Rebirth of Brotherly Love

Chapter 46


At the same time, An Yang was at home.

Seeing the name in the caller ID of the mobile phone, An Luo and An Yang both fell silent.

Although An Luo suspected that the call was related to the case of his disappearance, he did not expect that it was actually his father's call. As a result, the inference that the call was related to the disappearance case was not necessarily true. The call from the father to the son might just be an ordinary call. greeting.

But Anyang shook his head and said, "Maybe it's not that simple. You can look at the text message records again."

An Luo turned to the inbox of his mobile phone again. In addition to the advertisements and weather forecasts of some mobile companies, there were also records of text messages from several people—

May 22 at 10:00

An Mo: Brother, the art exhibition in New York will not end in a week. I have booked a flight to return to China next week. Tomorrow is my brother's birthday, right? Happy birthday in advance :)

An Luo: Thank you.

May 22 at 11:00

An Yan: I'm going to Paris to participate in fashion week. I won't be with you this birthday. What gift does my brother want? I'll bring it back to you.

An Luo: No need.

An Yan: How about that, is it good to have a complete set of clothes from the inside to the outside? Or buy you a new phone

An Luo: …

An Yan: Well, you're welcome if you want anything.

An Luo: Whatever.

An Yan: Oh, then I just buy it casually

An Luo: Hmm.

May 22 at 11:15

Lin Xiaotong: Anluo, I found something, let's have lunch together, and we'll talk to you in detail when we meet.

An Luo: Where

Lin Xiaotong: The western restaurant I went to last time was at twelve o'clock at noon. I came to reserve a table.

An Luo: Okay.

22 May 11:50

An Luo: Grandpa, I have something very important to talk to you about. Can I come directly to the hospital around 4:30 in the afternoon

Grandpa: What's the matter, Xiao Luo? What's so serious

An Luo: I still need to confirm some things. I will come to you after I meet Xiaotong later.

Grandpa: Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the hospital.

An Luo received text messages from four people on the day he disappeared on the 22nd. After receiving the blessings from An Yan and An Mo in the morning, Lin Xiaotong invited him to dinner, and then he sent a text message to ask grandpa to meet. It can be seen from the text message that he wanted to tell grandpa "Important things", must have a very direct relationship with what Lin Xiaotong wants to tell him.

Thinking back to the previous dream, An Luo frequently looked down at his watch that day, apparently because he was in a hurry to meet his grandfather. After lunch, An Luo hurried to the car, but unexpectedly was stopped by An Ze, and then received a call from his father. An Luo didn't answer An Yudong's phone call. The two brothers had an argument in the car. Then An Luo drove to meet his grandfather, but was intercepted and kidnapped midway.

An Yang read the text message carefully again, and said calmly: "The progress of the matter is very clear now, the key lies in the content of the conversation between Lin Xiaotong and An Luo at lunch, the purpose of An Yudong's call, and what An Luo wants to tell his grandfather. What is the important thing."

An Luo was silent for a moment, "Unfortunately, I still can't remember these things."

"It doesn't matter." An Yang smiled slightly, "At least now that the case has a clear context, I will check An Yu Dong's bottom in more detail."

"Do you doubt him?" An Luo frowned, "He looks mild-tempered and shouldn't kidnap his son."

An Yang smiled slightly, "However, under normal circumstances, no son would directly refuse to answer his father's call."


Yu Minglang really lived up to his reputation. It only took one morning to sort out all the life information and family information of An Luo.

An Ze took over the thick stack of printed documents and turned to the first page with mixed feelings.

"An Luo was considered a legend twenty-seven years ago. He was the illegitimate son of an underworld family. He was fostered in his grandmother's house since he was a child. Later, when his grandmother died, his father took him back to the An family and cultivated him as an heir. There are three children in the An family generation, An Yang and An Fei are twin brothers and sisters, with outstanding looks and talents, relatively speaking, An Luo, the younger brother, has become the most inconspicuous illegitimate child in the eyes of everyone."

"As the eldest brother, An Yang has participated in all the underworld business of the An family, and is also the nominal heir of the An family. An Luo has always been loyal to his brother's side. With the joint efforts of the two brothers, the An family's influence in the underworld has grown stronger... "

"In order to completely disintegrate the underworld Blue Night organization led by An Jia, the police carefully set up a bureau and dispatched the best young police officer Su Zihang to infiltrate An Jia. Su Zihang has obtained a lot of evidence during the years when An Jia was undercover. The forces of the underworld were wiped out all at once…”

"Unfortunately, on the day of the police operation, Su Zihang's undercover identity was exposed. He was seriously injured and died in the hospital after the rescue failed. Although the Blue Night Organization suffered heavy damage from the police, the mysterious 'Prince' managed to escape..."

