Rebirth Of A Virtuous Wife

Chapter 83


The delivery room was arranged according to Ananda's request, and the room was already warmed by burning earth dragons.

When Ananda was carried to the bed, his stomach was already throbbing.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps mixed with wind and snow outside the house, and after a while, the maid and the midwife all came. The midwife came to Tongcheng last month. She is the most skilled midwife in the palace. The emperor specially sent her here to let her give birth safely.

The windows were not closed tightly to allow air to circulate. Listening to the sound of wind and snow outside, Ananda wondered if the child was born in this icy and snowy period...

"What are you still dawdling about? Doesn't it hurt to see the princess?"

Ananda suddenly heard a roar, looked up and saw Chu Baning frowning tightly, his face turned slightly pale, but his expression was still extremely serious, as if he was doing something serious. Ananda was a little nervous at first, but when he saw this man's behavior, he couldn't get nervous at all. Could it be because he shared all her nervousness away

Madam Su directed the maids to boil the water, to pack the things, to do what they should do, in an orderly manner. And the maids have also been trained by Madam Su, and they have explained everything about the delivery, and know what to do at this time. Although they look a little panicked, their actions do not appear to be flustered.

The white cotton cloth lying on Ananda's body had been boiled and dried in boiling water. Not to mention the bedding and utensils on his body, they were all new and sterilized with boiling water. Ananda believed that there should be no accidents, right

However, Ananda seemed to have overlooked a certain accident, and it wasn't until Madam Su's euphemistic voice sounded that Ananda realized that he was still holding a big hand.

"My lord, the princess is having a baby, can you please go out?"

The ancients believed that the delivery room was full of blood and blood, and it was unlucky for a man to enter the delivery room, so there was nothing wrong with Su Mama's behavior, who knew that Chu Baning didn't buy her at all, and glanced at her coldly, depressed. The voice was angry: "This king is here, you must let the princess give birth safely, otherwise..."

Although he hadn't finished speaking, seeing the flash of evil spirit between the serious brows, the hearts of everyone in the room turned cold.

Although Madam Su disagrees with Chu Baning's behavior, she thinks that a dignified prince has an extremely noble status, and he really shouldn't be so affectionate and do such a demeaning thing. However, King Su is obviously self-willed, sometimes he doesn't even listen to the words of the emperor and queen mother, how could he listen to the words of a small court nurse? So, Nanny Su had no choice but to let herself go.

It was the first time in Ananda's two lives that she gave birth, and it would be a lie to say that she was not afraid. With this man by her side, seeing his serious expression, pale face, and tightly wrinkled brows, I finally felt at ease. However, although she did not agree with Su Momo's words, she also felt that it was really... a little awkward and unwilling for him to see her childbirth side. I heard that men will leave shadows when they enter the delivery room, and I look really ugly like this...

"My lord, you can go out, I'm fine."

Ananda let go of his hand and smiled weakly at him. Because of the labor pain, her face became pale, and in order not to cry out in front of him, every time the pain hurt, the muscles on her face twitched, she could only grit her teeth and swallow the painful moan.

"My king won't leave!"

Chu Baning spoke forcefully, then bent down and brushed away the sweat-soaked hair on her face with his hands, and carefully wiped the sweat off her face with a handkerchief.

At this time, Chu Baning couldn't pull ten cows away. Ananda's stomach hurt for a while, so he ignored him and concentrated on fighting the pain in his stomach.

"Ananda..." He picked up Ananda's hand that was holding onto the quilt, and asked hesitantly, "Does it hurt?"

Ananda looked up at him and saw that his complexion looked worse than that of her pregnant woman, so he forced a smile and said, "It doesn't hurt...uh—it hurts a little...ah—" A tearing pain came Finally, Ananda couldn't help but let out a cry. And this sound finally frightened the man who was trying to be calm.

After Ananda had been in pain for a while, his stomach finally eased a little, and he spread out on the bed, dripping with sweat. Ru Lan wiped her sweat beside her. Chu Baning was also sweating all over, and the sweat dripped down one by one on his resolute face in this cold weather. Ananda asked him to bow his head, stretched out his hand and used his sleeve to try to wipe the sweat off his face, feeling a little unbearable.

"My lord, please go out, you won't be able to help here, and maybe it will affect the nuns' delivery." Although she was very uncertain, seeing him like this, she couldn't bear to keep him here Here it is. The more we get along, the more adorable this serious man makes her feel, the more she loves him and doesn't want him to bear too much.

Chu Baning glanced at the people busy in the delivery room, then turned directly above Ananda, and continued to stand still.

This man clearly wanted to stay here, and no one except Ananda had the guts to drive him away. So everyone just pretended not to see him, and went their own way.

"Princess, the time for the first child is relatively long, you can eat something to replenish your physical strength now," said Geng Nam who delivered the baby.

Ananda recalled some knowledge from his previous life, and knew that labor pains are starting now, and he is not about to give birth yet. The most important thing is to preserve his physical strength. The real labor pains will only be ready when the labor pains are shortened to once every quarter of an hour.

