Rebirth of Brotherly Love

Chapter 22: Side Story 2 - An Ze's Mind


An Jia’s newly bought house is in the suburbs of Xilin City. Because An Guangyao wanted to enjoy the fun of three generations living together and educate these grandchildren in person, An Yudong bought a large villa in the suburbs and invited the most A good renovation company that rearranges the room according to my father's preferences.

Different from the previous four bedrooms and two living rooms, this small villa has a very large area and enough bedrooms.

The largest master bedroom on the first floor is naturally reserved for An Guangyao, who has heart disease and is inconvenient to go up and down the stairs. An Yudong and Zhou Bizhen chose the innermost master bedroom on the second floor, and there are five rooms left for the children to choose from. One is a guest room.

As the eldest brother, An Luo naturally let the younger brothers choose first. An Yan and An Mo quickly chose the bedroom on the second floor, but An Ze carefully looked at the layout of the bedroom and said seriously, "Brother, I want to Downstairs bedroom."

It stands to reason that children will subconsciously choose things that are beneficial to them. The bedroom on the second floor has a large space and good light, while the bedroom on the first floor is relatively small, and the light is blocked by the big trees outside. An Luo originally planned to let his three younger brothers live on the second floor, and he himself lived downstairs. As an elder brother, he should have let his younger brothers live, but unexpectedly, An Ze actually offered to live downstairs.

An Luo asked with some doubts: "Why do you want to live downstairs?"

Anze thought for a while and said, "Because I don't want to climb stairs."

An Luo was stunned, silent for a moment, and then said, "Okay, then you live downstairs."

In fact, Anze did not say the real reason.

He said he lived downstairs because... If he lived downstairs, his brother could choose a better bedroom.

If I choose the bad ones first, then my brother will not be embarrassed.

In Xiao Anze's consciousness, his brother lost his mother when he was very young, and he was so kind to himself. In this kind of trivial matter, he should let his brother go. Saying "I let you" directly, my brother would definitely not agree, so An Ze made an excuse that he didn't want to climb the stairs.

This simple concept of "letting my brother go" accompanied the young Anze for a long time. Throughout his childhood, An Ze always carried the idea of "elder brother first". He always felt that after returning to China, his brother took great care of him, and he seemed very naive if he robbed his brother again.

Therefore, when An Yan made his brother angry, An Ze would stand up and defend it desperately.

Even though that kind of maintenance is very naive and ridiculous in An Luo's eyes, An Ze is still stubborn and firm, always standing by his brother's side.


At the age of eight, Anze officially went to the primary school where his brothers belonged to.

He didn't read kindergarten in China, so he couldn't keep up with the first grade homework directly, and he couldn't understand the teacher's lectures at all. Eleven-year-old Anluo was already a fifth grader at the time, and his grades were always good. An Yudong asked Anluo to help his younger brother a lot. Anze would ask Anluo when he encountered any questions he didn’t understand, and Anluo would answer patiently. .

But the sensible An Ze felt that he would disturb his brother by asking questions frequently, so he redoubled his efforts and read books very seriously. He was originally very smart, and he studied diligently. Gradually, An Ze changed from the bottom of the class. Became a real number one, and the numbers on the transcript have changed from a poor single digit to a proud full score.

At this time, An Luo went to middle school and no longer went to the same school with An Ze.

An Ze really wanted to learn the same content and discuss the solution to the problem together with his brother, instead of only asking questions that were naive to him as a younger brother. Every time a question that he thought was difficult was easily answered by his brother, Anze felt very uncomfortable.

But my brother is three years older than him, entered school four years earlier than him, and has a better foundation than him. He is praised by teachers every time at parent-teacher conferences, and there is always a beautiful 100 points on the report card, and the class ranking is always the first... He never seemed to be able to catch up with his brother.

The admiration for his brother and his desire to catch up with him made Anze more motivated and more diligent.

Therefore, in the eyes of the elders, Anze is a very sensible child.

So sensible that you don't need to worry at all.

Gradually, the grandfather, parents, and eldest brother stopped paying more attention to the youngest child, and An Ze got used to being alone in the bedroom doing problems seriously.

He thought that only in this way would he not be looked down upon by his brother. But he forgot that, in the eyes of his elder brother, such a sensible and intelligent younger brother is the most reassuring and least attention-seeking existence.

In the first grade, An Ze stumbled while walking, his arm was cut by a branch, and the blood flowed non-stop. An Luo came to bandage his wound. The smart An Ze quickly learned how to deal with the wound. The second time he was injured It's time to learn to wrap yourself up.

