Rebirth of Brotherly Love

Chapter 47


An Luo originally thought that those killers would naturally think of An Yang's residence in the city center after chasing them to the beach and couldn't find anyone, but the strange thing was that after a whole day, An Yang's residence was still calm.

In the evening, An Luo and An Yang were eating in the restaurant. An Yang suddenly received a call. He glanced at the caller ID, took his mobile phone and went to the balcony to answer it. When he came back, his face was quite complicated.

An Luo asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

An Yang frowned and said, "I just received the news that the killers I sent to deal with you have all withdrawn."

An Luo was stunned, "Remove?"

An Yang explained: "It was news from the police undercover. It is said that an important person returned to China and suddenly changed his plan. Knowing that you are closely guarded by the police and have lost your memory, they don't want to waste time against you for the time being."

An Luo was silent for a moment, "Do you know who the undercover agent sent by the police is?"

An Yang shook his head, "Our special case team is only responsible for case investigation, the undercover is managed by the intelligence department, the identity of the undercover is the top secret of the police force, and the only person who has direct contact with the undercover is the senior inspector of our police force, who is also him. Just notified me that you are safe."

Hearing what An Yang said, An Luo's mind suddenly became a little confused, and he had a strange feeling, as if a lot of history was repeating itself. In the previous life, the prince of the underworld family, An Yang, was an excellent special case police officer in this life; does Su Zihang, who was an undercover agent in the previous life, also exist in this time and space? Who is the undercover in An Yang's mouth

An Luo had never believed in fate before, but now the series of bizarre events made him wonder if there was any special reason for him to be reborn into An Luo

An Yang said, "An Luo, I need to go to the police station in a hurry. Can you be at home alone?"

An Luo nodded, "No problem." He has a gun in his hand, and the floor where An Yang lives is very safe. Even if he encounters a killer, An Luo believes he can handle it.

But An Yang was not at ease. He closed the curtains in the living room, turned to look at An Luo, and warned earnestly, "No matter who knocks on the door, don't open it."

"Got it, go get busy."

"Be safe, I'll be back soon." An Yang walked in front of An Luo, patted An Luo's shoulder lightly, and then turned to leave.

His back quickly disappeared at the door, the door was locked, and the room gradually fell into silence.

An Luo turned back and walked to the sofa to sit down. When he was bored, he picked up a magazine and read it.

It was a travel weekly, which introduced the itineraries of many scenic spots and famous local snacks. It was probably because An Yang liked traveling very much. The table was full of travel-related magazines. An Luo casually flipped a few pages. Not wanting to read it, he threw the magazine back on the table with little interest.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

The crisp sound of "ding dong" was particularly harsh in the silent room.

An Yang had just left, and who would come to the door at this time? An Luo frowned slightly, holding the gun in his pocket with his hand, holding his breath, walking lightly to the door, looking out through the cat's eyes—

Standing outside the door was a very young man, dressed in suit pants and a white shirt, looking gentle and refined, with a smile on his face, giving a warm and gentle feeling. His left hand was pressing on the doorbell, and his right hand was holding a black bag. He probably didn't get a response after ringing the doorbell. The man looked up at the house number carefully, and then rang the doorbell several times.

After the doorbell rang four times, the door finally opened, and the man had just stepped into the house when a low and cold voice suddenly sounded in his ear—

"do not move."

The cold pistol that was pressed against his waist made the man instantly freeze in place.

An Luo locked the door and said coldly, "Raise your hand and put your bag down."

The man twitched the corners of his mouth with an ugly face, and slowly raised his hand according to An Luo's instructions, put down his bag, and wanted to turn back, but heard a cold voice in his ear again, "Don't move."

"..." The man froze in place like a statue. After a moment of silence, he said softly, "Uh, this gentleman, this is not my home, and I don't know where the money is..."

An Luo ignored him, one hand continued to hold the gun tightly against the opponent's waist, and the other hand quickly opened the black briefcase. Surprisingly, there was no sharp weapon such as a knife or gun in the bag, but a stack of printed documents.

An Luo took out the stack of documents and glanced at it. It was a hospital case report. There were two words written in the patient's name: An Yang, the initial diagnosis was schizophrenia.

An Luo frowned and asked in a low voice, "Who are you?"

"I should ask you this question..." The man was interrupted by An Luo before he could finish speaking—

"who are you?"

The icy voice behind him was like a poisonous snake wrapped around his neck, making his scalp numb, and a drop of cold sweat oozes out of the man's forehead. Master's friend, I'm here to talk to him about something. Well, what are you looking for here, I won't interfere, and I won't call the police... "

An Luo finally put the gun back, walked up to him, looked at him and said, "An Yang's medical record is diagnosed as schizophrenia, what's going on?"

Seeing An Luo with a serious look in front of him, the man opened his mouth in shock, then put his forehead in a funny way, "An Luo, what are you playing? It really scared me just now, I thought I encountered a robber, I didn't expect it to be you. In other words, you really have the talent to be a robber."

An Luo glanced at him and asked suspiciously, "You know me?"

The man was stunned, "You don't remember me?"

An Luo said calmly, "I don't remember."

The man was silent for a moment, then explained patiently: "I'm Zhou Chengping's cousin Zhou Yueping, and my little aunt Zhou Bizhen is married to your father. We are relatives. We grew up together, but I went abroad to study after graduating from high school. You haven't seen each other for a few years, so you won't be able to recognize them, right?"

An Luo took a closer look at him and found that his appearance was indeed somewhat similar to Zhou Chengping, so he felt relieved, put the pistol back in his pocket, and explained, "I have lost my memory, and I don't remember this."

