Rebirth of Brotherly Love

Chapter 51


An Luo stayed at Anjia for a week.

This week has been calm, An Yudong is not at home, it is said that he is going abroad to talk business, An Luo wants to investigate the truth of the year, and there is no way to find out. He didn't reveal his memory recovery to anyone, even if he knew that the housekeeper Wu Bo—the driver of the year—must know something, he would stay put for the time being, so as not to panic.

In this way, there is a buffer time, and An Luo can stay at home and continue to do rehabilitation to exercise his legs. Although his legs will still be sore after walking too much, at least he doesn't have to use crutches to limp.

After lunch this weekend, An Guangyao suddenly called An Luo aside and said, "Xiao Luo, go to a place with grandpa."

An Luo followed him out. An extended Lincoln was parked at the door. An Guangyao's special driver was waiting beside the car. There were four tall bodyguards standing neatly around. An Luo was used to this kind of battle, so he calmly got into the car with him, but he was a little puzzled, because grandpa took him out this time and did not call Anze.

The space in the car is very spacious. An Luo sat on the comfortable sofa, looking at the gray-haired but majestic old man beside him, he didn't know what to say for a while. However, An Guangyao seemed to see through his mind and asked, "Xiao Luo, are you wondering why I didn't call An Ze when I brought you out today?"

An Luo nodded and admitted it bluntly.

An Guangyao paused and said, "Where I take you, An Ze doesn't need to follow."

He didn't explain much, and An Luo didn't ask any further questions. He stayed in the car with peace of mind and looked at the scenery outside the window.

After walking for more than half an hour, the car turned into a residential area.

The roads in this community are very wide, and there are some private villas beside the road, many of which are very unique in shape, obviously the work of professional designers. The scenery of the community is extremely beautiful, and the planning and layout are also very reasonable. There are few pedestrians along the way, and it is as quiet as a summer resort for leisure and vacation.

An Luo always felt that this place looked familiar until the car stopped in front of a villa—

"Brother..." A child's smiling face suddenly flashed before his eyes.

An Luo was suddenly startled, opened the car door and walked down. After a closer look, the double-storey villa in front of him was indeed a dream scene. Although nearly twenty years had passed since the day of his mother's death, the villa was still brand new.

The garden in front of the villa is full of white roses. At this time, the roses are in full bloom, and the faint fragrance of flowers blows. Twenty years have passed, but the scenery here seems to have never changed.

Seeing that An Luo and An Guangyao got out of the car together, the four bodyguards also got out of the car and stood aside. An Guangyao turned his head and said, "You wait at the door, and Xiao Luo and I will go in alone."

"Yes, Mr. An." The four of them said in unison, apparently professionally trained.

An Luo glanced back at them, and did not see any strange expressions on their faces, so he followed An Guangyao and walked into the villa with confidence.

I thought that the place where no one lived for many years would be covered with dust, but I didn't expect the windows to be clean and spotless. The flowers on the balcony were obviously taken care of, and the goldfish in the fish tank were also swimming happily. An Guangyao, An Luo even mistakenly thought that he had traveled back through time and space back to twenty years ago.

An Guangyao walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, looked up at An Luo and said, "Xiao Luo, are you still familiar with this place?"

An Luo was silent for a moment, then said, "It's a little familiar, I seem to have seen it in a dream."

An Guangyao sighed lightly, "This is the house I bought for your mother back then. You used to live here for seven years."

Of course, An Luo knew where this was, but he didn’t want to reveal that he had recovered his memories for the time being. He looked back and carefully looked around the room. The door of the bedroom next to him was open, and he could see the furnishings inside from the living room. The bedroom is all dazzling pure white, that is the bedroom of An Luo's mother, An Zhi, her favorite is white...

An Guangyao suddenly said softly: "Xiao Luo, in fact, today is the memorial day for your mother, as well as your second uncle and second aunt."

An Luo was startled, looked back at him and said, "So, Grandpa, you brought me here?"

An Guangyao nodded, "When you were seven years old, your mother had a car accident, your head was hit by the glass window, and you lost all your memories. Xiao Mo was so frightened that he became mentally ill and even got autism... Although the police The answer given to me after the investigation was an accident, but I don't believe it."

