Rebirth of an Idle Noblewoman

Chapter 112: 018 is an ordinary product


The virtual training ground is no different from the virtual space in appearance, both are boundless starry skies.

The difference is that, with a thought in Gu Xiqiao's mind, pavilions, pavilions, and animals appeared in the space one after another, and the chirping of birds echoed in his ears. The scene was so real that it was incredible. Suddenly, he became playful and began to think about Jiang Shuxuan in his mind. He has a face with smooth lines like carvings, thin lips, a high bridge of nose, and a pair of deep and cold eyes. In fact, his eyelashes are also very long, but few people dare to look directly into his eyes.

Finally, there was that faint look in his eyes, full of invisible pressure.

When the sketched figure appeared in front of him and looked at him for a moment, Gu Xiqiao was suddenly stunned. It was so lifelike that there was no difference at all from appearance to breath.

If the person in front of her wasn't so real, she didn't know when she remembered this person so clearly.

With a wave of his hand, all the scenes in front of him disappeared, leaving only a vast starry sky.

After standing for a while, Gu Xiqiao simulated the scene of an open space, made a hand seal, and began to test the power of his new move. He saw a blue light suddenly rise, and with a "boom", a large pit more than ten meters deep appeared on the ground.

[Beauty, good at martial arts, seems to have great potential in the realm of muscle strengthening.] The eyes of the system floating beside her lit up, [You can try the power of the Bagua array again. When your ancient martial arts is upgraded to two levels, your profound strength will be It can be condensed into a substantial attack object, just like Jiang Shuxuan's last frost blade, which is very powerful.]

Gu Xiqiao nodded, and with a thought, eight pieces of jade floated around him, and the space in all directions was immediately locked.

[When you have enough points, the virtual training ground can continue to be upgraded, and when it reaches a certain level, it can be brought to the real space. ] While Gu Xiqiao was playing, the system found information about the virtual training ground in the huge database, [You have to earn points!]

"Points can't be earned just because you want to." Gu Xiqiao sighed, "The 1,000 points last time almost cost me my life."

[Take your time, we are not in a hurry. ] The system is flying around in the virtual space, [Oh, Bridge Beauty, please stay here while I go out for a few laps!]

"You go ahead." The system has been in space for who knows how many years, and she knows it can't help it.

After playing in the virtual training ground for a while and experimenting with all the things he knew, Gu Xiqiao stopped and started to do daily tasks. After completing them, he drew up a development plan for Baixing Village.

Early the next morning, Gu Xiqiao got up for morning exercises as usual. Haha and Xixi followed her closely. They met many acquaintances along the way. When they arrived at the place where they used to play Wuqinxi, they saw the familiar old grandfather at a glance.

"Xiao Gu, you're finally back." The old man saw Gu Xiqiao and narrowed his eyes with a smile. He hadn't seen Gu Xiqiao a few days ago, so he asked Jiang Shuxuan, who also came for morning exercise, and was told that she was gone. Traveled.

After waiting for a few days, I finally saw the figure, "Look, do I look like that this time?"

After discussing with her last time, the old man used the Wu Qin Xi set that she had slightly modified. Although he did not use the matching mental method, when he was doing it this time, there was obviously a flow of vitality slowly flowing through the meridians. After the fight, he said cheerfully, "People say I look a lot younger these days."

He himself feels that his health is much better. He used to be able to run for half an hour at most, but now he can jog for an hour.

In my heart, I felt that it must be Gu Xiqiao's fault, but every time the other party just smiled and refused to admit it, the old man sighed and never talked about it again.

The two had known each other for many years and had not seen each other for many days. They chatted for a long time.

When they had to go back to eat, the two of them went back together.

Mrs. Zhang prepared another familiar soup with a familiar taste. After drinking it, Gu Xiqiao thought: If this continues all year round, it will be difficult for her not to gain weight.

After eating, she was ready to go out. When Xixi heard that she was going out, he immediately flew to her shoulder and said that he would follow. Gu Xiqiao rubbed his eyebrows and said, "I'm going out to do something, why are you following me?" ,Acting cute?"

"Beautiful Qiao, I have great functions, who knows who uses them, and Mr. Jiang told me early on that he would let me follow you anytime, anywhere and protect you. If anything happens to you, he will pluck out all my beautiful hair. of!"

"Okay, you can follow me. Don't talk nonsense, or you will be cooked and eaten by others." As soon as Gu Xiqiao heard Jiang Shuxuan, he knew that he could not refuse.

Hearing Gu Xiqiao's compromise, he looked at Hahaha proudly.

"Woof woof woof woof woof!" Get out of here, you coquettish bitch!

"Chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi~" Oh, it's really fun to go out with Qiao Meiren~

"Woof woof woof woof woof!" Come down here, you are shameless!

"Chi chi chi chi chi chi chi ~" If I don't come down, come hit me ~

Haha, in my heart: Damn you are mentally retarded!