Zhou Yueping looked at him in shock, "Amnesia?!"

An Luo nodded, "I was kidnapped before and was seriously injured. After waking up, I lost my memory." After a while, "You don't know about this?"

Zhou Yueping frowned, "I just returned to China for less than a month, and I have been busy with work since I returned to China. I have never heard of this." Zhou Yueping was silent for a moment, and then asked suspiciously, "What happened to your kidnapping? Also, why are you at An Yang's house? What is your relationship with An Yang? Why are you interested in his medical records? "

An Luo said: "An Yang is not schizophrenic. He must have recalled some memories, so he was misdiagnosed by the doctor."

Zhou Yueping said in surprise, "You seem to be very clear about An Yang?"

An Luo said calmly: "Well, I'm his... good friend." After a while, "What's going on with this medical record?"

Zhou Yueping was silent for a moment, and said, "I also find this strange. An Yang suspected that he had been subjected to hypnotism twenty years ago. According to the records in the medical records, An Yang often had some strange hallucinations when he was a child. His parents were afraid that he would not be able to bear the psychological pressure, so they took him to do hypnotism to forcibly erase those memories. "

"Hypnosis?" An Luo finally understood why An Yang didn't remember himself. It turned out that after his rebirth, his memory was confused, and his parents took him to do hypnosis and forced him to forget everything. However, although his memory has been erased, many habits and preferences are still preserved. For example, he still likes white clothes, likes to drink Blue Mountain coffee, and likes to travel everywhere.

An Yang is still An Yang, but Su Zihang is no longer in An Yang's memory, let alone An Luo.

An Luo took a deep breath and looked up at Zhou Yueping, "Does An Yang ask you to check these things to retrieve that memory?"

Zhou Yueping nodded, "Yes."

An Luo suddenly changed the subject and said, "Do you think An Yang is doing well now?"

Zhou Yueping was stunned and said, "I have known him for many years. He always smiles all day and always seems to be in a good mood. He is also very relaxed and comfortable after becoming a police officer. Overall, he should have a good life. ."

An Luo was silent for a moment and whispered, "Then don't let him remember the past."

Zhou Yueping was surprised: "What?"

An Luo said calmly: "Since he is living well now, let him continue to live comfortably. Those things in the past can be forgotten."

Although he really hoped that he could think of his younger brother, An Luo couldn't bear to watch him think of Su Zihang and suffer. An Yang in his previous life had suffered enough. In the years after Su Zihang's death, he had been living in pain. In the memory, it can be said that the days are like years, and now he has finally forgotten all that. For him, it is actually a kind of luck.

Unlike me, I thought I could be freed after death, but in the end I was reborn in this way. After I was reborn, I still remember everything clearly. All the pain and all the memories can only be buried in my heart, and I can only be alone. People suffer silently.

If you have to remember the past alone, let yourself bear it. An Yang, who has forgotten the past, should have a new and happy life.

An Luo looked up at Zhou Yueping and whispered, "Don't remind him of the past, okay?"

Seeing the serious look on An Luo's face, Zhou Yueping scratched his head in doubt: "An Luo, do you know something?"

An Luo was silent for a while, lowered his head, and said in a calm tone as possible: "Let me tell you a story. Twenty years ago, it was also a family surnamed An. There were three siblings, An Yang, An Fei, and the youngest. Brother An Luo…”

Those unforgettable memories of the past, spoken from An Luo's mouth, were so light, as if it was really just a story. But Zhou Yueping listened to him describe the past word by word, but his heart was full of mixed feelings. He didn't expect, he couldn't even believe that An Yang had such a short-lived love that ended tragically.

What Zhou Yueping could not have imagined was that in the story An Luo told him, he deliberately erased the secret that he had been secretly in love with his brother. An Luo would never tell anyone the secret hidden in his heart.

Until An Luo stopped talking, the atmosphere in the room still seemed to freeze, neither of them spoke, only the ticking sound of the clock on the wall echoed repeatedly in their ears.

I don't know how long it took before An Luo said softly, "Knowing the past, are you still willing to help him recover his memory?"

Zhou Yueping finally came back to his senses and looked at An Luo in shock, "So, you and An Yang, I mean, you and An Yang were brothers in your previous life? This is just... too outrageous."

An Luo looked up at him and said, "I don't need to lie to you."

"I'm not suspecting that you lied to me, it's just... It's really hard for people to accept such a truth."

An Luo nodded, "Although it is bizarre, it is a fact. You are a psychiatrist, and you should know the consequences of An Yang's recovery of memory. As his friend, do you want him to be like before?"

Zhou Yueping looked at the medical records in a complicated mood, and was silent for a moment, before saying, "I...let's hide it from him for the time being."

"Thank you." An Luo paused, then said, "I have something else I want to ask your help for."

"What's up?"

"I've been dreaming about some fragmentary fragments recently. I think those are probably the so-called body memories. The area of the body's brain responsible for memory has not been damaged. Logically speaking, I should be able to recall the memories belonging to An Luo. ,Is it right?"

Zhou Yueping lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said, "There is a method of deep hypnosis, which can indeed awaken the memories buried in the subconscious of human beings."

"I want to try this method."

"This… "

"To find out the truth of An Luo's kidnapping, the biggest difficulty is my lack of memory. You are Cheng Ping's cousin, An Yang's friend, and a psychiatrist. I think I can trust you. I hope you can help me."

Zhou Yueping was silent for a moment, and finally nodded under An Luo's serious gaze, "Okay, let's try it out."