Rebirth of an Idle Noblewoman

Chapter 99: 005 save people


Tang Qinghong hung slowly behind a group of people. As he walked deeper into the mountain, his gentle and jade-like face became more dignified.

The big trees inside the mountain cover the sky and the sun, and the temperature is nearly ten degrees different from the outside. Some girls have goosebumps on their arms, but they can't help their playful spirit. The guide who takes the lead is obviously an experienced one. I took them to the path specifically and played with a lot of novelty stuff along the way.

Occasionally when they encounter a spring, they will rest and have some snacks. The guide will also go into the water to catch a few live fish and make soup with fresh mushrooms. Each person takes a few mouthfuls of the soup from a large pot, just to refresh themselves. Just a child.

While everyone was playing around, Tang Qinghong leaned on the tree trunk alone, looking into the depths of the mountain forest, his eyes wandering.

A girl came over with fish soup. Bao Xinyi took off her shoes and stood in the stream. Looking at this scene, she sneered at the corner of her mouth. She was simply wishful thinking. If Tang Qinghong was so good at strategy, then she wouldn't be standing here, waiting. Well, you have to wait until you hit a wall before you look back!

"Master Tang, this is the fish soup cooked by the guide. Do you want to pay for it?" The girl smiled sweetly, very cute, and even more approachable. How could anyone else refuse such a cute girl.

But it was Tang Qinghong after all, "Thank you, no need."

This girl obviously didn't give up. However, as soon as her hand moved forward a centimeter, she seemed to have hit a barrier. No matter what, she couldn't move forward an inch.

"I have mysophobia." Tang Qinghong's eyes turned cold, and he smiled slightly, but his words were merciless.

The girl's fingers froze. She retracted her hand in horror, lowered her head and returned to the original position. As soon as she reached the edge of the stream, she heard Bao Xinyi's undisguised laughter. She raised her head quickly, "Bao Xinyi, you What are you laughing at!"

Bao Xinyi snorted coldly, "I'm laughing at you, you have such a good face!"

"You!" The girl couldn't hear the meaning of Bao Xinyi's words. She clearly felt the gazes of others. Her hands and lips trembled with anger. She pointed at Bao Xinyi and couldn't speak for a long time. Then she suddenly turned around and ran towards the woods. deep.

After resting for ten minutes, the guide put away the pots and bowls and called everyone to gather. Before setting off, he counted the number of people and his expression changed, "Why is there one person missing!"

Bao Xinyi glanced over and realized that the girl just now hadn't come back yet. She frowned, "It's okay, let's go alone..."

"Xinyi!" Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Wen. He was still rational. "Everyone rest where you are. I will go with the guide to find someone. Don't run around. It's such a big mountain. It's hard to get lost if you get lost." very dangerous."

They were busy looking for people here, but Gu Xiqiao was very leisurely. The village chief had woken up and came over as promised. Gu Xiqiao was drying herbs. These were fresh herbs found by the villagers who went into the mountains. She sent it over.

"Uncle, go back and ask your aunt to boil these medicines for you. Just drink them for two days," she instructed while grabbing the medicines. "You may feel weak when you wake up. It's not a big problem. You can recover after a day or two of rest." "

"I'm in good spirits now. I'm as strong as an ox, and I'm not lacking at all!" Hearing this, the village chief laughed loudly, and he even gestured towards Gu Xiqiao.

"That's good." Gu Xiqiao also breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't know if her mysterious power would have any adverse effects on ordinary people, but it seemed that the effect was still very significant.

The village chief took the medicine, chatted with her for a few more words and then went back.

After a while, Gu Xiqiao suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, come in."

As soon as he heard her voice, Shi Shi stopped hiding. He came in to help Gu Xiqiao sort the medicinal materials, "I thought you were not at home. At noon, I saw the group of people entering the mountain. My mother said you would go too. .”

"Into the mountain? Who are they?" Gu Xiqiao asked casually.

There were not many medicinal materials, and they were sorted out in a few times. Shitou squatted aside and counted ants, "It's the three people who live here, and some others I don't know. They also brought guides. At this point, they should be at Spend the night on the mountain.”

Gu Xiqiao put some dried medicinal materials back into the house, and took out a box of milk from the package. There is a very high mountain to the north of Baixing Village. It has been named after the village since ancient times, Baixing Mountain. There are also many people who come here to play, but this mountain is not developed after all, and no one in Baixing Village benefits from it.

Shitou took the milk, put it in the tube and took a sip, "I haven't been to the mountains for a long time. My dad said that the villagers have encountered a lot of trouble in the mountains recently, so he won't let me go."

