Rebirth Of A Virtuous Wife

Chapter 49


It's freezing cold, so it's a good time to eat baked sweet potatoes.

Rucui brought a bag of sweet potatoes from the kitchen of the city guard's mansion. When Ananda saw the sweeping boy sweeping together a pile of fallen leaves in the yard, he remembered the roasted sweet potatoes he ate in his previous life, and immediately let him go with enthusiasm. People light the fire, she wants to bake sweet potatoes.

Ananda put the basket containing the two little foxes aside, and sat not far from the fire with the little girl of the He family in his arms, watching the maids roast sweet potatoes while watching the maids roast sweet potatoes, expressing his opinions from time to time.

Ru Cui, Ru Lan and Gu Xiaoyan squatted aside and used a fire stick to turn over the sweet potatoes in the fire to prevent them from being burnt.

In fact, Ananda only had one mouth to say, she didn't know how to bake it herself, she just thought it was ready to eat when it was cooked, but under her command, the first batch of sweet potatoes were still burnt, like black carbon lumps, In the end, I had no other choice, so I went to the kitchen and invited a cook who could bake.

The little girl of the He family looked at the blazing bonfire, and then lost interest, and turned around to tease the two little foxes.

The basket is hand-woven, and the exquisite weaving technique makes the small basket look very beautiful and cute. It is covered with cotton and satin fabrics, which are soft and comfortable, and will definitely let the little fox have a heavenly enjoyment. The two little foxes were basking in the warm fire, full of energy, and were holding the edge of the basket with their two front paws, poking their heads and looking out. Whenever the two little foxes poked their heads out, the master Ananda would reach out and poke the little heads off with a vile gesture, and the little fox's tiny body would fall into the basket, spinning dizzily .

The little girl from the He family saw Ananda playing like this, so she followed suit and poked the fox together with her fat paws.

The poor two little foxes, under their vile one-finger magic skills, turned their bodies full of gold stars and turned around endlessly. Ru Lan could only twitch the corners of her mouth when she saw it, and thought to herself that the two little foxes sent back by the prince were just to relieve the princess' boredom, so it's fine if they don't die.

In the yard, it was extremely lively for a while.

When Zhao Qihua came to the Chengshou Mansion again, the sweet potatoes had already been baked, and the people in the yard were eating deliciously around the baked sweet potatoes. The haze dissipated. The sweet aroma of roasted sweet potatoes wafted through the air, and at first smell, people's appetite was easily aroused.

However, what surprised Zhao Qihua was that the people who sat around the bonfire, regardless of the order of master and servant, all enjoyed peeling and eating roasted sweet potatoes, especially Princess Su who was sitting in the middle, her face I don't know what made it black, but my hands didn't stop, and I used chopsticks to feed the two foxes with yellow sweet potato meat. What made her even more dumbfounded was that the two groups of foxes actually ate baked sweet potatoes with great relish.

This is so unscientific!

Seeing Miss Zhao's family reappearing in full swing, Ananda felt that she was full of vitality, and at the same time hurriedly got up and called her to come and taste the baked sweet potatoes. Ru Lan calmly took a handkerchief to wipe Ananda's face clean, Ru Cui went to get a clean bowl and chopsticks, and handed the peeled baked sweet potatoes to the guests.

Zhao Qihua was so dazedly dragged by Ananda to sit on an empty stool in front of the bonfire, blowing the cold winter wind, but roasting on the fire, he didn't feel cold at all, and the porcelain-white bowl in his hand A roasted sweet potato with tender yellow flesh color and exuding steam is very sweet and delicious. When you bite it, the meat is soft and sweet, very delicious.

Although sweet potato is a coarse grain that farmers are used to eating, its meat is soft and sweet, and it is very durable. It is one of the main grains that farmers store in winter. Generally, rich people seldom eat this kind of coarse grain. Although Zhao Qihua has lived in Tongcheng for a long time, General Zhao loves this one and only apple of the eye, and strives to eat delicately, so he never lets her eat coarse grains that are only eaten by such poor people.

Zhao Qihua just took a sip, his eyes lit up, and he ate it automatically without anyone telling him. He didn't feel satisfied after eating a sweet potato, so he looked eagerly at the sweet potatoes that a few nuns were baking.

Seeing this, Ananda thought this beauty was quite cute, and said with a smile, "Today when Rucui went to the kitchen to make medicine for me, I happened to meet Cook Wang who came back from his hometown. Cook Wang brought a few bags of sweet potatoes over. Seeing that Rucui likes it, she gave us a bag. You can eat as much as you can, and there are more here.”

