Rebirth of Brotherly Love

Chapter 5


Zhou Chengping answered the phone and heard a deep voice in his ear, and asked very briefly in a flat tone, "How is my brother?"

Zhou Chengping thought for a while and said, "Do you want to hear a more euphemistic description, or do you want to hear the worst possible?"

An Ze said decisively: "Tell me the worst possible."

Zhou Chengping said: "The worst possibility is that in the future... he may be disabled. Of course, I'm only talking about maybe."

Anze didn't speak.

The breathing on the other end of the phone didn't sound like a big change, but the atmosphere seemed to stiffen all of a sudden.

Zhou Chengping was silent for a moment, and then explained in a low voice: "Anze, your brother has both injured his legs, especially his right leg. It was initially determined that it was a comminuted fracture caused by a heavy blow, and it should be the gang who kidnapped him. people do it."

Anze continued to be silent, as if thinking about something.

Zhou Chengping said: "He disappeared for several days, and was later found in an abandoned factory by several construction workers. When our ambulance arrived, he was already dying. When he was brought to the hospital, his heartbeat even stopped. I was rescued..."

An Ze remained silent.

Zhou Chengping had no choice but to continue: "The orthopaedic doctor will continue to follow up. In my opinion, the possibility of his leg recovering is not very high. Of course, it also depends on his own mentality and the state of his physical recovery..." After a while , "Why haven't you spoken?"

An Ze finally said, "Better than I thought."

Zhou Chengping was surprised: "Could it be worse than what you imagined?"

"When I first received the news, I thought he would die on the operating table or become a vegetable," Anze said.

Zhou Chengping was silent for a moment, "The possibility you mentioned is indeed worse."

An Ze said calmly: "When you are miserable, you will feel a lot better when you think about the possibility of being more miserable." He smiled slightly, "For me, it is already a gift from God that he is alive."

There was no emotion in An Ze's voice. Zhou Chengping pondered his words carefully, and suddenly felt that it seemed to make sense. Compared with directly dying or becoming a vegetative person, fractures were indeed much better.

Zhou Chengping nodded in agreement: "If you say that, I also think your brother is lucky to be alive."

An Ze calmly changed the subject: "What about the other two? Have you returned to China?"

"The other two? Oh... You mean An Yan and An Mo?"

An Ze nodded: "Well."

"They haven't come back yet. From what your dad said, An Yan was attending Fashion Week in Paris, and An Mo was watching an art exhibition in New York. By the way, your grandfather got angry just now outside the operating room and told your brothers to come back within three days. ."

An Ze said, "I see."

Zhou Chengping wondered: "What do you mean? Are you planning to go home?"

"not going to."

Zhou Chengping paused, "Your brother is so seriously injured, don't you plan to come back to see him?"

"He's in intensive care now, right?"

Zhou Chengping said, "Yes."

"Do you think I should put down the important task at hand, go home and sit outside the intensive care unit, staring at the words 'no visitation' on the isolation window in a daze?"

"..." Imagining the scene of him sitting outside the isolation room in a daze, Zhou Chengping suddenly wanted to laugh. An Ze, who has always been calm and composed, will of course not do such a fool as "sitting outside the ward in a daze".

"As long as he is alive, I will go back to see him, not in a hurry at this time." Anze said.

Zhou Chengping nodded, remembered what he said just now, and asked curiously, "By the way, what is the important task you said... What is it?"

"Military secrets."

"..." Zhou Chengping was speechless.

An Ze smiled, "I'll hang up first."

"..." Zhou Chengping couldn't help feeling a little depressed when he heard the busy beep beeping in his ear.

This An Ze, so naturally asked him for news, and hung up the phone directly after inquiring, without saying thank you.

Sure enough, he was a graduate of the military academy. He was used to doing things in the simplest and most direct way, and he was used to the commanding tone of the army. Talking to him, Zhou Chengping always felt a strange sense of oppression hanging over his head.

