and call me when I get to Tongcheng! Oh, and, after meeting the prince there, you must first take out the decree from the queen mother, it is a life-saving thing... Fortunately, I am smart, Knowing that I am a small person, not a heroine favored by God, something will happen, so I asked the queen mother to ask for an imperial edict to protect her life... I didn't come here by myself, the prince should not be angry with me... "

While muttering, someone patted the prince's solid chest, leaned his head on it, and fell asleep again with infinite happiness.

Chu Baning knew that she was dizzy and thought it was a dream. Only when someone is insane, can he speak out so boldly, and it also allows him to understand some of her usual thoughts. But at other times, his little concubine is a guy who is very good at pretending, unable to hold back a word for a long time, only when you are forced, will she say something according to your heart.

However, someone's words let the prince understand some of the information.

Very well, it turns out that there is also the meaning of mother queen.

Chu Baning narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering if the queen mother who was far away in the capital was so cold that she hid in the bed and sneezed.

Soon, Mu Yuan'er, Chu Baning's personal servant, received the news, and when he saw the sleeping girl hugged by Chu Baning on his chest, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Shouting in surprise, "Wang, Wang, Wang..."

"Shut up!"

Chu Baning glanced at Mu Yuan'er, Mu Yuan'er was agitated, immediately put away the unglamorous expression on his face, and said respectfully: "My lord, do you want to go to the house next to the city guard's mansion?" Pack it up and let the princess live in?"

The area of the house next to the Chengshou Mansion is smaller than that of the Chengshou Mansion. Chu Ba Ninggui is a prince and a prince with real power. OK. Although the house was newly built, it was too small. Originally vacant, no one thought to make it work.

He Chengshou of Tongcheng was personally brought up by Emperor Chongde, and he was regarded as the backbone of the emperor's party. He knew the status of King Su in the emperor's heart. He Chengshou almost wanted to move his family out of Chengshou's mansion and live in the empty house next door so that King Su could live in it. Chengshou Mansion's sign, He Chengshou said, just move to the new house and hang it.

However, what was unexpected was that the prince came to the border town all alone, without even a concubine and maid. Emperor Chongde was relegated to the border town to suffer. What was even more surprising was that after the prince escorted the military rations to the border town, he directly lived in the house prepared by the military camp. He Chengshou, who had already prepared to vacate the house, was not disappointed, and the soldiers and people in the border town were very moved. They felt that this prince was really a good prince for the country. Live together, suffer together.

Therefore, because of Su Wang's maverick, without anyone notifying Su Wang, she didn't prepare a house in advance. When Su Wang came to Tongcheng, she didn't have a house to live in.

Chu Baning naturally nodded in agreement with Mu Yuan'er's proposal, and asked, "Can you clean it up in a few days?"

"My lord, that house needs to be repaired, and new furniture needs to be added. It will take about three days." Mu Yuan'er replied carefully, and the furniture needs to be newly ordered. The city has something in stock. The furniture needed here needs to be made to order.

"Well, the king will give you three days. Also, go and post a message to the city guard's wife. During these three days, the princess will be recuperating in the city guard's mansion."

The war fell into a stalemate, and there was nothing in the barracks for a while, so Chu Baning stayed in the medicine hall and waited for Ananda's fever to subside.

Doctor Gu's medicine was very effective. Ananda was sweating all over, and his fever gradually subsided, and he still had a low-grade fever, but Ananda did not show any signs of waking up.

At this time, the maids and guards of Su Wang's Mansion finally entered the city under the leadership of Tongcheng soldiers. Wen Liang had already arranged everything, knowing where Chu Baning was, he didn't bother, and took the maids of Su Wang's Mansion directly. Nunnies Huan went straight to Gu's pharmacy.

Because Ru Lan sprained her foot, it was inconvenient for her to move. After the foot injury was bandaged, she was left on the carriage. Only Ru Cui and the two nuns entered the medicine hall.

Seeing Chu Baning, everyone hurried forward to salute, and then looked at Ananda who was still sleeping on the bed with concern.

"Doctor Gu, how is Princess Su?" Wen Liang didn't dare to go inside to face Chu Baning, so he grabbed Doctor Gu and asked.

Dr. Gu was dumbfounded when he heard Wen Liang call the girl brought by King Su "Concubine Su", and then he was glad that he only thought that the girl was King Su's concubine in his heart at that time, and didn't say it himself, otherwise he would Can't bear Su Wang's anger.

Doctor Gu knew Ananda's identity, and immediately thought, since she is Princess Su, even if she loses her appearance, she shouldn't be disgusted, right? King Su seems to be a pain in the ass...

In the room, Chu Baning sat calmly in front of a stool in front of the bed, while Guard Feng, Nurse Ru Cuizhang and others knelt on the ground.

Chu Baning took the letter from Guard Feng, which was naturally the letter that the emperor handed to Guard Feng before leaving the palace. Feng Shiwei is a loyal and patriotic child, he only obeys orders, so he has to see Queen Su in person before handing over the letter to King Su, completely unaware that the emperor of his family used him as a shield, and King Su's anger was caused by this poor guard Share some.

Chu Baning read it at a glance, then closed his fingers, and crushed the letter into pieces.