Zhao Qihua's eyes turned from the bonfire to the person in front of her, and when she met Ananda's smiling face, Zhao Qihua suddenly remembered who the person in front of her was, and suddenly felt that the pair of chopsticks in her hand weighed a thousand catties, and she didn't know what to do for a while .

Ananda broke some cold sweet potato meat to feed the two little foxes. His face was full of smiles, and his sweet and soft smile was easy to move people's hearts. Hate her as a person. After all, a smile can always make people let go of their defenses, especially the kind that makes people feel kind and lovely.

And Ananda is a bastard who often deceives people with a smiling face.

When Mammy peeled the baked sweet potatoes and brought them up in a bowl, Zhao Qihua glanced at Ananda, and decided to satisfy his appetite first before talking to Princess Su.

The bonfire gradually went out, and after eating the sweet potatoes, Ananda washed his hands in the warm water brought by the maid, and saw that there was still a small pile of roasted sweet potatoes, thinking of his prince who was still squatting in the military camp, Ananda He ordered: "Roast all these sweet potatoes, and then send Mu Yuan'er to the prince to taste."

The rule that women are not allowed to enter the barracks has not changed for thousands of years, but there is no saying that they cannot send things to the barracks. So Ananda thought that she was a good wife and mother who had delicious food and never forgot her husband, so he asked someone to send a copy to the prince.

Zhao Qihua was eating deliciously, but after hearing Ananda's words, he felt that the sweet potatoes were not so fresh and delicious.

After a while, Ananda and Zhao Qihua sat drinking tea together in the side hall, Rulan Rucui waited on the side, and two little foxes with full bellies spread out on Ananda's knees, Ananda poked them with his fingertips with a smile The little fox's round belly, when the little fox impatiently swept over with his tail, he couldn't help laughing.

Compared with Ananda's leisure, Zhao Qihua looked unhappy.

Holding the teacup, Zhao Qihua picked Ananda from the beginning to the end with a critical look, and felt that there was nothing in Ananda that was suitable for her. He really didn't know why Chu Baning would marry her.

"...Why did Brother Ning marry you?" Zhao Qihua asked sadly.

Ananda froze for a moment, his head was filled with two groups of little foxes, and for a moment he didn't know who the brother Ning Zhao Qihua was talking about. With the elegant and charming smile of the princess she had practiced for a long time, she said to Zhao Qihua who was looking at her seriously: "Hehe, of course it's because the emperor ordered the marriage~~"

Ananda felt a little cold in her heart. She never thought that someone would call her husband "Brother Ning". Thinking of Chu Baning's serious and painful face, and his overwhelming aura, Ananda No matter what, I can't put the title "Brother Ning" on him. I feel that her prince will not be a "brother" that women miss, but a "Su" king who makes women grind their teeth secretly—serious and merciless The face of the prince.

Zhao Qihua was obviously taken aback by Ananda's statement. She was far away in a border town, and she was a girl who hadn't left the court. She had nowhere to know the news in the capital. The marriage of King Su was naturally not as good as the emperor's wedding. There was no measure of amnesty for the world, so she never knew about it, nor did she know the reason for it. It wasn't until Ananda came to Tongcheng that the people of Tongcheng knew that King Su had married the concubine.

"How is it possible!" Zhao Qihua blurted out, "If Brother Ning doesn't like it, he will never marry, even if he is the emperor's uncle, he will not force Brother Ning."

Ananda felt a little depressed, she didn't know why Chu Baning didn't resist the order when she pointed out the marriage at the beginning, but got married obediently. Got to sprain my foot. Ananda was also very depressed when he thought of his miserable situation and the rumors in the capital during those days.

"I don't believe it... Brother Ning clearly said that he asked me to help him choose the princess. If I am not satisfied, he will never marry..." Zhao Qihua was a little lost, and muttered to himself for a long time.

Ananda raised his eyebrows slightly, suspecting that something was wrong with his ears. Shenma said, "Let me help him choose the princess, if I am not satisfied, he will never marry...", is the person she is talking about really Chu Baning? Why does Ananda think that she is talking about the Phoenix male protagonist in the QY drama, and she is forced to be the first wife of Phoenix male by the elders, and Zhao Qihua is the true love of the male protagonist's childhood sweetheart and childhood sweetheart... orz...

