Rebirth of Biochemistry King

Chapter 22: The virus transforms the first person


"Oh, cool, it turned out to be so simple." Li Zhendong's heartless voice made Ye Tianyu who was holding the drink see it, so Xuan didn't faint.

"Boss, teach me!" How could Guangliang miss such a good opportunity? For him, it is the most uncomfortable thing to have a hot weapon but not use it.

"Your hand is not completely healed yet, wait for it, wait a minute!" Li Zhendong suddenly realized the existence of the brain nucleus, and immediately got up and rushed to Yao Yingying's room.

"Hey! Boss, what's the matter!"

The bright voice directly ignored, pushing with both hands.

"Bang." The door was slammed open, hitting the wall and causing a small shock.

"Woo? How to pull it?" Yao Yingying and the two looked at Li Zhendong who was anxious outside the door.

"Where are my clothes!" Li Zhendong said

"Lost, what's the matter?" Yao Yingying questioned

"I'm copying!" Li Zhendong suddenly felt a thunder strike on his body, and he couldn't reply for a long time. The whole person felt like the sky was falling. The brain nucleus that was finally punched out was actually thrown away like trash. This is a cheating device for doomsday survival. what! The slight scratching and biting infection of general zombies is basically useless! Quite one more life!

"Zhendong! What's the matter, don't scare me." Yao Yingying was taken aback and rushed up quickly.

Li Zhendong slowly turned his head towards her, stuttering: "You, you, you are lost"

"What's missing! Say it, don't scare me." A mist formed in Yao Yingying's eyes.

"Yeah! Just say it, maybe I still keep it." Leng Ruoling said, seeing her pitiful appearance, Li Zhendong was also a little bit intolerable, maybe someone stayed, so I feel much better after thinking about it.

"A peach-like thing you have left?" Li Zhendong said

"Sorry, I thought it was rubbish, so I threw it in the trash can. It's very dirty, do you want it?" Leng Ruoling was like the aggrieved little girl at this time, and he didn't look like the old school sister at all.

"What!" As soon as he heard that Li Zhendong raised his voice for a few minutes, he was obviously excited, but when Leng Ruoling came to listen, it was a roar.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'll wash it for you!" Leng Ruoling hid behind Yao Yingying in fear.

"Nothing, haha! Ha!" A burst of laughter walked out of the room, making the two of them inexplicable.

Time "Bright! Your hands will be restored soon, don't worry!" Li Zhendong walked out of the kitchen, still playing with red things in his right hand. This is the power brain nucleus.

After the brain nucleus is successfully transformed, the transformer can use 70% of the ability to evolve zombies. Why is it only 70%? The zombie virus part is also divided into the thinking body (the body with thinking ability) and the ability body (the body without thinking ability).

The mind body prompts zombies to attack humans and bite humans to obtain more air energy needed by viruses. Action and evolution. Cannibalism is to relieve the air energy needed by the body, and it will automatically absorb air to act. Only those who absorb can eat people.

If a person eats the brain nucleus, the mind will attack the user's nervous system, and if the nervous system is weak, it will become a zombie. Because the mind body contains 30% of the ability and cannibalistic thinking, if it is successfully transformed, the mind body will collapse, so only 70% of the ability can be used.

"Is it for external use or internal use?" Li Zhendong whispered, "Internal use is dangerous. If the bright nervous system is weak, then! If it is for external use, it will be wasted!"

"Boss, what are you whispering about?" Guangliang asked

"Guangliang! After opening this thing, external application can heal your hands immediately. If taken internally, it will not only heal your hands, but also increase your physical fitness! Strength! You" Li Zhendong was snatched by Guangliang before he finished speaking. .

"What are you talking about! Oral!" Guangliang stood up, her eyes glowing.

"Which, I haven't finished talking yet. This internal service is quite dangerous. Let me tell you the truth. This thing fell out of the zombie's head. If you don't need it, let me tell you something first." Li Zhendong said, I have already planned the worst in my heart.

"It came out of the head of a zombie?" Guang Liang said

"Xiao Ling saw it with his own eyes." Li Zhendong said

"Hehe, stop joking, boss, you lied to me." Guangliang laughed

"Really." Li Zhendong really believed the light this time, the boss has never deceived people.

"Um, I don't want to be like this, you can find the fat man, come here, I have seen you." Guangliang pointed to the fat man behind Li Zhendong.

"Hey, I was found by your kid, that! Boss, give it to me." The fat man twisted and squeezed and made people a little sick.

"Wait, fat man, hey this thing! Oh my God!" Li Zhendong panicked. Fatty actually grabbed the brain nucleus directly from his own hands, and he didn't say any side effects yet!

