Rebirth of Biochemistry King

Chapter 111: The crisis is spreading


When Hu Ming hung up the walkie-talkie, the iron door could no longer hold on to the violent impact of the zombies. With a crisp sound, the zombies fell to the ground. Immediately, the crowded zombies in the narrow corridor seemed to have a vent. The exit rushed, but with such a large number of zombies crowded together, how could it be possible for them to squeeze out of the corridor easily? As a result, nearly a hundred people who lost their lives were stuck in the corridor, and they didn't move at all for a while.

"Captain! What should I do? Do you want to shoot!" the team member tightly tightened the M4 that Hu Ming gave, and asked.

"Wait a minute, now they can't come up yet. When there is a movement, you will kill the zombies that came up!" Hu Ming said, "Okay!" The team member nodded, all his energy concentrated on the chaotic and crowded corridors. Zombies.

"Everyone, I think the current situation, you have all seen. Now that there are so many zombies, even if other squads come, they will eventually suffer from the consequences of running out of ammunition and food, and our destination, everyone has already thought about it, but no matter what How about it, we must at least pull a batch of zombies as our mats! This is not far from Captain Li’s underground base! I believe that as long as we insist on killing some of the zombies! Captain Li and the others will better escape these zombies. The oppression!” Hu Ming’s voice echoed in vain in every corner of the roof. Several players who were still desperate to Jiuyou, their mood gradually improved. It seemed that they were planning to break the tank, and stood up suddenly, each The players' eyes were filled with an almost crazy fighting spirit.

"Captain Hu! What to do!" Yi Yu, who had been paralyzed on the ground after seeing a large number of zombies, said with a firm expression on his face.

"In my place, there are 5 recoil grenade that Captain Li gave me. They are more than several times more powerful than the current high-explosive grenades. What we have to do is to wait for the zombies to occupy all the building, and then detonate these 5 high-explosive grenades. To explode the grenade, it is best to destroy the four independent feet outside the building that support the building!" Hu Ming said.

"Captain Hu Ming, however, the four legs of the building are on the first floor. We can't even get down and it is a problem now. Now the corridor is blocked by zombies." A team member said embarrassedly.

"No way, let's destroy the corridor first. In this case, we don't have to worry about the zombies coming up the stairs, and we can rest for a while." Hu Ming shook his head, sighed, and immediately took out a grenade. Walk to the entrance of the corridor.

"Get out, let me destroy the stairs." Hu Ming glanced at the player holding his M4 and said.

"Okay." The team member nodded and stepped back. After seeing Hu Ming, the crowded zombies at the entrance of the corridor became more struggling, and the saliva dripped down from the mouth. , Hu Ming is very attractive to them.

"Huh!" With a long sigh, Hu Ming calmed his complex emotions, his eyes slowly opened, and after taking a glance at the grenade in his hand, he threw it into the corridor, and the grenade drew a perfect arc in the air. As soon as he fell under the feet of a few zombies, a slight wave ripples around the grenade. At this time, the grenade had undergone tremendous changes. The black shell was cracking outwards, and there was a slight noise. The sound rang, becoming a precursor before the explosion.

"Crunch~" Hearing this strange sound, the eyebrows of Hu Ming who had just thrown the grenade suddenly raised, and immediately jumped to the side. When he rolled on the ground, he shouted at the players near the entrance of the corridor: "Yes. It exploded! Avoid it!"

"Hiss!" At the same time, the zombies crowded in a group also had a foreboding. The struggle of their bodies became more and more frantic, and one staggered, unexpectedly freed from the group of zombies.

But it didn't take a few steps, an extremely powerful force slammed him into the sky, and then fell into the group of zombies under the building and lost movement.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!" A loud voice temporarily isolated the hearing of Hu Ming and others. Then, the corridor entrance seemed to be a piece of white paper, torn into sections, and the corridor above the corridor The concealed object was also overturned from the top of the building and smashed into the street under the building severely, and dozens of zombies lost consciousness.

After a long time, the strong movement was relieved, and some of the players who fell on the ground also stood up blankly, and the hearing in their ears had also improved a little.

After standing up from the ground, Hu Ming, regardless of whether the other team members were injured, walked to the entrance of the corridor to take a look, and then completely relaxed. The original corridor has been torn into sections by recoil grenade, and the stairs leading to the top of the building are approaching. Usually destroyed into a pool of gravel, such a terrifying destructive power can simply make some Tier 2 or Tier 3 reformers beyond their reach.

A few dozen seconds after the corridor was destroyed, some zombies walked towards the empty stairs. At this time, their vision with heat detection became a problem. Without wisdom, they just stepped directly over the empty stairs, and then Falling into the floor below, there was no chance of coming up. In this way, Hu Ming and others also escaped a catastrophe, but there is no way to escape this huge number of zombies.

At the same time, the other teams had already gathered together and increased their speed to run towards the location of Hu Ming's team. The soaring number of zombies along the way forced them to be more vigilant, so they thought of Hu Ming’s warning for the first time. However, they did not stop at the speed of the Hu Ming team midway, but increased the speed of action, and have been rushing to the location of the Hu Ming team.

A large number of zombies in the underground passage also moved here, quietly surrounding the underground base. In just 15 minutes, a few zombies actually strolled through the first iron gate of the underground base, and at the same time these zombies also received an order to destroy it'.

"Boom! Boom!" With a few knocks on the door, the gatekeeper opened his eyes lazily and opened the iron gate without any suspense. But when he opened the iron gate and saw someone coming, his eyes suddenly widened. , I just wanted to shout, but a few zombies rushed to the ground tightly, and the blood stained the wall at the same time. After being bitten by the zombies for a few times, the gatekeeper gave up the idea of continuing to bite, and it was a rare one to the front The door walked over, and then the gatekeeper who was attacked turned around, as if being lifted up in the air, standing on the ground, turning into a zombie

Next to the entrance of the underground base, a rough man was chatting with a companion, but the sound of hitting the iron gate made him lose the idea of continuing to talk, but he was much more cautious than the people at the first level. He just opened a small mouth. , Immediately closed the small gate, his face was full of fear, because he saw outside the iron gate! That group of horrible zombies!

"Zombie... the zombies are here!" A panic roar, this is undoubtedly a blockbuster dropped in the hearts of everyone at the base, which is full of expectations!