Ananda continued with the breakfast just now, it doesn't hurt so much now, but he is in the mood to eat. Seeing Chu Baning standing in front of the bed looking at her, Ananda thought for a while, and asked someone to bring their breakfast in directly. The couple In the delivery room, after eating breakfast, the maids and nuns watching around were speechless for a while.

"My lord, you need to eat more to conserve your energy!" A pregnant woman who was about to give birth persuaded while eating. She had heard that many men who accompanied their wives into the delivery room, most of them would pass out because of the stimulation. Just in case, Ananda advised him to eat more and conserve his energy. She didn't know how long it would take her to give birth. She was afraid that before the time came, he would pass out before the baby was born, which would add to the trouble.


Maids and nurses: =__=! Which one is pregnant? Why do you think the speaking roles are reversed

Ru Lan only felt that someone had committed a crime again, and instantly had the urge to hide her face, and now she was ashamed and thrown to the delivery room. I couldn't help but be thankful that another second-hand girl went to the kitchen to bring hot water, and didn't follow her to make a mistake at this time.

Although Ananda wanted to save her strength and eat more, as the interval between labor pains became shorter and shorter, the feeling of lower abdomen became more and more clear, which made it difficult for her to swallow. Until Madam Su asked someone to bring the ginseng soup, she managed to drink some, but she was quite energetic. She didn't eat much, and Chu Baning hardly ate much, just staring at her with unfathomable eyes.

After the servants removed the cup and plate, Ananda lay back on the bed and tried to take a deep breath.

"Ananda..." Chu Baning held one of her hands, looking worriedly at her pale face.

Ananda took a deep breath, tried to smile and said, "It's just a little pain, it's okay. Mother Su said the child is healthy, and I am also healthy... ah—" Suddenly one couldn't hold back, and groaned in pain.

Ananda felt the vain strength of the man holding her hand, and finally couldn't help but said: "My lord, you should go out, you are here, I can't concentrate on giving birth..."


The maids and nuns who were distractedly looking at them heard someone's words, and couldn't help but glance at the prince who was considered to be "obstructing pregnant women to give birth". Seeing his face turning black, they hurriedly buried their heads down. Now they understand that Concubine Su is so bold that even her husband dares to say that. When she gives birth to a son, she may go to the house to expose the tiles.

"Concentrate! This king is with you!" Chu Baning said in a deep voice, then bent down, put his lips to her ear, and whispered softly: "Ananda, this king wants you to be safe and well!"

"..." Ananda looked up at him.

His dark pupils locked her gaze, not allowing her to have any negative answer. Ananda felt a little helpless, this man was actually very capricious, he would not allow others to disobey his wishes. Should he be thankful that he usually has a strong willingness to do something

Ananda finally nodded in his domineering strength.

Then, another round of labor pains began.


Ananda's pain lasted from morning to evening, but it hadn't come out yet.

Hearing that she was going to give birth, Mrs. He, Wen Liang, Yan Lv and others all came over. At this time, the hostess of the palace was giving birth, and no one was entertaining them, except Mrs. He who had given birth before, the two big men could only stare at the door, not knowing what to do. Especially when they heard the occasional broken groans coming from inside, the two big men almost jumped up in fright.

"Zixiu, that... nothing will happen, right?" Yan Lu was very worried, because he thought of King Su's fate of "killing his wife and son", and was very worried that he would "kill two lives". It's dead.

Wen Liang glared at him, "Of course it's fine! There is still my adopted son in the future, how could something happen?"

"Yezi?" Yan Lu looked at him in surprise.

"My lord promised me that if my concubine gives birth to a young son, let him recognize me as my adoptive father, and I won't be afraid that no one will send me to the end when I grow old!"

Yan Lu couldn't help laughing, "You think so far. What if the baby is a little princess?"

"Then continue to live!" Wen Liang resolutely said.


"However, if the little princess born is like a prince, Ah Lu, we may have to work harder and earn more money to add makeup to the little princess so that we can marry her off in the future."

Following Wen Liang's words, Yan Lu thought of the prince of the female version of the small bun brand, so he echoed Wen Liang's words very sadly: " is really necessary!"


The men outside the house were discussing that someone was going to give birth to a boy and a girl, but inside the room, as Ananda's consciousness became more and more blurred, Chu Baning was already staring at people. The prince's aura is not something anyone can bear, no matter it is the midwife or the maid handing things to the side, they all feel the pressure is great, Gengma can't help but say to Ananda who is in pain and unconscious: "Princess, try harder! Come on!" , follow the servants, inhale, exhale, and exert more force."

Ananda was in so much pain that she just wanted to have a caesarean section, but unfortunately there is no caesarean section in this era, so she can only continue to suffer. Although she really wanted to clamor for caesarean section, but she also knew that if she really said so, a certain man would be the first to clean her up, and the nuns would look at her strangely.