Ananda first gave herself a shock, she couldn't imagine that Chu Baning's lord who is extremely serious, has a strong aura, can kill people with his words, and shows no mercy to women would be the one in Zhao Qihua's mouth Kind of "brother".

"I see, it must be the empress dowager who forced Brother Ning!" Zhao Qihua's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help glaring at Ananda angrily, "Are you still a woman? Why do you still jump out of such an obvious pit? You should fight against it!" Please tell the Queen Mother that you cannot marry someone you do not love."

Miss Zhao spoke very honestly, with a look of heartbroken for Ananda, thinking that what Ananda did was too embarrassing for a woman.

And Ananda, together with the two maids, almost stared at her with supercilious eyes.

I can't blame Miss Zhao for her unpopularity. This kind of ability to not see reality clearly is really special to attract hatred. And although her words are full of the maverick character of modern women, but this is a feudal society, the last thing that is needed is maverick.

Fortunately, although Zhao Qihua spoke without thinking, she was not so stupid that she couldn't read people's faces. Seeing Ananda's expression changed, she couldn't help asking in amazement: "What do you see me doing? Am I not right?"

A beauty is a beauty, and her puzzled look looks naive, which is really cute.

Ananda coughed lightly, covered his mouth with a handkerchief, and said, "Miss Zhao, do you think I need to go against the Queen Mother? And why can't I marry the prince?"

"You don't love him, why marry her?" Zhao Qihua blurted out.

It seems that this girl still loves first, but it is a pity that she was born in the wrong age. If it is in modern society, this girl doesn't know how unrestrained and wanton her life is.

Ananda said with a smile: "Of course I respect the prince, and the marriage between me and the prince was personally ordered by the emperor. I will never do such a treasonous thing as resisting the decree!" The last sentence, Ananda spoke in a dignified manner, and the two maids squinted at her at the same time.

Zhao Qihua became anxious, "I didn't ask you to resist the decree, I just asked you to reject this immoral behavior."

"Is pointing at marriage immoral?" Ananda tilted his head.

Zhao Qihua frowned, "If brother Ning is unwilling, it is naturally against the will of others, which is very immoral. Even the emperor's uncle can't act like this."

Ananda almost wanted to applaud this girl, hey, girl, you are really daring, you dare to say that the emperor's finger marriage is immoral, you still know that the emperor is your uncle? This kind of behavior of yours is disloyal to the emperor and patriotic, and you only make trouble for others.

And what Ananda can't understand is that since the emperor is an uncle, the emperor's younger brother is also an elder. How strange it is that you, a junior, call each other "Brother Ning" so affectionately.

Ananda paid attention to this straight-headed girl for a while, and found that this girl was really unreasonable, she spoke too straight, and she was really careless. Fortunately, she was in this kind of border city area. If she was really in the capital, it would be enough. Those censors who are too idle have included her in several books. Moreover, no matter how slow-witted Ananda was, she still found that the girl had an inexplicable feeling for her prince. She hoped it wasn't what she thought, and that would be ridiculous. So Ananda would never wake up this girl, and let her be so ignorant until she was married by General Zhao.

"I don't believe Brother Ning would want to marry you. You don't have looks, figure, or temperament. All the maids around me are prettier than you." Zhao Qihua said matter-of-factly. Look, this girl is full of hatred. Ananda is not angry yet, but the maids around her are already angry.

Naturally, Ananda would not be angry with a general's daughter, and said with a smile: "Miss Zhao, you can't say that, everyone has their own value. Although only female celebrities in the five arts of this palace can do it, but married It is also okay to make some clothes for parents before, and after marriage, I often make some close-fitting clothes for my husband. The prince really likes the clothes and purses I made for him. Miss Zhao, do you think so?"

Ananda asked back with a pure face, as if he didn't know that he had poked another girl's sore foot again.

The expression on Zhao Qihua's face stiffened. Everyone in the border towns knew that she was good at martial arts and didn't know anything about female red cooking. Ananda's words really hurt her.

Zhao Qihua stared at Ananda gloomyly.

Ananda was still smiling, "Miss Zhao, it's impossible for my daughter's family to remain unmarried for the rest of their lives. After getting married, there are many things to learn. Miss Zhao, there is still time to go back and learn."

Ananda's friendly expression made people unable to refute.


Finally, Zhao Qihua couldn't stand Ananda's smiling words poking at her painful feet, stood up abruptly, and hummed: "I'm going to ask Brother Ning, he must have no choice but to marry you!!"

