Rebirth of Brotherly Love

Chapter 4


- When each of us dies, our body will lose 21 grams of weight. Scientists say that 21 grams is the water lost when life stops running. Others say that 21 grams is our human soul.

The plane exploded in the air, and the probability of being able to escape was about zero, but why... he was still conscious

An Luo felt as if he had fallen into an endless abyss. There was an endless and terrifying darkness in front of him. There was no light or sound, but his consciousness still existed. He seemed to see many familiar faces. Father, mother, elder brother... The faces of those people flashed one by one in front of them.

Is it to the legendary afterlife world

An Luo struggled to wake up in the endless darkness, but his eyelids were extremely heavy. No matter how hard he tried, he could never open his eyes.

I don't know how long it took, and it was blurry, and a little light seemed to be felt in front of my eyes. At the same time, a sharp voice sounded in my ear - "First aid cpr in operating room No. 7! Come and help!"

With this call, there was a rush of footsteps around, mixed with the mechanical sound of the monitors in the operating room. He heard a man say calmly: "Xiao Zhang helps make the central venous catheter, I will make the arterial catheter, and continuously monitor the arterial pressure!"

"Doctor Zhou, I've done it here."

"Epinephrine 1 mg IV injection, fast! cpr keep doing it!"

"Doctor Zhou, the patient still has no heartbeat..."

"Give me the defibrillator, everyone, get out of the way, one-way wave 300 joules."

"300 joules once!"

"300 joules twice!"

"Pressurize to 360."

"360 joules once!"

"360 joules twice!"

"Doctor Zhou, it still doesn't work!"

Di... Di... The heart rate on the monitor was always a straight line. The man lying on the operating table had no breathing, no heartbeat, his face was as pale as paper, and his whole body was covered with terrible scars.

He looks very young, but at this moment there is no sign of life. When he was delivered, his heart stopped beating. The hope of being able to be rescued is very slim.

The itinerant nurse reminded in a low voice: "Doctor Zhou, the rescue time has exceeded 30 minutes, can you give up?"

According to the default rules of the medical community, such patients who have stopped heartbeat when they are sent can give up the rescue and directly declare clinical death if the rescue is still ineffective after 30 minutes.

But now, the person lying on the operating table is him...

The man known as Dr. Zhou was named Zhou Chengping. He was the doctor on duty in the emergency department tonight. Unexpectedly, he was an acquaintance of a seriously ill patient who suddenly stopped beating in the middle of the night when he was on duty.

Zhou Chengping was silent for a while before he said, "Xiao Zhang, go out and write a critical illness notice and tell your family members to prepare them psychologically." After a pause, he turned his head and said, "Patrol, give it to me again. Get a conductive wire."

The itinerant nurse asked suspiciously, "What do you want to do with the wires?"

Zhou Chengping said: "I will install a conduction line from the vein to his right atrium, and then connect it to an external heart rate regulator to see if it works... This is the last resort. If it doesn't work, then declare death."

"… it is good."

After a while, an exclamation suddenly sounded in the operating room: "Doctor Zhou, he has a heartbeat."

There was a strong fluctuation in the heartbeat curve on the monitor, and then, the heart rate gradually became regular, the breathing rate began to recover, and the blood pressure slowly rose to the normal value... The young life lying on the operating table seemed to suddenly regain vitality , The head nurse looked at the curve on the monitor and exclaimed, "It's a miracle that he can be rescued."

Zhou Chengping looked back at the monitor, and after confirming that all the signs were normal, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good to be able to rescue him." After a while of silence, he said, "By the way, call Xiao Zhang back."

Xiao Zhang, who had just arrived outside the operating room, was called back and asked suspiciously, "Dr. Zhou, what's going on?"

Zhou Chengping said: "Mr. An has a heart attack. I gave him a critical illness notice. I guess he would faint on the spot. One of us has not finished the rescue, and we will rescue the other later."

The head nurse asked, "Then what are you going to say?"

Zhou Chengping thought about it and said, "The rescue is successful, and the heartbeat and breathing have returned to normal. As long as you pass the dangerous period, you can survive. Let's talk a little more euphemistically to Mr. An."