He thought that being a smart and hard-working kid would make his brother like him. But he forgot that the strong brother who learned to deal with his wounds by himself is the one who needs the least care and concern of his brother.

Only children who can cry will make people feel distressed, but Anze will never cry.

In the third grade of elementary school, Anze skipped grades to the fifth grade because of his outstanding grades, and skipped the second grade in middle school. An Mo's grades have always been at the middle level. An Yan stayed in the first grade because of his poor grades. An Ze, who skipped grades twice in a row, was promoted to the first grade with his two brothers.

At that time, the eldest brother An Luo was in his third year of high school and was the president of the school's student council.

An Luo, the son of An's father, has always followed his father and grandfather's wishes to set the best example for his younger brothers, but the one who really cares about his exemplary role is the fourth younger brother An Ze, who has been ignored by him.

The year An Luo graduated, An Ze was a sophomore and took over as the next student council president. Anluo was admitted to the business school of a famous local college with the best grades in the city, and studied the best business administration major in the school.

In the next two years, Anze still worked hard and maintained the first place in the school. Two years passed in a hurry. Sixteen-year-old An Ze, seventeen-year-old An Mo, eighteen-year-old An Yan, three brothers took the college entrance examination that year at the same time, An Yan's grades just crossed the admission line, An Mo's grades are still at the middle level, but Anze, like his eldest brother An Luo, has achieved the best grades in the city, and even got full marks in mathematics.

An Ze has always used his brother as his example.

When applying for the exam, Anze chose An Luo's school without hesitation, majoring in business administration—this is the goal he has worked hard for for many years, and it is the only way he can get closer to the brother he secretly admires.

However, the night before he handed in his volunteer form...

The elders did not close the door when they were discussing in the study. An Ze, who lived on the first floor, went out to get drinks from the refrigerator. When passing by the study, he overheard his brother's name mentioned in the conversation inside.

Driven by curiosity, An Ze stopped at the door of the study—


"Dad, An Ze did so well in the exam this time, I want him to apply for the business school where An Luo is in." Zhou Bizhen's voice sounded very calm, "To be honest, the four children are all very smart, but An Yan is too subjective. An Mo is indecisive, neither of them have leadership skills, and only An Luo and An Ze can afford An Family's family business."

An Guangyao was pacing the study with a cane, "You're right, but have you thought about it? If An Luo and An Ze have a disagreement, with their two personalities, no one will obey the other, and one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Who should you listen to?"

Zhou Bizhen was silent for a moment, then said, "Dad also said that there can only be one decision maker in the An family, and the other can only exist as an assistant, no matter how capable. Daddy thinks...Which one of them is more capable?"

An Guangyao thought for a while and said, "An Luo is a calm person, and he is very talented in business. The several businesses I invested in with his advice before have high returns. I am very relieved."

Zhou Bizhen said: "But Anze's return to China to study and even jumping two grades is enough to prove his intelligence. Although he can't give good advice on business like his brother, as long as he enters a business school for a few years, I believe he will definitely not. It will be worse than An Luo."

An Guangyao nodded, "You're right, this is what makes me embarrassed. Both children are excellent, so I haven't made a decision yet."

Zhou Bizhen thought about it and said, "It's better to let them work in the company at the same time after they graduate. The two will compete fairly, and then you will know who is more qualified to take that position."

An Guangyao frowned, "Will this cause their brothers to disagree?"

Zhou Bizhen said: "Dad rest assured, both of them have strong personalities. To make one person in power, the other must be convinced. Give them some time to compete. The winner is the king. This is the most reasonable way."

An Guangyao nodded, "You might as well try this method. As long as An Ze studies business like his brother, the final competition will definitely be inevitable..."


An Ze turned around silently, returned to his bedroom, and closed the door gently.

I don't know if it was because the Coke in his hand was too cold, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart gradually rising, and the fingers that were holding the Coke bottle tightly even became stiff because of this.

fair play? The winner is king? What do they think of An Luo and An Ze? In their hearts, whether it is An Luo or An Ze, is it just a tool to inherit the family business? They never thought about the mood of the two who were forced to be placed on the PK stage

They simply won't understand that even if the losing side can continue to stay by the winning side as a supporter, for men with strong self-esteem, losing the competition itself is an indelible shame. Even if you are the vice president of one person under ten thousand people, you will never be able to get rid of the word "vice". The word "vice", in the eyes of others, is as ridiculous as the label "I'm not as good as him" on the forehead.

Anze never thought about arguing with his brother.

He always thought that as long as he worked hard to keep up with his brother's footsteps, one day, he would be able to stand side by side with his brother, and one day, his eyes would no longer look at him with contempt and indifference.

