Rebirth of Brotherly Love

Chapter 6


In the icu intensive care unit, An Luo, who was lying on the hospital bed, slowly opened his eyes.

The dazzling whiteness in front of him made him feel a little dazed. After carefully observing his surroundings, he determined that he was lying in the hospital ward, with a needle stuck on the back of his hand, and a bag of rehydration fluid attached to the side. Input into the body, a lot of colored conductive wires are connected to the body, and they are connected to the monitor beside the beeping sound.

Didn't he... not die

An Luo closed his eyes gently, opened them slowly, and found that everything in front of him remained unchanged. This was not an illusion. At this moment, he was indeed lying in a strange hospital ward.

He remembered that the plane exploded in the air, and he should have been blown to ashes. Even if he didn't die, he would fall into a puddle of flesh when he fell from such a high altitude. How could he lie in the hospital alive

An Luo couldn't understand the current situation for a while, and moved his fingers with some doubts, and a sharp pain suddenly came from his chest, which made him frown in pain. There seems to be a scar on his chest, and the intense pain as if the skin was cut by a knife also proves that this is not a dream.

An Luo was stunned for a while before accepting the fact that he was not dead.

I tried to move my legs, but I found that the parts of my legs below the knees were completely numb.

At this moment, the door of the ward suddenly opened, and a young man in a white coat walked towards him. After meeting his doubtful eyes, he smiled slightly and said, "An Luo, are you awake? Is there something wrong? uncomfortable?"

The man's smile looked kind and gentle.

- Is he calling me? An Luo glanced at the three words "Zhou Chengping" on his badge, searched his memory, but did not have the slightest impression of this name in his mind, An Luo asked with some doubts: "Are you my doctor in charge? "

Zhou Chengping's outstretched hand suddenly froze in the air.

After the awkward silence lasted for a long time, Zhou Chengping glanced at the number on the thermometer uncertainly, "No fever... Strange. Don't you remember me? I'm Chengping."

An Luo shook his head, "I don't remember."

Zhou Chengping was stunned, and then asked, "Then do you remember what happened before?"

"do not remember."

"What about you being kidnapped and almost dying?"

"do not remember."

Zhou Chengping fell silent, his face a little dignified.

An Luo frowned and asked, "Where's An Yang? Is he still alive?"

Zhou Chengping was stunned, "What An Yang?"

"..." It's a chicken-and-duck talk.

An Luo gently closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Zhou Chengping froze in place. After staying for a long time, he quickly turned around and made a phone call outside the door: "Hello, is this Professor Chen from neurosurgery? Hello, I'm Zhou Chengping. Can you come to icu right now? My cousin An Luo has a serious problem with his memory center, I don't know if his brain is damaged..."

After a while, a group of medical staff hurried to the ICU ward and performed an emergency CT for An Luo. After a long discussion among the doctors, Professor Chen of Neurosurgery finally came to the conclusion: "Chengping, from the CT scan, you The cousin's brain showed no signs of damage."

Zhou Chengping asked doubtfully, "Then what's wrong with his memory disorder? I've never heard of the name 'An Yang' he mentioned."

"This... There was a case where a person fell into a coma for a few days, and when he woke up, he suddenly spoke eight languages. Cough, in fact, there are many situations that we cannot reasonably explain medically."

Looking at the back of the neurosurgery Professor Chen turning around and leaving, Zhou Chengping was silent for a long time, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

— Well, unexplained amnesia.

I don't know what Anze's face will look like when he hears the news.

Yesterday, I said that the worst thing might be to die on the operating table or become a vegetative person. I didn't expect to have amnesia today... Are you playing with us, An Luo

Zhou Chengping turned around and returned to the ward. He walked to the bed to see An Luo, but it happened to meet his eyes.

- Still the same clear eyes as before. The amber pupils were clear and bright, but, unlike the arrogance and indifference that had nothing to do with him in the past, at this time, his eyes were full of doubts and vigilance.

His eyes kept looking at Zhou Chengping, until Zhou Chengping stopped by the bed, and he asked, "How many doctors have discussed the results?"

Zhou Chengping nodded with a heavy expression.

An Luo said calmly, "Then Doctor Zhou, can you explain my condition to me?"

Zhou Chengping hesitated for a moment, and then said softly: "When you were sent to the hospital yesterday, your heartbeat stopped. After 40 minutes of rescue, your vital signs returned to normal. Now that you have passed the dangerous period, there is no Seriously. It's just the leg injury that needs further surgery."

An Luo nodded, "How serious is the injury on the leg? My leg is completely unconscious now."