"Don't go if I tell you not to go. I listened to the village chief." Gu Xiqiao's mind changed. In fact, she had a plan as soon as she came back. She wanted to develop the village, and the mountain to the north was the best breakthrough point. , but the most important thing right now is to solve the cyclic task, otherwise no matter how much development is done, it will be in vain. This cyclic task has no beginning and no end, and she doesn't even know where to start.

"Okay, I'm here to ask you to eat. My mother killed Dahua today and asked you to come over in the evening." Shitou drank the milk, then looked at Gu Xiqiao for a while before speaking.

For some reason, Gu Xiqiao felt that the stone was very talkative. She went upstairs and came down with a laptop in her hand. She put the computer on the stone table and said, "Think about it for yourself."

After getting the new gadget, Shitou no longer bothered Gu Xiqiao. He stared at the computer for a while, then reached out and poked it. He saw this thing in the mayor's house, but he only glanced at it from a distance. It was put away by the mayor.

This afternoon, Gu Xiqiao tidied up her home, and Shitou also learned to play computer. In the evening, the village chief came and asked the two of them to have dinner.

The village is full of local products. It just rained a few days ago. The village chief picked some mushrooms and stewed them with chicken in the morning. He steamed sausages on the rice pot and fried some eggs with peppers picked from the vegetable garden. small green vegetables, a bunch of tomatoes mixed with salad, and a pound of braised meat bought at the village entrance shop in the afternoon.

In addition to Gu Xiqiao, there were two people who helped the village chief this afternoon. These people finished a large table of food and ate it happily.

[Beauty Qiao, I feel something is wrong.]After eating, Gu Xiqiao and Datou walked around the village. When they just walked to the north, the system in the void suddenly shuddered, and its face became a little serious.

Gu Xiqiao stopped. She looked at the mountaintop that was suddenly shrouded in evil spirits, and pursed her thin lips, "Yes, something is very wrong."

While the two were talking, the cold electronic sound sounded again, [Ding! Trigger random tasks! Successfully bring the people out of the mountains and you will be rewarded with 300 points for completing the mission!]

At the same time, a transparent panel appeared in front of her again, displaying a red arrow. The night gradually enveloped the entire mountain village. The red arrow looked extremely strange. Gu Xiqiao thought of Shitou's words. People in the mountains should It's that group of people.

She let the stone go back first, but she entered the mountain alone.

The random mission this time is worth 300 points, and the mission reward is proportional to the degree of danger.

Arrows and a map were displayed on the transparent panel in front of her, giving an unobstructed view of the entire Baixing Mountain. There were also several red dots on it, which were her current mission targets.

These red dots are divided into four locations. One is where several red dots are together and have stayed in one place without moving. The other two red dots are together and are circling in a small area, as if they have encountered a ghost. Hitting the wall, there are two separate red dots. One is moving quickly. The speed has obviously reached a certain level. It feels extremely weird. The last red dot is on the top of the mountain and has not moved.

Gu Xiqiao took a deep breath and planned a route in his heart. The speed under his feet was slowly increasing.

If there were anyone in the mountains at this time, they would see a strange shadow walking on the path in the mountains, so fast that only an afterimage was left behind.

There are towering trees on the top of the mountain, and it's pitch black. It's hard to see even if you stretch out your hand. Gu Xiqiao's eyesight is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Even so, her vision has been affected to a certain extent. You can imagine the impact on ordinary people. How big will it be.

And as the height of the mountain increased, Gu Xiqiao felt more and more evil energy around her body. She felt as if she had found a breakthrough, but naturally she couldn't think too much at this time. Saving people was important. According to the system prompts, she found He entered a mountain stream and the person he wanted to save was lying in it.

It was a little girl, her eyes were closed tightly, and her face was covered with a layer of black and blue. Judging from her face, there was not much life left in her body, and she would definitely not survive tonight, but she was not a short-lived person. It's a little creepy to go up there.

Gu Xiqiao stood on it. She didn't know how the girl got here, but she didn't think much about it. She just raised her hand slightly, and the girl's body floated up and floated to a stone next to her.

[Beautiful Qiao, you are really becoming more and more skilled in controlling your mysterious power now.]The system suddenly sighed, but the other party ignored it.

"I feel a little bad." Gu Xiqiao took out a golden needle and pricked a few large acupuncture points. At the same time, he poured in some mysterious energy to help her stay alive. "If I can't save her for the time being, the profound energy in my body will be consumed." It’s clean, the mountains are too weird, if I use up all my profound energy, it will be difficult for me to get out alive.”

The system frowned, "Just take her out like this first. Anyway, the profound energy you just input is enough for her to survive for a while. We can save her after we get down the mountain."

This was all she could do now. Gu Xiqiao glanced at the girl and picked her up horizontally. A person weighing nearly 100 kilograms seemed to be weightless between her arms, and it did not even affect her speed at all.