But Anze forgot that a kingdom can only have one king. And the king never needs to stand side by side with anyone.

It turned out that he was wrong, and my brother didn't need his company.

Either admit that he is weak and stay behind his brother with peace of mind and always exist as an "assistant"; or defeat his brother with his own strength, ignore his dignity and efforts, and become the only decision maker to order him in turn.

No matter what kind of result, it is not what An Ze wants to see.

Just like when choosing a bedroom back then, there is only one larger bedroom left, and you can either fight for it yourself or give it to the other party. However, with the character of his brother An Luo, if the two brothers seize power, he will definitely make concessions as the elder brother. In this way, his years of hard work will be in vain.

- If I quit before the competition happens, you won't be embarrassed, right

- If I leave before the competition happens, you can continue on this road with peace of mind, our opinions will never be divided, there will be no conflict between us, and you will not be because of your own efforts. It's sad to be in a bubble... right

—Brother, Anze will never make you sad.

- If there must be a struggle between our brothers, then I will choose to leave the stage of that struggle before everything happens. We don't need to fight like the ancient princes who fought for the throne.

- I will never rob you of something you like.


An Ze finally picked up the pen and carefully filled in the major of the military academy in the first column of the volunteer form.

From now on, he will choose another piece of sky where he can fly freely. From now on, he may have less and less interaction with his brother... However, he does not regret it.

He was willing to make concessions for his brother.

Because, in his heart, the name of his brother An Luo will always be placed before An Ze.


That night, An Ze, who had filled out the volunteers, gently pushed open the door of An Luo's bedroom.

An Yan and An Mo were huddled in front of the computer. An Luo, who was returning home on the weekend, was patiently checking the registration information of various schools for them, and explaining to the two younger brothers the precautions for applying for the exam. He did not ask An Ze to come over. , maybe he thought that Anze didn't need his help.

An Ze walked into the room and saw this warm picture of his brother and brother Gong, and his heart suddenly tingled slightly.

At the critical turning point of his life in the college entrance examination... In fact, he also needs the care of his brother. At the age of sixteen, he is not as strong and mature as everyone thinks, even if it is just a simple question: "What school do you want to apply for?" , is enough to make him feel excited for a long time.

But no.

An Luo is not interested in communicating with his younger brother, because this younger brother does not need to communicate at all.

An Yan found An Ze who suddenly broke in, looked up at him, and smiled: "Fourth, come and come, tell your brothers, what school do you want to apply for?"

An Luo also turned around and asked lightly, "Have you filled out the volunteer?"

An Ze was silent for a moment, "Fill it out."

An Luo seemed to have expected it a long time ago, "Oh", and then asked, "What did you fill in?"

An Ze secretly clenched his fists and tried to keep his voice calm: "I signed up for the military school, and I may become an Air Force pilot in the future."

"Ah?" An Yan's eyes widened in shock, and the apple in An Mo's hand also fell onto the table.

An Luo's expression was calm. He looked at him and said, "It will be more difficult to study in a military academy. When you become a soldier in the future, you must accept the strict control of the army. There is also a certain danger in being a pilot. Have you considered it clearly?"

Anze said, "Yes."

An Luo nodded, "Okay, it's up to you."

Anze paused and couldn't help but ask, "Brother doesn't want to know... Why did I apply to the military academy?"

An Luo said: "This is your own business."

An Ze was silent for a moment, smiled slightly, turned to leave, and closed the door for them.

- That's right, it's your own business.

- Loving you is always my own business.


Later, An Luo never asked the reason why An Ze suddenly applied for the military academy, because in his mind, this younger brother's temper was always unpredictable, and his personality became more and more incomprehensible. What was he thinking about? It seems that no one can guess it, and An Luo doesn't want to waste time guessing with him.

Years of training in the military academy made Anze's character more and more silent.

In fact, when An Ze said, "Brother doesn't want to know the reason?", he was very much looking forward to An Luo's question. Even a word or two of greetings would be enough to comfort him when he gave up his long-term dream and temporarily changed his volition...

But An Luo only left him one sentence: "This is your own business."

This is indeed his own business... The concession he made for his brother was his own choice, and he didn't need anyone to know.

After graduating from high school, An Ze suddenly went to the most difficult military academy. Several elders were also puzzled by this choice, not to mention that An Ze actually handed in the volunteer form to the school in advance, and his attitude was very firm.

To everyone's surprise, Anze eventually turned into an excellent soldier.

The secret of this change of vocation was also kept in the bottom of the heart by the young An Ze forever.