Rebirth of Biochemistry King

Chapter 75: A group of strong men


Early in the morning, Li Zhendong took a few steps before he woke up and walked out of the temporary military tent. The weather was much cooler than before. The breeze blew and a piece of grass fell with the wind. The weather was still so gloomy, but it did not affect Li Zhendong’s joy. Mood, because he discovered that in just one night, his energy points have made a leap, actually as high as 3,000 points of energy, so much energy, if all of them are exchanged for unlimited options of M4 or other thermal weapons, at least one can be given. Armed with more than a thousand people, imagine 1,000 unlimited options of thermal weapons, firing uniformly. This is a horrible scene. It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe it, but it is a little bit less imposing.

When the time came to 6 a.m., Wang Bing and his party were ready. They entered the car and started to advance towards Li Zhendong's base. They didn't see any zombies along the way. Even if you deliberately used gunshots to attract them, it would still be useless. However, the great changes after one night made them a little uncomfortable. Their alertness soared. The surrounding plants and trees, even if they moved slightly, would be searched by them. After so many times, they became accustomed to it. After taking a sigh of relief, they didn't do boring things, and sat in the car steadily one by one, silent and rested.

At noon, the armored vehicle had already rushed out of the barracks and came to the highway on the outskirts of the city, approaching the city. On the road, occasionally I saw some zombies in the outskirts. Without waiting to open fire, Li Cheng, who was idle and painful, raised his saber to face there. A few lone zombies attacked fiercely. The bodies of ordinary zombies were pitifully weak. After the attack of evolutionary infection, the human beings who survived again not only had partial improvements in their bodies, but also their survivability was among the elite, even if they were A child has the skills of ordinary adults before, but they should not be underestimated.

After driving for a while, the gasoline of the armored vehicle for a few days finally stopped. In desperation, Wang Bing invited Li Zhendong to look for gasoline together and entered a midway gas station on the highway.

In the gas station, Li Zhendong had another M4 on his back and a basket of grenade around his waist. Obviously, he had exchanged it from No. 2.

Wang Bing is very rudimentary, a small automatic pistol, and a saber stained with blood. The back of the knife has diamond-shaped serrations. Every tough part is hung with rotten skin and flesh of zombies. From here, I know Wang Bing. Have never killed zombies.

Walking into the center of the gas station, the two looked around the inside of the gas station. Because of the bald days, the electric power bureau’s electricity is no longer enough for the needs of the entire city, plus the reason that no one is working for a long time, the power system has been It slowly collapsed, and now if you want to get electricity, you can only rely on those diesel generators to draw electricity.

The blood stained every column, and many refueling machines were devastated. Basically, I couldn’t count on these things. I could only use manpower to enter the gas station and transport the oil drums to refuel the armored vehicles. I also hope that these The oil used by the car can make the armored vehicle work. In case it doesn’t work, then the worse result is that Li Zhendong can only find a car to run back. The worst result is that they can’t wait for them to go back. Then they will say what they will encounter on the road. indefinite.

With Li Zhendong’s powerful assistant, Wang Bing’s tasks were much easier. After entering the gas station’s warehouse, he immediately met a speed zombie, but fortunately, Li Zhendong was directly cut off and grabbed Wang Bing’s oil. Bucket time.

After Wang Bing walked away, Li Zhendong seized the weakness of the speed zombie and killed him with a shot, wiped off the blood on his face, and walked indifferently to the direction where Wang Bing was. After killing a few advanced zombies, he met again. Lost in the advanced stage, unless the mutant is, it is difficult for him to be harmed.

After killing the speed zombies, the threat of the gas station was significantly reduced. When the location of the oil drum was found, 4 zombies appeared. One of the zombies was obese and wore luxurious clothes. The identity was probably not low. The other 3 Just some small characters.

Wang Bing picked up the oil barrel and walked out immediately. As for these ordinary zombies, they couldn't catch up with Li Zhendong. After a few turns, they were no longer visible. It can be seen that they completed the task easily.

In the afternoon, Li Zhendong's energy spot stopped growing frantically, and at the same time he received contact from Li Zhendong in the future.

"I'm at the base, you should be here soon," said Li Zhendong in the future.

"It should be here soon." Li Zhendong thought about the distance between the two places in detail. It stands to reason that no matter how slow the speed of the armored vehicle is, it should arrive.

"There seems to be someone in front!" At this moment, Li Cheng exclaimed from the driver's seat, causing reactions from Wang Bing, Liu Xiao and others.

Without a word, Wang Bing came to the side of Li Cheng and looked at the barbed wire and the bursts of gunshots in front of him. Wang Bing became excited.

"Here! This is your base?" Wang Bing questioned.

"Yes, is there any problem? I said long ago that our base cannot be a gathering place for the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled." Li Zhendong looked at him with interest and smiled.

"Good! Good!" Wang Bing uttered two good words to express his excitement. He was able to guess a general idea just by listening to the gunshots in the distance. He thought about his familiar cheeks that made his heart beat. Can't wait to see her.

Close to a certain distance, Wang Bing immediately discovered a large number of zombies. Although they were ordinary losses, the large number of zombies gave people a huge shock. The only place where dozens of people suppressed the iron mesh fence came in from an exit. As long as each of the zombies that entered is not shattered, the weapons used by these people are limited in bullets and need to be changed manually. They are sent out every thirty, and they need to be replaced again, probably because of Captain Ling. The training results played a very good role. Dozens of people did not fire uniformly, but half went forward to shoot, and the other half waited for the front team to change bombs and immediately suppressed the past.

With such a large number of shootings, there are still people who can't bear it. Wang Bing and others have not moved yet. He wants to see how the people at Li Zhendong base face these difficulties, so he won't help them for the time being.

Four minutes later, the number of zombies was reduced, and on Captain Ling's side, the bullets immediately entered a state of emergency. Many of the team members' weapons sounded, and everyone was not disappointed.

This made Li Zhendong look squarely, and after a cursory glance at the players, he found a change that hardly changed, that is, everyone was thinner, but Li Zhendong looked again and found another change, that is, every one of them. Human eyes are exuding sharp eyes, as if to see through all matter at a glance.

The team members kept making empty noises, and did not make Captain Ling at the front of the crowd despair, but turned and shouted: "Everyone! Copy guys!"

This sentence was horrible, but it did not cause any discomfort to other people. It seemed that they were liberated. They held something from the ground or on their bodies for only 3 seconds. They all held some weapons and broke out. In fact, they suddenly broke out. Flock to the entrance exit and have a close hand-to-hand fight with zombies.