Rebirth of Brotherly Love

Chapter 56


"Go to the hospital now! Quick!"

It seems that he said this subconsciously, and An Luo didn't know why he rushed to the central hospital. Maybe he was worried about An Ze, or maybe he wanted to know the specific situation of An Yudong's injury.

Along the way, An Luo's face was always ugly, An Yang also accelerated the speed with a serious face, it was half past twelve in the morning when he arrived at the hospital, the emergency hall on the first floor was a mess, An Luo lived in a young man. The nurse asked, "Excuse me, where was An Yudong, who had just been in a car accident, sent to?"

The nurse thought for a while and said, "It should be sent to the emergency operating room on the seventh floor..."

Before he could finish speaking, An Luo turned around and ran to the elevator entrance like a gust of wind. The fingers that pressed the up button even trembled slightly.

Fortunately, there were not many people using the elevator in the middle of the night. The elevator door opened as soon as the button was pressed. An Luo hurriedly walked in and pressed the seventh floor. He patted his shoulder lightly and comforted in a low voice, "Don't worry, it's alright."

An Luo did not speak, and kept looking at the floor numbers above his head in silence.

The elevator finally reached the seventh floor, An Luo walked out quickly, followed the arrow sign to find the night emergency operating room, turned a corner at the end of the corridor, and suddenly saw a man sitting in front of the door of the operating room waiting silently. Head, I don't know what I'm thinking, there is no expression on my face, but the blue veins on the back of the hands burst out because of too much force.

Looking at the way he curled up, An Luo's heart suddenly tightened. He wanted to say something, but found that his throat seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't say a word.

An Yang was very calm, stepped forward and asked, "An Ze, how is the situation?"

An Ze raised his head and glanced at An Yang, and then moved his gaze to An Luo. After a moment of silence, he whispered, "Are you here?"

"Well." An Luo paused and asked softly, "How long has the operation been done?"

An Ze said: "It has been more than an hour. Cheng Ping said that my dad's head was smashed, the brain hemorrhage was very serious, and my mother's abdominal organs ruptured. When it was delivered, she was already in shock due to excessive bleeding. The doctor asked I'm… mentally prepared."

Seeing An Ze say this calmly, An Luo only felt that his heart was being grabbed by a pair of invisible hands, but he didn't know what to say to comfort An Ze now.

An Luo has also experienced a car accident. In the car accident in his previous life, his brother An Yang almost died in order to save him and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. During the hours when An Luo sat alone at the door of the operating room, waiting With his dearest and dearest struggling on the line of life and death, he can do nothing but wait, wait, wait for the judgment of fate, wait for the doctor to give him a result of life and death, the feeling of helplessness and despair , as long as those who have experienced it, will never forget it.

Therefore, he can't think of a line to comfort Anze at all now, because he is very clear that at this time, any verbal comfort seems to be of no avail.

After a moment of silence, An Luo asked softly, "Have you informed An Yan?"

An Luo just felt that with An Yan by his side, he could share some of the pressure on An Ze. On the way, he always thought that when he got to the hospital, he would see a group of An family waiting outside the operating room, but he didn't expect that there was only An Ze alone.

He was the only one sitting there waiting.

An Ze shook his head and said in a low voice, "An Yan is filming outside. It's late at night, so he must be asleep. Even if he is notified, he can't come back right away. I'll tell him when the results come out tomorrow morning."

Although An Ze and An Yan have been at odds since childhood, they are brothers after all. Even at this time, An Ze is still thinking about An Yan...

An Luo felt sour in his heart, and then asked, "What about An Mo? Didn't you tell me?"

"An Mo will mute his cell phone when he sleeps at night, and no one answers his calls." An Ze paused, then added, "I didn't wake up my grandfather, he has a bad heart, and he came to the hospital... Maybe something happened. ."

An Ze's expression seemed calm, but his voice was hoarse. Obviously, he was very tired and sad. At the same time, his parents were in a car accident and were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Among the people who settled in, those who were able to defend the hospital against the heavy burden of the critical moment... After the death of the eldest brother An Luo, only the fourth brother An Ze, who has always been the most sensible, remains.

Seeing that both of them were silent, An Yang had to say, "You guys wait here first, and I'll ask the traffic police for the results of the investigation."

"Okay." An Luo nodded.

After An Yang left, the door of the operating room suddenly became silent. An Luo walked to An Ze and sat down. Although An Yudong and Zhou Bizhen had nothing to do with him, An Luo couldn't bear to see An Ze so sad. Leave him alone.

An Ze didn't speak, An Luo didn't speak either.

I don't know why, as if subconsciously, An Luo suddenly gently held An Ze's hand, perhaps to convey a little support to him, or to give him a little comfort in his actions, until his fingers touched. In an instant, An Luo suddenly realized that his actions were abrupt. Fortunately, An Ze didn't mind, and instead gently held An Luo's fingers.

There is no need to say anything, the action of holding his hand like this seems to have explained everything.