"This thing! It has side effects! Spit it out! Quick! Bright! Helper, if the fat man becomes a zombie, he will play it completely!" Li Zhendong shouted

"Oh, oh! Spit! Fatty! Ouch!" Guangliang roared, and he patted Fatty's shoulder heavily. When Fatty heard Li Zhendong said that there was a side effect, he was about to vomit.

"Gulong." "It's over. Boss, I swallowed it." The fat man was frightened now, the liquid flowed through his throat, and he was still comfortable, so three seconds later.

"Ah!" With a roar of pigs, the whole building was boiling.

"Stay back! It happened." Li Zhendong was not desperate. He stopped the people who wanted to rush up. He stepped back a few meters away, holding his gun and aiming at the poor fat man who fell on the ground with foam and pumped one or two times from time to time.

Suddenly, the fat of the whole body shortened a circle, and the veins of the body were bulging as if they were puffed up, reaching the whole body at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is not a good sign.

"Fatty!" Guangliang shouted worriedly, but he didn't take a step forward. He knew that it would be useless if he went, so he could only rush to the side.

"What did you eat for him?" Captain Ling came to Li Zhendong's side and said

"The zombie brain nucleus that can increase strength but has side effects, if he can't support this pain, it will become a zombie." Li Zhendong said without a word, which surprised us a bit.

Hearing what Li Zhendong said, Captain Ling glanced at Li Zhendong, and he was even more curious about this young man. He seemed to know everything.

In the eyes of others, Fatty's body has changed, but in his brain, he is suffering.

The brain seems to be exploding, but it seems to be squeezed together and can't be seen through, contradicting each other. Every nerve was sawed with a saw for a long time, and it hurt so much that he wanted to die. My thinking is also messed up, I want to eat people at one time, and sleep at the same time. In short, thoughts that shouldn't have appeared, and they are extremely confused.

From time to time, I felt the pain of being peeled and boned, cutting meat with a knife, and cutting in the waist. Various bone marrow pains made the fat man about to collapse. No matter how I ignore it, I can feel all kinds of pain that do not hurt the body but hurt the soul. , So after a series of actions, Fatty made the most wise decision of his life! Rise up to resist! That's right, it's not a solution to keep the pain like this, it's better to do it directly!

Ontology thinking and foreign viral thinking are at war. At the beginning, the ontology thinking fell into a disadvantage and was beaten to a hemiplegia. It is like a cold weapon and a hot weapon. The two aspects are simply incomparable.

The person with the largest number of people is the mind of the ontology. I originally wanted to defeat the opponent in a flowing battle, but the opponent is like a waterproof steel city. I can block as much as you come. Not only that, you have to give me a post.

Suddenly, the ontological thinking was messed up, and all of them ran out chaotically without any leader at all.

Seeing that the fat man's eyes were dim again, Li Zhendong had an ominous premonition, and subconsciously asked him to call back to the fat man's nature, which made Li Zhendong a little strange, but he still shouted out.

So he shouted out of time: "Fatty! If you want to find a bunch of beautiful wives! Just live on for me, you are so handsome! It's a pity if you die!"

"En?" Everyone focused on Li Zhendong

"I'm afraid, he lost his mind and became a zombie! Everyone shouted together!" Li Zhendong said

For this explanation, everyone agrees very much. After that:

These words are not useless. As soon as I heard the words of everyone, weird things appeared. In the brain warfare, the mind of the body seemed to have found the organization again. Although the number of people was not just over half at this time, it was still able to turn the tide of the battle.

The previous timid personality changed a bit on the contrary, one by one picked up the guys, and rushed forward recklessly, and the damage caused by the virus thinking to the ontological thinking was restored in the first time, and all attacks were invalid. This state It belongs to the spiritual support, similar to the advanced cancer patients on the human body who survived the death period as the doctor said with the spiritual support.

The use of heat weapons does not mean that viral thinking is gone. Don't look at what they do after infecting the human body, that is, biting, madly biting the mind.

Suddenly, the war situation also meant to fall to the ontological thinking, because the external viral thinking fell under the unknown terrain. Now the winning rate of the ontological thinking is even greater. As time progresses, the last viral thinking is directly cut to the horse. Down, disappear to be done.

The fat man was overworked again, and he went into a faint, successfully transformed into a powerful human being of the first order, and became the first person to transform.

"Woo? I fainted?" Li Zhendong was even more worried. Generally, people who fainted after eating the brain nucleus have a great chance of becoming a zombie. It is difficult to say whether the fat man will be like this.

"Everyone! Carry him aside and tie him a little stronger. When he wakes up, he may become a zombie! Don't be reluctant! When he becomes a zombie, it will be cruel to us!" Li Zhendong ordered, completely ignorant of someone. Successfully evolved.