An Guangyao paused and said with complicated eyes, "I understand your second uncle's character. He drives very cautiously, and he is not drunk and driving. How could he overturn the car on the highway?"

"..." An Luo fell silent.

Unexpectedly, this old man's heart is like a mirror, and he has long suspected the truth of the car accident. However, how should I tell him the doubts in his memory? It is very likely that the person who killed An Yuqiu was his brother? Making such a guess without definite evidence may give the elderly a direct heart attack.

An Guangyao continued: "In the same environment, it's easy to think of what happened in the past. I brought you here, just to try this method and see if you can think of anything?"

An Luo frowned, "Sorry, Grandpa, I still can't remember."

An Guangyao couldn't hide the disappointment on his face, sighed and said, "It's okay, don't force yourself. In fact, I brought you here today, and there is another thing I want to tell you." An Guangyao waved to An Luo, "Xiao Luo, come and sit."

An Luo walked up to him and sat down, An Guangyao gently held his hand, "Grandpa once did a wrong thing, so wrong that he can never make up for it..."

"It's a long story. Your grandfather and grandmother are my good friends. When they had an accident while traveling abroad, your mother became an orphan, so I took her back to her home and made her recognize me as my adoptive father. …”

"Your mother has been very sensible since she was a child. I have always treated her like my own daughter. As she grew up, she became more and more beautiful, and more and more people came to match her, but... I am reluctant to marry her to someone else's house, I am worried After she gets married, she will suffer. It just so happened that your father didn't have a girlfriend at the time, so I decided to let them get married.

"Unexpectedly, within a year of marriage, your father met Zhou Bizhen at a dance, and he actually told me that he fell in love with that woman and wanted to break up peacefully with Zhier. Your mother was pregnant at the time, so I couldn't agree. Your father's request for a divorce, but I never imagined that your mother would agree to it..."

"She was very determined to get a divorce, so I had no choice but to let her go. After the divorce, your mother moved out of the house, and I bought her this house, so that she could have a baby here and give birth to you... "

"In those few years, the family's business was just starting. I was always very busy. I was always running back and forth at home and abroad, and I seldom came here to see her. After a few years, I came back from signing a contract abroad. I bought a gift to see you on a whim, but I didn't expect that I saw another child here, and he was calling your brother."

"I was so shocked at the time, I called Zhier home to talk, and she finally told the truth..."

"It turns out that not long after marrying your father, she fell in love with a man named Chen Yi. That man was Yu Qiu's college classmate who majored in photography. They met at a social gathering, and later Yu Dong When she proposed a divorce, Zhier agreed immediately because she wanted to marry Chen Yi..."

"I always thought it was your father who betrayed her first, but I never thought that before your father and Zhou Bizhen met, your mother knew Chen Yi and was ready for divorce... I was very angry after knowing the truth. Even gave her a slap in the face in anger and told her to never call my father again..."

"On the next day, your mother was in a car accident and burned to the bone with your second uncle and aunt."

Speaking of this, An Guangyao's voice also became choked up, he sighed long, looked back at An Luo and said, "I have been feeling guilty all these years. Both are so painful. Your mother is worried that I don't agree with her and Chen Yi being together, so she secretly registered for marriage without even having a decent wedding... They have been living in this small villa, when your brother was born, She didn't even say a word to me..."

"I was too authoritarian back then, causing your mother to suffer for many years, and slapped her in the face the day before her death... I am not worthy of being her adoptive father, and I am even more sorry for her parents. Before they died, they My daughter entrusted me, but I didn't let her have a good life..."

Seeing the 70-year-old man's pained appearance, An Luo couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable.

In fact, it was not only An Guangyao who was at fault in the marriage tragedy that year, An Yudong and An Zhi were also too young to marry hastily without thinking about the consequences, but they met their true love after marriage. The pro-marriage turned into a ridiculous farce.

An Luo gently shook An Guangyao's hand and comforted her in a low voice: "Grandpa, don't blame yourself too much, I don't think she has ever blamed you. You treat her like her own daughter, and she should knew."