He needs someone to accompany him, and he is willing to accompany him through this difficult time. As for whether it is his own brother, another soul, or a loved one, all this is no longer important.

An Ze only knew that at this moment, he was very grateful to An Luo for coming to the hospital.

In the most difficult times, he ignored all the grievances and simply accompanied him.


The door to the operating room has been closed, and the time has gone from 00:30 to 02:00 on the electronic clock at the top of the hospital corridor.

When An Yang came back, seeing the hands of the two brothers clasped together, An Yang was a little surprised. He wanted to say something, but after being silent for a while, he decided to take back the doubts in his heart temporarily.

At this moment, the door of the operating room was suddenly pushed open, and Zhou Chengping came out. He took off his mask, his face was exhausted from the long operation, and... sad and apologetic.

Looking at his face, An Ze's heart was cold, and then, his words made An Ze completely desperate—

"Sorry, neither of your parents could..."

An Ze didn't speak, but the fingers holding An Luo suddenly tightened, and the fingertips began to tremble uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, Anze... We tried our best... It's just that the injury is too serious, there's no way to do it... "

Obviously it is easy to understand, but Anze's mind is blank, he can't even believe such an ending. After waiting for so long, what is waiting is that the parents died together? I saw my mother in the morning, and I talked to my father on the phone in the afternoon. They sounded so healthy and happy, but in the blink of an eye, the two turned into cold corpses in the hospital.

An Ze was stiff for a long time before he came back to his senses, let go of An Luo's hand, raised his head, and said with red eyes, "Can I... see them?"

Zhou Chengping said, "Of course you can."

The corpses were quickly pushed out, and a dazzling white cloth covered the two corpses.

An Ze lifted the white cloth and saw the face of his mother Zhou Bizhen. The originally young and beautiful woman had lost her life at this time, her face became stiff and pale, looking a little scary, but An Ze didn't care, leaned down, A light kiss was placed on her forehead: "Mom, go well..."

The corpse in the back was An Yudong, a man who usually looked gentle and kind. When he died, the expression on his face also looked very calm. An Ze reached out and gently touched his father's gray hair, and whispered: " dad… "

Suddenly choked up and speechless.

After waiting outside the operating room for more than three hours, his spirits were stretched to the limit. At this moment, knowing that two of his closest relatives had passed away one after another, and watching their corpses, it was very rare for An Ze not to collapse. When he said goodbye to the remains of his parents, the calm he had maintained was finally completely disintegrated.

An Ze covered his father with a white cloth with trembling fingers, and watched as the two bodies were pushed away by the doctor and disappeared at the corner of the corridor.

He has been standing there watching his parents go away, his rigid body like a cold statue.

Seeing him so sad, An Luo suddenly felt very distressed. The accident that his parents died at the same time may have been crying crazy. An Ze has not shed a single tear until now, obviously he is desperately suppressing.

An Luo finally couldn't control his distressed emotions, stepped forward and grabbed his hand lightly, and said, "Anze, go back to rest first, don't exhaust yourself... You need to get a good night's sleep... "

Before he could finish speaking, he was suddenly hugged into his arms.

It was a force of despair that was almost suffocating. He was hugged tightly into his arms and felt his slight trembling. An Luo couldn't bear to struggle at all, so he reached out and hugged him back, like a brother comforting his younger brother. In the same way, he slowly stroked his back and whispered in his ear: "Cry when you are sad... don't bear it..."

The hot liquid suddenly fell drop by drop on his neck, and An Luo hugged the man in front of him even more distressedly.

At that moment, they both forgot each other's identities and the so-called truth. They only knew that in the corridor of the hospital late in the morning, such a hug was the only warmth they had left.


Zhou Chengping wanted to comfort An Ze, but seeing the two brothers hugging each other tightly, Zhou Chengping felt that his comfort at the moment would disturb them. He raised his head and saw that An Yang was winking at him. He stepped forward and patted An Ze's shoulder lightly, then turned around and walked with An Yang to the corner of the corridor.

"Who are you?" Zhou Chengping was a little confused about the identity of the strange man in front of him.

Anyang said: "I am An Luo's friend and I am a police officer by profession."

"… police?"

An Yang nodded, "Doctor Zhou, you were there when the two of them were sent to the hospital, and you were also involved in the entire operation just now, didn't you?"

When questioned by the police, Zhou Chengping's face immediately became serious, "Yes."

"Can you describe to me what it was like when they got to the hospital?"

"Well, actually at that time my little uncle, er, An Yudong, was still a little conscious. He recognized me and said something to me."


"He said... Say sorry to Xiao Luo for me."

An Yang frowned slightly, "Apart from this sentence, is there anything else?"

"Uh, no, he said it with his last breath. I barely heard it when I leaned close to his lips. After he finished speaking, he fell into a coma. I suspected he was bleeding in the brain, so I urgently sent him for a CT scan to confirm the bleeding. I went straight to surgery."