"Not long after, An Yang had a car accident and An Fei died of breast cancer, leaving An Luo alone in the An family. At the age of 20, An Luo alone propped up a declining family business. The money in his hand made a comeback, and he successfully got Anjia out of the underworld and moved all domestic business to Vancouver.”

"Twenty-seven years ago, An Luo and a man named alen suffered an air crash when they were flying back to China. According to my speculation, that man named alen was his brother An Yang. In the car accident that year, An Yang did not He didn't die, but was secretly sent away by An Luo."

"As for the relatives of the An family, there are not many left now. At present, only Shao Changgeng and his son can find clues. Back then, An Luo's sister, An Fei, married Shao Changgeng and gave birth to a son named Shao Rong. The Shao family is currently in the UK. London, they are all internationally renowned surgeons."

Yu Minglang paused and said with a smile, "Major Anze, are you satisfied with the results of my investigation? The contact information of the Shao family is also attached at the end."

While reading the documents, Anze listened to Yu Minglang's description, and his brows could not help but wrinkle more and more tightly.

Underworld family, drug trafficking, police, undercover, car accident, air crash…

That An Luo's life is simply a wonderful legend.

It is difficult for An Ze to associate these words with his elder brother. In An Ze's heart, although his elder brother has a cold personality, he also has a gentle side. He cannot be a cruel, ruthless, and murderous underworld monster.

But last night, An Luo's calmness and decisiveness when he picked up the gun, as well as his skill and precision in using the gun... made An Ze have to accept that "he is another An Luo" is outrageous fact.

Looking at the photo of An Luo in the information, the young man's indifferent face showed no expression, and his dark eyes were bottomless. As the ruler of An's family, he exuded a pressing aura in his gestures, such a look in his eyes. , even like a viper always ready to show its fangs.

Similar in appearance to his brother, but more of a difference in temperament.

That An Luo was too cold, he seemed to wrap his body tightly with a layer of ice, so cold that he almost lost the temperature that a human being should have. Compared to his brother's indifference, it is simply not a level.

An Ze finally took a deep breath, closed the folder gently, took out a check from his pocket, pushed it in front of Yu Minglang, and said in a low voice, "The information is complete, this is the rest of the remuneration."

Yu Minglang looked at An Ze's ugly face, and said with some doubts: "I'm curious about one thing, although this person named An Luo has the same name as your brother, he was born in the southern region of China and has no blood relationship with your An family. , Besides, he died more than 20 years ago, what are you doing to check him?"

An Ze was silent for a moment and said, "It's nothing, let's end this matter."

Seeing that An Ze obviously didn't want to say more, Yu Minglang didn't ask anymore, took the check, smiled and said, "Okay, whoever wants to check in the future, welcome to continue looking for me."


Dinner time, settling in the apartment.

When An Ze entered the door, he happened to bump into Zhou Bizhen who was carrying a bag and was about to go out. Seeing her son's pale face, Zhou Bizhen stopped and asked worriedly, "An Ze, what's the matter with you?"

Anze shook his head, "It's okay."

Zhou Bizhen stretched out her hand and gently touched his forehead, "Have a fever?"

An Ze frowned, "It's probably a cold, just take some medicine, don't worry."

In Zhou Bizhen's heart, An Ze's son has been very obedient since he was a child, and his health is also very good. In addition, he has been honed in the military school for many years, and his endurance and perseverance are very strong. There is no need to worry about such minor illnesses and pains.

Seeing that his expression was calm and didn't look like something serious happened, Zhou Bizhen felt relieved and said, "Take some antipyretics and rest at home. I'll go to the company first."

Anze nodded: "Well."

After watching his mother leave, An Ze turned around and came to his grandfather's bedroom.

Sitting in a wheelchair, An Guangyao squinted, watching the Peking Opera skewer on the Xiqu Channel with relish.

Seeing An Ze pushing the door open, An Guangyao was a little surprised. He picked up the remote control and turned down the volume of the TV. He asked with a serious face, "An Ze, why are you back? Where's your brother?"

An Ze opened his mouth, but didn't know how to explain it to his grandfather.

Grandpa's most beloved grandson is An Luo. If he was told that the real An Luo was dead, even An Ze would not be able to accept such a cruel truth, let alone the 70-year-old man with heart disease in front of him.