Ananda waved his hand, watched Miss Zhao blowing away, and thought to himself: Ask, ask, in fact, she also wanted to know why Chu Baning was willing to marry her and even touch her in the first place.

Ru Cui removed the cold tea from the table, and said calmly: "I think the lord will not tell her."

Ananda stroked the two little foxes, feeling the fluffy touch, and said, "Not necessarily, maybe I will tell her, after all Miss Zhao is his childhood sweetheart."

Ru Cui blinked her eyes, and said suddenly: "Miss, are you jealous? Oh, that's right. Although Miss Zhao speaks straight, she is beautiful. Standing in front of you can poke you to death. But it's okay, This servant believes that the prince only has you in his heart."

Ananda glared, this girl is not angry that she will really die? ! ! !


In the barracks, Chu Baning and Wen Liang stood in front of the sand table in the tent and performed the deduction. After Wen Liang finished the deduction, they finally sat down to rest.

At this time, Mu Yuan'er came in with a food box, Wen Liang looked at it, and said with some surprise: "Oh, Mu Mu, what good things did you bring? Hurry up and present it to me to taste."

Mu Yuan'er bowed to the two of them, and replied: "My lord, Mr. Wen, this is the baked sweet potato sent by my concubine."

When Wen Liang heard this, his eyes lit up, but before his claws reached the food box, the food box was intercepted halfway.

Wen Liang watched sadly as Chu Baning slowly opened the food box, and a unique sweet and glutinous aroma of roasted sweet potatoes wafted out of his nostrils, making his mouth water. Wen Liang is a foodie and loves food, how can he resist the sweet smell of this kind of crude food that he has never eaten before? But Chu Baning's appearance made it clear that he didn't have his share, which made him all kinds of envious and jealous.

It seems that people who are married to wives are different. Someone always thinks about it when there is delicious food, unlike his father who doesn't love his mother or doesn't love him.

"Hey, my lord, a good brother is loyal, save some for him!"

Chu Baning asked Mu Yuan'er to bring the bowls and chopsticks, and replied solemnly: "My surname is Chu, and your surname is Wen. They are not brothers."

Mu Yuan'er brought two bowls, put the peeled baked sweet potatoes into the bowls, and served them to Chu Baning. Seeing that Chu Baning ate slowly, he went to serve the second bowl to someone who was the most beautiful man in Beijing who was scratching his head.

Wen Liang finally enjoyed the roasted sweet potatoes, the taste was as delicious as he thought, and he couldn't help asking: "Who made this?"

Mu Yuan'er glanced at Chu Baning, and said respectfully: "Ru Cui brought the sweet potatoes from the cook in the city guard's mansion. The princess asked people to collect the dead leaves and branches in the yard, and let the maid The nuns went to bake, at first they said it was to feed the two little foxes..."


Wen Liang squirted far away with a mouthful of sweet potatoes, and Chu Baning also paused the movements of his hands, but after only one moment, he returned to nature and ate slowly.

Wen Liang looked at Mu Yuan'er a little bit tongue-tiedly, and asked in disbelief: "Don't foxes eat meat? When did they become vegetarians? And do they eat cooked things?" Chu Baning sent two newly born foxes back Wen Liang also knew about making Princess Su happy, because he was the first to find these two foxes, and when he found them, he was the one who suggested Chu Baning to send them to make his wife happy.

Yesterday, I heard Mu Yuan'er said that Princess Su thought it was meat for extra meal when she saw the fox at first sight, which made him laugh half to death, and Chu Baning also turned black. This made Wen Liang feel that it was worthwhile for him to spit so much to get King Su to give his wife a gift.

Speaking of this, Mu Yuan'er wanted to bury her head in her chest, and said a little ashamedly: "Master Wen, they were not eaten at first, but after a few mouthfuls, the princess ate them. And the princess said, I want to eat them." Raise them into vegetarian foxes…”

Wen Liang sprayed again, then patted the table laughing uncontrollably, pointing at Chu Baning with one hand, laughing so much that he almost rolled off the stool.

Chu Baning was expressionless, allowing him to smile like an epileptic.

Wen Liang laughed enough, and finally compared a thumb to Chu Baning, and said, "My lord, Zixiu really admires your princess!"

Chu Baning gave him a cold look, and said, "No need, anyway, you found those two foxes first."


Wen Liang clutched his stomach: Hey, my lord, if you don't stab me a few times, will you die