Gu Xiqiao's schedule today was to first go to Jiutian Company to take a look. Mu Zong was not here for the time being. She went to see how Luo Wenlang was managing the company, and then went to the hospital to take a look. She didn't know how Tongtong and Dalin were doing.

Instead of driving her little pink car, she took a taxi to the financial center.

When she entered the company again, the front desk already knew her and let her in without asking. He just glanced a little longer at the beautiful red... little bird on her shoulder

When I entered the elevator, I was drowsy after browsing the system all night last night. [Morning, beauty~]

"It's getting late," Gu Xiqiao took out his phone and checked the time, then raised his eyebrows, "Why do you still need to sleep with a bunch of data?"

[It feels different,] The system slowly condensed into the appearance of an elf in front of Gu Xiqiao, [I didn’t have to rest before, but now I can leave the body and be considered a living body, and resting has become a way for me to replenish energy. This way, of course, when I reach the highest level, I can truly become a life.]

[It feels really good to think about being tired and able to sleep.]

"Can you still become a living being?" A pair of beautiful eyes were full of shock.

[There is it in the system information, but I think it is impossible. No one in the entire history of the information has been able to succeed. Anyway, I am very satisfied now!]The system followed Gu Xiqiao out of the elevator door.

"I'll try my best." Gu Xiqiao sighed slightly, feeling that this goal was too difficult, but she would try as long as there was a glimmer of hope.

[What a beauty!]

It was a coincidence that she arrived. Luo Wenlang was convening a meeting with the company's executives. The secretary was commonly used by Mu Zong. She was one of the few people who knew Gu Xiqiao's identity. She respectfully brought Gu Xiqiao into the general manager's office. , and took a bunch of information to show her.

Gu Xiqiao leaned in front of the table and began to flip through the information.

She flipped through the pages very quickly, almost one page per second. In five minutes, she had finished flipping through a pile of information. When she was flipping through the information, she specially picked out a few important documents and put them aside.

Seeing her flipping through the pages so quickly, the secretary thought she hadn't looked carefully, so he didn't pay attention. Unexpectedly, Gu Xiqiao actually reached out and picked up the pile of information, "The second page of the first book, the fifth page of the second book, the fifth page of the second book, and the second page of the second book." The fifth page of three books, the seventh page of the fourth book, and the sixth page of the fifth book, these basic statements do not add up.”

Without Gu Xiqiao saying a word, the secretary turned to the page and read it seriously.

Twenty minutes later, "Miss Gu, I will handle this matter properly."

The secretary assured Gu Xiqiao that she was Mu Zong's secretary, and she would usually handle all matters big and small, so she knew the company's situation well. Unexpectedly, the man in front of him could see these problems after just a few flips.

She flipped through the pages so fast. Did she really finish reading them all? But even with one glance and ten lines, it wouldn’t be that fast, would it? What's more, these require a lot of calculations.

The secretary looked shocked, but she had seen big storms after all. She quickly put away the expression on her face and started reporting the company's situation to Gu Xiqiao.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Luo Wenlang finally opened the door and came in. When he saw Gu Xiqiao, his eyes showed surprise, "Why are you here!"

"Let's take a look." Gu Xiqiao waved the secretary down, "How are you doing? How are you doing lately?"

She knew that this was Luo Wenlang's first time taking over the company, and he would definitely be very uncomfortable.

"I was a little caught off guard. Fortunately, Uncle Wang was teaching me. It was much better than I thought." Luo Wenlang smiled. As a genius second only to Gu Xiqiao, his IQ was not comparable to ordinary people. Although he was in a hurry on the first day when he took over the company. But with the help of Wang Bo and his secretary, he looked good the next day.

Seeing that he was able to stand alone, Wang Bo ignored him and dived into a pile of data again.

Luo Wenlang made a cup of tea for Gu Xiqiao, looked at the hee hee on Gu Xiqiao's shoulder curiously, and then suddenly remembered, "By the way, Uncle Wang and I went to pick up someone last night."

Hee Hee promised Jiang Shuxuan not to talk nonsense in front of outsiders, and it took him a long time to swallow the words "Are you attracted to my beauty?"

"Who?" Gu Xiqiao raised his eyebrows and actually asked them both to pick him up, which was quite a big deal.

"According to Wang Bo, he is a hacker master who just returned from overseas not long ago." At this point, Luo Wenlang smiled. "I think our company will have a new talent soon."

A hacker who just returned to China? Gu Xiqiao suddenly remembered the person Jiang Shuxuan talked about last night, "Since he is a great god, how can he look after such a small company like ours?"

This time Luo Wenlang didn't have time to speak, and the system explained it. It floated to Gu Xiqiao's eyes and pursed his lips, "Beauty Qiao, you look down on me so much. The things produced from me are not ordinary. Have you forgotten me?" What did you say? All the network firewalls on your planet are useless in my eyes. I can reveal the secrets of your military base to you now!]


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