An Guangyao grabbed An Luo's hand tightly, and said in a trembling voice, "If I just hit her, I wouldn't feel guilty for so many years. What makes me even more sad is that after your mother was in a car accident, I was so sad. , actually forgot that she has a child left here..."

An Luo said in shock: "Is that the kid called my brother?"

"Yes, his name is Xiao Rui." An Guangyao said in a low voice, "It wasn't until a week later, when your mother's funeral was over, that I suddenly thought of that child and drove to find him. But there was no one here. That child is long gone."

An Luo was silent for a moment and said, "Perhaps he was picked up by his father?"

An Guangyao shook his head, "No. His father came to ask me for someone later. He said that after the barbecue that day, he went out with a crew to shoot a photo. He stayed outside for a week before coming back. I don't know when the car accident happened, and I haven't seen Xiao Rui."

In An Luo's mind, the last scene before leaving the villa couldn't help but emerge—

The cute little boy pouted, took An Luo's hand and said, "Brother has to say what you say, I'll wait for you to come back at home"...

It's a pity that neither his mother nor brother came back, and his brother didn't honor his promise to bring him delicious food.

The five-year-old child, alone in this empty villa, waited for his mother and brother to return, and waited day after day, from dawn to dark, and from dark to dawn, but he couldn't wait for anyone, at all. No one cares about him... How scared and sad should he be

A scene like that makes me nervous.

An Luo took a deep breath, looked back at An Guangyao and said, "Grandpa, didn't you send someone to look for him later?"

An Guangyao frowned painfully, "Of course I did. I used all my contacts and looked for him everywhere. The missing person notice in the newspaper has been published for a year, but there is no news about him. Chen Yi was originally very poor. , I almost used up all my savings to find that child, and finally gave up and left here. I wanted to give him money, but he didn't ask for a cent... I know he hates me, and your mother's spirit in heaven must be blaming me too …”

An Luo couldn't help frowning, "However, there has been no news for so many years, could it be..." Could it be sold by human traffickers, or already dead? An Luo glanced at An Guangyao's face, and did not dare to say such a guess at all.

An Guangyao wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, patted the back of An Luo's hand lightly and said, "I'm sorry for your mother, she died, but I didn't protect her child. Xiao Luo, you must find a way to find your brother. …”

"I'll do my best." Although An Luo agreed, he didn't know what to do. In the vast sea of people, how easy is it to find a younger brother who has been separated for 20 years? What's more, he is not An Luo at all, and his memories of that child are only those fragments in the dream.

An Guangyao suddenly took out an emerald ring from his pocket, "This is the emerald ring I specially ordered back then. My name is engraved on it. There is only one in the world. With this, you can take it out directly from a Swiss bank. a deposit."

An Luo said in shock: "Grandpa, this..."

"Take it, you can do whatever you want with that money. I can't make up for the debt I owe to your mother and your brother. I just hope you have a good life... Xiao Luo, don't reject Grandpa's wishes. ."

If he knew that Xiao Luo, whom he loved the most, was no longer there, he would be very sad, right

In the face of this gray-haired, remorseful old man, it was impossible for An Luo to tell such a cruel fact. At this moment, he even hoped that he was the real An Luo, so that the dying old man could be relieved.

After a long silence, An Luo finally took the jade ring from his hand.

The exquisite ring exudes a soft green luster in the sun, and the inner ring of the ring is engraved with the words "An Guangyao". An Luo knows that the deposit that can be directly withdrawn from this ring must be an astronomical amount.

An Guangyao gently closed An Luo's palm and whispered, "Only you and I know this secret. This is what Grandpa left to you alone, do you understand?"

Obviously, what he meant was that this secret deposit was left to An Luo alone, don't tell the other three brothers of the An family to avoid them feeling that Grandpa was partial. An Luo nodded with a complicated expression and said, "I understand."

An Guangyao patted An Luo's arm lightly, "Xiao Luo, your grandfather's greatest wish is to be happy. If you find your brother one day and I'm gone, you must take him to my grave. Before, tell me."

"Grandpa." An Luo hurriedly interrupted him, "Don't talk nonsense."

An Guangyao smiled slightly, stood up and said, "Let's go, let's go to your mother's grave to see her."