The pain exhausted her strength, and when she ran out of strength, she was exhausted before she heard the classic "I have seen the baby's head" from the midwife, and she couldn't help crying: "My lord! , I don't want to give birth, it hurts so much... "

In her two lifetimes, she had never experienced such pain. The tearing pain consumed her will, making her no longer care about her surroundings, and only wanted to be free from this pain.

"Ananda, Ananda..." Chu Baning touched her face, not knowing what to do, so he could only call her name to comfort her. Seeing that Ananda was still crying in pain, he couldn't help but looked up and glared at the people in the room: "What are you doing to eat? Didn't you see the princess in pain? Hurry up and let the princess give birth, or I will go to hell!"

Why does this sound so confusing? If it weren't for the time for laughter, some people couldn't help but laugh in their hearts.

Mother Su checked Ananda's condition and found that the fetus was too big, and she had run out of strength. If she didn't give her more energy, the baby would be suffocated in the mother's womb before it was born, and the mother's body would also have accidents. Su Momo hurriedly asked someone to bring the ginseng slices, and let Ananda swallow her, "Princess, don't faint, otherwise the child will be in danger, and you will be in danger as well!"

Ananda held the ginseng piece in his mouth, leaned against Chu Baning's arms, his eyes dimmed.

"Ananda, what about the things you promised me? Are you going to leave me behind..."

His voice whispered in her ear, and the sadness in his voice was hard to ignore, as if a hammer was hammering her heart, making her feel uncomfortable.

"Ananda, don't leave me... Ananda, you promised to always stay by my side..."

"Ananda, I want you and the child..."

Ananda heard his increasingly hasty voice, knowing that he had already left, and didn't care what the people around him thought of him. My stomach hurts, but listening to his words, my heart hurts even more.

Suddenly, the surprised voice of the midwife sounded: "I saw the head! Princess, hurry up, work harder, the head came out..."

Hearing this, Chu Baning's voice stopped abruptly, and Ananda's spirit was lifted, and then he felt a sharp tearing pain from below, and something slipped out.


She screamed in pain, and after the thing was finally peeled off, she knew that she had finally given birth to the child, and she relaxed, and finally passed out.


The people outside the door heard a baby crying, and they all breathed a sigh of relief like deflated balls. In the middle of winter and the twelfth lunar month, everyone is sweating in the tense waiting.

Wen Liang jumped up from the stool, rushed to the door, clawed at the crack of the door and shouted inside: "My lord, is the child born yet? Is it a boy or a girl?"

There was no sound inside, but the voice of the midwife came: "Lord Hui Wen, you are a little princess."

"Little, little princess?" Wen Liang was dumbfounded, then looked at Yan Lu who came with him, and said dully: "Could it be that we really have to work hard to earn money to add makeup to her in the future?"

Yan Lv suppressed a smile, thumped him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's best not to let the prince hear what you said, otherwise this general will not guarantee that you, a military adviser, can live to celebrate the new year."

Wen Liang was beaten until his teeth were cracked, but he didn't yell anymore, but the frustration in his heart was indescribable.

"Master Wen?"

Ru Cui came over with hot water, and seeing a handsome man with a slumped figure, she couldn't help calling out.

Wen Liang glanced at her, sighed again, and said, "Girl, it seems that my lord is not as lucky as you."

Ru Cui watched him leave inexplicably, then shrugged and entered the room with hot water.


In the room, Mother Su had already wrapped the child in a clean swaddle, put it in front of Chu Baning, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, the prince, the little princess is very healthy." Mother Su felt a little regretful that she was just a daughter, but The child was born safely, and no one would dare to say that King Su "killed his wife and son", which is considered a good thing.

Chu Baning just glanced casually, then looked at the man on the bed who had been tidied up by the maid, and asked, "Madam Su, how is the princess?"

"Go back to the prince, the princess is just out of strength, and she will wake up when she has enough rest."

After getting An Xin's answer, Chu Baning was finally relieved. When he wanted to get up, he found that half of his body was numb. He had maintained this posture for several hours. His emotions were tense before, and he didn't notice anything wrong. When all the dust settled, I finally found that half of my body was extremely numb.

"Ah, my lord, your hand is bleeding..." Ru Lan exclaimed, looking at his wrist resting on his knee, where there were deep tooth marks, the blood stained his clothes, it was already dry, it looked like It was the one who was bitten-as for who was bitten, everyone in the room knew each other well.

Chu Baning took a look, but didn't care, and said to Su Momo who was holding the child: "Let me hug her."

Nanny Su responded, and carefully placed the child in his arms.

It may be the first time to hold such a fragile creature, which made his posture a little stiff, and he couldn't hold it properly. Seeing that Madam Su was very worried whether he would drop the newborn.

Chu Baning stared at the child in his arms, his skin was a little red, but it was not wrinkled from birth as people said, but smooth and tender. Mother Su explained that this happened because the child absorbed nutrients well in the mother's body. The child had already fallen asleep, and was quietly letting his disorganized father toss about him, neither crying nor fussing, looking very well-behaved.

Chu Baning carefully looked at the small facial features of the child in his arms...

Well, like who