The single red dot on the top of the mountain on the panel has disappeared, leaving only three red dots. Gu Xiqiao glanced at it and followed this route. The next place she arrived was where the two ghosts had been fighting against the wall. Swirling people.

At this time, night had completely fallen, and the entire mountain forest was silent, without even a movement.

Su Wenhe thought of the two of them wandering around on a hillside and said, "Uncle, have we been here again?"

When Su Wen wandered to the same place for the umpteenth time, he couldn't help it. Even though he was an atheist, he couldn't help but feel hairy in his heart, and there were goosebumps on his arms.

"Go that way," said the guide, who had also experienced numerous storms. Although he was frightened, he could not be distracted. He pointed in another direction, "This time we are going south, keep going. I don't believe it." Can’t get out!”

Su Wen suppressed the fear in his heart and followed the guide again. He didn't expect that he and the guide just went out to look for someone, but they couldn't find anyone. They were trapped in such a terrifying place. The surroundings were silent. The more he thought about it, the scarier he became.

He followed the guide closely, and suddenly his breath was stagnant. They found that there were seas of fire in front of them. The flames were spitting out, and the scorching heat wave was rushing towards them, as if they were going to engulf people! There was only an iron chain connecting the other side, which was burned red-hot.

"Let's leave!" the guide suddenly shouted, waking up the startled Su Wen.

The two of them turned around together. Su Wen, who had just turned around, suddenly widened his eyes. In front of them, a batch of sharp daggers flew towards them. There were daggers in front of them and a sea of fire behind them. The guide made his choice instantly, "Let's go." Chains!”

To be able to remain so clear-headed at such a time is a sign that this guide's determination is unparalleled.

However, Su Wen was afraid. Ordinary people would not dare to walk along the iron chain if they saw a sea of fire and were afraid that it would be too late!

In this stunned moment, the dagger behind them had already reached them. Under the reflection of the sea of fire, they could clearly see their frightened and twisted faces!

Su Wen closed his eyes tightly, but the pain he thought of never appeared. His eyelashes twitched. He slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly found that the blade in front of him was still two centimeters in front of them. The scene was too weird, and he had already seen it. It violated science and the law of gravity, and he could no longer think with a normal human brain.

The stationary blade suddenly separated to both sides. As the blade separated, they saw the girl behind the blade.

She had ice-cold muscles and jade bones, and her black hair was windless. The firelight reflected her face, which made her look cold and noble. She was holding someone in her hand. Su Wen woke up from his daze, and he saw the girl's face clearly. I was stunned for a moment.

Gu Xiqiao handed the person to Su Wen, and Su Wen subconsciously caught it. His arm sank, and Su Wen almost staggered. He saw how easily Gu Xiqiao hugged him. He thought the person was not heavy, but he didn't expect that when he hugged him It's so heavy.

With her hands empty, Gu Xiqiao turned her eyes to the sea of fire. She only raised her hand slightly, but did not see any other movements. Before Su Wen could react, the sea of fire disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by black. The dark forest.

The sea of fire and blades that they were helpless seemed to be a joke in her hands.

"Follow me and remember the steps." Gu Xiqiao glanced at them, then started walking three steps to the north, seven steps to the south, five steps to the east... In this way, five minutes later, Gu Xi Qiao led the two of them out of the "ghost wall" place smoothly. The two followed closely behind her, not daring to take a step down. The fear in their hearts disappeared because of the calm and thin figure in front of them.

After a while, the two finally saw the team. Fortunately, these people were very obedient and lit a fire where they were. They all gathered together and did not go far.

Gu Xiqiao narrowed her eyes and looked at Su Wen, "Wait here, don't run around."

Su Wen and the guide nodded hurriedly. After what happened just now, they were extremely convinced of Gu Xiqiao and had no objection to her words.

Seeing that they had returned to the team, everyone else gathered around to see the girl Su Wen was holding. Gu Xiqiao pursed his lips, made a few secrets with his hands, and arranged a small isolation formation around them before walking in. In the dark night, look for the "master" who has been walking in the mountains.

On the transparent panel, the last red dot is still moving forward rapidly. His speed is even comparable to Gu Xiqiao. It may take some effort to find him.

With her eyebrows slightly twisted, Gu Xiqiao stared at the map for a while. Before she could think of anything, the speed of the rapidly moving red dot slowed down and finally stopped at the top of the mountain.

At the same time, the air fluctuated. Maybe ordinary people couldn't feel it and could only feel a gust of wind blowing by, but she could feel it. It was clearly the vibration of profound energy!

The red dot on the map is getting darker and darker, showing signs of disappearing.

Gu Xiqiao's eyes narrowed, he no longer controlled his speed and moved forward with all his strength.


The beauty is going to save the bear~