After thinking about it carefully, I suddenly realized that during the whole conversation, he was always calmly asking questions, and he was answering honestly, just like an officer and a soldier... Zhou Chengping was even more depressed.

Just then, the phone suddenly rang again.

Zhou Chengping glanced at the caller ID and couldn't help adding a cube to his depression.

The An family brothers have very different personalities. Zhou Chengping, as their cousin, grew up with them since he was a child. Since he became a doctor, the An family members always called him to consult him about any physical problems. Zhou Chengping I feel like I'm about to become a special counseling hotline for Anjia. No, An Ze just hung up when An Yan called again.

Zhou Chengping answered the phone helplessly and said, "An Yan."

A smiling voice sounded in my ear, "Cousin, how are you doing recently?"

Different from An Ze, who speaks neatly and straight to the point, An Yan, the second child of the An family, is a typical son-in-law. He is suave, has a very romantic life, and pays great attention to "art" in his speech.

Zhou Chengping continued to run around the train and hurriedly entered the topic: "Well, I'm fine. Your brother just came back from the rescue and was sent to the intensive care unit."

An Yan was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "Rescue came back? This is really good news. Dr. Zhou has worked hard. Dr. Zhou, you are really our savior. When I return to China, I will come to thank you in person."

"...I hang up first."

"Don't hang up in a hurry, I haven't contacted for a long time, let's catch up on the phone."

"...It's two o'clock in the morning here." Zhou Chengping yawned, "Let's talk about the old days another day, hang up."

Before waiting for the other party to reply, Zhou Chengping hurriedly hung up the phone.

After a while, I received another MMS with an enlarged photo of a smiling face and a line of words: "Go and rest, have a good dream ^_^"

This smiley and this photo of the smiley look pretty nasty...

Zhou Chengping shook his head and turned off his personal phone.

After visiting the emergency ward again, the patient's condition was basically stable. Only then did Zhou Chengping feel relieved and turned around to go to the duty room to rest.

Perhaps too tired, he soon closed his eyes and fell asleep.

A very funny picture reappeared in the dream. He and the brothers of the An family seemed to have returned to the innocent childhood a long time ago. A group of children gathered together and played lively.

An Luo has been cold and ignorant of people since he was a child.

An Yan was very naughty when he was a child, always overturning the building blocks that his brother had piled up. At this time, An Ze stood up like a little adult to teach him: "Brother has been piling up for a long time, how can you do this!" An Yan said in disbelief, "You didn't pile it up, what's your business?"

So the two scuffled into a ball, you punched me, I kicked you, and soon the other was bruised. Zhou Chengping hid to watch the good show, An Mo hurried over to persuade the fight: "Why is there a fight again, don't fight! Don't fight!"

An Yan and An Ze fought more and more fiercely, but An Luo, who was the protagonist of the incident, still had a cold expression and a look of nothing to do with him. Whether it was An Yan who pushed down his building blocks, or An Ze who stood up to defend him, he was no exception. No help, no one cares.

Seeing that the two younger brothers didn't stop fighting for a long time, An Luo simply yawned and turned to go upstairs.


A harsh phone ringing suddenly woke Zhou Chengping from his dream.

Looking up at the clock on the wall, it was already seven o'clock in the morning, and a ray of sunlight shone through the clouds in the eastern sky, shrouding the entire city in a pale golden halo.

It's the beginning of a new day again.

Zhou Chengping answered the phone, and the young nurse's soft voice sounded in his ears: "Doctor Zhou, the patient named Anluo who brought icu last night is your cousin, right? He just woke up, do you want to come and see? To see him?"

Zhou Chengping immediately sat up straight, "Understood, I'll come right over."


It's too hard for everyone to confuse people's names, so let's list the relationship table of Anjia's characters

Grandpa: Mr. An (An Guangyao)

Father: An Yudong

Mother: Zhou Bizhen (nephew Zhou Chengping)

Young and old: An Luo

Second Master: An Yan

Three little: An Mo

Four young masters: Anze