The head nurse was silent for a while, "What about the injury on his body?" Looking back at the scars on the man lying on the operating table, the head nurse who was used to seeing all kinds of patients couldn't bear it, "His legs Severely fractured, the next step is to ask an orthopaedic surgeon to continue the operation. Even if the operation is successful, I can’t say whether I will be able to walk in the future…”

Zhou Chengping sighed lightly, "Just tell his father this clearly, Mr. An's heart is not good, but he can't be stimulated any more." Zhou Chengping turned around and took off his sterile clothes, and turned around, "Send him to the intensive care unit first, No one is allowed to visit. On the family's side, I'll go talk to them."


When Zhou Chengping came out of the operating room, he saw the An family's family members sitting there anxiously waiting. Grandpa An Guangyao and father An Yudong were both there, and the An family's housekeeper Wu Bo was also standing on one side like a flagpole. When he saw him coming out, Mr. An immediately stood up with a cane and asked in a hoarse voice, "Chengping, how is the situation?"

Zhou Chengping smiled and said, "Don't worry, you have been rescued, and your heartbeat and breathing have returned to normal. As long as you pass the dangerous period, there will be no big problem."

Mr. An finally breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed Zhou Chengping's hand tightly and said, "Thank you... Thank you Chengping, my Xiaoluo can be rescued, thanks to you."

Zhou Chengping patted the old man's hand lightly to show comfort, turned his head to wink at An Yudong who was sitting next to him, An Yudong immediately understood, came to support his elderly father, and said, "Dad, you are here. After waiting for most of the night, go home and rest first."

"What to rest? Can I rest in peace?!" The old man's face sank, and he turned back and asked sharply, "What about those stinky boys? Their elder brother rescued them in the operating room, and why are they still missing? thing?"

An Yudong smiled a little embarrassedly, "I just called, they have something to do, so they can't come over..."

Old Man An frowned and interrupted him, "What's more important than their brother's rescue?"

An Yudong explained in a low voice: "An Yan is participating in the fashion week in Paris, and he can't get away for the time being. An Mo's art exhibition in New York is not over yet, An Ze is preparing for his graduation project, and none of the three of them can return to China immediately... "

Mr. An slammed the floor with his cane, "Tell them all to come back to me within three days!"

An Yu Dong hurriedly supported him, "Dad, don't get excited... I will urge them to come back. Xiao Luo has been rescued, and there should be no problem. I'll take care of it if you have something to do. You can go home and rest first, okay?"

Only then did Mr. An nodded, "Okay, I'll go back first." After two steps, he turned back and said, "Once An Luo wakes up, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

An Yudong nodded hurriedly, "Definitely."

After finally persuading his elderly father to leave, An Yudong breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at Zhou Chengping, and said solemnly, "Chengping, tell me the truth, what happened to An Luo?"

Zhou Chengping suppressed his smile and whispered, "The situation may not be optimistic."

An Yudong said: "It doesn't matter, just say it."

Zhou Chengping thought about it and said, "Although he was pulled back from the line of life and death, his legs were seriously injured. The right leg bone was initially judged to be a comminuted fracture. It is uncertain whether he will be able to walk normally in the future."

An Yudong frowned, "Are there any other injuries besides the fracture?"

"There are no major problems with other injuries." Zhou Chengping paused, "The key is the fracture. If he can only use a wheelchair in the future, I'm afraid he will not be able to bear it psychologically."

An Yudong was silent for a moment, then said, "Don't tell my father about this for the time being, he has a heart attack, I'm afraid that he will get too excited... As for Xiao Luo's leg injury, please ask the best orthopedic doctor to treat him Keep his legs."

Zhou Chengping nodded: "I understand, I will contact the orthopaedic department and wait for his condition to stabilize before surgery."

An Yudong exhaled softly, "Okay, then you can go to work, thank you very much today."

Zhou Chengping smiled slightly, "It should be. You can go back too, it's useless to stay here, I'll let you know when he wakes up."

An Yudong nodded, turned and left together with the housekeeper.

Then Zhou Chengping turned around and walked into the lounge, poured a cup of hot water, sat on the sofa and rubbed his swollen temples. Just as he was about to close his eyes to relieve his fatigue, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

The caller ID is two words - Anze.

Zhou Chengping answered the phone and heard a deep voice in his ear, and asked very briefly in a flat tone, "How is my brother?"