The atmosphere in the room became even more stagnant. Guard Feng and the others lowered their heads, not daring to take a breath. It was obviously cold in late autumn, and everyone was sweating profusely.

And the luckiest thing in the room is the certain princess who drank the medicine and continued to sleep soundly, because she was sick at this time and happened to escape, otherwise don't think that this is just injured, sick, and a body full of flesh and blood. If things are lost, the prince will not spare her like this.

Therefore, the measure that the prince intends to take against a certain princess is: settle accounts after autumn!

I don't know how long they knelt, when they suddenly heard a cold snort, they felt their calves go limp, and they almost fell limp on the ground.

It wasn't until Mu Yuan'er came in that Fang rescued the poor ones.

"My lord, the city guard's wife has cleared out a courtyard, and said that the princess can stay in and rest at any time." Although Mu Yuan'er sympathized with those people, he didn't dare to hit the iceberg, so he could only whisper.

After hearing this, Chu Baning didn't ask those people to get up, just got up and walked out with Ananda in his arms.

Seeing that Chu Baning left just like that, the people in the room whispered silently: "My lord, have you forgotten that we are still kneeling?" The weather is too cold, I really can't afford to hurt it!

After a long while, Ru Cui stood up beating her legs, and said with a serious face: "The princess is still sick and needs servants to serve her, and the servants are going ahead."

Watching this daring girl leave just like that, Feng Shiwei felt anxious.

It really is a second-hand girl. I really don't know how such a bold second-hand girl became the personal girl of Princess Su.

In the medicine hall, Wen Liang is shaking a jade folding fan gracefully, on the fan there are four words written in dragons and phoenixes: Wen Liang is like jade, if the meaning of the word is ignored, people can't help admiring the character of the word. With a gentle smile on Wen Liang's face, he was asking Doctor Gu's daughter Gu Xiaoyan about some medical matters. And Gu Xiaoyan obviously didn't appreciate the love of the most beautiful man in the capital, her face was calm and alienated, and she answered Mr. Wen's question sternly.

The two were a little surprised when they saw Chu Baning coming out with Ananda in his arms. Although the customs in border towns are relatively open, there is no reason for a man to openly embrace a woman in public. But seeing Chu Baning's natural expression made them feel that this was a very natural thing and there was no need to make a fuss.

"Oh, my lord, you're finally willing to come out~" Wen Liang waved his folding fan and asked gracefully.

Chu Baning ignored him, just looked at Dr. Gu, and said: "Doctor Gu, the princess is not feeling well, and needs a medical lady who is familiar with medicine to serve her. I wonder if Qianjin can go with the king? When the princess recovers, You can come back yourself."

Gu Xiaoyan was already surprised when Wen Liang called Chu Baning "Prince", but when she heard Chu Baning's words, her eyes widened even more. She didn't expect that she was treating a princess' wound before. And this prince actually...

Doctor Gu naturally didn't dare to refuse, he hurriedly said that he would let his daughter tidy up later and then go with the princess.

Chu Baning got the letter, hugged Ananda, and under the witness of a group of people in Tongcheng, got into the carriage sent by the city guard's mansion and went to the city lord's mansion.

When they came to Chengshou Mansion, He Chengshou and his wife were waiting outside the door, waiting for King Su and Princess Su to visit. When seeing the girl who was carried by Chu Baning out of the carriage, He Chengshou and his wife looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Outside the city guard's mansion, there were some common people in Tongcheng. Although they didn't know the identity of Chu Ba Ning, they must have a high status if He Chengshou went out to greet him in person, and soon someone would know that it was the emperor's order. King Su Qiantui who came to station in the border town.

In the eyes of everyone, Chu Baning carried his little princess into the Chengshou mansion in a high-profile manner.


In the middle of the night, Ananda woke up.

She was awakened by her body's physiological reaction—urgency to urinate is also a physiological reaction that makes people helpless!

However, she felt uncomfortable, but she couldn't move. She only felt that something was pressing on her waist, which made her feel that her bones were terribly limp. A lamp was lit in the room, and the bean-like lamp quietly bloomed its brilliance in the night, allowing her to see everything that was strange.

Still confused, Ananda moved, and finally realized that she couldn't move. It turned out that she was trapped in someone's arms. The familiar hugging posture and the man's breath that rushed into her nostrils let her know who was holding her. .

Ananda was confused, thinking that she was still dreaming, otherwise why did she wake up and sleep together in the arms of the prince as usual? She seems to be still on the way to Tongcheng, right

"Are you awake?" A low and hoarse male voice rang in her ears, carrying a sexy temptation when she just woke up.

Ananda was still dazed, looking up at the man's unclear outline in the dim and ambiguous light.

A big warm hand touched her forehead and covered it, as if to check the temperature.

Ananda looked at him dully, then said blankly, "I think of Ye..."


After a few seconds of silence, there was a rustling sound, Chu Baning got up and put on his coat, then took a thick warm cloak and put it on her body, and helped her get up and get out of bed when she was weak .

Ananda fumbled to put on her shoes, and was helped by the man to the screen of the outside room as if sleepwalking. When her fingers touched the cold screen, the cold touch made her head a little clearer. Then, a gust of cold night wind came in through the half-opened window, making the curtains flap and waking her drowsy head.

Ananda's eyes widened, and he stared at the man supporting him in horror.

The man returned with a serious expression.