An Yang was silent for a moment, "What about Zhou Bizhen?"

"My aunt... She was already bleeding too much and was in shock when she delivered it, and she was not conscious."

"Well, what the traffic police said was an accident?"

Zhou Chengping nodded, "It rained a while this afternoon. Although the rain stopped at night, there was still a lot of standing water on the road. It was said that the street lights were broken in one section of the road. Several vehicles were involved in accidents, and many injured It was brought to our hospital, and the traffic police said that my uncle’s car also had an accident on that road, probably because the streetlight was broken and he didn’t read the road sign clearly, and his car slid out of the curve.”

Anyang said, "Are there several car accidents tonight?"

"Yes, traffic accidents are most likely to occur on such rainy nights, and our emergency department is also the busiest..." After a slight pause, Zhou Chengping took a sad breath and said, "I just didn't expect that aunt and the others would also... Sigh, I still haven't dared to call my family, my aunt is my dad's only sister, he will be very sad when he knows about it."

An Yang also sighed and said in a low voice, "My condolences. The accident has already happened... Next, there are still many things that need to be dealt with by you."

Zhou Chengping nodded: "Well, I know."

"Then I'll go first."

Seeing An Yang turning around to leave, Zhou Chengping hurriedly said, "By the way, can I ask a question? The words you asked me just now... Are you An Luo's friend or a policeman?"

An Yang turned around, "Is this important?"

Zhou Chengping scratched his head and said, "Of course it's important. If you are a police officer, then my aunt and uncle must have something to do with the case you are investigating, so you pay so much attention to them."

An Yang was silent for a moment, smiled slightly, and said, "You can be... as An Luo's friend."


On the other side of the corridor, An Ze's mood finally calmed down, he let go of An Luo, looking at An Luo's red wrist pinched by himself, An Ze looked a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice, "Sorry, I..."

An Luo hurriedly interrupted him, "It's okay, go back first."

An Ze nodded, turned around with An Luo, and walked out of the hospital door side by side.

Arriving at the parking lot, An Ze walked straight to a familiar black car and unlocked the car with the remote control. Seeing that An Ze was about to open the door and get in the car, An Luo hurriedly stopped him and said, "I'll drive, you take a rest."

Seeing the firm expression on the other party's face, An Ze had no choice but to nod, turned and walked to the other side, sitting in the passenger seat.

An Luo got in the car and sat in the driver's seat, fastened his seat belt, turned his head and asked, "Where are you going?"

An Ze said, "Go to where I live, in the neighborhood opposite Huaan Group, and I'll show you the way."

"it is good."

The car soon drove to the community where Anze's new home was located. It was a hotel-style apartment. Anze lived in Room 1 on the 23rd floor of Building 5. The room number was 052301. 0523, which happened to be his brother's birthday.

An Luo looked at this room number, and his mood suddenly became a little complicated.

After opening the door and entering the house, An Ze turned on the light and brought An Luo a new pair of slippers. An Luo changed his shoes, got up and looked around. The layout here is warm and tidy, and it really is the style that An Ze likes. There are more than 100 square meters, the living room and dining room are connected together, and there are three small rooms, a bedroom, a study room, and a gymnasium. Anze lives alone, and this arrangement is indeed very reasonable.

An Ze turned on the lights in the study and bedroom, turned around and said, "I only packed one bedroom. The sofa in the study can be turned on and used as a bed. I will sleep in the study, you can go to the bedroom to sleep. There is a small bathroom in it, do you want to? You can take a shower there."

"Um… "

Watching him turn around and walk to the study, An Luo was silent for a while, but decided not to follow him.

He is in a bad mood now, and he must need a little independent space to be alone for a while.

An Luo went back to the bed and sat down. He hadn't slept well in the past few days. Today, he has been tossing to the present. He is indeed sleepy.


An Luo didn't wake up until seven o'clock in the morning. He went to the study to check on An Ze's situation. He opened the door, but found that he was sitting at the desk with his computer on, watching a war-themed movie.

He kept his eyes fixed on the computer screen, but his attention was not focused on the film. An Luo's expression on his face was only blank, not at all attracted by the film.

Perhaps, he opened such a movie just to divert his attention and not want to let himself think too much about the death of his parents. A pair of deep eyes were bloodshot because of staying up late, and it was very distressing to look at.

An Luo walked over and asked in a low voice, "Did you not sleep last night?"

An Ze turned off the movie, rubbed his aching temples with his hands, and said, "I can't sleep." After a while, he said, "No one is dumb. When I was training in the army, I didn't sleep for two days in a row. There is no problem sleeping. There are still a lot of things that I need to deal with, and I am not in the mood to rest for the time being."

An Luo was silent for a moment and said, "Maybe I can help you?"

"No need." An Ze rejected An Luo in a low voice, raised his head to meet An Luo's eyes, looked at each other silently for a long time, and then said in a low voice, "Last night..."


"Thank you, An Luo."