Seeing that An Ze didn't speak, An Guangyao couldn't help frowning, "An Ze, what's going on? Didn't you protect your brother, why did you come back suddenly?"

An Ze was silent for a moment, "Grandpa, don't worry, he's fine, An Yang has taken him to a very safe place."

An Guangyao finally calmed down, looked at him for a long time, and found that An Ze's face was very ugly, and couldn't help asking: "Are you worried? Come and sit down and talk to Grandpa."

An Ze walked to An Guangyao's side and sat down. After being silent for a while, he said in a low voice, "Grandpa, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"Well, let's talk."

"I want to apply for early discharge and go home to the company to help."

An Guangyao was stunned for a while, "Why do you suddenly have this idea? Don't you like staying in the military area?"

An Ze said calmly: "There are too many things in the company, and my brother can't take care of it alone. I want to come back and share some of it for my brother. After all, the An family's family business is huge, and he can't put all the business in his hands. "

When An Ze changed his school to the military academy, An Guangyao was always depressed. Now he finally figured it out. Of course, An Guangyao was very happy and said with a smile, "It's a good thing for you to think so. It's just that you have been in the army for a few years. And you have always performed well, and now you leave, don't you regret it?"

An Ze said in a low voice, "No, I've already figured it out." After a slight pause, he turned to look at An Guangyao, "Grandpa, what I'm worried about now is that the troops will not let you go, I remember you have a very good friend. Over there, can he help with this matter?"

An Guangyao patted the back of An Ze's hand with a smile, "Don't worry, Grandpa will help you."


In the middle of the night, An Ze drove to the Xilin Military Region. The familiar scenery on the road made his eyes feel a little sour involuntarily.

He was about to leave here soon, and he said it easily, but in fact, Anze couldn't bear to be here at all.

When he deliberately changed his registration to the military academy in order not to seize power with his brother, Anze never thought that one day he would take the initiative to leave the army. In his opinion, soldiers who voluntarily apply to leave are like soldiers fleeing on the battlefield. For a soldier, giving up halfway is an indelible shame. He didn't even dare to face those comrades who fought side by side, let alone explain to them the reason why he quit halfway.

At first, he chose to join the army in order not to compete with An Luo for the inheritance of the An family, but now he chooses to retire, but in order to take back the inheritance from An Luo.

How ridiculous

It was as ridiculous as he stretched out his hand and slapped himself hard.

In the past, An Ze gave his brother everything. As long as it was something his brother liked, he would never grab it, and he was even willing to give it with both hands. But now, this An Luo is no longer his beloved brother, but another An Luo who was born in the underworld and is cruel and ruthless. It is impossible for An Ze to watch everything in the An family fall into his hands.

Taking the elevator to his residence, An Ze took out his suitcase and silently started to organize his luggage. Except for some clothes, he actually had nothing to bring. The place where he lived has always been simple and tidy.

An Ze took the military uniform from the hanger, reached out and touched the badge on it lightly... This military uniform is his favorite clothes, and every time he wears it, he is very careful and careful. His uniform is always ironed. It was neatly ironed and spotless, and it always looked like new, but in the future, I would never have the chance to wear it again.

An Ze neatly folded the uniform and placed it lightly on the bottom of the box.

Pulling up the suitcase, he finally looked around the small room. In order to pick up his brother, he moved all the obstacles in the living room that might prevent the wheelchair from sliding to the study, so that the living room looked a little empty.

In fact, he never told anyone that the two weeks he brought An Luo to live here were the happiest days of his childhood.

At that time, he didn't know that An Luo had changed his personality. He thought it was because his elder brother had changed his attitude towards him after he lost his memory. With joy, he devoted himself to taking care of his elder brother every day. Sleeping in the same bed, you can occasionally be a little more presumptuous and secretly hold your brother in your arms...

How happy it was at the time, how ironic it is to think about it now.

But even so, the days when they got together warmly in those few days are still the best memories of Anze.


No one knew when An Ze left, let alone why he left. Soon after, the Xilin Military Region suddenly announced the news of An Ze's retirement. An Ze, a young and excellent soldier, left everyone inexplicably. sight.

Some people say that they saw Anze one night.

He was wearing a thin shirt and carrying a black suitcase, standing at the door of the Xilin Military Region, looking at the direction of the building in the distance. He stood there quietly for a long time, and finally turned to leave, disappeared into the night, and never looked back.