"This..." Looking at his clear eyes full of doubts, Zhou Chengping suddenly couldn't bear to tell the truth, so he could only say lightly, "Your legs are broken... The right leg is more serious, and it may take... a long time after the operation. … recovery process.”

An Luo was silent for a while before saying, "I see, thank you."

His expression was very calm, as if it wasn't a big deal to him. Zhou Chengping opened his mouth and wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say.

An Luo always seems to have been so troubled since he was a child. After finally pulling back from the brink of life and death, he suddenly lost his memory. It's hard to imagine how dazed he would be when he didn't remember the people and things around him at all. and helpless…

Seeing his pale face lying motionless on the hospital bed, Zhou Chengping couldn't help feeling a little distressed, he could not help shaking his hand lightly, and said in a low voice, "An Luo, don't worry, I have hired the best orthopaedic doctor. Come and operate on you, and you'll be fine."

An Luo calmly withdrew his fingers from his hand and asked lightly, "Where's my family?"

Zhou Chengping hurriedly explained: "Your grandfather and your father stayed here for most of the night last night, and after you came back from the rescue, they went home to rest first. Your three younger brothers have important things to do and can't go home for the time being... I'll inform them that you've woken up."

An Luo nodded, "By the way, let them know about my amnesia and prepare them psychologically."

Zhou Chengping was frightened by his indifferent attitude, he was silent for a while, and then asked unwillingly: "An Luo, do you really... don't remember at all?" After a while, "We grew up together and have known each other for more than ten years. , I'm your cousin and your best friend, my birthday is one day after yours, and we used to have birthdays together... Don't you have any impression of these things? "

"No." An Luo glanced at him and said calmly, "I don't have any impression of the people you mentioned, including the grandfather, father, and younger brother."

"..." Hearing his indifferent tone, Zhou Chengping couldn't help feeling a little tight in his chest. What are you kidding? After trying to rescue him for a long time, he finally rescued the person, but he could only hear the words "don't remember"

An Luo lowered his eyes tiredly and whispered, "Doctor Zhou, I want to rest."

"Uh... Okay." Now that he had ordered the expulsion, Zhou Chengping had no choice but to turn around and leave. When he walked to the door, he couldn't help but look back at him, An Luo had already closed his eyes gently.

Although he was rescued, his body was still very weak, his face was very pale, and there was no blood on his thin lips. Although his personality is still as cold as ever, but at this moment, the long eyelashes cast a faint shadow on the eyelids of the man frowning uncomfortably. Looking at his eyes, he seems to have a distressing vulnerability.

He is now injured all over his body, his legs were forcibly knocked off, and he has lost his memory. It's really unfortunate... Maybe it's a good thing for him not to remember the torture he suffered after being kidnapped

Zhou Chengping sighed lightly, opened the door and left, and gently closed the door for him.


An Luo suddenly opened his eyes.

Different from the calmness and indifference he showed in front of Zhou Chengping just now, when he was alone, he finally stopped hiding the painful emotions that surged out of his heart. Because of the intense pain in his heart, his face was even a little stiff and twisted.

I thought I would die, and died in that unexpected air crash together with An Yang.

An Yang was right. Compared to dying of old age and illness, the two of them were reduced to ashes on the plane in an instant, which might be the best end to his life.

He remembered An Yang's smile before his death, and that picture even became the best memory of the moment when his life ended. He also remembered the words he didn't have time to say - actually I like you.

He lived too hard in that life, and although it was a pity to end it like that, it was a relief for him.

But unexpectedly, he did not die. He never thought that he would be reborn into another unfamiliar environment with those memories.

Although he learned from Zhou Chengping that he is still called An Luo, this An Luo has a completely different background from the previous An Luo. In the past, An Luo had only An Yang as a relative, but now An Luo has a grandfather, a father, a younger brother, and so many unfamiliar family members.

An Luo looked at the syringe on the back of his hand and frowned slightly.

He thought it was a little ridiculous.

If you die and still can't get rid of it, do you want to start all over again? Even the name hasn't changed

But... Now that something absurd has happened, the only thing that can be done is to accept the reality.

An Luo would not be foolish enough to commit suicide again to test whether he could die. Since God gave him a chance to be reborn, it would be better to start over. At least in this life, he won't live as miserably as before.

As for An Yang... Maybe he is dead, maybe he also went to another world like himself. In any case, the name Anyang, at the moment when the plane exploded, along with the former An Luo, never existed.

Yes, it doesn't exist anymore.

They used to be good brothers, but they died together in a plane crash.

This is their end.

There will be no more chance to change.

There is no need to miss him anymore, so let the name An Yang, together with An Luo from the previous life, gently press back to the bottom of my heart and become a memory that is not beautiful but makes up for it.

An Luo in this life only needs to be good and live for himself.